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According to (Emily. B, & Lava. f, 2108), socialization is the dialectical process through which

individuals exchange, adopt to, and internalize the norms, beliefs, behavior and values of the

shared social group over the life course. It is a multifaceted process through which individuals

learn and internalize cultural norms, codes and values. This process enable entry into and

sustained membership in one or more social groups.

The process does not occur in a vacuum but rather it operates in social locations and institution

and both afford and constrain interaction and opportunities. This process is not universal but may

vary within a society depending on the power and status of their subgroup identities.

Primary socialization.

As stated by (Crisogen. D, 2015), Primary socialization is the fundamental form of socialization

process. It is also referred as Basic socialization. It is essential for harmonious physical and

mental development of the child and is satisfied general by their family(parents) in the first 7 – 8

years of the child. This process involves learning of role soft behavior, norms and values that can

be treated at early age and that is information and emotional baggage of any person.

In primary socialization, the family is the most important agent of is the family

which introduces the individual’s moral profile. The family uses certain parental sanctions and

permanent control over children behavior. According to (Osterrieth, 2973), the mother is the first

model from which the child acquires language, certain skills, knowledge, teaches the first means

of autonomous behavior thus primary socialization involves a affective dimension in addition to

cognitive dimension, the cognitive learning situation, the situation of Psychological

communication , the situation of moral education in which the child is given moral values etc.

and finally the situation that the child develops creative capacity and imagination

Primary socialization, unlike other forms of socialization, it focuses towards emotional

neutrality. The content of this socialization is structured around cognitive dimensions which

supposes the assimilation of language etc.

On the other hand, Industrialized societies is the one that uses advances in technology and to

drive a strong manufacturing industry that will support a large population.

Significant of the primary socialization in societies that are industrializing and rapidly


According to (Talcott. P, 1951), The process of industrialization causes a huge change in both

the structure and the role of the family and that of family members. Industrialization brings about

social change which bring about the changes in the socialization process of a child. Society is

known to be dynamic and different components of the society keep on changing over time.

Social dynamics such as friendship, family, communities, intimate relationships keep on

changing with time. Below are the significant/ importance of primary socialization in societies

that are industrializing and rapidly changing.

It shapes the child future trajectory of the child. According to ( Petrovai, 2012 ), The society

exert a maximum influence on the family and the child is totally cultured in relation to the

society he /she is part of. The family which is the principal agent of primary socialization

conveys the language, customs, beliefs, values, knowledge and concepts of the world and also

develop the basic personalities of the child.

Developing self-image of the child. Self-image starts developing as he/she interacts with others

in the family. This interacting gives the child ideas to define him/her as a separate entity. The

self-concept is composed of the attitudes you hold towards yourself. It also includes the picture

you think others have of you.

Instilling values. The dynamic aspect of the brings about changes in values. These values are

taught by the family. some of these values instilled into our children include sharing, showing

respect to seniors and also Being affectionate to the youngers. Example. A parent may ask his/

her children to share toys and gaming equipment’s with the neighbors to instill the value of


Instilling role behavior. As the child interact with the members of the family, he learns that

certain behaviors are appropriate and others are not. Bing a member of the society, an individual

needs to play different roles depending with the situation. The family teaches its members that

they should perfume different roles in different situation. Example. Teaching the children to

behave a certain way while in hope and a different way when the accompany you to the market.

A child interacting with his/her mothers learns how to play different roles in different situation

and in a acceptable manner. This helps the child develop self-image.


Primary socialization is the most important stage of socialization as it introduces the child to the

community through the family. It helps the children learn different dimensions of the society

such as language., Familiarizing with the relatives, values and the expected behaviors.

Crisogen. D, (2015). Types of socialization and their important in understanding the phenomena

of socialization. European journal of social science and educational research (4).

Emily.D, lara. P, (2018) Sociological perspective on socialization. Redtived from


Osterrieth, E. (1976). Introduction to child psychology, Bucharest

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