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Pier Luigi Nervi.

Natural shapes
“... the arch of big dimension,
the covering of a great space, the
structure wich is subjected to huge
loadings, must have precise shapes
determined by nature, whatever it
might be the aesthetic tendency of
their designer.”

From Scienza o arte del costruire?, 1945,

chapter L’architettura verso forme e carat-
teri immutabili?.

pag. 1
Natual arch shape:
“The architect that violating the
elementary laws of constructive eco-
nomy would realize such a structure
[1° bridge] [...] would do a tecnic
mistake but also a big aesthetic

From Scienza o arte del costruire?, 1945.

pag. 2
Importance of the model:
“If we examine the problem in its
complexity, it becomes clear that the
effectiveness of the mathematical in-
vestigation applied to the problems
of the construction science, exists
3 4 only in an unreal world which
respects the premises of isotropy and
elasticity at the base of our theories”

From Scienza o arte del costruire?, 1945.

pag. 3
Funicular shape:
“... the arch of a bridge of 100 me-
ters or more will have today, tomor-
row and always the same profile
determined by the funicular of the

From Scienza o arte del costruire?, 1945.

pag. 4
Structural architecture:
“I think that we can define structural
architecture that particular structure
that has [...] a static scheme which
is intuitively thought and intuiti-
vely comprehensible, even from the

From the interview Pier Luigi Nervi e l’ar-

chitettura strutturale, 1961.

pag. 5
8 9
“... form and statics are in perfect
accordance even at the deepest and
less evident root of the static pheno-


From Costruire correttamente, 1955.

pag. 6
“... he [Nervi] acts like a medium,
which evokes, materializing them,
the ghosts of statics, which to other
appears mostly in the elusive symbol
of numbers. ”


From E. N. Rogers’ introduction to Pier

Luigi Nervi, 1957.

pag. 7
Gothic inspiration:
“These ribs [that of the King’s Col-
lege chapel in Cambridge] are not
statically essentials, but they follow
the lines of the maximum concentra-
tion of internal stresses. In this case
they passed from structuralism to
pure decoration, even if inspired by
a refined static intuition.”

From Aesthetics and techology in buildings,


pag. 8
“In examining this exciting mate-
rial, I often thought of your works
that are so perfect and similar to the
creations of nature.”


From a letter of Otto Frei to Nervi, 1962.

pag. 9
“The principle of the ribs [...] evokes
the regolarity of snow crystals or
the condition of static balance of
honeycombs, that natural shapes that
better seems to indicate the presen-
ce of deep mathematic rules in the
things of nature.”


From G. C. Argan, Pier Luigi Nervi, 1955.

pag. 10
“Getting closer with humble dispo-
sition to the mysterious nature laws,
the effort to interpret them and the
command them obeying which is the
only way to keep their majestic eter-
nity at our service, has inside a deep
18 poetry, that can translate into sha-
pes of a high aesthetic and artistic

From Scienza o arte del costruire?, 1945.

pag. 11
19 20
The idea of talking about the natural inspi- than computations suggested by the scien- of aesthetic than of practical economy becau-
ration in the shape of Nervi’s structures it ce of construction, which as Nervi said are se the same performance would have a paral-
came to my mind by reading the book “scien- often too abstract and cannot take into con- lelepipedal concrete slab without ribs, even
za o arte del costruire”, one of the most fa- sideration all the complexity of a structure. if the meterial would have been much more.
mous and interesting books that Nervi wro- All great structures projected by Nervi use Again form is in a perfect accordance with
te during his life, wich was written in 1945. this funicular curve, and not only in a 2dimen- the internal forces that act in the structu-
Nervi sustained here that even if in regular and mi- sions development but also in a spatial arti- re, and this is, in Nervi’s idea, its beauty.
nor architecture such as habitations we have a re- culation. This idea of shaping according with As a great master Nervi didn’t allow actual con-
lative freedom in shaping structures, great structu- nature is not limited to the general shape of a struction techniques to limit the complication
res such as huge dimension bridges and coverings great structure, but it also concerns all its ele- of his structures, but transformed the former
must have a shape which is determined by nature, ments. The pillars have often a varying size way to build such structures and invented him-
because they need to reach high levels of economy section, wich is shaped by Nervi according self some methodology to make these structure
in materials and tools used, because they need to exactly to the internal actions of the element. feasible, like the system called “nonna, mam-
be efficient, and this constitutes also their beauty. But a pillar of this shape is often much more diffi- ma, figlia” and the use of “ferrocemento”.
The most efficient shape for arches for example is cult and more expensive to build than a pillar with The former, dividing the works on the site of the
the funicular one, and Nervi sustained that an arch a simple section, even if the second use more ma- construction in 2, permitted to speed up the con-
which has the funicular shape, as it is its “natural terial and is less efficient. This simple fact show struction of negative formworks necessary to crea-
shape”, will always be more beautyful than another. clearly that the shaping of the structure for Nervi te the concrete ribs. The latter permitted the use of
Hanging to a cable the loadings that will act on the was mainly an aesthetic issue. His structures make thin concrete slabs and even to not use the formwor-
structure, the cable will deforme in such a way that internal actions clear to visualize from the outside, ks in some cases, so to speed up the construction.
all its parts will be in tension, because the cable has and it’s always clear where the fluxus of forces is, As we said the physical model was also more im-
not the capacity to transfer bending moment. This what elements bring the forces to the ground; they portant than numerical computations for Nervi,
means that if we then will give the same shape to has what has been called a “structural honesty”. and he used to verify the isostress curves using the
a rigid structure, and turn it upside down, all the A very interesting issue to analyze in Ner- photoelasticity principle on a transparent object.
parts of the structure will be only in compression. vi’s buildings are horizontal structures. What comes to our mind watching these ribs
Gaudì already had this intuition in the XIX century, They usually have ribs, which are shaped by is obviously the ceilings of gothic cathedrals.
and the models he made demonstrate it very clearly. Nervi in such a way to distribute the stress in a Even gothic builder were inspired by nature, in
Nervi was sure that that of building is an art uniforme way. A perfect example are that par- particular by the vegetal world, trees, leaves.
even in the most technical part, because what’s ticular concrete slabs which ribs follow the Even if in some cases the ribs on the ceiling of
more important in the building technique is isostatic curves, that are two families of cur- gothic cathedral were more an aesthetical is-
what he called the “static intuition”, wich co- ves, orthogonal, which represent, we can say, sue (we can think in particular to english and
mes before the mathematical computation. the directions of the principal stress lines. deutsch churches), they were the clear evi-
It’s clear now why Nervi took in such a gre- This kind of slabs are extremely complicated to bu- dence of the stresses inside the structure, a
at consideration structural models, even more ild, and also in this case the efficiency is more a matter kind of simplified static scheme, and this was
pag. 12
most interested in. This link between shapes of topology optimization, aims to create the Bibliography:
nature and structures, that interested so much ei- most efficient shape for a structure, the for- • ANTONUCCI M., a cura di, Pier Luigi
ther great gothic builders and Pier Luigi Nervi, mer looking for it between many many solu- Nervi. Architetture per lo sport, catalogo
was investigated in the former years of the 60’s tions created on a parametrical base, the lat- della mostra [5 febbraio, 23 ottobre 2016],
by a deutsch architect named Otto Frei, who ter by sottraction of material that is useless. MAXXI, Roma.
in fact has had a corrispondence with Nervi. This new border of the construction technique, • ARGAN G. C., Pier Luigi Nervi, Il Balco-
The main issue why nature was so interesting for as Nervi prophesied is closer to the methods ne, Milano, 1955.
them is that natural shape are the result of mil- of nature, and allows us to creat structure whi- • BARAZZETTA G., a cura di, Pier Luigi
lion, even bilion of years of optimization, and ch seems supported by trees, or by bones. Nervi. Il modello come strumento di pro-
they often show the highest level of efficiency getto e costruzione, Quodlibet, Macerata,
of material used thanks to a particular shape. 2017.
We can think to ribs of great leaves such as • DESIDERI P., a cura di, Pier Luigi Nervi,
that of the ninfee, or inside the wings of a bug. Zanichelli, Bologna, 1979.
Otto Frei in fact compared these shapes with • NERI G., Capolavori in miniatura. Pier
Nervi’s structures such as the pillar for the Pa- Luigi Nervi e la modellazione strutturale,
lazzo del lavoro in the article he than wrote. Mendrisio Academy Press, Mendrisio,
This disposition to observe natural shapes and 2014.
turn them into structures is even more cle- • NERVI P. L., Scienza o arte del costruire?,
ar in the ceiling of the former zoology lectu- CittàStudi, Torino, 2014 [1° ediz. 1945].
re hall of the Freiburg University, which has • ROMANA CASTELLI F., DEL MONACO
a ribbed structure that evokes the image of a A. I., Pier Luigi Nervi e l’architettura strut-
natural skeleton or of a ribbed leaf ’s surface. turale, Edilstampa, Roma, 2011.
Here also because of the irregular disposition • SOLOMITA P., Pier Luigi Nervi architet-
of the supports of the ceiling, a very natural ture voltate. Verso nuove strutture, tesi di
asymmetricity take the place of the simme- dottorato, Università di Bologna, 2012.
tricity that often dominates Nervi’s buildings.
The naturalness complexity of this structure, whi-
ch aim is to reach the high level of efficiency that
things of nature have, really remind us to the at-
tempts that these last years building technique is
doing to imitate nature with the algorythm based
design on informatic software such as Grasshopper.
The algorythms adopted for example by
the so called generative design or by the to-
pag. 13
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pag. 15

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