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Ex 1

1) f
2) a
3) d
4) b
5) c
6) g
7) h
8) e

Ex 2
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

Ex 3
1) Marketing = Sales
2) Marketing = Advertising
3) If you build a better mousetrap, they will buy
4) Advertising can get people to buy things they don’t want
4. Marketing is focused on all industries and markets, as well as buyer preferences,
while sales is focused on one buyer and making a deal with him.
5. Advertising is part of marketing but is in no way equal to it.
6. The pilot system is more reflective, you need to pause, make a decision, spend
time on it.
7. The autopilot system works constantly, works fast and makes decisions just as
8. Tropicana was in shambles because it changed its brand logo that its customers
were used to.
9. The failure rate of new products is 85 to 95 percent.
Ex 4

1.Сегменти клієнтів
2. Підсвідома реклама
3. У двох словах
4. Розвіяти деякі міфи
5. Загальні характеристики
6. В підсумку
7. Захоплюючий твір
8. Рефлексивне мислення
9. Обернутися лихом
10. Легше сказати, ніж зробити
11. Велика кількість юристів
12. Неминуче спливаюче вікно (Реклама)
13. Світ збожеволіє
14. Підсумок

Ex 5

Укладати угоду - 7
Бути перевантаженим інформацією - 3
Бути бездоганним - 4
Руйнівна зміна - 6
Утримувати споживачів - 8
Бути невтішним - 2
Прийняття рішення людиною - 5
Тенденції у промисловості – 1

Ex №3, page 210

1. One of the main methods of promotion

2. inform the consumer
3. advertising
4. advertising agencies
5. target customers
6. to develop an advertising campaign
7. communicate to the consumers
8. ready to start work
9. Advertising media
10.Trade fair
13.Corporate advertising
14.Public relation expert
15.increase sales
Ex №8, page 211-212
1. My friend works for one of the biggest advertising agencies in Ukraine.
2. We’ll have brief for a new secretary.
3. The best way to sell your car is to put an advert in the local paper.
4. How easily are you persuaded by advertising ?
5. We place an advertisement about our products in the newspapers every
6. The agency lost a $10 million account when it mistakenly ran to advertise
for a new product before it had formally been introduced.
7. The choice of advertising media was limited by the budget.
8. The client’s advertisements stated that the advertising should target the
9. hoarding is a large board for displaying posters alongside roads.
10. Advertising is often designed by advertising
agencies .
11. Mercedes cars have a quality brand image .

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