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CA3-CO5 TEXT 190306 - ECONOMIC FOR ENGINEERS The respondent's email ( was recorded on submission of this form. Roll. Number * 20209 is one of the monetary measures of central bank to control inflation. @ Demonetization of currency © Increase in taxes © Reduction in wages © Increase in savings The National Income of a country for a given period is equal to the © Sum of consumption and investment expenditure © Sum of personal income of all individuals @ A total value of goods and services produced by the nationals © Money value of final goods and services produced The portion of total deposits of a commercial bank which it has to keep with RBI in the form of cash reserves is termed as 7 @ cer SLR Bank Rate ooo Repo Rate Which of the following is correct according to the exchange equation of quantity theory of money? * O MePevey O My=Pey @© Mev=P+T O Mep=Pey Which one of the following is not a function of the Reserve Bank of India? * O currency issue Prescribe the Capital Adequacy Ratio Opening savings accounts for the general public Co@O Decide Bank Rate, CRR and SLR from time to time When prices rise rapidly at a rate of more than 20% per annum, it is called as © Moderate Inflation © Trotting Inflation © Hyperinflation © Walking inflation M4 denotes... * O Mi+M2-M3 © M1 +Time deposits with commercial and cooperative banks. O memeems © M3 + Total post office deposits Which one of the following is a method of estimating national income? * © Net income method © Operating Income method ©@ Product method CO Foreign Receipts method Cost-push inflation is a situation where price of end products will rise due to rise in price of raw materials. * @ Tre CO False RTGS stands for * © Real-Time Global Settlement © Reattime Gross Settlement © Regular Time Global System © Real-Time Gross System The Reserve bank of India was nationalized in © 1934 © 1935 © 1949 O 1956 The RBI's methods of credit control can be broadly divided into two parts, © Open and close © Monetary and fiscal © Rural and urban © Quantitative and qualitative When too much money chases too few goods it is termed as . © Cost-pull inflation © Demand-pull inflation © Demand-push inflation O Cost-push inflation Which one of the following items is not related to e-banking? * @ Demand Draft © Nert O ecs O am™ The central bank makes short-term loans to the government for a period not exceeding * O 3years © 1 year @ 2 days O 60 days “Managed paper currency standard!’ followed in India requires the © Central bank to be the sole issuer of currency © Paper currency in circulation to be backed by gold, foreign currency etc. © Currency in circulation to have a proper balance between notes and coins ©) _RBito print currency against requirement only The primary function of money is that itis a @ Store of value CO Store of currency CO Standard of deferred payment © Transfer of value Which of the following is not the agency function of commercial banks? * Collecting cheques oO Granting loans Paying subscriptions CoO ®@ Buying and selling stocks By. it is implied that the central bank meets the reasonable demands for accommodation by commercial banks in times of difficulties and crisis. * © agent to the government © Custodian of reserves © lender of the last resort CO Controller of credit RBI cannot issue bank notes higher than * © Rs.1000 Rs.2000 Rs.10000 Rs.50000 Oo@°o The following are the problems in calculating national income except * © Developing infrastructure © Improper occupational specification © Lack of uniformity © Inconsistent accounting practices a situa employment. * n when prices fall along with reduction in output and CO inflation © Deflation © Recession CO ‘Stagflation The national income calculated at market prices or current prices is known as * @ Real income © Nominal income © Deflated income © domestic income When the value of goods or services is included more than one time while calculating National Income it leads to problem of. .* © Over counting Double counting Omission error omen) Multiple income levels, Match the Following * July, 1969 Venezuela Hyper Inflation O° © RBI First nationalization of Banks Narrow money oO 8 0 oO 0 0 Minting coins M1 Coinage Act, 1906 Oo O° April, 1935, O° oOo 0 © GNP =* @ c+i+o+%m) O C-1+6+(%M) O c+i-6+ 0M) O c+t+6- 0M) This form was created inside of PSG College of Technology. Google Forms

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