Siemens: Re: W191 Parts Catalog and Maintenance Manual

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December 13, 2005

Attn.: Ing. Arturo Daz Mendoza Superintendente General COMISION FEDERAL DE ELECTRICIDAD C. T. Chankanaab Avenida Leonides Garca por 10 de abril Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mxico C.P. 77600

Re: W191 Parts Catalog and Maintenance Manual

Dear Ing. Daz, Siemens Power Generation, a Siemens Company, offers to provide the materials detailed below at the prices and exclusively on the terms and conditions set forth in this offer, including those set forth in Siemens Power Generation Selling Policy 1280X dated Sept. 19, 2005. This document contains information proprietary to Siemens Power Generation. Your acceptance of it is an acknowledgment of a confidential relationship between you and Siemens Power Generation with respect to this proposal document and any information provided to CFE as a result of an order for the goods and services herein described. We require it to be returned or destroyed when no longer required. With the exception of the information normally needed to operate that equipment, neither this document nor any information obtained as a result of an order shall be reproduced, transmitted, disclosed or used otherwise in whole or in part without the written authorization of Siemens Power Generation. Pricing / Lead-time W191 Maintenance Manual: Price................................................................... $13,800.00 USD Lead Time........................................................................6 weeks ARO W191 Parts Catalog: Option 1: Generic With Illustrations Price................................................................... $11,500.00 USD Lead Time........................................................................4 weeks ARO Option 2: Customer Specific List According to Unit Without Illustrations Price................................................................... $13,800.00 USD Lead Time........................................................................6 weeks ARO

Terms of Payment Invoices will be issued based on the following milestones: Payments are due and payable net within thirty (30) days from the date of each invoice. Proprietary Information This letter contains information that is proprietary to Siemens Power Generation. Your acceptance of it is an acknowledgment of a confidential relationship between you and Siemens Power Generation. Neither this offer nor any information obtained therefrom is to be reproduced, transmitted, disclosed or used otherwise in whole or in part without the written authorization of Siemens Power Generation. We appreciate the opportunity to present this to CFE for the C.T.G. Chankanaab unit. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our service and look forward to working with you on your unit. We are confident of our ability to deliver the highest quality products. Thank you for considering Siemens Power Generation to provide these materials. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this offer. Sincerely,

Ing. Hector Santiago

Enclosures: SP1280X

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