G1 Quiz 1

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Seeds Language School English Department

Primary 1 Name: ……………………………………

Evaluation 1 Class: ……………………
Date: …………………………………
I) Comprehension:

Read the text, then answer the questions:

A Happy Family

Hi, I am Sara. I have a small family. My father is kind. My

mother is cute. I have a baby sister. She is funny. We are a happy family.

Answer the following questions:

1) Sara has a …………………………… family.

a. big b. small

2) Sara’s father is ……………………… .

a. kind b. scary

3) Her baby …………………………………… is funny.

a. brother b. sister

4) The pronoun ( I ) refers to ……………………………….

a. Sara b. mother

5) The pronoun ( She ) refers to ……………………………….

a. baby sister b. father

6) Find a word that rhymes with:

mute ………………………………
II) Grammar Practice:

A. Complete using the words in the box :

a - an

I go to the sea. I see ………………… fish, …………………… octopus, ………………… crab

and ……………………… orange star fish.

We – She – They – He - It

1. My father is a doctor. ………………… works in a hospital.

2. My friends and I are happy. ………………… are at school.

3. I have a cat. ………………… is cute.

4. My sister is funny. ………………… makes me smile.

5. Karim and Ali are friends. …………………… are kind.

am – is – are

1. Omar ………… happy. 2. The elephants ………………… big.

3. I ………………… seven years old. 4. My bag …………………… red.

5. My family and I …………………………… funny.

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