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cells that receive and transmit electrochemical
the study of nervous system disorders
signals; 100 billion with 100 trillion connections

Neuroscience the study of the effects of drugs on neural
the scientific study of the nervous system activity

neuroplasticity neurophysiology
continuously grows and changes in response to the study of the functions and activities of the
the individual's genes and experiences nervous system

comparative approach
the study of biological processes by comparing
the scientific study of the biology of behavior
different species

the scientific study of behavior--the scientific
confounded variable
study of all overt activities of the organism as
the unintended difference
well as all the internal processes that are
presumed to underlie them

Coolidge effect
the fact that a copulating male who becomes
incapable of continuing to copulate with one sex
the study of the structure of the nervous system
partner can often recommence copulating with a
new sex partner

quasiexperimental studies
studies of groups of subjects who have been
the study of the chemical bases of neural activity
exposed to the conditions of interest in the real
neuroendocrinology case studies
the study of interactions between the nervous
studies that focus on a single case or subject
system and the endocrine system

pure research
research motivated primarily by the curiosity of
the degree to which their results can be applied
the researcher--done solely for the purpose of
to other cases
acquiring knowledge

applied research
research intended to bring about some direct
a small neural structure at the base of the brain
benefit to mankind

corpus callosum
motor neurons
the large neural pathway that connects the left
neurons that control muscles
and right halves of the brain
physiological psychology
study of the neural mechanisms of behavior by
study of the effects of drugs on the brain and
manipulating the nervous systems of nonhuman
animals in controlled experiments

study of the relation between physiological
study of the psychological effects of brain
activity and psychological processes in human
damage in human patients
subjects by noninvasive physiological recording

cognitive neuroscience comparative psychology

study of the neural mechanisms of human study of the evolution, genetics, and
cognition, largely through the use of functional adaptiveness of behavior, largely through the
brain imaging use of the comparative method
ethological research
behavioral genetics
the study of animal behavior in its natural
the study of genetic influences on behavior

evolutionary psychology converging operations

a subfield of psychology that focuses on different approaches are focused on a single
understanding behavior by considering its likely problem in such a way that the strengths of one
evolutionary origins approach compensate for the weaknesses of the

prefrontal lobotomy
Korsakoff's syndrome a surgical procedure in which the connections
severe memory loss but otherwise quite capable between the prefrontal lobes and the rest of the
brain are cut as a treatment for mental illness

scientific inference
the empirical method that biopsychologists and
Morgan's Canon
other scientists use to study the unobservable;
when there are several possible interpretations
the scientists carefully measure key events that
for behavioral observation, the rule is to give
they can observe and then use these measures
precedence to the simplest one
as a basis for logically inferring the nature of
events that they cannot observe

Joshua is reading a novel. The input from his

eyes is transmitted to his brain and then passes
A single cubic centimeter of the human brain
through many ______ that translate the
consists of well over ______ nerve cells.
character on the page to integrate sensory input
50 million
and motor output.
neural networks

Which of the following characteristics of the

nervous system best reflects the brain's ability to
The brain and spinal cord make up_______.
coordinate infomation from all five senses?
central nervous system

The term plasticity refers to the _________. The ________ nervous system connects the
brains special capacity for modification and brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.
change peripheral
The somatic nervous system and autonomic
Plasticity best reflects which of the following
nervous system are components of the ______.
characteristics of the nervous system?
peripheral nervous system

You are listening to a lecture. Then the bell rings The function of the somatic nervous system is to
in the hallway. In order to hear this stimulus, ________.
_____ neurons must carry electrochemical tell muscles what to do; convey information
messages from your ears to your brain. from the skin and muscles to the CNS about
afferent conditions such as pain and temperature

The lecture you were listening to is over. The

bell that rang in the hall signaled the end of
class. You get up out of your seat, pick up your
The function of the _______ is to take messages
things, and walk out the classroom door. Which
to and from the body's internal organs,
kind of nerves sent the signals from your brain to
monitoring such processes as breathing, heart
your muscles to initiate your physical
rate, and digestion.
autonomic nervous system

Information from the brain and spinal cord to the Which of the following essential body functions
muscles is send through ______, thus enabling are under the control of the autonomic nervous
the body to move. system?
efferent nerves heart rate, breathing, and digestion

Your brain has instructed your body muscles to

The sympathetic nervous system and
move so that you avoid burning your hand on a
parasympathetic nervous system are
hot stove. Which type of nerves carried the
components of the _______.
information from your brain to your muscles so
autonomic nervous system
that you could avoid getting burned?
efferent nerves
Which of the following is one of the functions of You are walking to school when you encounter a
the parasympathetic nervous system? strange barking dog. You start sweating and
fight-or-flight reaction contemplate whether you should run away.
Which nervous system is responsible for this
"fight-or-flight" reaction?

Which division of the peripheral nervous system

Just before you went on a job interview your
is responsible for producing physiological
heart was pounding like crazy. You experienced
symptoms (such as increased heart rate and
a shortness of breath and felt sick to your
butterflies int he stomachs) under conditions of
stomach. These symptoms were most likely
produced by your ________ nervous system.

After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax

by engaging in some meditation techniques.
Doing these exercises should increase the
response of the _______ nervous system, which Corticosteroids are ________.
results in a slower heart and respiration rate and stress hormones
less muscular tension.

Which of the following types of cells in the

_______ stress is the momentary stress that
nervous system handle the information-
occurs in response to life experiences.
processing function?

The cell body contains the _______, which

_________ provide support, nutritional benefits, directs the manufacture of substances that a
and other functions in the nervous system. neuron needs for growth and maintenance.
Glial cells nucleus

The part of the neuron that contains the nucleus,

which directs the manufacture of substances Where is the nucleus of a neuron located?
that the neuron needs for growth and cell body
maintenance, is called the ________.
cell body
Dendrites are _______. The axon is _________.
the branch-like part of the neuron that is the part of the neuron that is responsible for
responsible for receiving information from sending or carrying information away from
other neurons the cell body toward other cells

________ is a layer of fat cells that insulates

Which of the following is a function of the myelin
most axons and speeds up the transmission of
nerve impulses.
speed up the transmission of nerve impulses
The myelin sheaths

Mark Johnson, a doctor in Dallas, prescribed an

Michael has Schizophrenia. His doctor antidepressant drug Prozac to his patient, Ted.
prescribed a new drug that blocks or interferes Prozac works by increasing brain levels of
with the activity of dopamine. Michael’s doctor is serotonin. This means that Prozac is consider
using ______ to treat his disorder. __________.
an antagonist an agonist

According to the all-or-nothing principle,

When a neuron is at its resting state, what is the
status of the charges on each side of the cell
once the electrical impulse reaches a certain
level of intensity (its threshold), it fires and
There is a negative charge on the inside of
moves all the way down the axon without
the cell membrane and positive charge on
losing any intensity
the outside.

When a neuron sends an action potential, it is

The brief wave of positive electrical charge that
commonly said to be "_______."
sweeps down the axon is ________.
action potential

Which of the following refer to tiny spaces _________ are chemical substances that are
between the neurons? stored in very tiny sacs within the terminal
Synapses buttons and involved in transmitting information
across a synaptic gap to the next neuron.

Your relative is experiencing memory loss

related to Alzheimer disease. Research
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays an
suggests that the decline in memory is due to
important role in _______.
a(n)_________ deficiency in this individual’s
action of muscles, learning, and memory

_________ inhibits the firing of neurons in the

Which of the following pairs are correctly
central nervous system, but it excites the heart
muscle, intestines, and urogenital tract.
Low levels of dopamine- Parkinson disease

Which of the following indicates elevated levels

Depression is associated with low levels of of endorphins?
which neurotransmitter? Amy, a 30-year-old teacher, who is in shock
Serotonin after a car wreck.

An ______ is a drug that mimics or increases a

A powerful surge of oxytocin is releases in a nuerotransmitters effects whereas an
_________. _________ is a drug that blocks a
mother who has just given birth neurotransmitters effect.
agonist/ antagonist

The membrane of the resting neuron is said to

be ________.
Resting potential is the _______.
stable, negative charge of an inactive neuron

Neuroscientists who surgically remove, destroy, Electrical activity in the brain can be captured by
or eliminate, the brain tissue of laboratory placing multiple electrodes on the scalp and ten
animals are using which of the following measuring the underlying electrical activity. This
method of studying the brain's activity is called a
techniques for studying the brain? (n) ________.
Brain lesioning electroencephalogram (EEG)

Arnold Becker, a doctor in Seattle, needs

Stern Tyler, a neuroscientist who is collecting
information about the location and extent of
data for a new research study, uses techniques
damage involving stroke and memory of his
for monitoring the amount of glucose in various
patient, Judith. Which of the following
areas of the brain. Which of the following
techniques will he most likely use to diagnose
methods is Stern Tyler using in this study?
Judith's condition?
Positron emission tomography (PET scan)
Computerized axial tomography (CAT Scan)

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