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Choose at least 10 research-related terms defined above.

In the spaces provided below, explain why a

basic understanding of those terms you have chosen will help you come out with a more reliable,
clearer, and valid research. Marking shall be done on the basis of clarity and accuracy (25%), analysis
and relevance (50%), and grammar and spelling (25%).

1. Inform Consent - is a fundamental principle of ethical research. Its goal is for potential
participants to join research voluntarily, of full knowledge about what it entails to allow them to
participate and to give consent prior to actually entering the research. It is also one way to
protect someone’s identity. It provides information to participants or respondents on why the
researchers need their information in conducting their research.
2. Data Analysis - The most important aspect of any research is data analysis. Data analysis is the
summarization of research findings. It entails interpreting evidence collected thru rational and
analytical arguments in order to identify structures, connections, or dynamics.
3. Research Methods - The techniques, practices, or tools used in the gathering of data or
indications for analysis in order to gain new insights or develop a better comprehension of a
subject matter is known as study methods. There are various research methods that employ a
variety of collection tools.
4. Qualitative data - Qualitative data is information that describes the character traits or attributes
of an entity. The features are divided into groups that can be given numerical values. But
nevertheless, the measured values taken by individuals have no meaning; participants clearly
reflect facets of an object being discussed.
5. Conclusions- After reading the paper, the conclusion should enable the reader to comprehend
how having good research is important to them. A conclusion is a melding of key points, not just
a synopsis of someone’s observations or maybe even a re-statement of your research study.
6. Research Data - Each and every evidence which has been gathered, witnessed, engendered, or
developed to substantiate existing research results is referred to as research data. Even though
most research data is virtual, non-digital styles like research lab notepads and journals are also
included. Reliable statistics can provide incontrovertible proof, whereas empirical information,
hypotheses, or conceptual assessment may result in squandered funds as a consequence of
acting on an illogical conclusion.

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