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LAB Page No.


Hay trnd ont t bedlo Caámian Jh a k .

Rham deythuward hy efes does t t u
did he wthak
ind and when?
eA pressin veinson jy 'Sugast?

o u ba a
The TnStLle Lwtm ound
0SR'S leéd of himson peday fu Ha

Petals o H eose und jos îudicakey As

PRasunL ay olss So,tthe expressina
Cisan jy' Sugaes taPlysical-
Pleaswra m Sensuality e l a rsse.H
also 3u99est thsdestauckism o its

2Lhet is du allugaical 3iquifitanee o

HPoem * The Sick Rose

williom Blaks fotum ue Sick Rese? ?s_an

allegary n HuSeuseo Hfetk vtsualíza-

eLaunk4hStazy ef ai nnotemkaud
heanhieud auwtio ds loyeed and
fundentd l_ana muksibla_wom lzfu
in a Sethuyuguh B e 4 has 4 eak
ndenips ueaáug legaically, uPom
eapreig a eaiitiful and innocean
dy sho ig Seduced by _an ufacth fd
arnd daceitful man. Lnnotute is dyhoyed
oy h e taPerdente, n d h oHhrhand, Itmy
be Soidhat h beaulHul olje ofuakn
ar aways dgroyed bythe eKI GevT Ces
decay, dleath aud degentvahn.
Paga No,.

T$IkRose (Hca)
The-Poem cfeus_wit ta speake addange
(i Love czSckns, () wem,

2 _Lwaed misibledes cibes-

l u e Lwam )He eosl, the bed
()he lxfeience.
(B Tae ro_Symbotisas-
S n t a a l Saluakim, e s s e f Panacn ce
eeaial beauky, eifevate
Tar niaht _den th turma Cousto destza

Caln aud toaugdl 2ainy, shilly,

Ha ndt dlay bedhere Hayrefes
t u om, h ealgtk, hL rteiunaneof

(2Te Rega's oy =
AguAmanine, sCarlek, Cimjon,
( P VADmiim.-

a Suwesnakiad Spiit, T a Secretive l

Sadan, ( )Hhe llain,

jeyfd, sedated, Conktnt, sakated

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