NCM 107 Module 4F

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NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)

DEFINITION OF TERMS 6. Cesarean Delivery

1. Operative Obstetrics - Or birth accomplished through an abdominal
- Uses procedures that assist the mother in labor incision in the uterus
and delivery
- It may be mechanical or chemical procedures to
save life of both the mother or fetus
➔ Mechanical – with the use of stainless
instruments or the vacuum extraction
➔ Chemical Procedures – with the use of
- It also facilitates the process of labor

2. Induction of Labor

- Labor is started artificially

- In the picture, we have here the abdominal
- With this, the doctor will be requiring for
incision through horizontal incision or your low
administration of medicines that would help in
segment type of cesarean delivery
choosing the labor of the mother
7. Normal Delivery
3. Amniotomy
- Is otherwise known as NSVD
- Artificial rupturing of membranes during labor if
- Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
they do not rupture spontaneously to allow the
fetal head to contact the cervix more directly 8. Forceps Delivery
- This also increases the speed of labor and
utilizes at least 2 types of instruments: - A method of delivery with the use of obstetrical
1. Amniohook – long thin crochet-like forceps
instrument - The obstetrical forceps being utilized in here are
2. Hemostat made of stainless steel and they had been
4. Analgesia
9. Vacuum Extraction Delivery
- Medications that alleviates the sensation of
pain - Uses a vacuum device to assist in extracting a
- When we say, alleviates the sensation of pain, it baby
would be a reduction of the pain, yet the pain is We must know that both vacuum extraction and forceps
still there are methods that can be used to assist the birth of the
5. Anesthesia baby especially the fetal head. The woman as well as
the infant needs special or specific observation after
- An absence of sensation or pain sensation by these procedures to detect head trauma or cervical or
interrupting the nerve impulse vaginal tearing
- In anesthesia, there is a total absence of pain


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
Prior to amniotomy or Before:

✓ The mother must assume a dorsal recumbent

position that would mean supine position with
knees flexed

After Amniotomy:
- In the picture, there will be an insertion of those ✓ which the mother and the baby must be
instruments inside the vagina of the mother to assessed.
facilitate the delivery of the head of the baby ✓ First you have to time as to when the amniotic
- So, it is very much needed that right after the membrane has been ruptured followed by
delivery, one must assess for the head trauma assessing for the fetal heart rate.
of the baby and as well as the cervical or vaginal
tearing of the mother Why is this important?

10. Amniotomy - Because we have to rule out cord prolapse.

- Now, if there will be a cord prolapse and then
- Increases the efficiency of contraction and core compression happens, then the supply of
therefore increases the speed of labor oxygen to the baby will be compromised. Thus,
- However, it puts a fetus momentarily at risk for would put the baby at risk
cord prolapse if a loop of cord escapes into the ➔ At the same time also, we have to time as
vagina with the fluid to when the amniotic membrane has been
- It is also a risk for possible cesarean section ruptured so that we can observe for
- Amniotomy itself increases the speed of labor possible or potential for infection
- Now, in amniotomy, the mother who is in labor - As mentioned earlier amniotomy utilizes both
still has her membrane intact and so, if there amniohook and hemostat.
will be a prolonged intact of the membrane
then there is a possibility that the labor itself is DIFFERENT FACTORS OF WHICH WOMEN
- So, with amniotomy, there will be an increase of
labor by rupturing the amniotic membrane and
so there will be an escape of the amniotic fluid. Maternal Factors
This puts the fetus momentarily at risk for cord 1. Active genital herpes or (perhaps) human
prolapse especially if the fetal cord is within the papillomavirus
presenting part of the baby. • If the patient is having herpes or HIV or AIDS
➔ If there will be a cord prolapse or if the cord as much as possible it is advisable to undergo
cesarian section because genital herpes is a
escapes to the vagina, you have to
communicable disease and could be
immediately cover the exposed cord with
transmitted especially genital herpes.
sterile saline compress to the presenting
• The baby will be coming out from the vagina
part. and will be exposed with this infection
➔ You must not attempt to push back the 2. AIDS or (perhaps) HIV-positive status
exposed cord to the vagina because this 3. Cephalopelvic disproportion
would add additional risk or compression • The pelvis itself is not conducive for normal


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
4. Cervical cerclage INDUCTION OF LABOR
• Cervical cerclage is when there has been a - Labor is started artificially whether through
stitching of the cervix.
medical or surgical means of stimulating the
• Probably the reason for this treatment that
uterine contractions prior to onset of
had happened to the mother was because of
spontaneous labor
some cervical weakness
5. Disabling conditions, such as severe gestational - It is initiated before the time when it would
hypertension, that would prevent pushing to have occurred spontaneous contractions
accomplish the pelvic division of labor because the fetus is endanger.
• You must know that if there is an intensity of - Usually, if the mother probably has not yet
the contraction itself then the vital signs started labor but when they were assessing for
would go up. the fetal heart rate, the fetal heart rate is not
• So, if the mother has a severe gestational conducive anymore or not normal. So, there is a
hypertension, this is not advisable fetal distress that is why there would be an
6. Failed induction or failure to progress in labor induction of labor.
7. An obstructive benign or malignant tumor - However, in Augmentation of Labor, this refers
8. Previous cesarean birth by classic incision to assisting labor that has started
9. Fear of birth or wish to help prevent uterine
spontaneously but is not effective
prolapse or urinary incontinence in later years
➔ The labor started itself however possible
there is a prolonged time.
Placental Factors ➔ So, the progress that the duration of labor
1. Placenta previa for the primigravida and also for the
• It is when there is attaching of the placenta multigravida. Under estimation, if it is way
inside the uterus but is normally positioned too more then that would still put the baby
near or lower or over the cervical opening and the mother’s life at risk. That is why
2. Premature separation of the placenta augmentation or a certain assistive like
3. Umbilical cord prolapse medications has to be done so that there
• This would put the child’s life or the baby’s will be a faster or you will be able to hasten
life at risk for possible compression of the
the progress of the labor itself
cord and lack of oxygen
➔ Augmentation of labor is used when labor
• In order to save the baby, obstetrical
contractions becomes weak, irregular or
procedures has to be done

Fetal Factors Indications for Induction of Labor

1. Pre-eclampsia
1. Compound conditions such as macrosomic fetus
in a breech lie • Onset of high blood pressure and often a
2. Extreme low birth weight significant amount of protein in the urine
• So, for those pregnant mother whose blood
pressure is way above the normal could be
Fetal Distress one of the candidate for the induction of
1. A major fetal anomaly, such as hydrocephalus labor
2. Multigestation or conjoined twins 2. Eclampsia
3. Transverse fetal lie and perhaps breech 3. Severe Hypertension
presentation 4. Diabetes
• Because there will be a constant
consumption of energy or glucose during the
labor itself


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
5. Rh Sensitization bleeding, hemorrhage would happen and
• It is when there is incompatibility of Rh this could lead a patient into shock
between the mother and the baby 9. Invasive Cervical Cancer
6. Prolonged ruptured of the membranes or PROM 10. Active genital herpes infection
• We have to detect this one because if there 11. Abnormal FHR (fetal heart rate) patterns
will be a prolonged rupture of the
membranes as earlier being stated, this
would put the child’s life at risk Considerations for Induction of Labor
7. Intrauterine Growth Restrictions and Post 1. Ultrasound
Maturity - We have to check the position of the baby,
• We all know the maturity or the AOG of a the placement
fetus or a baby that is without complications 2. Pelvimetry
would be approximately between 36 to 40 - To rule cephalopelvic disproportion
weeks AOG 3. Nonstress Test
• So, with this one, the lung is already - This would be checking the contraction also
functioning and vital to be outside the world both from the mother and the fetal heart
rate of the baby
4. Phosphatidylglycerol
Contraindications for Induction of Labor - It is a glycophospholipid that is found in
1. Complete Placenta Previa pulmonary surfactant in the membrane
• When there is an attachment of the placenta - This would help us determine if the baby is
near or over the cervical opening mature enough with the lecithin and
2. Abruptio Placentae sphingomyelin surfactant
• This happens when your placenta separates - The lungs surfactant are normal level so the
early from the uterus before childbirth baby is viable
• In this case, it is very alarming because the 5. Nitrazine Paper or Fern Test
baby is still inside and then your placenta - This would help us check if there is a
already detached. premature rupture of membrane wherein
• So, where will the baby get its nutrients and upon testing the vaginal fluid, we detect that
its oxygen if the placenta will detach from the there will be a change of color
uterine wall of the mother? - The color will be blue on the nitrazine paper.
3. Transverse Fetal Lie This would indicate that the membrane has
4. Prolapsed Umbilical Cord ruptured
5. Prior Classic Uterine Incision that entered the 6. CBC and Urinalysis
uterine cavity - We have to know the baseline data for the
blood level of your client and possible also for
• Usually with the previous cesarean section
any infections either also in the urine
6. Pelvic structure is abnormal
7. Vaginal Examination
• Cephalopelvic disproportion
- This would help us more to determine the
7. Previous Myomectomy
effacement and dilation of the cervix
8. Unknown cause of vaginal bleeding
• Why is this important?
➔ Because some factors wherein causes of
the bleeding could either be genetically
or you have your clotting factors that are
deficient enough so if you will do these
things, you will be inducing labor and
then the process would go on and with
the labor and delivery, there will be a
tendency that there will be a possible
NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
Risk Factors of Induction of Labor ➔ If there will be a still birth, then a
1. Uterine Rupture tendency that the contraction is not that
2. Decrease in the fetal blood supply strong enough. The mother will be having
3. From prior cotyledon filling a difficulty to push.
- Cotyledon are the ones that are found in your ➔ Pain is subjective, so if the pain will be on
placenta. the abdomen or lower back then that
- This is a part of your embryo but are would help the mother to push more so
commonly found in your placenta because that there will be an explosion of fetus
your placenta is the first organ of but if there will be a fetal demise then
development possible there will be no or less
- So, there would be a possible risk of fetal contraction because there will be no
blood supply decrease more pain
3. Premature separation of placenta ➔ That is why we have to induce the labor
Contraindications of Oxytocin:
• CPD, Cord Prolapse, Transverse Lie
• Prior classic uterine incision
• Active genital herpes
1. Oxytocin or Oxytocin Injection
• Invasive cancer of the cervix
- Oxytocin is a synthetic form of naturally
Criteria to maintain dose:
occurring pituitary hormone that can be used
a. Check the intensity of the contractions
to initiate labor contractions if a pregnancy is
results in intrauterine pressure of 40 to 90
at term
- Usually, once the mother is already admitted
b. Duration of contractions: 40-90 seconds
and the labor has started, you have to assess
c. Frequency of contractions: 2-3 minute
the characteristics of the contraction and also
if it is strong or not
d. Cervical dilation of 1 cm/hr. in the active
➔ Prior to informing the doctor and for the
duration of time before the doctor would
decide and countercheck if there is a
• Uterine hyperstimulation
need for an induction of labor
• Non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
- It is administered intravenously
➔ There will be a possibility for fetal
➔ Usually this is mixed with your
intravenous fluid
- The other name for oxytocin would be Pitocin • Suspected uterine rupture
or syntocynon or syntocinon • Inadequate uterine response at 20 mU/min
- Solution: mixed in the proportion of 30 iu in Maternal and Fetal Assessment with Oxytocin
1000 ml of Ringers’ Lactate administration:
➔ Ringers’ solution would be your LR ✓ Assess maternal pulse and blood pressure,
➔ You will be indicating this one in your IV and watch for hypotension
tab that there is medication being added ➔ These are vital thing to assess because
Indications of Oxytocin: this would help us determine also if there
• Inadequate uterine contractions is a possibility that our client is going for
a shock or there is a bleeding inside
• Premature rupture of the membranes
✓ Monitor fetal heart rate for signs of fetal
• Post term pregnancy
• Pregnancy-induced Hypertension
✓ Monitor the frequency, duration and
• Fetal Demise
strength of contraction during the infusion
➔ Fetal demise would be still birth
✓ Monitor the intake and output and watch for
signs of water intoxication
NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
➔ Oxytocin would promote fluid retention begin with a low dose of oxygen at 2
to the mother that is why we have to liters
check the intake and output and signs for ➔ By the time on, if there will be an
water intoxication of the mother increase in the rate, then you have to
✓ Check for possible adverse effects like refer ahead of time to the attending
nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias, physician
uterine hypertonicity, tetanic contractions,
uterine rupture and bradycardia
STOP THE OXYTOCIN ADMINISTRATION DIRECTLY: - Artificial rupturing of membranes
❖ Discontinue use of oxytocin per hospital Characteristics of Amniotic Fluid:
protocol • Odorless
❖ Turn the mother to her left side • Color: clear/straw
➔ This would promote oxygenation also for ➔ Color straw is much lighter than yellow.
the baby by not compressing the major Yellow is darker
blood vessel which is the vena cava ➔ The color should be a bit lighter that is
❖ Increase primary IV rate up to 200 ml/hr light yellow or straw
unless patient has water intoxication, in • pH: 7-7.5
which case, the rate is decreased to one that Advantage of Amniotomy:
keeps the vein open  It increases the efficiency of contractions and
➔ Usually, the primary IV is your plain NSS therefore increases the speed of labor
and it should be without incorporation Disadvantage of Amniotomy:
meaning without medications  It puts the fetus at risk for cord prolapse
incorporated to the IV unless the patient You have to know that there will be an expectation of
has water intoxicity putting the mother into cesarean delivery
➔ Take note on this one because if there Nitrazine Test
will be a fluid retention, you can see that - Identify rupture of amniotic sac
the mother is already having breathing - Green to blue would mean there is a
problem and edema or swelling. So, you presence of amniotic fluid
cannot add more water or more fluid into - Yellow – no presence of amniotic fluid
her body or else she will be drowning (?) Klelhauer-Betke (Kleihauer-Betke)or Fetal Cell Blood
from it Test
➔ So, the purpose of your primary IV line - Used to determine if the blood cells are
for this area is to keep vein open in cases maternal or fetal
we need access for emergency - Maternal: remains colorless when stained
medications. Around 15 gtts/min or 15 to ➔ There is no amniotic fluid leakage
20 gtts/min, sometimes 10 to 15 as - Fetal: turns purple pink in color when stained
advised by the physician or by the doctor Nursing Responsibilities:
❖ Give woman oxygen by face mask at 6 to 10 ✓ Explain the procedure to the client and
L/min or per protocol of the hospital or family
physician’s order ➔ This will reduce the anxiety of both the
➔ Some hospitals will allow you to give client and the family regardless if they
oxygen to the patient at 2 L/min are medically oriented or not
regardless if there is a physician order or ➔ This would also promote cooperation
not because sometimes doctors are not both to the client and the family
always there by your side. So, they have themselves
this standard protocol that if in cases ✓ Assure the client that the procedure is
there are emergency and your client is painless to her and her baby
having difficulty in breathing, you can


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
✓ Assess the fluid color, odor, and consistency NORMAL SPONTANEOUS VAGINAL
of the amniotic fluid
➔ This is to disregard if there is an infection
➔ So, again it has to be a pH of 7 to 7.5
➔ It has to be odorless and clear or straw
➔ If you find that there is a color change
- Surgical incision of the perineum made to
you need to report that. Like blood and
prevent tearing of the perineum
things like that
✓ Note and document the time of rupture
- It uses to facilitate birth in the presence of
➔ This is very important because we have
maternal and fetal distress
to know if the onset of the labor itself
- It creates more room in the presence of
started and to prevent at the same time
breech presentation or multiple gestation
infection and distress to the baby
- It creates room for the use of instruments to
✓ Note and document the fetal heart rate
assist birth
before and after the procedure
Factors that predispose a client to episiotomy:
✓ Assess the client’s temperature every 1 to 2
• Primigravida
hours to check for infection
➔ First time mother
✓ Frequently assess the client’s level of comfort
➔ Usually they are done with episiotomy
✓ Maintain adequate intake and output records
because this would prevent laceration
✓ Document maternal and fetal assessments in
➔ There are four categories of laceration:
the medical record
a. First degree
b. Second degree
c. Third degree
Nipple Stimulation to Induce Labor d. Fourth degree
- This helps in releasing the hormone oxytocin, ➔ Primigravida patients or clients usually
that initiates labor by increasing the intensity there is a technique as to when to push
of contraction ➔ The mother has to push at the peak of
- So, this will be done by the mother, or the the contraction and not at the beginning
health care staff of the contraction and must know when
- Now you have to inform the mother ahead of to exert more effort and when to stop
time. Some mothers are against or let's just • Macrosomic fetus
say would feel awkward if the staff who will ➔ The big baby
be doing this one will be a male. So, out of • Occiput posterior position
respect it should be a female staff • Use of forceps or vacuum extractor
- Nipple stimulation usually are very • Shoulder dystocia
observable during the pushing delivery of the ➔ Shoulder dystocia is wherein the baby
baby we do this one in the delivery room cannot fully be out without some
because this would help in the contraction interventions especially something done
Advantage: with the shoulder of the baby like a
 Shortens Labor breakage on the clavicle side just to
 Avoids the necessity of cesarean section facilitate faster delivery of the baby


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
Types of Episiotomy: Nursing Responsibilities:
1. Midline Episiotomy During/Immediate:
- Incision is made with blunt-tipped scissors in 1. Monitor the vital signs
the midline of the perineum ➔ Vital signs is very important because if
- This is less painful, it easily heals, decreases there is intense bleeding then we can
blood loss, less postpartum discomfort prevent for possible shock and we can
- If there would be a tendency that it will not intervene with the hemorrhage
properly support that during the birth or 2. Observe aseptic technique
delivery of the head, then there will be a ➔ This is to prevent infection
possibility for a further laceration that would 3. Support perineum properly
go directly to the anus compared to your ➔ Upon delivery of the baby, especially if
mediolateral which is slanting position on the you are the assist nurse, you have to hold
side the perineal area properly and not to let
2. Mediolateral Episiotomy go or else once the baby’s head comes
- Begun in the midline but directed laterally out and out of your anxiety(?), expect
away from the rectum that there will be a laceration on the
- Creates less danger of a rectal mucosal tear perineal area
Episiorrapphy After/Postpartum:
- The surgical repair of injury to the vulva by 1. Do perineal care
suturing ➔ Initially, during your perineal care, it will
- If the mother has had Episiotomy, the be washing it right after episiotomy
surgical repair is known as your episiorrapphy ➔ The area will be washed to check and
internal examination will be done
Episiotomy Degrees ➔ Wash with aseptic solutions
1st Degree Laceration ➔ Instruct the mother in every time after
- The area that is affected would be your urinating or possible for toilet to be very
vaginal mucosa, perineal fascia and perineal careful on the sutures side and wiping
skin from front to down and not the other
2 Degree Laceration way around
- Vaginal mucosa 2. Apply ice pack or cold compress within three
- Perineal body muscle hours
➔ It goes a bit deeper now ➔ This would cause vasoconstriction thus to
- Perineal fascia lessen the bleeding
3rd Degree Laceration 3. Provide hot sitz bath
- Vaginal mucosa, perineal fascia and muscles, ➔ This is to decrease the pain and promotes
rectal wall, anal sphincter healing on the suture side
4 Degree Laceration ➔ This would usually happen after 8 to 12
- Vaginal mucosa hours and not prior to that or
- Perineal fascia and muscles immediately
- Rectal wall 4. Render Perilite Exposure after 24 hours
- Anal sphincter ➔ Perilite exposure would be the use of
- This will be stitched with the different light ball and the client will be positioned
sutures that are available and corresponding in a dorsal recumbent and this will be put
sutures between your absorbable and non- in between the legs with an appropriate
absorbable sutures distance and it will be lit for 15 to 30
➔ This will promote healing and drying of
the surgical site
5. Administer analgesics as ordered


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
Possible complications: Cervical Ripening Methods
• Bleeding from undetected low-lying placenta -
Is a change in cervical consistency from firm
• Inadvertent rupture of membranes to soft
• Introduction of infection 1. Chemical Agents
➔ If aseptic technique has not been a. Prostaglandin E1 – ex. Misoprostol (Cytotec)
followed ◼ This would encourage faster delivery of
Nursing Responsibilities: the baby since your cervix is ripe and soft
1. Document the number of dilators and enough. This would facilitate with labor
sponges inserted during the procedure b. Prostaglandin E2 – Dinoprostone (Cervidil
➔ After the delivery of the baby there will insert; prepigil gel)
be cleaning on the inside so the doctor ◼ Used before induction to “ripen” (soften
will be inserting some sponges okay so as and thin) the cervix
a nurse you have to count those 2. Mechanical Methods
whatever that has been put in should be a) Laminaria tents – natural cervical dilators
the number that has been put out made from seaweeds
2. Assess for urinary retention b) Hydroscopic dilators – substances that
➔ You have to see that during either absorb fluid from surrounding tissues and
delivery or incision suturing, the urinary then enlarge
area has not been damaged at the same c) Synthetic dilators containing magnesium
time sulfate (Lamicel) – inserted into the
➔ You can ask the mother if still probably endocervix without rupturing the membranes
there's still a sense of urgency to urinate d) Stripping the membranes – separating the
but you have to double check most of membranes from the lower uterine segment
most mothers at this time most not all ◼ This would promote labor itself
are with urinary catheter
3. Assess for rupture of membranes, uterine
tenderness/pain FORCEPS DELIVERY
4. Assess vaginal bleeding and fetal distress - One of the method for delivering or assisting
the delivery of the head of the baby
- Uses a stainless-steel instrument, similar to
Types of Episiotomy
tongs, with rounded edges that fit around a
Characteristic Midline Mediolateral
Surgical Repair Easy (because More difficult fetus’s head for delivery
the cut is (since it is Purpose:
straight) slanting on the
side) • To prevent pressure from being exerted on the
Faulty Healing Rare (heals fast More Common fetal head
and good) • To avoid subdural hemorrhage in the fetus as
Postoperative Minimal Common the fetal head reaches the perineum
Anatomical Excellent Occasionally Indications:
Results faulty
1. Mother At Risk:
Blood Loss Less More
Dyspareunia Rare Occasional • Heart disease problems
Extensions Common Uncommon ◼ Because most of this mother cannot bear
enough to push harder
• Acute pulmonary edema
• Intrapartal infection


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
• Maternal exhaustion
• Unable to push with contractions in the pelvic
division of labor such as after regional

2. Fetal Conditions:

• Fetal distress
• Premature separation of the placenta
• Prolapsed of the umbilical cord
• Arrest of rotation
• Abnormal position - In here you can see the station zero should be
in line with your ischial spine
3. Cessation of progress in the 2nd stage of labor
- Forceps delivery should not be on your pelvic
- The labor itself is ineffective that is why we floor so it should not go down to your positive
have to induce by cervical five six seven it should be between your two
and your three
Categories - This can be determined when your physician
1. Outlet Forceps will do the internal exam
• Forceps are applied when the fetal skull has
reached the perineum
• Scalp is visible between the contractions
• Sagittal sutures is not more than 45 degrees
from the midline

2. Low Forceps
• Presenting part of the skull must be at a
station of +2 or below (e.g. +3) but not on the Certain Conditions before forceps delivery:
pelvic floor
• Membranes must have ruptured
• Rotation of the fetal head is less than 45
degrees • CPD is not present
• Cervix must be fully dilated to avert lacerations
and hemorrhage
3. Midforceps • Presenting part must be engaged
Criteria: • Woman’s bladder must be empty
• Fetal head must be engaged (level of ischial
➔ So that this will not be the problem upon
spine, station 0) but the presenting part of
the delivery of the baby and also at the
the skull is above a station of +2 (e.g. +1, 0,
-1, -2) same time this would help hasten the
delivery of the baby itself


NCM 107: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well-Client)
Nursing Responsibilities when it comes to forceps 4. Simpson’s Forceps – used most commonly as
delivery: outlet forceps
5. Tarnier’s – Axis traction forceps
✓ Explain the procedure to the mother, tell her
what to expect Complications of Forceps Delivery:
➔ We don't want the mother to be surprised
• Laceration of the vaginal canal
how come there are some markings on the
fetal head when she will be seeing her • Cerebral trauma of the baby
newborn for the first time that is why we • Increased perinatal morbidity and mortality
have to tell and explain what is the • Low IQ
outcome of this procedure ➔ Because there will be an insertion of this
➔ In Philippine settings, usually the doctor instrument
who explained for this things that to get the ➔ There is a tendency that there will be a
concept from the mother but regardless of compression of the blood supplies on the
that one we have to know “ma'am was the head area
doctor was able to explain to you the
procedure the outcome of this one” and so
on and so forth
✓ Assess and record FHR before and after
➔ Again because there will be a possibility
that there it might cause injury to the baby
✓ Assess the mother for vaginal and cervical
✓ Record the time and amount of first voiding
➔ Especially if there is some trauma that
happens on the vaginal area on the
✓ Assess the newborn for facial palsy and
subdural hematomas
➔ Since the forceps will be clipped on the
head area
✓ Explain to the parent that a forceps birth may
have a transient erythematous mark on the
newborn’s cheek, face in 1 to 2 days

Different Types of Forceps Delivery:

1. Barton – used to rotate the fetal head to a more

favorable position (ROP to ROA)
2. Kielland’s - With short handles and marked
cephalic curve.
◼ Used to rotate the fetal head to a more
favorable position
3. Piper – Used to deliver the head in a breech
presentation or position


VACUUM ASSISTED 1. It causes a marked caput

DELIVERY that may be noticeable as long

as 7 days after birth.

Vacuum Extraction Delivery
- so there is like a cone head
- Birth method involving the
attachment of a vacuum cup to the
that would occur on the top
fetal head, using negative
pressure to assist in the birth of
the head.

2. Tentorial tears from

Advantages Over Forceps
extreme pressure can occur.
- especially of the pulling

 Little anesthesia is delivery of the baby.


 Fewer lacerations of the Indications:

 Prolonged labor
birth canal occur
 Mother with cardiopulmonary
 Mother with high BP

- why is it ? because you are

cupping the head rather than
 Preterm (soft skull)
- because of their soft skull it
in the forceps, there will be
is not allowed.
- we know that there will be a cup
a use of instrument that is
being put on the scalp of the baby
and negative pressure will be
made of stainless steel.
- Preterm babies are not allowed
or contraindicated in your vacuum
extraction delivery.
Major Disadvantages:
 Fetus who have undergone scalp
blood sampling (high risk for

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
 Vaginal cervical
Nursing Responsibilities:
laceration of your soft
1. Provide emotional support to
both mother and significant
tissue trauma

- prior to your vacuum extraction

it should also have been explained
of the possible outcome or outlook
of the baby with the caput.
- emotional support to the mother
and significant other sometimes
they would ask you questions, will
the baby be okay? Will there be
some mental issues and so on and
so forth.

3. Asses fetal heart rate (FHR)

during the procedure.

4. Position the mother in

lithotomy position to allow for
- there will be some degree of
sufficient traction.

lacerations on the perineum

5. Newborn should be observed for
signs of trauma and infection at
the application site and for
cerebral irritation.

Newborn Complications:
Risk of Vacuum Extraction
1. Cephalhematoma -
happening on the inside.
- pressure that is applied to

the fetal head

- there could be some under

maternal complications:

 Perenial
Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
2. Scalp laceration - there may be done either internally

is a shape of the cup of the or externally.

vacuum cup.

External cephalic version

- quite familiar to us here as

for those “manghihilot” or

“mananabang”, especially if

they can sense that the baby

is not in the normal position,

they will try to move it

3. Subdural hematoma - which
externally by massaging on
is also on the inside.
the client’s abdomen.

 Turning of the fetus to a

vertex presentation by

external exertion of

pressure on the fetus

through the maternal

- the turning of the fetus
 Turning of the fetus from
officially from one
a breech to a cephalic
presentation to another and
position prior to birth.

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
 Attempted in a labor and abdomen with the

birth setting after 37 administration of the

weeks of gestation tocolytic agents.

- magnesium sulfate will be

- this is attempted after 37 given IM near your buttocks

weeks of gestation because area.

earlier we all do know that

fetus are considered to be

mature between 36 to 40 weeks.

So with this if there will be

a problem then the fetus is

viable already in the outside


 Tocolytic agent such as

magnesium sulfate is given

to relax the uterus and

facilitate the maneuver.
 Uterine anomalies

 Previous cesarean birth

- there has to be no
 CPD (cephalopelvic
contractions to be happening
and we can manipulate the
 Placental previa
Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
 Check maternal vital signs
 Multifetal/multiple
 Ultrasound should be recorded
 Assess the woman’s level of
 Oligohydramnios

 Rh incompatibility Internal Version

 The fetus is turned by the
- you are to avoid the
physician who inserts a hand
into the uterus and changes
separation or the mixing of
the presentation to cephalic
or podalic (feet)
the fetal maternal blood .
 May be used in multifetal
pregnancies to deliver the
 Unexplained third
second fetus.
- especially this happens if the
trimester bleeding
baby is not yet fully engaged, so
the baby would still turn.
- there will be some unknown
- upon internal exam, the doctor
will notice that there has been a
bleeding or clotting factors
change on the presentation of the
baby, provided that it is not on
disorder that happens to the
a transverse, then this can be
mother or not yet diagnosed
- maybe used in multifetal
pregnancy to deliver the second
and this would promote

possible for hemorrhage later


 Ruptured amniotic


 History of premature labor

Nursing Responsibilities:
 Continuously monitor FHR
especially bradychardia  Lack of anesthesia

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
- there has to be an anesthesia spinal column at S2, S3, and S4.
because this is internally done When the perineum is initiating
before the baby is out for the pain, anesthetic pain relief
delivery. must block these lower receptor
 Unskilled health care team sites. Some interventions
member in internal podalic relieve pain for both the first
version and second stages of labor whereas
 Retracted cervix or others work for one stage but not
contracted thickened uterus. both.
- the uterus has to be on a relaxed - because we all know nothing is
state and there has to be an a subjective.
anesthesia in order to perform
internal version.  So the pain that the mother
feels could be different from
the other. One person might
have a higher threshold of
- pain in peripheral terminals is pain compared to the other.
automatically reduced by the
production of endorphins and
Intrapartum pain experience
encephalins, naturally occurring
opiates that limit transmission Pain
of pain from the end terminals. - any sentation of discomfort
Pain can be reduced further at - a subjective symptom
these end points by mechanically
irritating nerve fibers through Subtle signs of pain:
an action such as rubbing the skin, - facial tenseness
which blocks nerve transmission. - flushing or paleness
- rapid breathing, rapid PR
A major way to block spinal cord - fisted hands
neurotransmitters (i.e., never - muscle tension
allowing the pain impulse to cross - muscle activity like pacing,
to a spinal nerves) is by the turning, twisting
administration of pain - nonverbal expressions of pain
medications. In addition, the may include withdrawal,
brain cortex can be distracted hostility, fear or depression
from sensing impulses as pain by - verbal expressions of pain may
such techniques as imagery , include statements of pain,
thought stopping, and perhaps moaning or groaning
aromatherapy or yoga.
Sensory impulses from the  contracting of the uterus
perineum, which is involved in the  stretching of the cervix
second stage of labor are carried during dilation and
by the pudendal nerve to join the effacement

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
- DILATION is the opening of equipment, this would lessen the
the cervix, if basement is anxiety and lessen the pain felt
your thinning of the cervix. by the mother.
 Traction on stretching and
displacement of the perineum 2. Provide comfort measures
 Pressure on the presenting - example: backrub (always ask
part of the fetus on tissues permission to the mother)
and surrounding organs such as
urethra, bladder and rectum 3. Encourage comfortable
during descent positioning
 Uterine anoxia due to - position the mother on the left
compressed muscle cells side, you can add additional
during contraction pillows if the mother feels
 Stretching of uterine uncomfortable
ligaments (area of the pelvic
area) 4. Assist with prepared
 Distention of the lower childbirth exercises (e.g.
uterine segment breathing exercise, Lamaze)
 Compression of the nerve distraction by focusing on
ganglia in the cervix and external object, therapeutic
lower uterine segment during touch, muscle therapy, guided
the contraction. imagery, hypnosis
- it has to be done prior to the
active stage of labor as much as
Intrapartum Pain Management
- you have to orient your patient
Goals: and teach your patient of some of
1. To provide maximal relief of this non-pharmacological pain
pain management so that this would
2. To provide maximal safety for facilitate and help you during the
the mother and the fetus active phase of labor.
3. To facilitate labor and
delivery as a positive family Nonpharmacologic Methods:
experience 1. Support from a doula or couch
Nonpharmacologic Pain - woman who is experienced in
Management: childbirth and postpartum
1. Reduce anxiety with support.
explanations of the labor - may hold certificates as
process. birth or postpartum doulas.
- if we are able to educate our - increase woman’s self esteem,
patient and explain the speed the labor process, and
procedures that we will be doing improve breastfeeding success
to her even attaching, monitoring as well as decrease rates of

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
oxytocinaugmentation, there will be a removal of
epidural anesthesia, cesarean anxiety and fear.
birth, and postpartum - if there is no tension built
complications. up there will be less pain to
the client.
 Support group or individual
who could teach women of the Lamaze Method
possible outcome of the (Psychoprophylactic)
pregnancy or birth or delivery
itself would help the mother. - combine’s relaxation,
concentration, focusing and
2. Hypnosis complex well-paced breathing
- used for relief in both patterns to reduce the
obstetrics and surgical perception of pain through a
patients conditioned response to labor
- reduces or eliminates the contractions.
need for depressant drugs
Bradley Method (Husband - Coached
3. Acupressure Childbirth)
- your pressure points
- husband takes an active role
4. Yoga in assisting the woman to
- teaches relaxation, relax during labor and use
concentration and “complete correct breathing techniques
breathing” ( combination of - focuses on slow breathing
abdominal and chest and deep relaxation for labor
breathing) - focuses on reduced
responsiveness to external
Dick-Read Method stimuli
- emphasized the use of - focuses on the role of the
relaxation and proper male partner as coach
breathing with contractions
as well as family support and Pharmacologic Pain Manageent:
- provides information on 1. Narcotic Analgesics
labor and birth as well as
nutrition, hygiene and - given in labor because of
exercise. analgesic effect
- it is the total control of - contraindicated in preterm
your pain wherein if the labor because it is a CNS and
patient is more or less almost respiratory depressant.
the same with doulas, there
will be an explanation on why Examples:
these things happen so that

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
 Demerol (meperidine  Oral analgesic like
hydrochloride) acetominophen are given
- has additional sedative and
antispasmodic actions 1. PCA - Patient Controlled
- Given IM or IV Analgesia
- Crosses the placental barrier - A method of pain control
thereby causing fetal - Patient administer doses of
depression IV narcotic analgesic
- Fetal liver takes 2-3 hours to
activate the drug so must be 2. TENS - Transcutaneous Nerve
given 3 hours away from birth Stimulation
- Transmission of electrical
 Morphine Sulfate impulses/ current across the
 Nalbuphine (Nubain) skin
 Fentanyl (Sublimaze) - Two electrodes are
 Naloxone (Narcan) - narcotic positioned on each side of the
antagonist should be abdominal surgical incision
available - Effective in controlling
- it is a must if the client pain
has a possibility or is given
Demerol, Morphine, Nalbuphine, REGIONAL ANESTHESIA
Fentanyl and Naloxone on hand - injection of a local anesthesia
since it is your antagonist to block specific nerve pathways
from this narcotics. interspace.
- narcotics would cause CNS
and respiratory Spinal Anesthesia
depression,not just on the - injection of bupivacaine
baby but also the mother. (Marcaine) into the subarachnoid
space at the level of 3rd and 4th
2. Sedative-Hypnotics and lumbar interspace
Ataratics (compliments the - block nerves and suspend
action of narcotics) sensation and motion to the black
nerves and suspend sensation and
 Secobarbital sodium (Seconal) motion to the lower extremities,
- to encourage rest perineum and lower abdomen.
 Promethazine (Phenergan) - to
decrease anxiety Major Complications:
 Hypotension - validation

Post-op Pain:
- turn the woman to her left
side to reduce a vena cava
 Narcotic analgesia given with compression
a PCA pump for the 1st to 48
hours after the surgery  Spinal Headache

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
- Administer analgesic
- advise to lie flat

 Epidural - introduced in the

epidural space
- blocks the sympathetic nerve
in order to increase
contraction strength and
blood flow to the uterus.
- Side effect: Spinal headache
rarely happens
- otherwise known as PAINLESS

Local Anesthesia
( Pudendal Block/Pudendal Nerve
 Injection in the right or left
pudendal nerves at the level
of the ischial spine
 Used with heart problem,  Position mother in the dorsal
pulmonary disease recumbent position
 Used in diabetic mother  Provides relief of perineal
 Check FHR and maternal blood
 Induced hypotension pressure
 Takes effects and after 2 to
10 mins and lasts for 60 mins
Nursing Responsibilities:
 Start IV to hydrate the mother - given if there will be a
and for emergency purposes Physiography or the repair of the
 Elevate leg surgical side of your episiotomy.
 Administer oxygen

General Anesthesia
 Never preferred for
childbirth because of dangers

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
of hypoxia, possible
Common indications for
inhalation of vomitus.

cesarean section include:

1. Dystocia
 Inhalant (nitroud axide, 2. Placenta previa
Halothanol) and Intravenous 3. Fetal distress

Drugs that should be readily Other conditions requiring

available: cesarean may include:

1. Ephedrine - used when blood 1. Multiple births
pressure falls 2. Large tumors of the uterus
2. Atropine Sulfate - to dry and 3. Genital herpes or other
respiratory secretions to prevent infections
aspiration 4. Uncontrolled diabetes or
3. Thiopental Sodium - rapid hypertension
induction of a general anesthetic
in an emergency
Before the procedure:
4. Succinylcholine - to achieve
laryngeal relaxation for
intubation in an emergency 1. IV line
5. Diazepam - to control 2. Catheter
convulsions, a reaction to 3. Regional or general anesthesia
6. Isoproterenol - to reduce
After the procedure:
bronchospasm if aspiration should
1. 3-5 day hospital stay
2. Breastfeed, nap when the baby
sleeps, and get out of bed
3. 6-8 weeks for full recovery
A surgical procedure in which the 4. Scar lightens as it heals
newborn is delivered through the
abdomen from the incision made
through the maternal abdomen and
the uterine myometrium
Done to preserve the life of the 1. Scheduled Cesarean Section
mother and her fetus 2. Emergency Cesarean Section

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
Indications of CS: - more blood loss
- risk for rupture of the uterus
Maternal factors - higher incidence of infection
- severe hypertension during Low Segment Incision
pregnancy - most common type
- active genital herpes - a.k.a. Pfannenstiel incision or
inspection bikini incision
- previous cesarean section

Fetal factors
- transverse fetal lie
- breech presentation
- Fetal distress
- Extreme low birth weight
- macrosomia
- multiple gestation

Placental factors
- placenta previa
- abruptio placenta

Classical Incision Advantages:

- made vertically - less uterine rupture
- Less blood loss
- easier to suture
- less likely to cause postpartum
or gastrointestinal

- visual area is small
- prone to infection (located near
the perineum (located near the
- impractical for emergency
cesarean section
- bigger space for the baby
- larger version, less possible MATERNAL RISK FACTORS:
Can be used in placenta previa - pulmonary embolism
- wound infection
Disadvantages: - hemorrhage

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
- Injuries to the bladder or bowel wearing of hospital gown, remove
nail polish
Effects of Surgery: - Gastrointestinal tract prep
1. stress response (enema)
 Epinephrine - increase HR, - Baseline intake and output
blood glucose level, determination
bronchial dilation - Hydration (IVF is given)
 Norepinephrine with - Preoperative meds:
circulatory function - IM Cimetadine (tagamet) -
decrease stomach secretions
2. Interference with body - No citrate (Bicarta) -
defenses neutralize stomach secretions
- Prepare the client’s chart and
3. Interference with circulatory surgery checklist
function - Transport mother to operationg
 Extensive blood loss - room for delivery
hypovolemia, lowered BP

4. Interference with body organ In the Operating Room

function - skin preparation
- Administration of anesthesia by
5. Interference with self - image anesthesiologists
or self - esteem - Surgical procedure
- Birth of the infant
- Immediate newborn and mother
Pre-operative interview care
- establish operative risk - Woman is transferred to the
- person must be in the best recovery room
possible physical and
psychological fit before surgery

Nursing Problems:
Preoperative diagnostic
procedures - Fear related to impending
- Vital signs determination - Pain r/t a surgical incision
- Urinalysis - Deficient fluid volume related
- Blood studies (CBC) to blood loss from surgery
- Serum electrolytes and pH - Powerlessness r/t medical need
- Blood typing and crossmatching for episiotomy or cesarean birth
- Sonogram - Risk for anxiety r/t
- Immediate pre-operative care unanticipated circumstances
measures surrounding birth
- Obtain informed consent - Risk for infection related to
- Overall hygiene-shower, surgical procedure

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.
- Risk for hemorrhage related to
surgical procedure
- Risk for impaired parent-infant
attachment related to unplanned
method of birth
- altered skin integrity r/t
surgical incision
- High risk for altered peripheral
tissue perfusion related to
immobility during and after

Bandiola, Jovelyn P.

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