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The unconscious mind:

It consists of the primitive, instinctual wishes as

well as the information that we cannot access.
Although our behaviours might indicate the
unconscious forces that drive them, we don‟t
have easy access to the information stored in the
unconscious mind. During our childhood, we
acquire countless memories and experiences that
form who we are today. However, we cannot
recall most of those memories. They are
unconscious forces (beliefs, patterns, subjective
maps of reality) that drive our behaviours.
This image brings back some
cherished memories!
Old photos help trigger memories in
people suffering from dementia
• Pictures taken by a little-known photographer
Joseph Hardman, between the 1930s and 1960s
have found a new use helping to trigger memories
and reminiscences among people with dementia.
• When Joseph Hardman died in 1972, his wife
donated almost 5,000 glass negatives to
the Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry in
Kendal, Cumbria.
• The stunning images document decades of daily
life from all over the Lake District - from
antiquated farming techniques to beautiful
• And now they've been used to
help a group of people living with
dementia in the region - taking
their own versions of his images
and using them as a catalyst to
reminisce about their lives.

• One such place was Dora's Field

in Rydal, made
famous by the poet William
• "That was also a trigger for
Wordsworth's poetry,
tapping into people's deep long-
term memory –
• Human Behavior

• Cognitive Processes
Psychology has four basic goals in regard to
Human Behaviour:

To describe,

To explain,

 To predict,

 and to change behavior and

mental processes
Psychological disorders are patterns
of behavioural or
psychological symptoms that impact
normal functioning or day to day life
of an individual as a result of
conscious actions and due to
subconscious mind.
Anxiety Symptoms

It is an extreme apprehension •Constant worrying or obsession

and worry, is a normal reaction about small or large concerns
•Restlessness and feeling keyed up or
to stressful situations. But in on edge
some cases, it becomes •Fatigue
excessive and can cause •Difficulty concentrating or mind
sufferers to dread everyday “going blank”
situations. This type of steady, •Muscle tensions or muscle aches
•Trembling, feeling twitchy or being
all-over anxiety is called easily startled
Generalized Anxiety Disorder. •Trouble sleeping
•Sweating, nausea or diarrhea
•Shortness of breath or rapid heart
Depression Symptoms
A depressive disorder is •Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and
an illness that involves making decisions
the body, mood, and •fatigue and decreased energy
thoughts. It interferes •Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or
helplessness, hopelessness and/or pessimism
with daily life, normal
•Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or
excessive sleeping
•Irritability, restlessness
•Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once
•Overeating or appetite loss
•Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or
digestive problems that do not ease even with
•Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
•Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
Psycho-Technology on Indian Railways:
An overview …

Aptitude Tests

• Conducts
• Revises
• Enriches
Personality Tests

Cognitive Tests Psycho-motor Tests

 Set up in 1964 in Railway Board in pursuance of the
recommendation of Railway Accident Committee in
1962 (Kunzru Committee) “use of Psycho-technology as
an aid to selection of operating personnel would go a
long way in improving the quality of man-power
connected with traffic safety, whose lapses and failings
account for about 70% of the total accidents on the
Indian Railways”

 Transferred to RDSO in 1970 and attached to Traffic

Research Wing.

 Made a full-fledged Directorate in 1989 in RDSO

Basic tenets of Aptitude Testing:
 Every individual is unique and they differ in physical and
psychological make up
 Requirement of every Job also differs with respect to
certain psychomotor capabilities and cognitive
attributes(especially for ALP, Motorman and Train
Operator) personality characteristics (especially for the
job of ASMs Customer Relation Assistants and Section
Controllers) who deal with public and later become
independent supervisors and become the face of Indian
Railways and Mass Rapid Transport Systems)
 Compatibility of the above two is essential for
enhancement of individual‟s productivity leading to
organisational efficiency
Present Organizational Tree
Director General

ED/Traffic/Psycho-Tech CR
RDSO Railways NER
Director/Joint Director (Vacant) SCSER
WR (Vacant)
JSO JSO (Vacant) SR (vacant)
ER (Vacant)

4 SS/SA (7 Vacant)

*Vacancy Position: SSO/JSO: 04

In Railways we deal with
Psycho-motor and
Counseling Psychology
Role/Mandate of
Directorate, RDSO
Selection related activities :
In terms of Board‟s letter No. E.
(RRB)/2003/25/7, dated 04.06.2003,
21.03.2005 and 09.06.2005 Aptitude tests are
prescribed for Direct Recruitment as well as in-
service promotions:
The direct selection of safety category staff
(ASM, ALP & Motorman)
 Recruitment through RRB and RRC
 Departmental promotions by Divisions and
Zonal Railways including High Speed Train
Selection related activities :
 Compassionate Ground(CG),
Liberalized Active Retirement scheme for
Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff
(LARGESS) appointments etc. by
Divisions of Railways
Consultancy to KRCL and 14 Metro
Rails on Psycho-Technical matters and
Aptitude Testing for selection of Train
Operators, Station Controllers and
Customer Relation Assistant staff.
Job analysis of ASM, ALP and Motormen
Conducting Research Studies regarding the
behaviour/fatigue patterns of above staff so
that they can be made more safety conscious
and sound
Stress management
Development, enrichment and revision of
Aptitude tests
Accident analysis due to human errors and
SPAD cases
Counseling of Safety Category Staff
Aptitude Testing
Introduction of Aptitude tests of Safety
Categories on Indian Railways

Direct recruitment through RRBs

Assistant Station Master (1971)

Assistant Loco Pilot (1975)

Motorman (1975)
Last selection held in 2009 through RRB Mumbai
Departmental Selection/Promotions
Assistant Station Master (1994)
Assistant Loco Pilot (1994)
Motorman (1975)
High Speed Train Drivers (1989)

Other categories
Group Departmental Competitive Exam(GDCE),
Limited Departmental Competitive
Exam(LDCE) , Compassionate Ground(CG) etc.
•Earlier the Aptitude tests were qualifying in nature
and were called „Psycho tests‟ but according to
letter No. E(RRB)/2003/25/7 dated 04-06 2003, in
direct recruitment Weight age of written test to
Psycho test is in the ratio of 70:30.

According to letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PM1/31

Dated 22.08.2003 in promotion (in-service)
Weight age of written test to Aptitude test is in the
ratio of 80:20.
Decentralisation of computerised aptitude testing of
LPs for their screening as High Speed Train Drivers

The Computer Aided Drivers‟ Aptitude Test (CADAT)

System was developed in 2006 and the LPs from all
the Zonal Railways were tested at RDSO only. This
caused a lot of inconvenience besides loss of man-

The testing was therefore decentralised under

technical guidance of the Directorate after taking
approval of Railway Board as per the following
Railways Railways With effect
served from
ER ER, ECR, 15.4.2010
NR NR, NWR 15.4.2010
SCR SR, SECR, 15.4.2010
WR CR, WCR, WR 15.4.2010
Railways Railways With effect
served from
RDSO NCR, • September
NER 2006 (all
• 15.4.2010
Test battery for Assistant Station Masters
Attributes Tests for ASM (RRB
and also in-service/
Intelligence: Inductive reasoning and Intelligence Test:
cognitive ability based on abstract Classification type
information with time bound performance (ICT)
Concentration: Ability to concentrate on a Selective Attention
task without any distraction which covers Test (SAT)
selective awareness with respect to
targeted stimulus
Ability to accurately and quickly survey a Spatial Scanning Test
spatial field/pattern and identify a path (SST)
through the visual field/pattern.
Information ordering:Ability to Information
follow a set of rules to come to a Ordering Test
conclusion (IOT)
*G factor (Rule-conscious, Personality
Dutiful, Conscientious, test (PQA)
Conforming, Rule bound) and consisting of
Q3 factor (Perfectionist, 16 factors
Organized, Self-disciplined,
Socially Precise, Exacting Will
power, Control)

*The two personality factors along with other attributes have

been selected through the Job Analysis of ASM category
Test Attribute Test items




16 factors of personality test
• Warmth, which is considered to indicate
friendliness towards others and willingness
to participate.
• Reasoning, which is thought to be
indicative of cognitive ability and intellect;
• Emotional Stability, which refers to the
candidate‟s ability to adapt while under
stress and whether they are easily upset.
• Dominance, which ascertains to levels of
aggression, assertiveness and co-operation.
16 factors of personality test
• Liveliness, which tends to indicate whether the
candidate is likely to be cheerful or expressive
as opposed to introverted or serious.
• Rule-Consciousness, which generally conveys
attitudes towards authority and likelihood of
• Social Boldness, which refers to whether an
individual is likely to be timid or shy as
opposed to being uninhibited or out-going.
• Sensitivity, which considers whether the
candidate is compassionate and sympathetic to
others or if they tend to be more objective.
16 factors of personality test
• Vigilance, which specifies how trusting,
accepting or suspicious the individual may
be around others.
• Abstractedness, which can refer to being
imaginative or solution orientated but at the
higher level can also suggest being
• Privateness, which can indicate how
forthright or non-disclosing an individual
might be.
• Apprehension, which is descriptive of
whether someone may be more self-assured
or insecure.
16 factors of personality test
• Openness to Change, which is regarded
as flexibility and a liberal attitude as
opposed to being attached to the
• Self-Reliance, which identifies how
self-sufficient or group orientated an
individual might be.
• Perfectionism, which refers to self-
discipline and precision as opposed to
• Tension, which conveys the likelihood
of being time driven or impatient instead
of being relaxed and patient.
Test battery for Assistant Loco Pilots
Attributes Tests for ALP (In-
service/ LDCE/CG)
Memory: Ability of Picture Number Test
associative/sequential/short term memory (PN)
both for verbal and non-verbal Building Memory
Information Ordering: Ability to act Following Directions
according to given directions in a Test ( FD)
systematic manner
Depth Perception: Ability to measure Depth Perception Test
perception of three dimensions and apply (DP)
mental visualization in 3D space.
Attributes Tests for ALP (In-
service/ LDCE/CG)
Power of Observation: Ability to Number Search Test (NS) ,
observe in visually complicated Number Matching Test
spatial field. (NM)

Perceptual Speed: Ability of quick Perceptual Speed Test (PS)

and correct perception of objects.
Mechanical Comprehension: Mechanical Comprehension
Ability to apply mechanical and Test (MCT) (Apart from
physical concepts to everyday life. this test all other tests are
the same for RRB/Direct

All the attributes have been selected through the Job Analysis of
ALP category
Test Attribute Test items


Test Attribute Test item

Depth Perception

Power of

Perceptual Speed
Test battery for Motorman
Attributes Tests for MM (RRB-(not held
after 2009) and in-service/GDCE/
Intelligence: Inductive Form Board Test (FB)
reasoning and cognitive ability
based on abstract information
with time bound performance
Memory: Ability of Test of Memory (MM)
term memory both for verbal
and non-verbal stimuli
Numerical ability: Speed test to Test of Number operations(TNO)
judge the basic arithmetic
ability without computing
Reaction Time: Ability of quick and Discriminative
correct response to stimulus reaction test
Field dependence/independence: Ability Group embedded
to find, apprehend and identify a figure test (GEFT)
known visual pattern embedded in a
complex visual array
Restraint: It is the ability to be able to Personality
remain unemotional, dispassionate (PQ-R), (PQ-E)
having self control.
Emotional Stability: It’s a mental state
of calmness and composure.
All the attributes have been selected through the Job Analysis of
Motorman category
Test Attribute Test item



Test Attribute Test item

Reaction Time Signals of different colors red, yellow and green are shown
randomly on the screen and the candidate has to respond quickly
and accurately to it pressing the corresponding color button.


Aptitude Testing for selection of Safety staff on IR (both direct
recruits through RRB and in service promotions)

Calendar ALP ASM Motormen Total

2008 12561 13501 111 26173
2009 25009 5463 955 31427
2010 10179 1618 - 11797

2011 19992 5346 - 25338

2012 53081 948 293 54322

Aptitude Testing for selection of Safety staff on IR (both direct recruits
through RRB and in service promotions)

Calendar Year ALP ASM Motormen Total

2013 21781 22152 134 43987

2014 83649 6787 221 98657

2015 73411 581 569 74561
2016 385 32425 322 19797
Test Battery for High Speed Train Drivers
(Tests and the Operational definition of the
attribute measured)
Attributes Tests for High
Speed Train Drivers

Reaction Time: Ability of Prompt Reaction Time Test

response to various stimuli.
Form Perception: Ability of Quick Form Perception
and timely perception of forms in
working environment.
Concentration: Ability to Group Bourden
concentrate during monotonous
Speed Perception: Ability to Speed Perception
anticipate speed. (for this critical Test
perceptual ability attention and
focused concentration is
Vigilance: Ability to stay alert in Visual
monotonous situations where Differentiating
only once in a while a reaction is Attention Test
required / to process visual
information at a constant rate
where incidentally an action is
Aptitude Testing for screening of High Speed Train
Year Total LPs tested
2006 23
2007 339
2008 149
2009 221
2010 202
2011 166
2012 154

2013 96

2014 139

2015 146

2016 279

2017 (upto September) 82

Consultancy to other Railway Systems
• Konkan Railway -2002
• Delhi Metro Rail Corporation-2002
• Delhi Airport Metro Express-2009
• Metro One Operations Pvt Ltd, Mumbai-
• Rapid Metro, Gurgaon-2012
• Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation-
• Chennai Metro Rail Corporation-2013
• Hyderabad Metro-2014
• Kochi Metro-2015
• Lucknow Metro-2016
• Jaipur Metro-2017
Other Metro Railways soon to be in ambit:
• Nagpur Metro
• Bangalore Metro
• Ahmedabad Metro
• Noida Metro
Name of Metro Functional Date

Kolkata Metro 24.10.1984

Kolkata Metro

Konkan Railway 26.1.1998

Corporation Limited

Delhi Metro 24.12.2002

Konkan Railway

Mumbai metro 08.06.2014

Chennai metro 29.6.2016

Delhi Metro
Mumbai Metro

Chennai Metro
Name of Metro Functional Date

Hyderabad Metro To start in Nov 2017

Jaipur Metro 3.6.2015 Hyderabad Metro

Kochi Metro 16.6.2017

Lucknow Metro 05.09.2017

Jaipur Metro

Lucknow Metro
Kochi Metro
Consultancy to Metro Railways in selection of
Train Operators and Controllers

Year Metro Candidate Earnings as

Railway s tested Consultancy
charges (in
2011-12 DMRC 75 60,505
DAME 22 86,900
KRCL 245 99,051
MOOPL 277 1,38,487
Year Metro Candidates Earnings as
Railway tested Consultancy
charges (in
2012-13 DMRC 2823 7,17,994
DAME 17 49,300
MOOPL 812 3,81,088
KRCL 29,295
Rapid Metro 59
2013-14 DMRC 40 90,275
CMRL 1173 3,68,307

HYB L&T 285 4,94,071

KRCL 254 2,73,239
Year Metro Candidates Earnings as
Railway tested Consultancy
charges (in
DMRC 1074 9,33,657

2014-15 MOOPL 304 2,67,184

HYB L&T 708 8,78,673
HYB L&T 200 2,86,583
2015-16 Kochi 163 2,86,583
KRCL 21 1,14,259
Year Metro Candidates Earnings as
Railway tested Consultancy

2016-17 Hyderabad 3209 16,37,418

LMRC 498 9,00,229
Kochi 179 3,46,078
CMRL 380 5,16,506
MOOPL 300 4,11,570
DFCCIL 91 1,73,176
DMRC 2725 38,33,840
Recently Completed Project:
Computer based Aptitude Test (CBT) of ASMs
On the recommendation of Member Staff in the 31st
GCM held on 17th July 2015 at RDSO and reiterated in
the 32nd GCM to look at feasibility of conducting on-
line psychological testing, the Psycho-technical
Directorate put up an enormous effort to comply with
the recommendation and achieved a milestone in
successfully accomplishing the task of conducting on-
line Aptitude Test of 34118 Assistant Station Masters
on 30th of June 2017 in 13 cities and in up to 3 shifts,
for filling up of 5349 vacant posts of ASMs and Traffic
Advantage of CBT mode of
• Date of notice: Centralised Employment notice no. 3/2015
dated 26.12.15
• Number of candidates who applied: 8186880
• Number of candidates who qualified in stage-I: 273250
• Number of candidates who qualified in Stage-II: 43382
• Number of candidates who appeared for Aptitude test:
• Number of candidates who passed the Aptitude test: 16247

• The Psycho-technical Directorate was able to achieve a

milestone in shifting from paper-pencil mode to on-line
mode of testing as directed by Railway Board.
Savings done through CBT
• Savings in terms of question paper and
OMR sheet: Rs. 525000/-
• Savings of A4 size paper: 122500
• Saving of Man days : 177
• Generating awareness about the on-line
mode of testing through website
thereby saving time and effort of
• Saving of TA and DA of Scientific
Officer and Supervisors
The Psycho-technical Directorate
has achieved a milestone in
shifting from paper-pencil mode
to on-line mode of testing as
directed by Railway Board in
the direct recruitment process
through RRB.
In progress project:
Development of Computerized Tests for
Safety Category Staffs of Indian
Total 10 tests have been developed for
two Safety Category Staffs of Indian
Railways i.e. Assistant Loco Pilots and
High Speed Train Drivers in computerized
mode. Reliability and Validity studies are
being conducted.
On-line testing of ALP and Motorman will
also lead to savings as mentioned in the
previous slides.
Assistance required
There has been acute shortage of technical
manpower in the directorate and in the units
under the administrative control of
Railways. The post of SSO/JSO on SR has
been lying vacant for the last 8 years.
• Total 04 posts of SSO is lying vacant.
• Posts of 03 JSO‟s in Zonal Railways and
01 in RDSO are vacant.
• 06 posts of Scientific Supervisor and 01
post of Artist is also lying vacant from past
07 years.
Thank you
For any further queries/suggestions
my mail id is
Mobile no: +919794863017

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