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School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be University)

Course Plan

Master of Business Administration

MBA 23: Research Methodology
Course Code & Name
Second Trimester

Hours & Credits (1 Credit = 10 30 hours, 3 Credits

Dr. Joseph Durai Selvam
Course Anchor
Dr. Hemalatha R
Dr. Malini Nair
Course Facilitators at – Bangalore -
Central Campus Dr. Padma Mahadevan
Dr. Sivakantha Setty
Dr. Ramanatha H R
Course Facilitators at – Bangalore -
Kengeri Campus Dr. Rajashree kamath

Course Facilitators at – Bangalore - Dr. Jyothi Kumar

BGR Campus
Course Facilitators at – Delhi - NCR Prof. Babita Jha
Course Facilitators at – Pune – Prof.Danish Hussain
Dr. J.Joseph Durai Selvam
School of Business and Management
Bangalore Kengeri Campus,
Course Anchor & Faculty Contact
Christ (Deemed to be University)
Mysore Road, Bangalore 560074
Faculty Cabin No 278 (Second floor)
Ext No: 9509

Course Name: Research Methodology Course Code: MBA 233
Total number of hours: 30 hours Credits: 3
Course This course is offered as a common core course in the second trimester. The course
Description aims to develop a research orientation among students thereby making their
managerial decision-making process scientific. The course covers all the elements of
the business research process including problem discovery, literature review, research
design, data collection, and data analysis using software applications, interpretation
and reporting of results. It provides a knowledge base on the steps in a research
process that are needed to conceptualize, define, design, and execute a business
research project.
Course On having completed this course student should be able:
Objectives  To identify management problems and convert them into research problems.
 To choose appropriate research methods based on the research problem.
 To identify suitable measures and sources of information for literature review
and data collection.
 To construct research instruments for collecting the required data.
 To recommend suitable courses of action, based on statistical analysis of the

Terminology** AACSB NBA

Program Learning Goals (PLGs) Program Outcomes (POs)
Program Learning Objective (PLO)
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Course Outcomes (COs)

Progamme Learning Goals –Course Objective Matrix (AACSB)/ NBA


o T
1 Develop the research 3 1 1, 2 2 2.1 PO7 (3)
proposal for the selected
research problem.
2 Apply different methods 3 2 2 4 4.1 PO2 (1)
of research based on the
selected research
3 Identify suitable 3 3 2, 3 2 2.1 PO2 (2)
measures and sources of
information for data
4 Construct research 3 4 3 4 4.1 PO2 (3)
instruments for collecting
the required data.
5 Determine fact-based 5 5 3 4 4.3 PO2 (3)
decisions, based on
statistical analysis of the

 When the correlation between CO and PO is more, the level is HIGH (3)
 When the correlation between CO and PO is medium, the level is MEDIUM (2)
 When the correlation between CO and PO is low, the level is LOW (1)

Course Mapping
Unit Unit details Week CO-PO Exercises Hours per Pedagogy (teaching Resource/ Reference details
number (starting week learning methods
and end used)/ activities and
dates) or class trips/ dates
for assessment
Case: Investigating
Business Research: Concepts,
diversity and
Research skills, types of Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
inclusion at OilCo in
research, manager-researcher (2016). Research
Saunders, M., Lewis, Lecture & Case Study
relationship, limitations of CO1- Methodology Concepts and
I Week 1 P., & Thornhill, A. 1.5 discussion
research. Research Problem PO7 Cases. Vikas Publishing
(2019). Research
Definition - Problem House, New Delhi.
methods for business
definition, hypothesis, Chapter 1
students. Pearson
variables and measurement.
education. Harlow
Research process, designing a
research study, Sampling Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
design, Resource allocation (2016). Research
and budgets, Scheduling of Week 1 CO1- Lecture & discussion Methodology Concepts and
I 1.5
projects. Research Proposal: &2 PO7 Cases. Vikas Publishing
Purpose, Proposal House, New Delhi.
development, types, structuring Chapter 2
the proposal and valuation.
Research design – and
Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
overview, the basic stages of
(2016). Research
research design, classification
Week 3 CO2- Lecture & discussion Methodology Concepts and
II of research designs – 4.5
&4 PO2 Cases. Vikas Publishing
Descriptive, causal,
House, New Delhi.
longitudinal, cross – sectional,
Chapter 3
Experimental and Exploratory.
Case: Gaining and
Research in ethics. Ethical Saunders, M., Lewis, P., &
maintaining Lecture & Case Study
treatment of participants, CO2- Thornhill, A.
II Week 4 fieldwork access with 1.5 discussion
obligation towards sponsors, PO2 (2019). Research methods for
researchers, team members, business students. Pearson

consultants in
Saunders, M., Lewis,
and society. Professional P., & Thornhill, A.
education. Harlow
standards. Resources for (2019). Research
Chapter 6
ethical awareness. methods for business
students. Pearson
education. Harlow
Sources of Data: Primary Case: Using social
versus Secondary data, Library media for research in Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
research, Literature review, use Saunders, M., Lewis, (2016). Research
of internet. Data collection Week 5 CO3- P., & Thornhill, A. Lecture & Case Study Methodology Concepts and
III 4.5
design: Qualitative - Focus &6 PO2 (2019). Research Cases. Vikas Publishing
group discussion, Projective methods for business House, New Delhi.
techniques, Depth interview, students. Pearson Chapter 5 & 6
Observation and Surveys. education. Harlow
Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
Measurement: Nature, data
(2016). Research
types, sources of measurement
CO3- Lecture & discussion Methodology Concepts and
III differences, characteristics of Week 6 1.5
PO2 Cases. Vikas Publishing
sound measurement, validity
House, New Delhi.
and reliability.
Chapter 7
Scaling Design: Definition,
classification, response Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
methods, rating and ranking (2016). Research
scales, scale construction, CO4- Lecture & discussion Methodology Concepts and
IV Week 7 3
arbitrary scale, graphic scale, PO2 Cases. Vikas Publishing
Itemized rating scales. House, New Delhi.
Instrument Design: Types of Chapter 7
data collection instruments.
IV Questionnaire construction - Week 8 CO4- 3 Lecture & discussion Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
structure - content, Wording - PO2 (2016). Research
sequence, Response strategy, Methodology Concepts and
Instrument refining. Cases. Vikas Publishing
Experimentation: Nature, House, New Delhi.
Evaluation, Conducting an Chapter 8 & 4

experiment - Randomized
designs - Completely
randomized design (CRD) and
Randomized block design
Overview of hypothesis Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
testing- t-test, F-test, Chi- (2016). Research
Week 9
square test, Correlation, CO5- Lecture & Workshop Methodology Concepts and
V & Week 6
Multiple Regression, PO2 Cases. Vikas Publishing
Discriminant analysis, Factor House, New Delhi.
analysis Chapter 12, 15, 16 and 17
Chawla, D., & Sodhi, N.
Report Presentation: Short and (2016). Research
long report - Research report CO5- Lecture & discussion Methodology Concepts and
V Week 10 1.5
components - Report writing – PO2 Cases. Vikas Publishing
Presentation – oral and written. House, New Delhi.
Chapter 20


Component Description Units Maximum Weightage Total

CIA1 Research Problem Identification I 20 20 % 20
CIA2 Mid-term I, II, III 25 25 % 25
CIA3 Group Assignement III, IV, V 20 20 % 20
ETE End-term All units 30 30 % 30
Attendance 5 5% 5
Total 100 100% 100

CIA 1- Research Problem Identification (20 Marks)
Assignment Description (Individual):
Students should select a company or an industry, from that they should identify two management
problems requiring action, investigation and/or decision by the company or industry (it can be any
functional area, for e.g.: marketing, human resources, finance, operations, systems). The identified
management problems should be translated into research problems. This should include the following:
 Identify the problem definition very clearly, ensuring that it is aligned with the proposed
research problems.
 Outline the evidence to support the problems with recent practitioner sources (any secondary
information related to the company or industry).
 Identify the major concepts and terms related to the research problems; these should be
defined well with proper academic citations.
 Construct the research questions or hypotheses clearly and accurately.
 Plan the timeline and budget to be presented. If possible, the timeline can be given in a Gannt
Word limit: 1000 - 1500 words maximum (excluding the title, contents page, and references)

Submission Date: __________________

CIAI Rubrics

Program Learning Goals PLG 2: Functional Knowledge and Application

Program Learning Objectives PLO 2.1: Understand the context of business problem and suggest solutions

Total Marks 20 Marks

Criteria / Weightage/PLO Very Good (4) Good (3) Average(2) Needs Improvement(1)

Identify the research problem CO1- Management problems are Management problems are Management problems are Management problems are too
PO7 stated very clearly and stated but one or both are not stated but there is a lack of broad. Selected research
aligned with the proposed stated in a clear and concise coherence between the problems are not aligned with
research problems. manner. Aligned with the selected management the stated problems.
proposed research problems. problems and proposed
research problems.

Outline the evidence to support CO1- Engaging review of Brings out key issues from Review focuses are based on Basic review, purely descriptive
the problem PO7 relevant, and recent the professional sources on unprofessional sources and and lacking structured argument
practitioner sources to the topic but misses more discussions are descriptive for the management problems
support the management subtle points and recent and superficial. and no justification for the
and research problems. developments to justify the research problems.
management problems.

Identify the major concepts and CO1- Definitions of major Definitions of major concepts Definitions of major concepts Definitions of major concepts
terms related with the research PO7 concepts and terms, and terms, relevant to the and terms are incorporated, and terms are somewhat
problem relevant to the research research problems, are still there is a scope for incorporated into the research
problems, are concisely adequately incorporated. adding more concepts. problems.

Construct the research question CO1- Research questions or Research questions or Research questions or Research questions or
or hypothesis PO7 hypothesis statements are hypothesis statements are hypothesis statements are hypothesis statements are not
clearly and accurately identified but one or more are identified but are not very identified or defined.

identified. unclear. accurately stated.

Plan the timeline and budget CO1- Budget and timeline are Budget and/or timeline are Budget and/or timeline are Budget and/or timeline are
PO7 adequate to support the present but not very well present but not adequate to missing, or the timeline is
project activities, costs are defined, and are not easy to support the research. beyond our suggested time.
reasonable in relation to understand.
the objectives of the
project, and the budget is
clear to understand.
*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on assignments

CIA 2 – Mid Term Exam 50 marks

Section A (Three Questions) - 30 Marks

Q1 – CO1 (Business Research and Research Process) – PO7 - 10 marks PLG2

Q2 – CO2 (Hypothesis Development and Research Design) – PO2 - 10 marks PLG4

Q3 – CO3 (Sources of Data) – PO2 – 10 marks – PLG2

Section B – Case study (unit -II) – 20 Marks -CO2- PO2 and PO7 – PLG4

CIA II Rubrics

Program Learning PLG 4: Critical Thinking

Program Learning PLO 4.1: Apply data-based decision making to address business problems
Total Marks 50 Marks
Criteria / CO- Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Average(2) Needs Improvement(1)
Weightage/PLO PO

Outline the research CO1 Manageable number of Research objectives are Research objectives Research Research objectives are
objective -PO7 research objectives that are stated but one or more are stated but there is objectives are too not achievable and
clear and aligned with the are not stated in a clear lack of coherence broad and not aligned with stated
stated research purpose, and concise manner. between research aligned with research purpose,
problem and scope. purpose, problem stated research problem and scope.
and scope. purpose, problem
and scope.
Choose appropriate CO2 Research design for collecting Research design for Research design for Research design Research design for
research design -PO2 and analyzing data is collecting and collecting and for collecting and collecting and analyzing
thoroughly discussed with analyzing data is analyzing data is analyzing data is data to support research
respect to the research adequately discussed minimally discussed discussed but objectives is not
objectives. with respect to the relative to the inconsistent with discussed.
research objectives. research objectives. the research

Select the key CO1 Key variables relevant to the Key variables relevant Key variables are One or more key Key variables are not
research variables -PO7 research problem and to the research problem incorporated into variables are left relevant to the research
from the case objective are accurately and objective are research design, but out from the problem or objectives.
incorporated into the research incorporated into the one or more research design.
design. research design, but variables are not
there is scope for relevant.
adding more variables.
Identify the CO2 All relevant challenges/ Only main challenges/ Reasonable number Little attempt to Irrelevant challenges/
challenges/ problems -PO2 problems of the proposed problems of the of challenges/ address problems, and missing
related to current study are considered, with proposed study are problems of the challenges/ key issues that
research in term of appropriate ideas to address considered, with good proposed study are problems. undermine the proposed
limitation, scope and these and minimise the ideas to address these considered, with Lacking study.
ethical issues challenges. and minimise the basic ideas to appropriate ideas
challenges. address these. to remedy these.
*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on assignments

CIA 3 – Research Report
Components of CIA-III                                                                                        20 Marks
Research Report - Assignment Description
For this assignment, students (as a group) should select one business research problem. From this,
students should explain the research problem and objectives briefly (200 words). After that, the report
should include the following sections.
 Students should justify the research method they chose and why it was selected. Also,
students should elaborate on how to get samples, what variables/relationships students looked
at, and what questions asked in the surveys (students need not mention every single question
here, but the student should put the questionnaire in an appendix).
 Based on the collected data, students should use appropriate quantitative techniques to
analyse the research data.
 The interpretation of the results should be thoughtful and insightful.
 The research work should be presented with a proper conclusion, and it should match the
research problem, objectives, and findings.
 Suggestions should be discussed based on the results, and it has to be relevant to the business
problem. Also, the students should provide accurate references (APA 7th edition) for all
researched or quoted material.
Word limit: 3000 - 4000 words maximum (but excluding title, contents page, references and

Submission Date: __________________

CIA III Rubrics

Program Learning Goals PLG 4: Critical Thinking

Program Learning Objectives PLO 4.1: Apply data-based decision making to address business problems
PLO 4.3: Develop ability to interpret and infer from analysis
Total Marks 50 Marks
Criteria / Weightage/PLO CO- Very Good (4) Good (3) Average(2) Needs Improvement (1)

Choose appropriate research CO3, Provides accurate, Provides description of data Provides description of data Provides description of
plan 4-PO2 thorough description of collected, data sources, plan collected, data sources, plan data collected, data
data collected, data of analysis and instrument of analysis and instrument sources, plan of analysis
sources, plan of analysis development based on current development based on and instrument
and instrument research context, but limited. current research context is development based on
development based on somewhat confusing/not current research context is
current research context. clearly articulated. not articulated sufficiently.
Make use of necessary CO4- Statistical analyses are Statistical analyses are Statistical analyses are Statistical analyses are
statistical tools PO2 appropriate and reason appropriate, but reason for appropriate and reason for inappropriate and/or
for statistical tools statistical tools selection was statistical tools selection reason for statistical tools
selection was discussed not discussed well. was not discussed. selection was not
well. discussed.
Interpretation based on CO5- Results are clearly Results are explained but not Results are not very clearly Results are not clearly
analysis PO2 explained in a as clearly, level of detail is explained, level of detail is explained, level of detail is
comprehensive level of not as sufficient, and there are insufficient, and there are severely insufficient, and
detail and are well- some organizational issues. more organizational issues. there are serious
organized. organizational issues.
Justify the research results with CO5- Conclusions are Conclusions are sufficient but Conclusions of results Conclusions of results
proper conclusion PO2 insightful, are clearly somewhat lacking in lacking in thoughtfulness severely lacking in
informed by the study’s thoughtfulness and insight, and insight, are not clearly thoughtful ness and
results, and thoroughly are not as clearly informed by informed by the study’s insight, are not informed
address how they the study’s results, and do not results, and do not by the study’s results, and
supported, refuted, as thoroughly address how adequately address how do not address how they
and/or informed the they supported, refuted, they supported, refuted, supported, refuted, and/or
hypotheses/ and/or informed the and/or informed the informed the hypotheses/

propositions. hypotheses/ propositions. hypotheses/ propositions. propositions.
Recommend the suitable CO5- Recommended Recommended implications Recommended implications Recommended
implications PO2 implications are highly are relevant based on analysis are inconsistent with the implications are general
relevant based on - detailed academic support analysis and without any and not based on analysis
analysis - detailed and aligned with the selected academic support - limited - No business relevance.
academic support and business problem. discussion on the business
aligned with the selected context.
business problem.
*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on assignments

Prepared by
(Faculty in-charge) Reviewed by Approved by


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