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1.Diseases such as smallpox have still to be eradicated. STAMPED

Diseases such as smallpox …………………………………………………………….. yet.
2.John was nominated for the post of treasurer by two committee members. FORWARD
John has …………………………………………………………….. the post of treasurer by two committee members.
3.If you receive any mail for me after I've gone would you be kind enough to forward it to me? SEND
Please could you …………………………………………………………….. that arrives for me after I've gone.
4.The colour of that dress showed off her complexion. ENHANCED
Her complexion …………………………………………………………….. the colour of that dress.
5.As part of his new year's resolution he has renounced cigarettes and bad food. UP
He decided …………………………………………………………….. cigarettes and bad food in the new year.
6.They are building a new car park next to the shopping centre. PUT
A new car park …………………………………………………………….. next to the shopping centre.
7.You should erase any mistakes on the exam script. OUT
Any mistakes on the exam script may …………………………………………………………….. a soft eraser.
8.The government suppressed all the details of the financial scandal. UP
Details of the financial scandal …………………………………………………………….. the government.
9.It was really unexpected when my football team achieved the result it did. TIME
At …………………………………………………………….. my football team to do as well as it did.
10.If there is an accident phone the emergency services. OF
Phone the emergency services …………………………………………………………….. an accident.
11.I couldn't have bought that motorbike unless my mother had agreed to pay the monthly repayments. BUT
………………………………………….. agreeing to pay the monthly repayments I could never have bought that motorbike.
12.I have a lot of respect for his writing style although I don't agree with the opinions he expresses. MUCH
…………………………………………………………….. his writing style, I don't agree with his opinions.
13.We would have missed our connecting train if we had not caught the earlier plane. NOT
Had …………………………………………………………….. the earlier plane, we would have missed our connecting train.
14.Even though her C grade in Proficiency was´t quite as high as she had expected, it was still a good result. IF
Her grade C in the Proficiency exam, …………………………………………………………….. , was still a good result.
15.Purchases may be refunded within seven days. MIND
Should ……………………………………………….. your purchase you have up to seven days to bring it back for a refund.
16.Providing that you make up the time later in the week, you can take Monday off. CONDITION
You can have the day off on Monday ……………………………………………….. make up the time later in the week.
17.Until she passes her medical exams, she is as qualified to be a doctor as I am. MORE
Until she passes her medical exams, she ……………………………………………….. qualified to be a doctor than I am.
18.It has warmed up considerably compared to yesterday. NEARLY
It is …………………………………………………………….. yesterday.
19.Mandy and her mother are as beautiful as each other. BIT
Mandy is …………………………………………………………….. her mother.
20.I don't like either candidate but Michael Jones is not quite as bad. LESSER
I don't like either candidate but Michael Jones is the ……………………………………………………………..
21.Not as many people attend the gym now as when it first opened. LOT
There are a …………………………………………………………….. the gym now as when it first opened.
22.Her son thinks he's really clever but he isn't. HALF
Her son isn't …………………………………………………………….. he think he is.
23."Why don't you listen when I talk to you?" said my wife. PAYING
My wife accused me of …………………………………………………………….. when she was talking.
24.Seeing as you broke the window you shouldn't have said someone else was responsible. BLAME
It was wrong of you to …………………………………………………………….. someone else after you broke the window.
25.I used to try winning arguments against Jonathan but I eventually decided there was no point. CONCLUSION
I have ……………………………………………………………that it is pointless trying to win n argument against Jonathan.
26.Doctors believe that people who smoke regularly are more likely to die prematurely. LINK
Doctors believe that a strong …………………………………………………………….. smoking snd premature death
27.When I forgot to do the washing up my mother became really angry with me. LOST
My mother …………………………………………………………….. me because I forgot to do the washing up.
28.The conflict between the two political parties will carry on for a long time. MEANS
The conflict between the two political parties is …………………………………………………………….. over
29.I didn't expect to enjoy the concert performance as much as I did. SURPASSED
The concert performance ……………………………………………………………..
30.That the company is losing money is something that must be accepted. FACE
The company must …………………………………………………………….. it is losing money.
31.Don´t let Sarah's carefree attitude deceive you; she´s an extremely conscientious worker. TAKEN
Don´t let …………………………………………………Sarah's carefree attitude; she's an extremely conscientious worker.

32.Fred didn't tell Sophie his news until she had finished her homework. FOR
Fred …………………………………………………………….. telling her his news.
33.Although I am angry about what happened in no circumstances would I want anyone to intervene on my behalf. LAST
Although I am angry about what happened, the …………………………………………………………….. anyone to intervene on
my behalf.
34.There is a rumour that the company lost over $20 million during the price war. SUSTAINED
The company is rumored …………………………………………………………….. over $20 million pounds during the price war.
35.I ought to have had the roof repaired in the summer, rather than leaving it until the autumn. BETTER
It ………………………………………………….. had the roof repaired in the summer rather than leaving it until the autumn.
36.Alex made regular calls to his parents while travelling abroad. KEPT
Alex …………………………………………………………….. his parents by phone while travelling abroad.
37.Although Maria hasn't said so, we can be sure that she will want to come to the party. READ
We can …………………………………………………………….. Maria will want to come to the party.
38.Shall we split the cost of a taxi into town? HALVES
Why …………………………………………………………….. a taxi into town?
39.It wasn't until I started college that I knew I wasn't suited to being a lawyer. CUT
I only knew that…………………………………………………………….. a lawyer when I went to college.
40.Trying to get Roger to come with us is an utter waste of time. WHATSOEVER
There.... ……………………………………………………… get Roger to come with us.
41.He doesn't realise the damage the changes will cause. DAMAGING
Little.. ………………………………………………………....... the changes will be.
42.We will only let you take the final exams if you pass this test. ALLOWED
Failing this test will result.... ………………………………………………………...........take the final exams.
43.Pensions have not increased at the same rate as inflation. PACE
Pensions have failed.... ……………………………………………………….... inflation.
44.James has had a cold since Christmas. OVER
James.... ……………………………………………………… Christmas.
45.How do you regard people who exploit the vulnerability of tourists? ATTITUDE
What is ... ………………………………………………………....... advantage of the vulnerability of tourists?
46.At least they'll look after her well at the clinic. HANDS
At least she will ....... ………………………………………………………...... at the clinic.
47.The building urgently needs to be completely renovated. NEED
The building ...... ……………………………………………………….... renovation.
48.Dr Jenkins has not kept up with recent technological developments. TOUCH
Dr Jenkins is ....... ………………………………………………………........ technology.
49.I don't mind working hard on occasions. AVERSE
I .......... ………………………………………………………........ hard work.
50.The standard of her homework is no longer acceptable. SCRATCH
Her homework ..... ……………………………………………………….....recently.
51.If we don't make changes, there will be problems in the future. LONG
There will be problems in ..... ………………………………………………………....... we make changes.
52.In Southern England the police still haven't caught the escaped prisoner. LARGE
The escaped prisoner is..... ………………………………………………………........of England.
53.At first we were not too sure whether to employ Alan or not. DOUBTFUL
At first we....... ……………………………………………………….....Alan.
54.Mussels always make her ill, so don't give her any to eat. ALLERGIC
Don't give her any mussels to eat... ……………………………………………………….........them.
55.During the winter I prefer watching football to playing it. SOONER
During the winter I ...... ………………………………………………………........ it.
56.The factory has been able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% in the last year. SUCCEEDED
The factory .......... ………………………………………………………....... back its CO2 emissions by 50% in the last year.
57.It's a long walk home, so I advise you not to miss the last train. BETTER
It's a long walk home so, .... ………………………………………………………...... the last train.
58.They didn't mention the subject of unpaid holidays until the end of the interview. BRING
Not until the end of the interview ... ………………………………………………………........... the subject of unpaid holidays.
59.Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't think the accident was her fault. RESPONSIBLE
Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't hold ...... ……………………………………………………….....the accident.
60.I had only just got home when the phone rang. SOONER
No .... ……………………………………………………….....the phone rang.
61.She is proud of being able to write clearly. ABILITY
She prides .... ……………………………………………………… write clearly.
62.The government has banned all exports to the country except for food and medicine. EXCEPTION
The government's banned all exports to the country... ……………………………………………………… and medicine.
63.The islanders are proud of the cheese they produce and they also like tourists to try the local honey. TAKE
Not only .. ………………………………………........ the cheese they produce, they also like tourists to try their local honey.
64.I was grateful to them for letting me stay with them while I was in London. APPRECIATED
I...... ……………………………………………………….....up while I was in London.
65.She hated publicity so much that she never gave any interviews to the media. HER
Such .... ……………………………………………………….... of publicity that she never gave any interviews to the media.
66.During her illness, she realized that the only choice she had was to take early retirement. ALTERNATIVE
During her illness, she realized that there..... ……………………………………………………… take early retirement.
67.The President had only just been elected when the opposition party called for his resignation. VOTED
No sooner ... ………………………………………………………..... the opposition party called for his resignation.
68.I'm sure she would do an excellent job if she ever became head of department. WERE
I'm sure she would do an excellent job .. ……………………………………………………….....head of department.
69.It is distinctly possible that I will get promoted in the near future. OF
There is a....... ………………………………………………………........ promoted in the near future.
70.The government has banned all exports to the country except for food and medicine. EXCEPTION
The government has banned all exports to the country .. …………………………………………........ food and medicine.
71.Mussels always make her ill, so don't give her any to eat. ALLERGIC
Don't give her any mussels to eat....... ……………………………………………………….....them.
72.How do you regard people who exploit the vulnerability of tourists? ATTITUDE
What is .... ………………………………………………………...... advantage of the vulnerability of tourists?
73.Trying to get Roger to come with us is an utter waste of time. WATSOEVER
There......... ……………………………………………………… get Roger to come with us.
74.Unless Sam's plans change over the weekend, we'll leave early on Monday morning. NO
Providing... ………………………………………………………......over the weekend, we'll leave early on Monday morning.
75.As far as I know, Simon will be here on Thursday. SUPPOSE
I've.... ……………………………………………………… here on Thursday.
76.The role played by the PR company in securing the government contract was never acknowledged officially. OFFICIAL

At no time ....... ………………………………………………………......... the role the PR company played securing the
government contract.
77.Passengers are absolutely forbidden to cross the railway track. ACCOUNT
On ....... ……………………………………………………… cross the railway track.
78.I have no idea why my email bounced back. LOSS
I........ ……………………………………………………….....why my email bounced back.
79.Felix doesn't intend to make the same mistake again. NO
Felix ...... ………………………………………………………............ the same mistake again.
80.I don't mind staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company. averse
I'm . ……………………………………………………….... night if i have good company
81.The majority of people like to observe customs and traditions. FAVOUR
The majority of people ……………………………………………………….customs and traditions.
82.We are not often invited to meetings at the college. ACCUSTOMED
We are not ……………………………………………………….to meetings at the college.
83.The results show attendance has risen dramatically during the last year. IN
The results show a ……………………………………………………….during the last year.
84.My sister finds commuting everyday really annoying. PUT
It's difficult for my sister ……………………………………………………….commuting every day.
85.The number of participants in the snow festival has reached an all-time high. MUCH
The number of participants in the snow festival is ……………………………………………………….been.
86.The actor's autobiography was published last week. CAME
This ……………………………………………………….out last week
87.I'm so sorry we have to endure this weather. PUT
If only we did ……………………………………………………….this weather
88.Do you think I could disturb you for a moment? WONDERING
I ……………………………………………………….could disturb you for a moment.
89.Pam will never accept the fact that what she believed was a lie. TERMS
Pam will never ……………………………………………………….the fact that what she believed was a lie
90.Mosquito bites are nowhere near as painful as wasp stings. FAR
Mosquito bites are ……………………………………………………….wasp stings
91.Will the elections be a massive victory for the opposition party? RESULT
I wonder ……………………………………………………….a massive victory for the opposition party.
92.The course teaches students to act independently. CAPABLE
Without the course, students ……………………………………………………….independently.
93.Bill said, 'I'll take you to the airport in my car' GIVE
Bill ……………………………………………………….a lift to the airport
94.Everyone believed my neighbour's children claims about once being a famous singer. TAKEN
Everyone ……………………………………………………….my neighbourg's claims about once being a famous singer

95.What did you think about the exam? I couldn't understand the last question at all. HEAD
What did you think about the exam? I couldn't ……………………………………………………….the last question
96. Following some complaints by local residents, the government withdrew its proporsal to build a new runway at the airport.
 The government's proposal to build a new runaway at the airport ……………………………………………………….. some
complaints by local residents
97.The guidelines for the appointment of new staff need to be thoroughly revised. THOROUGH
There needs ………………………………………………………………………. the guidelines for the appointment of new staff
98.The change in the company's logo didn't make any difference to the majority of its customers. CONSEQUENCE
The change in the company's logo …………………………………………………………………………. to the majority of its
99.The constant public attention on famous people must have an effect on them. EYE
 Constantly ………………………………………………………………… must have an effect on famous people
100.I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she was apparently given incorrect train times by our call centre.
I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she seemed …………………………………………. train times by our call centre.


1.haven´t been stamped out
2. been put forward for
3. send on any mail
4. was enhanced by
5. to give up being put up rubbed out with
8. were covered up by
9. no time did I expect
10. in case of
11.But for my mother
12. much as I respect
13.we not caught
14.if a little lower than expected
15. you change your mind about
16. on condition that you
17. is no more
18. not nearly as cold as
19. every bit as beautiful as
20. lesser of the two evils
21.lot fewer people who attend
22. half as clever as
23not paying attention to her
24. put the blame on
25. reached the conclusion
26. link exists between
27. lost her temper with
28. by no means
29. surpassed my expectations
30. face the fact that /face up to the fact that
31. yourself be taken in by
32. waited for Sophie to finish her homework before
33.last thing I would want is for
34. to have sustained a loss of
35. would have been better if I had

36. kept in touch with
37. take it as read
38. don't we go halves on paying
39. I wasn't cut out to be
40. is no point whatsoever in trying
41. does he realise how damaging
42. in your not being allowed to
43. to keep pace with
44. hasn't got over the cold he caught
45. your attitude towards people who take
46. be in good hands
47. is in urgent need of complete
48. out of touch with developments in
49. am not averse to occasional
50. hasn't been up to scratch
51. the long run unless
52. still at large in the South
53. were doubtful about employing
54. as she is allergic to
55. would sooner watch football than play
56. succeeded in cutting
57. you'd better not miss
58. did they bring up
59. her responsible for
60. sooner had I got home than
61. herself on the ability
62. with the exception of
63. do the islanders take pride in
64. appreciated their putting me
65. was her hatred
66. was no other alternative for her but
67. had the President been voted in than
68. were she ever to become
69. distinct likelihood of my getting
70. with the exception of
71. as she is allergic to
72. your attitude towards people who take
73. is no point whatsoever in trying
74. there is no change in Sam's plans
75. got no reason to suppose Simon will not
76. was there any official acknowledgment regarding
77. no account are passengers allowed
78. am at a loss to explain
79. has no intention of making
80. not averse to staying in on a Saturday
81. are in favour of observing
82. accustomed to being invited
83. dramatically rise in attendance
84. to put up with
85. much higher than it has ever
86. is the actor whose autobiography came
87. not put up with
88. was wondering if I
89. come to terms with
90. far more painful than
91. if the elections will result in
92. wouldn't be capable of acting
93. offered to give me/said he would give me
94. was taken in by
95. get my head round
96. as withdrawn in light of
97. to be thorough revision to
98.was of no consequence
99. living in the public eye
100. to have been misinformed about
1.Diseases such as smallpox have still to be eradicated. STAMPED
Diseases such as smallpox …………………………………………………………….. yet.
haven´t been stamped out
2.John was nominated for the post of treasurer by two committee members. FORWARD
John has …………………………………………………………….. the post of treasurer by two committee members.
been put forward for
3.If you receive any mail for me after I've gone would you be kind enough to forward it to me? SEND
Please could you …………………………………………………………….. that arrives for me after I've gone.
send on any mail
4.The colour of that dress showed off her complexion. ENHANCED
Her complexion …………………………………………………………….. the colour of that dress.
was enhanced by
5.As part of his new year's resolution he has renounced cigarettes and bad food. UP
He decided …………………………………………………………….. cigarettes and bad food in the new year.
to give up
6.They are building a new car park next to the shopping centre. PUT
A new car park …………………………………………………………….. next to the shopping centre.
is being put up
7.You should erase any mistakes on the exam script. OUT
Any mistakes on the exam script may …………………………………………………………….. a soft eraser.
be rubbed out with
8.The government suppressed all the details of the financial scandal. UP
Details of the financial scandal …………………………………………………………….. the government.
were covered up by
9.It was really unexpected when my football team achieved the result it did. TIME
At …………………………………………………………….. my football team to do as well as it did.
no time did I expect
10.If there is an accident phone the emergency services. OF
Phone the emergency services …………………………………………………………….. an accident.
in case of
11.I couldn't have bought that motorbike unless my mother had agreed to pay the monthly repayments. BUT
…………………………………………………………….. agreeing to pay the monthly repayments I could never have bought that
But for my mother
12.I have a lot of respect for his writing style although I don't agree with the opinions he expresses. MUCH
…………………………………………………………….. his writing style, I don't agree with his opinions.
much as I respect
13.We would have missed our connecting train if we had not caught the earlier plane. NOT
Had …………………………………………………………….. the earlier plane, we would have missed our connecting train.
we not caught
14.Even though her C grade in Proficiency was´t quite as high as she had expected, it was still a good result. IF
Her grade C in the Proficiency exam, …………………………………………………………….. , was still a good result.
if a little lower than expected
15.Purchases may be refunded within seven days. MIND
Should …………………………………………………………….. your purchase you have up to seven days to bring it back for a
you change your mind about
16.Providing that you make up the time later in the week, you can take Monday off. CONDITION
You can have the day off on Monday …………………………………………………………….. make up the time later in the
on condition that you
17.Until she passes her medical exams, she is as qualified to be a doctor as I am. MORE
Until she passes her medical exams, she …………………………………………………………….. qualified to be a doctor than I
is no more
18.It has warmed up considerably compared to yesterday. NEARLY
It is …………………………………………………………….. yesterday.
not nearly as cold as

19.Mandy and her mother are as beautiful as each other. BIT
Mandy is …………………………………………………………….. her mother.
every bit as beautiful as

20.I don't like either candidate but Michael Jones is not quite as bad. LESSER
I don't like either candidate but Michael Jones is the ……………………………………………………………..
lesser of the two evils
21.Not as many people attend the gym now as when it first opened. LOT
There are a …………………………………………………………….. the gym now as when it first opened.
lot fewer people who attend
22.Her son thinks he's really clever but he isn't. HALF
Her son isn't …………………………………………………………….. he think he is.
half as clever as
23."Why don't you listen when I talk to you?" said my wife. PAYING
My wife accused me of …………………………………………………………….. when she was talking.
not paying attention to her
24.Seeing as you broke the window you shouldn't have said someone else was responsible. BLAME
It was wrong of you to …………………………………………………………….. someone else after you broke the window.
put the blame on
25.I used to try winning arguments against Jonathan but I eventually decided there was no point. CONCLUSION
I have ……………………………………………………………that it is pointless trying to win n argument against Jonathan.
reached the conclusion
26.Doctors believe that people who smoke regularly are more likely to die prematurely. LINK
Doctors believe that a strong …………………………………………………………….. smoking snd premature death
link exists between
27.When I forgot to do the washing up my mother became really angry with me. LOST
My mother …………………………………………………………….. me because I forgot to do the washing up.
lost her temper with
28.The conflict between the two political parties will carry on for a long time. MEANS
The conflict between the two political parties is …………………………………………………………….. over
by no means
29.I didn't expect to enjoy the concert performance as much as I did. SURPASSED
The concert performance ……………………………………………………………..
surpassed my expectations
30.That the company is losing money is something that must be accepted. FACE
The company must …………………………………………………………….. it is losing money.
face the fact that /face up to the fact that
31.Don´t let Sarah's carefree attitude deceive you; she´s an extremely conscientious worker. TAKEN
Don´t let …………………………………………………Sarah's carefree attitude; she's an extremely conscientious worker.
yourself be taken in by
32.Fred didn't tell Sophie his news until she had finished her homework. FOR
Fred …………………………………………………………….. telling her his news.
waited for Sophie to finish her homework before
33.Although I am angry about what happened in no circumstances would I want anyone to intervene on my behalf. LAST
Although I am angry about what happened, the …………………………………………………………….. anyone to intervene on
my behalf.
last thing I would want is for
34.There is a rumour that the company lost over $20 million during the price war. SUSTAINED
The company is rumored …………………………………………………………….. over $20 million pounds during the price war.
to have sustained a loss of
35.I ought to have had the roof repaired in the summer, rather than leaving it until the autumn. BETTER
It ………………………………………………….. had the roof repaired in the summer rather than leaving it until the autumn.
would have been better if I had
36.Alex made regular calls to his parents while travelling abroad. KEPT
Alex …………………………………………………………….. his parents by phone while travelling abroad.
kept in touch with
37.Although Maria hasn't said so, we can be sure that she will want to come to the party. READ
We can …………………………………………………………….. Maria will want to come to the party.
take it as read
38.Shall we split the cost of a taxi into town? HALVES
Why …………………………………………………………….. a taxi into town?
don't we go halves on paying
39.It wasn't until I started college that I knew I wasn't suited to being a lawyer. CUT
I only knew that…………………………………………………………….. a lawyer when I went to college.
I wasn't cut out to be
40.Trying to get Roger to come with us is an utter waste of time. WHATSOEVER
There.... ……………………………………………………… get Roger to come with us.
is no point whatsoever in trying
41.He doesn't realise the damage the changes will cause. DAMAGING
Little.. ………………………………………………………....... the changes will be.
does he realise how damaging
42.We will only let you take the final exams if you pass this test. ALLOWED
Failing this test will result.... ………………………………………………………...........take the final exams.
in your not being allowed to

43.Pensions have not increased at the same rate as inflation. PACE

Pensions have failed.... ……………………………………………………….... inflation.
to keep pace with
44.James has had a cold since Christmas. OVER
James.... ……………………………………………………… Christmas.
hasn't got over the cold he caught
45.How do you regard people who exploit the vulnerability of tourists? ATTITUDE
What is ... ………………………………………………………....... advantage of the vulnerability of tourists?
your attitude towards people who take
46.At least they'll look after her well at the clinic. HANDS
At least she will ....... ………………………………………………………...... at the clinic.
be in good hands
47.The building urgently needs to be completely renovated. NEED
The building ...... ……………………………………………………….... renovation.
is in urgent need of complete
48.Dr Jenkins has not kept up with recent technological developments. TOUCH
Dr Jenkins is ....... ………………………………………………………........ technology.
out of touch with developments in
49.I don't mind working hard on occasions. AVERSE
I .......... ………………………………………………………........ hard work.
am not averse to occasional
50.The standard of her homework is no longer acceptable. SCRATCH
Her homework ..... ……………………………………………………….....recently.
hasn't been up to scratch
51.If we don't make changes, there will be problems in the future. LONG
There will be problems in ..... ………………………………………………………....... we make changes.
the long run unless
52.In Southern England the police still haven't caught the escaped prisoner. LARGE
The escaped prisoner is..... ………………………………………………………........of England.
still at large in the South
53.At first we were not too sure whether to employ Alan or not. DOUBTFUL
At first we....... ……………………………………………………….....Alan.
were doubtful about employing
54.Mussels always make her ill, so don't give her any to eat. ALLERGIC
Don't give her any mussels to eat... ……………………………………………………….........them.
as she is allergic to
55.During the winter I prefer watching football to playing it. SOONER
During the winter I ...... ………………………………………………………........ it.
would sooner watch football than play
56.The factory has been able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% in the last year. SUCCEEDED
The factory .......... ………………………………………………………....... back its CO2 emissions by 50% in the last year.
succeeded in cutting
57.It's a long walk home, so I advise you not to miss the last train. BETTER
It's a long walk home so, .... ………………………………………………………...... the last train.
you'd better not miss
58.They didn't mention the subject of unpaid holidays until the end of the interview. BRING
Not until the end of the interview ... ………………………………………………………........... the subject of unpaid holidays.
did they bring up
59.Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't think the accident was her fault. RESPONSIBLE
Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't hold ...... ……………………………………………………….....the accident.
her responsible for
60.I had only just got home when the phone rang. SOONER
No .... ……………………………………………………….....the phone rang.
sooner had I got home than

61.She is proud of being able to write clearly. ABILITY
She prides .... ……………………………………………………… write clearly.
herself on the ability
62.The government has banned all exports to the country except for food and medicine. EXCEPTION
The government's banned all exports to the country... ……………………………………………………… and medicine.
with the exception of
63.The islanders are proud of the cheese they produce and they also like tourists to try the local honey. TAKE
Not only .. ………………………………………........ the cheese they produce, they also like tourists to try their local honey.
do the islanders take pride in
64.I was grateful to them for letting me stay with them while I was in London. APPRECIATED
I...... ……………………………………………………….....up while I was in London.
appreciated their putting me
65.She hated publicity so much that she never gave any interviews to the media. HER
Such .... ……………………………………………………….... of publicity that she never gave any interviews to the media.
was her hatred
66.During her illness, she realized that the only choice she had was to take early retirement. ALTERNATIVE
During her illness, she realized that there..... ……………………………………………………… take early retirement.
was no other alternative for her but
67.The President had only just been elected when the opposition party called for his resignation. VOTED
No sooner ... ………………………………………………………..... the opposition party called for his resignation.
had the President been voted in than
68.I'm sure she would do an excellent job if she ever became head of department. WERE
I'm sure she would do an excellent job .. ……………………………………………………….....head of department.
were she ever to become
69.It is distinctly possible that I will get promoted in the near future. OF
There is a....... ………………………………………………………........ promoted in the near future.
distinct likelihood of my getting
70.The government has banned all exports to the country except for food and medicine. EXCEPTION
The government has banned all exports to the country .. …………………………………………........ food and medicine.
with the exception of
71.Mussels always make her ill, so don't give her any to eat. ALLERGIC
Don't give her any mussels to eat....... ……………………………………………………….....them.
as she is allergic to
72.How do you regard people who exploit the vulnerability of tourists? ATTITUDE
What is .... ………………………………………………………...... advantage of the vulnerability of tourists?
your attitude towards people who take
73.Trying to get Roger to come with us is an utter waste of time. WATSOEVER
There......... ……………………………………………………… get Roger to come with us.
is no point whatsoever in trying
74.Unless Sam's plans change over the weekend, we'll leave early on Monday morning. NO
Providing... ………………………………………………………......over the weekend, we'll leave early on Monday morning.
there is no change in Sam's plans
75.As far as I know, Simon will be here on Thursday. SUPPOSE
I've.... ……………………………………………………… here on Thursday.
got no reason to suppose Simon will not
76.The role played by the PR company in securing the government contract was never acknowledged officially. OFFICIAL

At no time ....... ………………………………………………………......... the role the PR company played securing the
government contract.
was there any official acknowledgment regarding
77.Passengers are absolutely forbidden to cross the railway track. ACCOUNT
On ....... ……………………………………………………… cross the railway track.
no account are passengers allowed
78.I have no idea why my email bounced back. LOSS
I........ ……………………………………………………….....why my email bounced back.
am at a loss to explain
79.Felix doesn't intend to make the same mistake again. NO
Felix ...... ………………………………………………………............ the same mistake again.
has no intention of making
80.I don't mind staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company. averse
I'm . ……………………………………………………….... night if i have good company
not averse to staying in on a Saturday
81.The majority of people like to observe customs and traditions. FAVOUR
The majority of people ……………………………………………………….customs and traditions.
are in favour of observing
82.We are not often invited to meetings at the college. ACCUSTOMED
We are not ……………………………………………………….to meetings at the college.
accustomed to being invited
83.The results show attendance has risen dramatically during the last year. IN
The results show a ……………………………………………………….during the last year.
dramatically rise in attendance
84.My sister finds commuting everyday really annoying. PUT
It's difficult for my sister ……………………………………………………….commuting every day.
to put up with
85.The number of participants in the snow festival has reached an all-time high. MUCH
The number of participants in the snow festival is ……………………………………………………….been.
much higher than it has ever
86.The actor's autobiography was published last week. CAME
This ……………………………………………………….out last week
is the actor whose autobiography came
87.I'm so sorry we have to endure this weather. PUT
If only we did ……………………………………………………….this weather
not put up with
88.Do you think I could disturb you for a moment? WONDERING
I ……………………………………………………….could disturb you for a moment.
was wondering if I
89.Pam will never accept the fact that what she believed was a lie. TERMS
Pam will never ……………………………………………………….the fact that what she believed was a lie
come to terms with
90.Mosquito bites are nowhere near as painful as wasp stings. FAR
Mosquito bites are ……………………………………………………….wasp stings
far more painful than
91.Will the elections be a massive victory for the opposition party? RESULT
I wonder ……………………………………………………….a massive victory for the opposition party.
if the elections will result in
92.The course teaches students to act independently. CAPABLE
Without the course, students ……………………………………………………….independently.
wouldn't be capable of acting
93.Bill said, 'I'll take you to the airport in my car' GIVE
Bill ……………………………………………………….a lift to the airport
offered to give me/said he would give me
94.Everyone believed my neighbour's children claims about once being a famous singer. TAKEN
Everyone ……………………………………………………….my neighbourg's claims about once being a famous singer
was taken in by
95.What did you think about the exam? I couldn't understand the last question at all. HEAD
What did you think about the exam? I couldn't ……………………………………………………….the last question
get my head round
96. Following some complaints by local residents, the government withdrew its proporsal to build a new runway at the airport.
 The government's proposal to build a new runaway at the airport ……………………………………………………….. some
complaints by local residents
was withdrawn in light of
97.The guidelines for the appointment of new staff need to be thoroughly revised. THOROUGH
There needs ………………………………………………………………………. the guidelines for the appointment of new staff
to be thorough revision to
98.The change in the company's logo didn't make any difference to the majority of its customers. CONSEQUENCE
The change in the company's logo …………………………………………………………………………. to the majority of its
was of no consequence
99.The constant public attention on famous people must have an effect on them. EYE
 Constantly ……………………………………………………………………………………………… must have an effect on
famous people
living in the public eye
100.I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she was apparently given incorrect train times by our call centre.
I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she seemed …………………………………………. train times by our call centre.
to have been misinformed about

1.The company is almost certain to get the contract. EVERY
The company stands ________________ the contract.
2.A common belief is that British people cannot speak foreign languages very well. WEAK
British people are commonly believed to _________ foreign languages.
3.It is important to be well prepared for an interview because if you make a mistake, you may not get the job. COST
A mistake in an interview may ___________________ so it is important to be well prepared.
4.Sarah cried her eyes out immediately she was told she's failed her driving test. BROKE
Sarah _____________________ soon as she heard she'd failed her driving test.
5.No changes will be made to this project. AHEAD
This project will____________________ to plan.
6.My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. RECOLLECTION
My grandfather didn't ___________________ phoning me last night.
7.Pay claims must be submitted before the end of the month. PUT
You have ________________________ your pay claims before the end of the month.
8.If Marc hadn´t taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. NAME
If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have _______________________ himself as an art historian.
9.I'm not sure I want to invest in your business or not, but I'll think about it. THOUGHT
I'm not sure I want to invest in your business or not, but I'll GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT
10.Remember that there are often delays to flights during bad weather.
BEAR IN MIND that there are often delays to flights during bad weather.
11.Everyone knows that Jane is looking for a new job.
IT'S COMMON KNOWLEDGE that Jane is looking for a new job.
12.My teenage son hasn't yet understood how important revising for exams.
My teenage son hasn't yet GRASPED THE IMPORTANCE OF revising for exams.
13.I believe that we are all responsible for our own actions.
I TAKE THE VIEW that we are all responsible for our own actions.
14.It's (absolutely certain) that Jamie will win the race.
It's A FOREGONE CONCLUSION that Jamie will win the race.
15.I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do but I've got a (general idea)
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do but I've got a ROUGH IDEA
16.I don't (1. hold the opinion) that nature and nurture are of equal significance but it is now a (2. generally held opinion).
I don't SUBSCRIBE TO THE THEORY that nature and nurture are of equal significance but it is now a WIDESPREAD BELIEF.
17.(1. people hold different views) as to whether mothers of young children should go out to work or not but (I am totally
convinced) that different things suit different families.
OPINIONS ARE DIVIDED as to whether mothers of young children should go out to work or not but IT IS MY FIRM
CONVICTION that different things suit different families.
18.don't (be very critical of him). He really couldn't have done things differently.
don't JUDGE HIM TOO HARSHLY. He really couldn't have done things differently.
19.Di's quick to (criticise) other people but she's far from perfect herself.
Di's quick to PASS JUDGEMENT ON other people but she's far from perfect herself.
20.Promoting Alex was a (very bad decision)
21.We shouldn't (come to conclusions very quickly) about Alex, maybe he will be ok.
We shouldn't JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS about Alex, maybe he will be ok..

The blistering heat made the race EVEN MORE difficult.

The blistering heat made the race ALL THE MORE difficult.
The new film hasn't got very good reviews, but I'd like to see it NEVERTHELESS.

The new film hasn't got very good reviews, but I'd like to see it ALL THE SAME.
UNFORTUNATELY VERY FREQUENTLY musicians become famous and disconnect from their fans.

ALL TOO OFTEN musicians become famous and disconnect from their fans.
The hotel was dark and smelly, AT LEAST the beds were comfortable.

The hotel was dark and smelly, AT ANY RATE the beds were comfortable.
1: Can I come an stay at your house tomorrow?
2: CERTAINLY! You're more than welcome.

1: Can I come an stay at your house tomorrow?
2: BY ALL MEANS! You're more than welcome.
Are you going to drive through the city centre tomorrow PERHAPS?

Are you going to drive through the city centre tomorrow BY ANY CHANCE?
The new series of Game of Thrones is JUST AS good as the last.

The new series of Game of Thrones is EVERY BIT AS good as the last.
I go to the cinema OCCASIONALLY.

I go to the cinema EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE.
It was raining but we went to the beach ANYWAY.

It was raining but we went to the beach IN ANY CASE.
EVEN THOUGH I'd like to go out tonight, I have too much homework.

MUCH AS I'd like to go out tonight, I have too much homework.
GENERALLY it was a good holiday.

ON THE WHOLE it was a good holiday.
Messi is THE BEST THERE IS at the moment.
Messi is SECOND TO NONE at the moment.

Audrey Hepburn was stunningly gorgeous and one of the best actresses who ever lived.
Not only...........................
Not only was Audrey Hepburn stunningly gorgeous, but also one of the best actresses who ever lived.

Paris has some of the most famous museums in the world and marvelous architecture

Not only.......................
Not only does Paris have some of the most famous museums in the world, but also marvelous architecture.
Einstein was incredibly gifted and also down-to-earth

Not only...................
Not only was Einstein incredibly gifted, but also down-to-earth
Miley Cyrus has changed her image and her style of music.

Not only.................
Not only has Miley Cyrus changed her image, but also her style of music.

1.I don't like either candidate but Michael Jones is not quite as bad. LESSER
I don't like either candidate but Michael Jones is the .................

lesser of the two evils

2.You can't just suddenly decide to go on a safari. You need to plan things very carefully. SPUR

Going on safari isn't a decision you can make ____________________ moment. You need to plan things very carefully.

on the spur of the

3.It's one thing to think there's a demand for your product and another to actually make a sale. WORLD
There is ——— between thinking there's a demand for your product and another to actually make a sale

A world of difference

4.I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she was apparently given incorrect train times by our call centre staff.
I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she seems ——— train times by our call centre staff

To have been misinformed about

22.This is a difficult decision, all the applicants (are correct for the job)
This is a difficult decision, all the applicants FIT THE JOB DESCRIPTION
23.I think we should eliminate the two who (went on strike)
I think we should eliminate the two who TOOK INDUSTRIAL ACTION. (formal)
24.John was (dismissed / fired / sacked)
John was RELIEVED OF HIS DUTIES. (formal)
I hear your brother has (got a fantastic new job)
I hear your brother has LANDED A fantastic new JOB. (informal)
It's a good job but he has (a lot of work)
It's a good job but he has A HEAVY WORKLOAD
He has to work (late in the evenings and at weekends)
He has to work very UNSOCIAL HOURS
He has to do lots of (small unimportant tasks) for his boss.
He has to do lots of MENIAL TASKS for his boss.
He has to (deliver messages and collect things) for his boss.
He has to RUN ERRANDS for his boss.
(He doesn't get paid for the extra work he does)
To come to the party I'm going to have to (call my boss and pretend to be ill)
To come to the party I'm going to have to PULL A SICKIE. (informal)
John is afraid of (being dismissed)
John is afraid of GETTING THE SACK
I hope that John can (achieve all that he is capable of) with this company.
I hope that John can REALISE HIS POTENTIAL with this company.
The situation is difficult but I hope that Sarah (stays at the company until she is successful)
The situation is difficult but I hope that Sarah STAYS THE COURSE.
When I was 23 I (started working) at a local language school.
When I was 23 I JOINED THE STAFF at a local language school.
I could (earn enough money to live) and have fun at the weekends.
I could MAKE A LIVING and have fun at the weekends.
The other (people who worked there) were friendly.
The other MEMBERS OF STAFF were friendly.
There were many (things about the job) that I enjoyed.
There were many ASPECTS OF THE JOB that I enjoyed.
A few years later after taking (time off to have a baby) I decided to (change to a half schedule)
A few years later after taking MATERNITY LEAVE I decided to GO PART-TIME.
Then the school went through a difficult time and had to (dismiss staff because there was no work for them)
Then the school went through a difficult time and had to LAY OFF STAFF.
I decided to (start working for myself)
I decided to GO FREELANCE.
Soon I had a good (amount of work) and was able to (make a good amount of money)
Soon I had a good VOLUME OF WORK and was able to EARN A GOOD LIVING.
After a few years I (started working) in another school.
After a few years I TOOK UP A POST in another school.
I (stayed in that job) for 6 years.
After I finished university, I (wrote and made) my CV.
After I finished university, I PUT TOGETHER my CV.
I got a job in a bank and started (getting promoted)
I got a job in a bank and started MOVING UP THE LADDER.
Then one day (my attitude / mood changed) and I realised I wasn't enjoying my job.
Then one day I HAD A CHANGE OF HEART and I realised I wasn't enjoying my job.
I felt I needed to (give importance to the right aspects of my life)
I felt that other things like my family and happiness should (be more important to me than) my work
I felt that other things like my family and happiness should TAKE PRIORITY OVER my work
I (wrote a letter saying I was leaving the company) and moved to the country.
I HANDED IN MY RESIGNATION and moved to the country.


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