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1. Prototyping is a :
a) Trial
b) Partial design
c) Complete design
d) Both a & b
2. Which one is not the type of prototyping:
a) Low fidelity prototype
b) Hi fidelity prototype
c) No fidelity prototype
d) Medium fidelity prototype
3. UCD stands for:
a) User centered design
b) User cover design
c) User conceptual design
d) All of the above
4. Which one is the drawback of UCD :
a) No user involvement
b) Designer may ask incorrect questions
c) User perception is always appropriate
d) All of the above
5. Three main components of HCI are:
a) User, computer, way of working together
b) User , concepts, interaction
d) Design , color, way of designing
6. What are the main parts of GUI?
a) Windows & icons
b) Menu & pointer
c) Windows and menu
d) All of the above
7. What is the feature of a good GUI
a) Be attractive
b) Less flexible
c) Difficult to use
d) Both b & c
8. How many principles Donald Norman proposed
a) 4
b) 7
c) 9
d) 8
9. Sketching on a paper is an example of:
a) Low fidelity prototype
a) Hi fidelity prototype
b) No fidelity prototype
c) Medium fidelity prototype
10. Activity theory provide:
a) Affordance to create GUI
b) Feedback from user
c) Framework to user for interaction with computer
d) Opportunity to user to work with designer
11. How many principles are of user interface design :
a) 3
b) 2
c) 7
d) 9
12. Which method is used for developing technologies:
a) Activity theory
b) UCD
c) Value sensitive design
d) CTT
13. How many types of cognitive model are there?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1
14. Hierarchical model represent:
a) User task and goal structure
b) User system grammar
c) Human motor skills
d) Way to interact with computer
15. What are the disadvantages of a GUI?
a) Easy
b) User friendly
c) Less flexibility
d) Visual appealing design
16. What are the advantages of a GUI?
a) Easy
b) User friendly
c) Visual appealing design
d) All of the above
17. The four main components of GUI are also known as:
18. Task analysis defines:
a) Performance of user
b) Performance of computer
c) Interaction between user and computer
d) Design description
19. CTT stands for:
a) Concur Task Tree
b) Concept Task Tree
c) Centered Task Technology
d) Concept Task Technology
20. HCI design is considered as:
a) Problem solving process
b) Designing process
c) Interaction process
d) Identifying problem process
21. Which involve some but not all procedures of the system?
a) Low fidelity prototype
b) Hi fidelity prototype
c) Medium fidelity prototype
d) All of the above
22. Response time is
a) Total time taken by a device to respond to a request
b) Total time taken by a user to input request
c) Total time to finish a task
d) None of the above
23. Keyboard is an :
a) Input device
b) Output device
c) Pointing device
d) Processing device
24. Technology of transcribing spoken phrases into written text is called:
a) Gesture recognition
b) Speech recognition
c) Command recognition
d) Concept recognition
25. Understanding human movement via mathematical procedures is:
a) Speech recognition
b) Gesture recognition
c) Command recognition
d) Concept recognition
26. Water fall method is :
a) Multi-directional
b) Uni-directional
c) Bi-directional
d) None of the above
27. In interactive system design:
a) Every phase depends on each other
b) Every phase depend only on its next phase
c) Every phase depend only on its previous phase
d) Don’t depend on each other
28. Which of the following are the components of Usability?
a) Effectiveness, testing, efficiency
b) Acceptance, testing, specifications
c) Effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction
d) Requirements, efficiency, interface

29. HCI designer have substantial understanding of all areas of designing :

a) True
b) False
30. Completeness with which user achieve their goal is :
a) Efficiency
b) Effectiveness
c) Satisfaction
d) Acceptance
31. Which prototype require time, money and work force
a) Low fidelity prototype
b) Hi fidelity prototype
c) Medium fidelity prototype
d) None of the above
32. Principle elements of GUI are:
a) Create grouping
b) Align screen elements
c) Use three dimension representation
d) All of the above
33. HCI is also called
a) MMI
b) CHI
c) MMS
d) All of the above
34. Engineering methodology used for modeling a task is:
a) UCD
b) CTT
c) GUI
d) HCI
35. Which provide user the opportunity to work with designer
a) Activity theory
b) UCD
c) User centered design
d) Both b & c
36. Ergonomics is:
a) Scientific study of computer
b) Scientific study of work
c) Scientific study of interaction
d) Scientific study of design
37. Which simulate all the functionalities of a system in design:
a) Low fidelity prototype
b) Medium fidelity prototype
c) Hi fidelity prototype
d) Both a & B
38. “Convert constrains into advantages” is purposed by Ben Shneiderman
a) True
b) False
39. In computer science HCI is implemented for;
a) Application design and engineering
b) Application of theories and analytical purpose
c) Interaction between technologies and organization
d) Interactive products
40. Major component of HCI are:
a) Task, tool, user
b) User , interface , performance
c) User, task, tool, context
d) User, interface , performance, context
41. Which of the following is not the type of accessibility
a) Visual
b) Dimension
c) Mobility
d) Learning
42. Ethnography means:
a) Any instruction that user need to know
b) Observation of user behavior in used context
c) Observation and documentation of actions
d) Focus on action
43. Splitting task into sub-tasks and in sequence is:
a) Task decomposition
b) Task analysis
c) Task decreasing
d) Task alignment
44. is always the beginning point for a task
a) Computer
b) Problem
c) Task decomposition
d) User
45. Tools to develop a quick sketch of GUI:
a) Interface building tool
b) Interface evaluation tools
c) Interface transition tools
d) Interface mockup tools
46. Set of nodes and links is :
a) Transition diagram
b) Evaluation tools
c) State-charts
d) Grammar
47. Methodical procedure to check user interface for usability problems is called:
a) Heuristic evaluation
b) Interface evaluation
c) Interface transition
d) Interface problem
48. In which of the following, HCI is used for interaction between technology and organization:
a) Computer science
b) Psychology
c) Sociology
d) Industrial design
49. Donald Norman proposed his seven principles in?
a) 1899
b) 1988
c) 1898
d) 1989
50. linguistic model represent:
e) User task and goal structure
f) User system grammar
g) Human motor skills
h) Way to interact with computer

Short questions
1. Shneiderman’s eight rules
2. Norman’s seven principles
3. Waterfall model diagram
4. Interactive system design diagram
5. What is prototyping and its types
6. Define UCD and its drawbacks
7. HCI analogy
8. Design methodology steps names
9. Define CTT
Long questions
1. Concept of usability engineering
2. Input devices
3. Task analysis. (till engineering task model, any three characteristics)

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