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Scene 1: The traveller arrives and looks for a place to spend the days and finds a village on the
foothills of the Sumaco volcano.

Narrator-. One sunny day, a nomad in search of a place to spend a few days, arrives at a village
that was in the foothills of the Sumaco Volcano, where two young leaders of the village, Lucero
(of dusk) and Kuyllur (of dawn), they were brothers, chiefs of the village, called his attention.

Scene 2: Already in the village, the traveller approaches the brothers and they talk

Traveller(PEDRO): good afternoon, I'm looking for a place to stay for a few days, this is a quiet
village, Can you help me?

Lucero(SARAI): if you stay in our house there would be no problem, I live with Kuyllur, my

Narrator-. The old man gets an inn, and followed Lucero, they arrive at the house, he sees the
place and decided to stay.

Scene 3: the traveler enjoys the village and its delights during the day and evening (food,
dancing, jokes).

Narrator: the arrival of the old man and the village festivities coincided, the old man walked
through the stony alleys of the village accompanied by jungle around, while tasting the typical
dishes, street dances and happiness of the people.

Villagers 1(SEBASTIAN): hey achachi! Try this delicacy

Villager 2(YASER): Come here!

Villager 3: (grabs his arm and dances a little)

Scene 4: The brothers' conversation.

Narrator: days passed since the arrival of the old man and the villagers began to notice that
people from their village were disappearing every night without a trace, the villagers began to

Lucero(SARAI): the town is anguished

Kuyllur(SANTI): since the arrival of the achachi these things have happened.

Lucero(SARAI): I don't think so? Maybe it's an animal

Kuyllur(SANTI): Then let's look for that animal

Scene5: They leave the town in search of the animal

Narrator: The brothers lead their search party into the night to catch the animal, but a villager
breaks away from the group. The villager while walking through the jungle hears a
heartwarming noise.

(Tiger attacks villager to death and eats him)

Narrator: Soon after they saw the lifeless body of the villager and noticed the old man was
fleeing the scene in the distance.

Scene 6: The brothers Lucero and Kuyllur planned to set a trap for the old man so they
organized a


Villager 1(SARAI): How can we catch the old man?

Kuyllur(SANTI): we can lock him in the volcano Sumaco

Lucero (SARAI): we will lure him with a party.

Villagers(YASER): Yes!

Scene 7: they organized a party

Narrator: They began to bring the chicha, food and music for the achachi.

Villager 1 (SEBASTIAN): Achachi, achachi come on let's go

Villager 2(YASER): There's a party at the foot of the volcano!

Villager 3(EDISON): We have to go!!!!

Narrator: the achachi was hesitating, but at the end he agreed to go, the villagers proceeded
to guide the achachi to the volcano's foot and at the party they make him drink.

Meanwhile the brothers were pulling the villagers out one by one and everyone outside began
to seal the entrance.

The villagers began to descend to their community, from there they began to hear the roars
and groans of achachi.

Elder(PEDRO): RELEASE ME . let me go, let me free (furious roar)

Scene 8: Days go by and the brothers went to check if the tiger was still locked up, suddenly
they heard a majestic voice calling out to them:

God(ALEXANDRO): I have called you Lucero and Kuyllur to protect you from the sky, you
Lucero, you will be the star that comes out at nightfall and Kuyllur will be the star that will
come out in the

Narrator: hey ascended to the heaven and both brothers promised to see each other
someday and that day will be at the end of the world, and together with that, the tiger will give
a roar, that day that it will be released..


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