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Subject- Copywriting

Chapter 2- Creative Thinking

What is Creativity?
An ability

An attitude

A process
Left Brain Thinking & Right Brain Thinking
The right brain

Its best at expressive and creative tasks

- Music
- Colour
- Images
- Creativity
- Expressing emotions
The left brain

It is considered to be adaptive at tasks that involve

logic and analytical thinking
- Language
- Logic
- Numbers
- Reasoning
- Critical thinking
Conscious Mind
Your conscious mind is your objective or thinking mind. It has no
memory, and it can only hold one thought at a time. This mind has
four essential functions

1. First, it identifies incoming information. This is information received

through any of the six senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or
feeling. Your conscious mind is continually observing and
categorizing what is going on around you.
Conscious Mind
2. The second function of your conscious mind
is comparison.

3. The third function of your conscious mind is analysis.

4. Analysis always precedes the fourth function, deciding.

Unconscious Mind
The Memory Bank
• Your unconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. Its
capacity is virtually unlimited. It permanently stores
everything that ever happens to you.

• The function of your unconscious mind is to store and

retrieve data
Unconscious Mind
The Unquestioning Servant
Your unconscious mind is subjective. It does not think or
reason independently. It merely obeys the commands it
receives from your conscious mind.

Your unconscious mind is an unquestioning servant. It

works day and night to make your behaviour fits a pattern
consistent with your emotionalized thoughts, hopes, and
Unconscious Mind
The Comfort Zone
• All your habits of thinking and acting are stored in your
Unconscious mind. It has memorized all your comfort zones
and it works to keep you in them.

• Your unconscious mind causes you to feel emotionally and

physically uncomfortable whenever you attempt to do
anything new or different. It goes against changing any of
your established patterns of behaviour.

Heuristics are a problem-solving method that uses

shortcuts to produce good-enough solutions given a
limited time frame or deadline.
Heuristic is derived from the Greek word meaning “to

Heuristics are a flexibility technique for quick

decisions, particularly when working with complex
Role of Heuristic in Creative Thinking
Availability heuristic- The availability heuristic is a bias
in which a person relies on the easily recalled
information (as a consequence, often recent
information) when making a decision.

- Advertising purpose
To sell the solution, you first present the problem. The
problem becomes the easily recalled information in the
buyer’s head. Due to the availability heuristic, she starts
to overestimate the problem and feels the need to solve.
And then you present the solution.
Halo effect-The halo effect is a cognitive bias in which
the general opinion of something, or someone, is
gathered from one element.

For example, research shows that attractive people

are much more likely to be also considered intelligent,
kind, trustworthy and friendly.

Advertising purpose- Brand endorsements, influencer

Information bias- The information bias is a tendency
to believe that the more information there is, the
better, even if extra information is irrelevant to the

Advertising purpose- Predictably, by providing more

information about your product than there is about
your competitor’s product, you could enhance the
customer’s perception that yours is a better product.
Bandwagon effect-The bandwagon effect is a psychological
phenomenon in which people do something primarily because
other people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which
they may ignore or override.

Propaganda advertising is a technique that plays on the

emotions of the target audience in an attempt to influence
their opinions or behaviors.

Bandwagon advertising is a specific type of propaganda

advertising technique that tries to get the target audience to
jump on board, so as to not "miss out" on what everyone else is
doing. It focuses on the target audience's desire to be included.
Example for bandwagon
Steps of Creative Process

Stage 1- Preparation
Stage 2- Incubation
Stage 3- Insight
Stage 4 - Evaluation
Stage 5- Elaboration

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