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Tarzan's 2-Hour
Welcome Sequence
Immediately after subscribing

SUBJECT LINE: Whaaat? NAME, you’re a legend.

Wicked to finally meet you, this’ll just take a second.

The link to access your email templates is right here.

But first...

You’re a service provider, right?

People say you need an online course or group mastermind to make real money online. I’m
here to bust that myth. I had a healthy 6-figure business before I ever “launched” anything.

...and I charged by the hour!

…….on a 4 day/week schedule.

………..with a toddler who kept me up All. Freakin’. Night. Long.

(I charge a baller rate of $575/hour, but still—“by the hour” can work just as well as “project

You don’t need much more than good systems, a rockstar VA and a solid set of swipes to get
to 6-figure-ville. (We drink a lot of Starbucks here, and buy tons of Apple products, so it’s
basically heaven.)


In Email Stars I teach sending this confirmation email BEFORE delivering the freebie.
I don't practice this anymore myself. While it sounds good in theory to take a second
to connect with subscribers, there were often delivery problems with the second
email, or else people just got frustrated they didn't get the free thing immediately.
So I chose to send the freebie right away and edited this swipe for you to do the
same. The function of this email still stands: to add weight and meaning to the fact
that someone just joined your list. ...and also deliver the free thing.

Copyright 2020 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

And now you have at least 1 of those things, so you’re a step closer.

Another myth about making money online:

You need a huge list.


I’m closing in on $500K in revenue this year, with only a few thousand people on my email
list. #truestory

...and I’m just getting warmed up.

All this is possible for you too, {{ subscriber.first_name }}.

If I can be but one stepping stone on your path to “x-figure success” (4-figure? 8-figure? You
choose.), count me in.

Now go grab your email scripts, and start swiping.




It looks like you just want the email scripts, then nada ‘nother peep from me? That’s cool,

<<CLICK HERE>> to stick around and hear about how to write sales-while-you-sleep emails,
get curated tips & tools for launching your online course, plus the occasional invitation to
join one of my courses or work with me privately.

Pssst...did those nasty spam filters try and eat this email? Make sure you mark it as “not junk”
so we can continue the conversation.


The only people who see the PS are EU subscribers who chose
NOT to opt-in to get more emails from me. No one else would see
this because they would be automatically added.

Copyright 2020 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

1 day later

SUBJECT LINE: Et voila! Your email scripts.


Remember me? We met yesterday, when you asked to download this go-to collection of
email scripts for closing clients, following up with tardy payers, and sending emails people
actually read. (Whaaaat?)

Did you check it out yet?

Inside you'll find:

3 templates for welcoming new subscribers to your list

3 templates for following up after a consultation & booking new appointments
What to say when your client is late paying you
… loads more cool email templates

You can grab the scripts here.

I’ll leave you to it.



People download and forget about things all the time.

Give people a second chance to download your free thing.

Copyright 2020 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

3 days later

SUBJECT LINE: Buh-bye, tardy payers! See you never.

If you're anything like me, you probably have a bunch of emails in the "shoulda sent that" file
of your busy entrepreneurial brain.

Thank-you emails. Follow-up emails. Payment reminders.

That last one was a biggie for me.

I used to cringe every time I had to remind a tardy client to pay their bill. Sometimes I'd put it
off for days. Weeks even.

And that's a powerful message I was putting out there.

It’s like saying "It's okay if I don't always get paid on time. Payment for my work can hang in limbo
for a while. Abundance is coming if I just hold out a little longer."

Ick. That’s so not the message I was going for.

Fact is, I want the money. The sooner the better.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a $100 deposit or a $5000 paid-in-full project fee. I want that lovely
money in my bank account as swiftly as possible, so I can put it to work building my business.

When I was creating the Elegant Email Scripts Collection, the "tardy payer" email was of the
first emails I wrote.

Go grab your email scripts if you haven’t done so yet.

The “tardy payer” scripts is in that collection. It takes seconds to customize, and it's a juicy
tool for calling forth some quick cash if you have some hanging around in limbo.


Copyright 2020 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

3 days later

SUBJECT LINE: Question for you

Hey {{ subscriber.first_name }},

Wanna know the secret to open-and-click emails that joyously dance your new subscriber all
the way to the buy button?


As in, knowing who they are, meeting them where they’re at, and offering them well-timed
products and/or services they actually need.

...instead of randomly throwing stuff at them to see what they buy.

Good data is the engine of great email marketing.

The more I know about you, the better I can curate what lands in your inbox.

So can you tell me which best describes you?

A. I’m just getting my feet wet as a freelancer

B. I'm a copywriter, and I'm just here to spy on you. (Nice. I do that too.)
C. Online courses are my jam, and I’m hoping you can show me how to get more sales

This may sound rather uppity, but just so there's no confusion—I read all my emails. They're
incredibly meaningful to me, and I treasure the heck out of every one.

Including yours.


Copyright 2020 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

5 days later

SUBJECT LINE: highlights & lowlights from my first year in business

{{ subscriber.first_name }}, I don’t expect you to give a damn about “my why” but I’m going to
tell you anyway.

Hear me out.

I created these email templates after seeing so many of my B-School buds struggle to put
their email list into action, and doing things like,

...signing up to an email service like ConvertKit or ActiveCampaign, then making monthly

payments but never sending new subscribers anything...

...wasting hours crafting the perfect welcome email, and ending up sending nothing...

...humming & hawing about whether or not they "deserved" to take up space in another
person's inbox, and worrying that (gasp!) someone might unsubscribe.

Looking back at my first year in business, Marie Forleo's mantra always comes to mind:

Progress Not Perfection

The best thing I ever did was take action.

Try this. Try that.

See what sticks.

Some experiments created big magic (like joining B-School) and where a total (like
sending canned replies to new inquiries—I'm still embarrassed about those).

Check out the 29 Things That Worked *Really Well* In My First Year of Business, and took
me from no clients and a whole lotta whitespace on my calendar, to consistent $10K months
in that oh-so-important rookie year.

Click the link to read 'em all.

For fun I threw in a few bonus tips on what totally did NOT work.

I'm only human, after all.


Copyright 2020 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

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