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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Regular Meeting

9:00 am

A. Opening Items

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by Commissioner Terwillegar

4. Approval of Minutes of October 18, 2022

5. Acceptance of Claims and Accounts

B. Special Program of the Day

1. Midland Flood Reduction Plan Presentation with members of the MBA's Advisory Committee on Infrastructure

C. Public Comment

1. Public Comment on any item not on the regular agenda or on Consent Agenda

D. Consent Items

E. Standing Committee Reports/Resolutions

1. 35-4-22F: The Finance Committee recommends approval of the 2023 Administrator/Controller's Recommended
Budget with proposed amendments

F. Requests, Petitions and Communications

G. Old Business

H. New Business

1. 109-10-22BOC: Christopher Lauckner submits resignation from the Advisory Council to the Region VII Area Agency
on Aging

2. 110-10-22BOC: Consideration of a Resolution optimizing election integrity as it pertains to the acceptance of

unregulated private monies for funding elections

3. 111-10-22BOC: Consideration of a Resolution of Support for the Midland Flood Reduction Plan

I. Closing Items

1. Commissioner's Comments

2. Meeting Schedule

3. Adjournment
The County of Midland will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and
audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting, upon five (5) days
notice to the County of Midland. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the County Board of
Commissioners by writing or calling the following:

Board of Commissioners

220 W. Ellsworth Street

Midland, Michigan 48640

Phone: (989) 832-6775


To Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board of Commissioners

General Bank Claims Approved in the amount of:

For the weeks of 10/10/2022 - 10/14/2022 $3,092,717.57

Total General Fund Expenditures $ 75,481.24


To Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board of Commissioners

General Bank Claims Approved in the amount of:

For the weeks of 10/17/2022 - 10/21/2022 $12,879,198.37

Total General Fund Expenditures $ 155,063.81

Date: October 14, 2022 at 5:30:52 PM EDT
To: info <>, Chris Cantrell <>
Subject: Website Contact Us

Results from: Website Contact Us

Submitted By: Unauthenticated User IP:

first: CHRIS
Property Address: 3 Burrell Ct. Midland - 48640
phone: 989 708 4536
departmentContact: General Inquiry
comment: Greetings Mark,
Over the past few months I have taken a larger roll @ my church, St. John's Episcopal Church-
Our congregation has been without a rector/pastor for over a year and we do not see a new clergy
person coming within the next 6 months. Our priest-in-charge has been out ill since June and just
returned 2 weeks ago. He is re-familiarizing himself with what has gone on in his absence. To
assist Jim, the vestry created a new position of 'Parish Administrator' and I have accepted that
role. On another front, I have had multiple family losses over the recent months which has led to
re-evaluating my personal priorities.

Greg and I have also taken time to reflect on our life, post-COVID. We are planning to move out
of the Midland area [not in the immediate future], at some point. That takes planning and we
have created a strategy for ourselves. Of course, with that, it means giving up some things we'd
like to continue to do. For me, it means giving up my position on the Region VII / Advisory
Board and representing Midland County.

I do want everyone to know that I realize there are many heart-felt folks involved with the vision
that has been created - both on a volunteer and staff level. Everyone involved has done an
outstanding job and especially working through the COVID era and, now, post-COVID time.

"Thank You" for a most enjoyable learning opportunity and a place to utilize my skill set. With
that, my resignation will take effect immediately.

May you continue the great work you are all doing.

Chris Lauckner

cc: Bob Brown

Yvonne Corbat
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Midland, Michigan,

held on November 1, 2022.

PRESENT: ____________________________________________________________



ABSENT: ____________________________________________________________


The following resolution was offered by _________________ and seconded by



WHEREAS, Midland County through the Board of Commissioners has the authority to accept or
reject a proposed donation/grant to the County in the form of cash, personal property, and real
property; and

WHEREAS, funding and managing elections has always been a government function, not a
private one, and for good reason. Private organizations are not subject to the laws for public
employees and institutions–they are not required to hold public hearings, cannot be monitored via
open–records requests and other mechanisms of administrative and financial transparency, are not
subject to the normal checks and balances of the governmental process, and are not accountable to
citizens if the public disapproves of their actions; and

WHEREAS, while Midland County did not accept private funding, considering election
irregularities across our nation, it is appropriate to implement a new County policy to eliminate
any future possibility of private monies being used to skew elections in our County.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Midland County Board of Commissioners affirms

that funding and managing elections is a government function, not a private one

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that prior to acceptance or any other action including provision
of a donation/grant receipt, County Departments shall submit any proposed donation/grant of cash
or personal or real property for use in, or purposes of funding and managing elections to the Board
of Commissioners for considering of whether such donation/grant shall be accepted or rejected by
Midland County. Proposed donations/grants requiring the Board of Commissioner approval will
first be submitted to the Finance Committee, and if approved by the Finance Committee, shall be
placed on the agenda for full Board of Commissioners consideration.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is position of the Midland County Board of

Commissioners that the Board of Commissioners shall not approve or accept donations/grants of
private money or personal or real property to the County for in use or purposes of funding and
managing elections.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Midland County Board of Commissioners support a

permanent source of State funding to directly support the local administration of elections.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Midland County Board of Commissioners directs the
County Clerk to send a copy of this resolution to all Michigan counties and our State
Representatives, State Senator, and Members of Congress.

ADOPTED: Yeas: ____________________________________________________


Nays: ____________________________________________________

) SS

I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting County Clerk of the County of Midland,

do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by a

majority vote of the members elect at a regular meeting of the Midland County Board of

Commissioners, held on November 1, 2022, the original of which is on file in my office.

County Clerk
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Midland, Michigan,

held on November 1, 2022.

PRESENT: ____________________________________________________________



ABSENT: ____________________________________________________________


The following resolution was offered by _________________ and seconded by



WHEREAS, the County of Midland has reviewed the Midland Flood Reduction Plan, created by
Spicer Group for the Midland Business Alliance’s Advisory Committee on Infrastructure (ACOI);

WHEREAS, the County of Midland has been actively engaged in the ACOI’s flood
reduction/resiliency initiative since the initiative’s inception in February 2021; and

WHEREAS, a large hydrologic/hydraulic study is underway by the U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers, which is expected to help develop longer-term, larger-scope plans; and

WHEREAS, the Midland Flood Reduction Plan is a targeted solution before that
hydrologic/hydraulic study can be completed, and would help address the typical flooding that
occurs in Midland, directly impacting as many as 650 homes and businesses; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Midland hereby supports the
Midland Flood Reduction Plan presented by the Midland Business Alliance’s Advisory Committee
on Infrastructure.

ADOPTED: Yeas: ____________________________________________________


Nays: ____________________________________________________
) SS

I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting County Clerk of the County of Midland,

do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by a

majority vote of the members elect at a regular meeting of the Midland County Board of

Commissioners, held on November 1, 2022, the original of which is on file in my office.

County Clerk

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