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Thursday, 16 December 2021

What is conjunction?
Is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause (e.g.
and, but, if ). The words used are and, for, nor, but, so, or , yet and others.
It is a conjunction that allows us to join similar things or add data to the main sentence. When we
use it to join two elements of the sentence, as in the example in the previous section, we place
and in the middle of both sentences. But, if we are going to connect more than two elements in
the same sentence, they will be separated by commas and and will be placed next to the last
Finally, a characteristic of the conjunction and is the following: if the subject of both sentences is
the same, it is recommended to omit it in the second sentence or consecutive sentences.
Frases de Ejemplo

She studied hard and passed the test.

Ella estudió mucho y aprobó el examen.

The children didn’t like the food and didn’t like the desert.

A lo niños no les gustó la comida ni el postre.

Mary doesn’t like Peter and Peter doesn’t like her.

A María no le gusta Pedro y a Pedro no le gusta María.

We stayed home, cooked dinner and watched a film.

Nos quedamos en casa, preparamos la cena y vimos una película.

How is but used?

It allows us to contrast two sentences with each other. However, when what appears after but is
not a phrase, but a noun, an adjective or an adverb, we will find that its translation varies
significantly. For example, but becomes less or except if the first part of the construction is an
affirmative sentence. When it goes negative, then we will translate it as fate, as you can see in
the following examples:

It’s too hot outside but I love it. Perfect for sunbathing.
Hace mucho calor fuera pero me encanta. Perfecto para tomar el sol.

My mother is already 50 but she looks younger.

Mi madre ya tiene 50 años pero parece más joven.

She isn’t British but Scottish.

Ella no es inglesa sino escocesa.

Everything’s on sale but the furniture.

Todo está a la venta menos los muebles.

How is so used?
It is used to show the result of an action, the cause of said action or the effect caused by it. That
is, it allows us to explain, excuse or justify anything.

Generally, its most common translation is like this, although we can also use so if we want.

Example Phrases

He lost his phone so he couldn’t call me last night.

Él perdió su teléfono, así que no me pudo llamar anoche.

The teacher forgot to bring the test papers so we didn’t have an exam.

La profesora se olvidó de traer los exámenes, por lo que no lo hicimos.

She studied hard for the exam so she got a very high score.

Ella estudió mucho para el examen, así que sacó una nota muy alta.

I don’t remember where I put my keys so I can’t get inside my house.

No recuerdo dónde he dejado las llaves, así que no puedo entrar en casa.

How do you use or?

"or" can only be used with affirmative sentences because for negative ones we will change the
conjunction to nor. Furthermore, when we join two sentences together, the subject of both does
not disappear in the second, even if they coincide.

Example Phrases

You can call me for help or you can contact 911.

Me puedes ayudar o llamar al 112.

She will order pizza or she will eat outside.

Ella pedirá pizza o saldrá a comer fuera.

They couldn’t follow the guide nor couldn’t they follow the map.

No pudieron seguir la guía ni el mapa.

Activity 2: Watch the next video and recognize. How do you use and, but and or


¿Cómo se usa and?

Se trata de una conjunción que nos permite unir cosas similares o añadir datos a la frase
principal. Su traducción es muy sencilla: Y. Cuando la utilizamos para juntar dos
elementos de la oración, como en el ejemplo del apartado anterior, colocamos and en
medio de ambas oraciones. Pero, si vamos a conectar más de dos elementos en la
misma oración, estos irán separados por comas y and se colocará junto al último de
ellos. Es decir, igual que hacemos en español. Para terminar, una característica de la
conjunción and es la siguiente: si el sujeto de ambas frases es el mismo, se recomienda
omitirlo en la segunda oración o frases consecutivas.

Frases de Ejemplo

She studied hard and passed the test.

Ella estudió mucho y aprobó el examen.

The children didn’t like the food and didn’t like the desert.

A lo niños no les gustó la comida ni el postre.

Mary doesn’t like Peter and Peter doesn’t like her.

María no le gusta Pedro y a Pedro no le gusta María.

We stayed home, cooked dinner and watched a film.

Nos quedamos en casa, preparamos la cena y vimos una película.

¿Cómo se usa but?

Seguro que te suena esta conjunción, pero es posible que no sepáis qué significa.
Porque si vuestra respuesta es pero, lamento deciros que solo habéis acertado el 33,3%
de la pregunta. ¿Sorprendido? ¿Desconcertada? Es normal; al fin y al cabo, ese es el
uso más común y habitual de esta conjunción, ya que nos permite contrastar dos frases
entre sí.
Sin embargo, cuando lo que aparezca después de but no se trate de una frase, sino un
sustantivo, un adjetivo o un adverbio, descubriremos que su traducción varía
significativamente. Por ejemplo, but pasa a ser menos o salvo si la primera parte de la
construcción es una frase afirmativa. Cuando vaya en negativo, entonces la
traduciremos como sino, tal y como podéis observar en los siguientes ejemplos:

Frases de Ejemplo

It’s too hot outside but I love it. Perfect for sunbathing.

Hace mucho calor fuera pero me encanta. Perfecto para tomar el sol.

My mother is already 50 but she looks younger.

Mi madre ya tiene 50 años pero parece más joven.

She isn’t British but Scottish.

Ella no es inglesa sino escocesa.

Everything’s on sale but the furniture.

Todo está a la venta menos los muebles.

¿Cómo se usa so?

Aquí tenemos una de las conjunciones más utilizadas en inglés, así que presta atención
a su uso, ya que te vas a cansar de escucharla. So nos sirve para mostrar el resultado
de una acción, la causa de dicha acción o el efecto provocado por la misma. Es decir,
nos permite explicar, excusar o justificar cualquier cosa.

Generalmente, su traducción más habitual es así que, aunque también podemos

emplear por lo que si queremos. Eso lo dejamos a tu gusto y criterio, además de la
siguiente serie de ejemplos:

Frases de Ejemplo

He lost his phone so he couldn’t call me last night.

Él perdió su teléfono, así que no me pudo llamar anoche.

The teacher forgot to bring the test papers so we didn’t have an exam.

La profesora se olvidó de traer los exámenes, por lo que no lo hicimos.

She studied hard for the exam so she got a very high score.

Ella estudió mucho para el examen, así que sacó una nota muy alta.

I don’t remember where I put my keys so I can’t get inside my house.

No recuerdo dónde he dejado las llaves, así que no puedo entrar en casa.

¿Cómo se usa or?

La primera conjunción que hemos aprendido –and- nos permitía añadir elementos a una
frase. Pero si lo que te interesa es enumerar dos o más alternativas para que nuestro
interlocutor escoja una de ellas, tu conjunción es or.

A pesar de su similitud con and, es importante que sepas sus diferencias. En primer
lugar, or solo se puede emplear con frases afirmativas, porque para las negativas
cambiaremos la conjunción por nor. Además, cuando unimos dos frases entre sí, el
sujeto de ambas no desaparece en la segunda, aunque coincidan. No obstante, se suele
omitir junto al verbo, si los dos coinciden con los de la primera frase.

Frases de Ejemplo

You can call me for help or you can contact 911.

Me puedes ayudar o llamar al 112.

She will order pizza or she will eat outside.

Ella pedirá pizza o saldrá a comer fuera.

They couldn’t follow the guide nor couldn’t they follow the map.

No pudieron seguir la guía ni el mapa.

Practice the gramar

Homework: Underline the conjunctions in the next emails.

My daily routine

(Sent by Angela Enrich, a student from Chillán, Chile)

I wake up at 6:40 in the morning. Then I get up and I take a shower. After that, I go to the kitchen,
where I prepare breakfast for my children and my husband, and I have it with them.

After that I take my children to school. I always go to the university by car. I attend  classes
all morning and when the class finishes I leave university and I come back to my home
I have lunch alone because, at that time, my children are at school and my husband is working,
so I relax and take a nap for one hour.

Later, I go downtown and pick up my children. Then, we have dinner and I study with them. My
husband arrives home about ten o'clock. Finally we all go to bed.

My next holidays

(Sent by Carolina Ríos, a student from Lanús Este, Argentina)

This year I'm going to graduate from high school so  my friends and I are planning to go on
holidays all together.

The idea is to rent an apartment in the center of Mar Del Plata so we can do whatever we want
there, because you have everything.

Then we have recently planned to go dancing every night or to have dinner at a very beautiful
restaurant in front of the beach and then go to a pub and drink something.

In the mornings we will sleep and then wake up at lunchtime, have something to eat and go to the
beach till sunset.

So that is our plans for this summer, we are going to have a great time together with my friends
because it is a nice friendship and we will never forget this type of things we do all together...

My perfect day
(Sent by Gabriela Lira, a student from México D.F., México)

In my perfect day, I wake up at 7 or 8 o'clock. I'm visiting a beautiful place, unknown for me.

In the morning, I go out with my mother and my brothers. We have breakfast in a big and original
restaurant, where there is a big aquarium with strange fish, and many famous pictures in the wall,
for example: Frida Kahlo, Monet and Dalí. There are different kinds of food: Italian, Chinese,
Mexican, Polish and Germany. All is delicious.

After that, we go to visit the city. There is a huge church. Many children are running around the
square or eating ice creams. Near here there is a big symphony orchestra. The musicians are
women, men and children. They are playing.

In the afternoon, we go to the library. It's a Cuban library. People say that Ernest Hemingway
visited this place. There are books about of Literature, Science, Philosophy, Politics, etc. On
the shelf there is a Camu's book and a Dostoievski's book. Both are my favourite books. Inside,
Jaime Sabines is reading a poem. The people listen to him enchanted.

Finally, I go to bed. My mom and my brothers sleep with me. A shooting star crosses the sky.
My pet

(Sent by María Torres, a student from Madrid, Spain)

My pet is a rabbit, and it is more than my pet, it is like a partner. I had it since one year ago. My
family and I bought it when my little sister was two years and a half and she wanted a pet. My
parents had decided to buy a rabbit because they don't like to have cats or dogs inside the
house. They think dogs and cats are better in gardens.

My rabbit is a male, and his name is Rufus. My sister decided to cold him Rufus because he likes
a production film. In this production one of the first actors was a pink rabbit called Rufus and my
sister likes it very much.

Rufus is brown with white and dark brown spots, and he is a little bit fat. He has a very great
character, he is very funny and friendly. He likes to eats a lot of carrots in the day like all the
rabbits. He also likes to play with my brothers and me. He normally spends all the day eating
or sleeping, but he always is waiting when my family and I get home. He is very special for me
and my family but especially for my sister, and all of us are very happy with him.

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