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Name: ___________________________ Course & Year: ________ Date:________

Part I. Instructions: Answer the following questions based on how you have
perceived the different philosophies of education. Write your answer on the spaces
provided below each question. Please write legibly.

1. Why might the study of philosophy be particularly important to educators?


2. Which branch or branches of philosophy would you want to emphasize in your

classroom? Why?


3. Do you learn better deductively or inductively? Why do you think?


4. Can you think of other school-based examples for each of the branches and sub


5. Which general or world view philosophy best fits with your own views of reality?


6. What have you learned from the history of education that is related to these
metaphysical philosophies?



7. It is said that an image is worth a thousand words. What might be your image
metaphor for each of these world or metaphysical philosophies?


8. Which of these educational philosophies would you describe as authoritarian? Which

as non-authoritarian? Why?

9. Each of the educational philosophies relates to one or more of the metaphysical

world view philosophies. What connections do you see?


10. Which educational philosophy is most compatible with your beliefs?


Part II. To which philosophy does each theory of man belong? The first
exercise in this lesson (An Exercise to determine Your Life Philosophy)
may help. Choose from the following:

a. Essentialism b. Progressivism c. Perennialism d. Existentialism

e. Behaviorism f. Linguistic philosophy g. Constructivism

_____________ 1. Is a product of his environment.

______________ 2. Has no universal nature.

______________ 3. Has rational and moral powers.

______________ 4. Has no choice; he is determined by his environment.

______________ 5. Can choose what he can become.

______________ 6. Is a complex combination of matter that responds to

physical stimuli.

______________ 7. Has no free will.

______________ 8. Has the essential nature with others

______________ 9. Is a rational animal.

_____________ 10. First exists then defines himself/herself.

_____________ 11. Is a social animal who learns well through an active

interplay with others.

_____________ 12. Is a communicating being.

_____________ 13. Is a maker of meaning.

_____________ 14. A constructor of knowledge.


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