English Play Safa

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Moved away from her castle at 18 in order to protect her people only
to get framed as the villain and tossed to the side. No one believed her,
not even her own people. Except one. Stayed by her side no matter
what. Helped her win back the hearts of her people. Her best friend.
Her savior. Her lover.


Celestia: hi, my name is Celestia, and this is my story. I was born in an

isolated island called Burklavia. My mother is the queen and proves it
to the people every day with her precise and calculated decisions. Even
though she doesn't show much affection anymore, after my father
passed away when I was 12, I still love her very much and will do
anything to please her.


Akira (Celestia’s mom): Celestia!!! Come down right now (her mom
yells in urgency)


Celestia: I'm coming give me a second

(She says running down the stairs)

Akira: there is a huge problem coming towards our island. Our rivals
have found out about our island. I'm going to have to send you to
Bolovinia now. it's time for you to step up and take my place as queen
since I'm getting old (Akira rants)

Celestia: wait…. you're letting me go? You're letting me leave this place
(she asks in disbelief)


Scar: I’m back dear aunt of mine and I’m better than ever. Let me go
instead of her.

Akira: no son, it's time she learns how to fight in a battle and not just
train at home.

Scar: that's not fair!!! That means once she's back she'll be queen and
take over the throne.
Akira: yes, she will, and you will be by her side as the prince of

(Scar storms of in anger)

Celestia: thx for finally letting me go, I will make you proud.

After a week in Bolovinia

Celestia: now I see why there are so many people in Bolovinia it's
beautiful out here. (She sighs happily)

While looking at the clouds she bumps into mysterious person.


Unknown: excuse me lady you dropped this

Celestia: oh, thank you kind Sir, I'm sorry I bumped into you.

(She says feeling guilty)

Unknown: don’t worry about it. what is your name?

(She says her name)


Celestia: yes, I am. Do I know you? (She asks feeling suddenly


unknown: what a small world. my father is good friends with your

mother. she asked me to keep an eye on you, but she still didn't tell me
what you look like.

Celestia: ooooohhhhh. your Vulcan. yes, my mother told me about you

I just didn't know I was meeting you so soon.

Vulcan: yeah me (he lightly chuckles) well it's nice to meet you my lady
but I've got to get going I'll see you soon.

Celestia: see you soon bye!!

Scene 3
Where Scar plans the frame.

Scar: How could aunt make her the next heir for the throne? I have way
more experience than her. The throne is mine, I can’t let her inherit it.

(He says furiously as his guards and companions surround him.)


Prime Minister: Sir! Please! We’ll try our best to get you your place on
the throne. (He says as he slowly approaches Scar in fear.)

Scar: I have an idea. How about we frame her during the war against
Bolovinia that she killed Akira? And we’ll plot our men next to us as I kill
Akira and give Celestia the knife, so we will have evidence for our
people and the news press that she was the killer all along.

Prime Minister: That is a brilliant plan Sire! Your immense smartness

shows how much you deserve the throne! (He praises Scar)

Scar: Get to work! (He orders his guards as everyone disperses. He

laughs diabolically alone)



Celestia: CHARGE!

She says as she and her warriors’ gallops on their horses towards the
enemy. The sounds of swords clashing, the metallic smell of murder
and grunts of pain and the neighboring kingdoms fight each other.

Celestia: SCAR! Take care of mother for me! (She says as her voice fades
into the depts of the war as Scar goes next to Akira fighting along with

The war goes on as Celestia’s people wins. The enemies scurry back to
their kingdom as chants and laughs of victory, crowd the battle ground.

Celestia: Mother? WHERE’S MOTHER? (She asks as she pushes through

the soldiers as she sees Scar and Akira in a fighting stance. But against
each other.)


Celestia: Scar? What’s going on? Mom?

Akira: Celestia! Get away from Scar. Stay behind me! (She yells as she
covers Celestia).

Celestia: Why? What’s going on?

Celestia says as she witnesses her own cousin, scar, stabbing her

An ear pitching scream releases out of her as she falls to the ground
with a thud. Celestia zoned out. Like as if the world fell apart. It did. Her
world. She sees something being shoved in her hands as she glances
down to see a bloody dagger.

Her eyes fill with tears as she looks back to scar as a smirk fills his face.

Scar: you knew I wanted the position to the throne so now will finally
get what I want. (He says as his face fills with mock shock and tears
enough to convince everyone that you were the traitor)

Everyone looks at you in betrayal for killing their queen as they

approach you.

Scar: she killed our queen! My dear aunt! Her own mother! All so that
she could get the throne. (He says as points at her, crying as people
believe him and charge at you. You ran away and hopped on your
horse, hurrying away as they try and chase you.


Celestia: I’m sorry mom. (She says crying into her palm as hides in a
hidden tree away from the battlefield.)
how could he betray us like that? I knew that he wanted the throne but
didn’t know that he would go deep lengths for it. (She sobs out).

CELESTIA: I WILL avenge you mother. I will make you PROUD.

But then, a rustle came from the leaves as her eyes darted towards it.

Celestia; hello? Whose there?

Fear creeped up her body as the sound got louder.

The figure comes out and your heartbeat accelerates, but not because
of fear, but because of butterflies.

Celestia; Vulcan… (her voice drifts off as she takes in his sweaty figure
which cut trees and obstacles just to find you)

Vulcan: I saw scar, I know what he did. Let’s prove him wrong and
avenge our queen.



Celestia: all we must do is lure out Scar to the announcing hall in the
palace and away from the guards and he will expose himself.

Vulcan: but how exactly do we that? He is heavily guarded, and the

coward is hiding behind your throne. (He says fuming)

Celestia: so, what we’re going to do is, we will sneak inside the palace,
and I will put sleeping potion into all the guard’s food and around
midnight you come out of the storage room, and we will lure scar into
the announcing hall.

Vulcan: good idea! Once he is inside the announcing hall ill hide inside
the mic room and play your entire conversation to the people of our

Celestia: let’s get this plan in action before the crowning ceremony

Vulcan: stay safe and if anything happens, abort the plan. I need you
safe rather than dead. (He says worriedly)

(Celestia just nods and turns away as she feels her cheeks burning and a
shy smile forming through her face)

Fast forward 2 days later the night before the crowning


Celestia: I know a secret path to the kitchen and once we arrive take a
left and there will be a metal door, enter it and lock the door. Once I’m
done with my task, I’ll wait till midnight and then go lure out scar, while
you go and set up the mics in the announcing hall. Make sure the whole
kingdom can hear him.

Vulcan: don’t worry about me. Make sure all the guards are heavily
drugged before you coax him out of the throne room, and for god’s
sake please be safe. He didn’t hesitate to kill your mom, and he won’t
hesitate e to kill you either

Celestia: he won’t know what hit him.

(They start prowling into the kingdom and do their assigned tasks.)

Celestia: this is it. This is the part where he is gets exposed. Don’t ruin
the plan Celestia. You need to avenge your mother. (She peps talks
herself as she stares at the humongous doors of the throne room.)

(She slightly opens the door and peaks in to check in on the condition of
the guards, and as planned she sees scar freaking out and pacing
through the halls)

(She finally reveals herself and scar look up at her in shock and fear is
seen in his eyes.)
Scar: what are you doing here? I thought you were dead (he asks in

Celestia: you thought you could get rid of me that easily??

I just know that you couldn’t wait to get rid of me and my mother so
you could take over the throne and use the people for your own greedy

Scar: how dare you accuse me of such a thing? I’m going to have a jolly
time murdering you. (He says taking out his staff)

Celestia: let’s see if you catch me first. Even when we were younger you
were always the slow and weak one. Let’s see if you’re still the same.
(She says trying to hit his ego)

(Ahhhhh scar yells out as runs after her)

(She opens different hall doors to confuse him and finally reaches the
announcing hall)

(She looks around and sees Vulcan hiding behind the wall and winks at
him while he just simply smirks)

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