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Your Civilization
You have in the last weeks been looking into various
civilizations such as the Sumerians, Phoenicians,
Persians and Egypt. In those Civilizations you have
looked into their rise, fall and the peak of their
civilization. Now it is time to apply what you have
worked with and create your own civilization.

Your Civilization Task 1:

Before we can make our own civilization, it is important to create a foundation. Use your
understanding of civilizations to explain what the importance of the characteristics in the table
below is for a civilization.

Characteristics Importance (Why does a Civilization need?)

StableFood to survive and extra to use for trade.


Government to direct people's behavior and make life orderly.

Religious a system of beliefs and behaviors that deal with the meaning of existence.

Developed culture culture provides important social and economic benefits.

Social Hierarchy/ to organize social groups in order to allocate limited resources, such as
structure mates and food

Technology It changed the way people lived, how they lived, how they worked, and
where they worked.

Developed allows civilizations to record their own history and everyday events

Each characteristic holds 0,5 possible points for a well explained importance.


Your Civilization task 2:

Now that you have
explained the importance of
the characteristics, it is time
to test yourself. Apply your
understanding of the
characteristics in order to
create your own
Remember to Name it.

Choose one of the options below to work with your idea:

A. You can model your civilization on another civilization such as Ancient Egypt, Persia or
Sumer. Be sure that you have included your understanding of civilizations in your own
words. You can draw connections between the civilizations and elaborate.
Remember: You can not copy the civilization.

B. In this option you will be applying your understanding of civilizations without modeling
off another civilization. In this option you will evaluate the characteristics and create your
own ancient civilization from scratch. Elaborate in your own words what your
civilization would look like.

C. In this option you will create a jigsaw puzzle from Civilizations of the past. Use your
understanding of civilizations to take characteristics from other civilizations you have
been working with to create your own civilization.
Explain how the characteristics of your civilization originate from specific civilizations
and how they work together with the other characteristics you have chosen.

Maximum 500-word limit, Minimum 250-word limit (digital) or 3 Pages maximum, 1.5 minimum

Rubric Criteria Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 1 Points: 0

Elaboration and The student has The student has The student The student The student
transferral of the formulated explained the has included has mentioned has not
characteristics of themself, importance of 5 and explained some mentioned the
civilization into elaborated well and characteristics of 3 of the characteristics characteristics
their work. transferred their civilizations in characteristics and tried to or their
understanding of their work. in their work. explain their importance.
the 7 importance.
characteristics of
civilizations in
their work.

Creating their The Student has The Student has The student The student The student
own civilization designed a well formulated a well has has mentioned has recalled
while skillfully thought out and thought out and demonstrated some of the some of the
incorporating the structured structured their characteristics characteristics
7 characteristics civilization that civilization that understanding of but not
of civilizations. includes the 7 includes 5 of civilizations civilizations defined their
characteristics of characteristics of and used 3 and tried to civilization.
society in a logical society in a characteristics explain their
way. logical way. of civilization.

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