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Emie Rose S.


BS- Psychology

Reflection Paper

The last election has not been easy for most, many people have felt disappointed, frustrated and
sad because of the outcome of the election. To most Filipinos, they were not happy with the
result because they could not imagine that the winners of this election are the people we know
will not do well in our country. From those who were elected governor to the president I was not
happy with the result. The president I want to win is the president I know our country needs and
especially the people on the fringes. There have been many issues in this election, I have read a
lot of news about buying votes, about having broken machines, watchers who know and have
seen the frauds of other politicians. I also have news that I read that there are some places where
the machine is broken and people are encouraged to leave their ballots and they are the ones to
enter it into the machines, it is not right. What makes me angry about the issues that happened is
that the Comelec did nothing to take action on it. They ignored it and did not investigate. As one
of the millions of Filipinos who stand up for what is right, I feel very sad and disappointed
because of what happened in the election. I believe that it was not my candidate who lost this
election but us Filipinos. Filipinos who voted unworthy should be people who have not learned
in life. We have a lot of debts and problems especially now that we have a pandemic but they
still have not learned and did not vote for the people, they voted only for their own interest. I will
never be ashamed and I will be proud that I stood up for the right and for the rest of my life I will
stand for the right. Having a heart that stands for what is right is a lifelong good result in life.
The people who ignore the election, they are the people who are privileged and do not know the
sacrifices and hardships of the Filipinos. Having an interest in politics is irrevocable, it is a sin to
turn a blind eye when you stand up for the people.

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