Module 3 - Confirmation Email With Feeling ES 2020

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Confirmation Email
with Feeling

SUBJECT LINE: Manifestation? thanks.

This is the part where I’m supposed to say “congratulations, welcome to my email list, we’re
going to have so much fun, blah blah blah.”

But I’m cutting all that out and skipping to the real talk.

The elephant in the room.

If I read you right, you probably just entered your name and email with a massive dose of

Let’s see if there’s actually something here that I haven’t heard yet.

Be real. Lots of people talk about manifestation, and it’s so tempting to believe it will be
super-duper easy if you just master one key thing.

...if you could just know the one “missing link.”

(And don’t worry, the link to the first video in the 6-part series will arrive in just a sec. But
first, the elephant.)

Wouldn’t it be so great if it were that simple? If all of your manifestation missteps could be
explained because you simply didn’t have this one critical piece of information?

It’s not that simple, Tarzan.

Copyright 2021 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

Manifestation goes so much deeper than just thinking happy thoughts. Too often it’s too
often conflated with privilege, and used as a way to simply get more stuff.

But let me give you a better, more encouraging piece of information. Something I
ABSOLUTELY know to be true about you.

You’re one of the “chosen ones.” A person with the potential to manifest something much more
important and impactful than a fully-loaded Range Rover with gold rims.

How do I know?

Because you found your way here. Because despite the missteps, the mantras, and all the
“you can have anything you want” messaging out there, you chose to come here.

Despite your doubts, your fears and all the dreams you said goodbye to along the way, you
kept at it.

You never gave up searching.

You still believe in your ability to create a better life, and a better world.

And believing might be the most important lesson there is.

That’s how I know you’re going to enjoy the content you watch in the 6-part video series.
Click that link to watch the first video, where I’ll debunk another of the most common tropes
about manifestation.

Hit “reply” and tell me what you think. I’d love to start that conversation.


Copyright 2021 Tarzan Kay Global. All Rights Reserved.

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