Pedal Operated Flour Mill

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Action plan development phase-iiI (tcbtp


Adviser;Demeke G. and Tsion B.
Submission date; 2022


Group member ID NO

1. TemesgenAsres…………………………..RU 4352/11
2. YidenekNiguiss……………………….......RU3995/11
3. AbduljebarSemu…………………………..RU4359/11
4. GemechuDereje.…………………………...RU 3527/11
5. MintesinotTadesse…………………………RU3491/11
6. Derara Teresa……………………………..RU3397/11
7. IsakMutalib……………………………….RU4188../11

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM .................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJETIVE ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 SCOPE OF PROJET................................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 SIGNIFICANT OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................ 4
1.6 LIMITATION ......................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................................................. 5
LITRETURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF PEDAL OPERATED FLOUR MILL ................................................................... 6
2.2 CONSTRUCTION OF PEDAL OPERATED FLOUR MILL ........................................................................... 7
2.3 MAIN COMPONENTS OF GRINDIING MILLS AND THEIR USES ............................................................ 7
2.4 CLEANING ............................................................................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................................ 9
MATERIAL AND METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Mechanism of Pedal Kinematics ......................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Operating Principles .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Mechanism for Pedal Operated Flour Mill........................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 DATA COLLECTING METHOD............................................................................................................. 14
4.2.1 DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 14
4.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATION .................................................................................................................. 15
4.4 Decision factor .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.5 DESIGN SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................................................... 15

4.7. DESIGN OF SHAFT ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.8 DESIGN OF BEARING ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.9 Design of hopper ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.10 BELT DESIGN.................................................................................................................................... 28
4.11. CHAIN DESIGN ................................................................................................................................ 31
4.12. COLUMN DESIGN ........................................................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................................. 39
MANITENANCE OF MACHINE...................................................................................................................... 39
5.1. COST ESTIMATION OF THE MACHINE .............................................................................................. 40
CONCLUSSION ............................................................................................................................................. 41
RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................................... 42
REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 43

First of all, we greatly indebted to our almighty God for helping us complete this project work
and for all his help throughout our life. Secondly our deepest and hearty thanks goes to our
advisor Demeke G. and Tsion B. for his directing, supervising and advising for the final
complete work of the project. Thirdly our thanks goes to Mechanical Engineering Department
for offering such great opportunity to Mechanical Engineering students which help us in the
dealing with different design concepts.

Lastly we would like to thank our team members for their great contribution and cooperation in
collecting, analyzing different data required for the success of the project.

Human power might very well contribute energy requirements for performing many activities for
the next couple of years due to the socio-economic conditions of farmers in developing countries
which include Ethiopia. This power needs some additional mechanism to perform the everyday
activities efficiently. this include the hand crank mechanism or pedal that run by our leg. Pedal
power allows a user to drive machines at the same or faster speeds as hand cranking, but with
dramatically less effort and discomfort. Human muscle power can be a great way to meet the
energy requirements of numerous tasks, such as flour milling. the flour milling machine that uses
pedal power is the best approach to use the human muscles efficiently. the constraction of this
machine is easy and the material used to construct this machine is locally available.

The machine is cost-effective, can be used by ordinary people, saves a lot of time spent
mechanically cranking stone wheels, and can be used for human-powered process units that can
operate intermittently without affecting the end lifting the milling stone wheels up
and down with adjustable nuts we modified our miller from just milling to different kind of

Developing countries of third world like Ethiopia are facing problems of power storage due to
rapid industrialization, no availability of power in rural areas and unemployment among semi-
skilled workers. In the context of the present condition in Ethiopia and third world countries the
power shortage and exhaustion of coal reserves and unemployment, it is felt that “Manually
energized machine for fulfilling of necessary needs of the people. These machines are
environment friendly i.e. non-polluting, easily handled by the people and much efficient than old
stone-flour mill. It will bring innovation and mechanization in Agricultural Engineering.
Unskilled women may also get employment and also save the power and money both.
Development of such an energy source which has tremendous utility in energizing many rural
based process machines in places where reliability of availability of electric energy is much low.
Until about two and half centuries ago, muscle power was the prime source of energy for
performing all the physical activities on our earth, and much of this power had been from human
muscles. Because of the socioeconomic conditions of farmers in several developing countries
including India, human muscle power will go on contributing energy requirements for
performing many farm activities at least for next two decades. In remote villages in Ethiopia,
where electric power supply is not available and repair and maintenance facilities for machines
are scarce, human power is still one of the major contributors of energy for production
agriculture as well as for post-harvest agricultural operations. Human energy has generally been
utilized through arms, hands, and back. It was only with the invention of the bicycle, that legs
also began to be considered as a means of developing power from human muscles. Maximal
power produced with legs is generally limited by adaptations within the oxygen transport system
On the other hand, the capacity for arm exercise is dependent upon the amounts of muscle mass
engaged. Owing to these limitations, a person can generate more power (about four times) by
pedaling than by hand cranking. Pedal power enables a person to drive devices at the same or
higher rate as that achieved by hand cranking, but with far less effort and fatigue. The main use
of pedal power in the high-power range (75W and above) is still for bicycling during exercise
training, sports and rehabilitation activities. In the low-power range the major occupational use
of pedal power is for transport of people using cycle rickshaw. However, pedal power seems to

be potentially advantageous in agriculture, construction and electrical power generation, when
electrical or internal combustion engine power is unavailable and expensive. Common
applications of stationary pedal power in agricultural operations may include water pumping,
threshing, winnowing, groundnut decortications, maize shelling, grain grinding, fodder
shredding, etc. In this paper an attempt was made to design and fabricate pedal operated flour
mill which can be used anywhere where electric line is not present. This facilitates a youth or any
other person to operate and make wheat or rice grits (daliya) or wheat flour by adjusting the
grinding space.

Several cereal milling techniques were employed across the world for centuries before the
development of the diesel-powered flour milling machine.Even after the invention of diesel and
electrically powered machines, Ethiopia was hesitant to update them because they were extracted
from other countries. Maize or corn, wheat, teff, sorghum, bean, pea, and other crops have
traditionally mechanically ground by placing the cereal between two large flat surface stones and
rubbing a little stone over the large flat surface stone. This procedure is rehashed until the whole
grains are ground to a powder or flour that may be used for food preparation, such as preparing
enjera or bread, as well as cooking. Notwithstanding the invention of diesel and electrically
operated cutting tools, the traditional method of cereal milling machine for food preparation is
still in use in some parts of Ethiopia where electricity is scarce This machine's design saves time
as compared with the traditional way.

The feasibility, availability, cost, operational ability, and maintainability issues that must be addressed in
this project are listed below.

Generally problems are:

 The commercial electrically operated machine is limited to electric power (i.e., it is

difficult to use in places where electric power is not provided).
 Commercial flour milling machines are expensive.
 When the electricity fluctuated or went off for a long period of time, the community was
dissatisfied and missed a flour milling machine.
 The expense of maintaining an electrically operated machine is high, and the necessary
materials are not available locally.
 As Ethiopians, we don't lack labor; we lack money. However, using electrically operated
machines prevents us from using human power.
 Electrical and diesel-powered milling machines produce undesired noise and pose a
danger to humans.



The main objective of these project is to design a pedal operated flour mill for both rural and
urban environments and that can be run by a semi-skilled operator and can readily used in a
place where there is no or restricted power supply.


 Is to design stone plate

 Is to design crankshaft
 Is to design shaft
 Is to design bearing
 Is to design hopper
 Is to design belt
 Is to design chain

From the title we had given, the proposal have to contain how to design each part of the machine,
operation principle using knowledge of machine design, machine drawing and mechanics of
material and engineering material. This project goes various steps starting from creating the idea
to modeling the 3D prototype. The design handle a calculations that helps us to find the area,
weight and volume of the machine. The design of parts with the solid edge software is also
included to our project.


 In areas where there is no electrical power, this method can be used.
 To reduce the cost
 a larger proportion of works with only a little amount of human effort
 Cost of the machine to manufacture is less
 Needs less power to operate
 Simple to use

 Cannot work in the absence of human power
 The maintenance of this machine cannot be done with ordinary man
 This machine's milling rate is lower.
 This machine's lifespan is limited since another, more basic machine may develop in the
 Restricted only to mill flour

The main goal is to design and develop a machine that operates using its own human power as a
source of energy. It primarily consists of a simple bicycle mechanism. The gap between the ever-
increasing consumption of electricity and its provision has established a daily busy schedule of
load shedding in many developing countries, such as Ethiopia (power cuts).Slow operation,
discomfort, and a low production rate characterize this technique of hand cranking stone wheels.
Since the quadriceps, or thigh, is the largest and most powerful muscle in the human body, it
makes sense to use it to produce as much power as possible.Adjustments in the oxygen
transportation system usually limit the maximum power produced by legs.Pedal power allows a
person to drive a device at the same speed as if they were cranking it by hand, but with less effort
and exhaustion. Most of these people live in situations where manual labor that's their only
source of sustenance, but mechanical devices can assist to ease the load. "Processed grain is one
of the most important elements in the diet of low-income groups in developing countries,"
according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). The ILO found that suitable
technologies for grain milling keep the employment and local profits. As a result, the need for a
machine that can be run by common people without the use of electricity emerged, and the
pedal-powered flour mill was developed.

Flour machine parts are being used to grind different grains including such corn, wheat, teff,
bean, and pea. Different countries develop the pedal-operated flour milling machine. India, for
example. It is expensive since it is manufactured in a foreign country. Moreover, our country is
susceptible to the import of such devices, which increases foreign exchange. As a result, our
work aims to fill this deficit.Moreover, the professional flour milling machine's height makes it
difficult to easily add cereals. Even though the former way of grinding cereals is familiar, it has
defects that listed in the above. So to fill these gaps our proposal on pedal operated flour milling
machine is the best and efficient way for solving our society problem because of its small size,
low cost, no need to be imported and finally it’s possible to design easily.

The basic principle of operation of “Pedal Operated Flour Mill” is that when a sufficient amount
of power is applied by means of cycling through chain as well as cross belt drive to the
conventional stone wheel mechanism, then the lower wheel revolves in a particular direction say
clockwise or anticlockwise direction and the upper wheel is fixed with adjustable nuts but it has
un upward and down ward movement in order to carry out different kinds of milling operations.
The frictional force between two wheels is responsible for the grinding. In conventional stone
wheel mechanism the intermittent flow is required to get fine output. The same type of
arrangements of flow is made in Pedal operated flour mill. It consists of Hopper mechanism in
which the grains are stored. It is having a flow control unit. The output of the stone wheel
mechanisms collected between a hemispherical collectors which is located below the stone wheel


In construction the pedal operated flour mill basically consists of two units namely the drive unit
and processing unit. The drive unit mainly concerns with transmission of human power to
processing unit. This transmission of human power to processing unit is accomplished in two
stages. In first stage the operator uses his feet and legs to rotate pedal around the crank axel. The
pedals in turn are fixed to chain ring (sprocket) with the teeth’s that engages continuous chain.
The chain then transmits the pedaling action to cog on the front wheel causing the front sprocket
rotate and then drive shaft on which pulley is mounted. In second stage this power from shaft and
pulley is transmitted to processing unit through belt drive. The processing unit essentially
consists of stone wheels, hopper, and hemispherical collector. The stone wheels are operated by
power from the belt drive where the wheat kernels which are fed into hopper are crushed and
powered wheat flour is collected in hemispherical collector


1. Cast plate; it is the basic component which is to grind different types of cereals such
sorghum, maize wheat, teff, bean, pea etc.
2. Adjusting handle, it is used to control the degree on the finesse of the flour by decreasing
and increasing the gap between the fixed grinding plate and the rotating grinding plate.
3. Support leg; it is used to carry and support the other components of the grinding machine.
4. Hopper, the hopper is used to store temporarily the cereals before it enters to the grinding
section and also control the flow rate of the cereals to the grinding section.
5. Pedal (crank shaft), is used to rotate the wheel or pulley to transmit power to the shaft
during manual operation.

6. Shaft; used to transmit power from the pulley or from manual arm to the rotating grinding
7. Bearing, is used to support and allow shaft to rotate effectively without friction and rubbing
with other components in contact with the shaft.
8. Lock nut; is used to fix adjusting handle.
9. Sack or can; is used to collect or store the mill or flour after it is grinded in the grinding

When using the flour milling machine for dry material, there's no need to clean it after every
use. We include a small brush to dislodge any dry remains, and the powder-coated body is easily
wiped clean. After grinding peanuts, flax seed, coffee or other oily materials, simply disassemble
and hand wash the grinding burrs and auger. We've also found that grinding legumes after
peanuts helps absorb some of the peanut oil so the mill is easier to clean.

3.1 Mechanism of Pedal Kinematics
Growing demands for energy, coupled with depleting natural resources, has resulted in a demand
for the development of renewable energy sources. A renewable energy is the energy available in
natural form and can be replaced by another form by the natural or artificial processes. In natural
form it is not in usable form, so some devices are required to transform the energy in usable
form. There are so many sources which are qualified as renewable energy sources e.g. solar,
water, tides, geothermal, biomass, wind etc. and having endless existence. Some limitations are
noted down to use these energy sources. It requires favorable local geographical and climatic
conditions to use efficiently. Also the energy sources required costly equipment’s to transform
the energy in usable form. The equipment’s like water turbines, windmills, solar energy
collectors etc. and also storage media are out of the coverage of general people. The property of
endless existence make the renewable energy sources important, but the high initial and
maintenance cost of the equipment’s is the great obstacle to use these sources. Bicycles can
sometimes be adapted to drive the devices mentioned above, but the result is often inefficient. It
is frequently cheaper in initial and maintenance costs to use a properly designed and constructed
dynapod.Adynapod is a portable pedaling device that consists of a stand, saddle, handlebar,
pedals, and sprocket wheel. The name comes from the Greek words for "power" and "foot."
Dynapod power varies according to the size and fitness of the operator and the length of time
spent pedaling.

The main function of transformation of the power from human body or limbs to the crank is
shown in the Fig 1. As shown in the pedal kinematics figure the force applied by the joints of a
man is applied in limbs and then it transfer to the pedal of the cycle. But the actual force applied
to the pedal is not only human power some external forces also acted on it. The applied force is
two types:

a. Static force
This is actual force which is applied by the human limbs and acted directly on the pedal and
transfers the power to the crank and pass through to the mill’s crank.

b. Dynamic force
These are the external forces which are applied on the pedal and crank. These are gravitational
force, pedal acceleration and retardation force and momentum of the limb due to acceleration.
Hence actual force applied to the pedal = Static +Dynamic force of the limbs Human energy has
generally been applied through the use of the arms, hands, and back. With minor exceptions,
it was only with the invention of the sliding-seat rowing shell, and particularly of the bicycle,
that legs also began to be considered as a "normal" means of developing power from human
muscles. A person can generate four times more power (1/4 horsepower (hp)) by pedalling than

by hand-cranking. At the rate of 1/4hp, continuous pedalling can be done for only short periods,
about 10 minutes. However pedalling at half this power (1/8 hp) can be sustained for around 60
minutes. Pedal power enables a person to drive devices at the same rate as that achieved by hand-
cranking, but with far less effort and fatigue. Pedal power also lets one drive devices at
a faster rate than before (e.g. winnower), or operate devices that require too much power for
hand cranking (e.g. thresher).

3.2 Operating Principles

The power levels that a human being can produce through pedaling depend on how strong the
pedlar is and on how long he or she needs to pedal. If the task to be powered will continue for
hours at a time, 75 watts mechanical power is generally considered the limit for a larger, healthy
non-athlete. A healthy athletic person of the same build might produce up to twice this amount.
A person who is smaller and less well nourished, but not ill, would produce less; the estimate for
such a person should probably be 50 watts for the same kind of power production over an
extended period. The meaning of these curves is that any point on a curve indicates the
maximum time that the appropriate class of person could maintain the given average power
level. Power levels are also directly related to the environment of the person doing the pedaling.
To be able to continue pedaling over an extended period, a person must be able to keep cool
whether because the ambient temperature is low enough, or because there is adequate breeze. A
simple rule is that most people engaged in delivering power continuously for an hour or more
will be most efficient when pedaling in the range of 50 to 70 revolutions per minute (rpm. For
simplicity's sake, it can be taken as 60 rpm, or one revolution of the pedal cranks per second, as
an easy reference value for estimates of the gear ratios required to drive a given load.

3.3 Mechanism for Pedal Operated Flour Mill
The main objective is to design & develop a machine which uses human power as source of
energy to drive the machine. It basically consists of a simple bicycle mechanism. The person can
generate four times more power (1/4 horsepower (hp)) by pedaling than by hand cranking. At the
rate of 1/4 hp, continuous pedaling can be done for only short time, about 10 minutes.
However pedaling at half of this power (1/8 hp) can be sustained for around 60 minutes
Maximum power produced with legs is generally limited by adoptions within the oxygen
transportation system. On the other hand the capacity for arm exercise is dependent upon the
amounts of muscle mass engaged and that is why a person can generate more power by pedaling
than hand cranking. Pedal power enables a person to drive device at same rate as achieved by
hand cranking but with less efforts and fatigue. The power levels that can be produced by an
average healthy athlete is 75 W maximum. A person can generate more or same amount of
power for longer time if they pedal at certain rate. A simple rule is that most people engaged in
delivering power continuously for an hour or will be more efficient when pedaling rate is in the
range of 50-70rpm. Keeping these limitations of human capabilities in mind the proposed
machine consists of three subsystems:

(1) The energy unit,

(2) Transmission mechanism

(3) The process unit.

The energy unit basically consists of conventional bicycle mechanism; the transmission
mechanism consists of chain drive running over a pair of sprockets and belt drive running over
pulley and stone wheels. The process unit is a pair of stone wheels mounted over one another
where the wheat gets crushed into powered form toproduce wheat flour. All these units are
assembled on bicycle like structure (seat, saddle, handle etc).

Methodology is one of the most important in any project works. Particularly we choice this
project In CBTP in order to solve the community problem and the basic information to design
this machine or pedal operated flour mill is information that we gathered in CBTP phase I and
phase II around Jimma city and rural area. During CBTP phase I and phase II, we observed that
the community was facing with different problems in simple machine like cereal grinding
machine etc. Now, we stand to solve the main problem of the community to increase the
availability of this simple machine especially, in rural area where there is lack of electricity and
we design simple pedal operated machine with high efficiency for the peoples.

Generally, to design this machine we referred to design books and website and study short come
of this proposal and make up grade and easy constructions or design pedal operated flour



Data collection about the row seeder machine is engaged using the following statically data
collection methods. Among this I choice: -

we gathered the information about the machine by direct observation and from previous
CBTP phase researches. On the observation, the following problems are gathered. It is obvious
that almost all of our societies traditional flour milling. This method of flour milling consumes a
lot of time and forces. On the other hands rate of product is very inefficient. By observing these
society problems we encouraged to solve the problem.
These tasks have been done through study on the internet, books, and others information.
After gather and collect all related information and obtain new idea and knowledge about flour
milling machine


To design and model cereal grinding machine different consideration has taken to account from
different point of view so as to make it simple, economical, popular, feasible and environmental

The design considerations taken to accounts include

 Cost
 Availability of materials
 Welding technology used
 Corrosion and wear resistance of the materials
 Manufacturability
 Maintainability
 Long useful time

4.4 Decision factor

 Parts are easily available
 Simple to build and operate
 Easily maintain
 Adaptable to variety of situations (i.e. leg)
 Easily assembled and disassembled


Design specifications used in design of pedal operated flour mill machineare the following.

 weight of the operator = 490.5N
 Speed of shaft = 80rpm
 Diameter of plate = 300mm
 Thickness of the plate = 20mm
 Density of the plate(ρ) = 7.874x103 Kg/m^3
 Diameter of large pull wheel =50mm


Material selected:-mild steel


Length of crank shaft=300mm

Radius =18.5mm


=245.25N (0.075) +245.25(0.225)

 rotating torque
T=2Fxr F=245.25N
T= 2*245.25*18.5mm



 Calculate the diameter of the crank shaft



D= =17mm
D crank shaft=18.2mm


Material selected: - mild steel 50C4

Ultimate stress=700mpa


τ max=50Mpa






Let T1=2T2 ,T3=3T4

Db=80mm rB=0.04



T3= =540N

T4=T3/3= 2*540/3=360N









Mb max=360Nm

Maximum bending moment

Mb max=450Nm

τmax= ⁄

Meq=√( ) ( )



τmax= ⁄



We have selected this type of bearing considering the dimension of the shaft.

We select ball bearing for our design

So when we select and arranging bearing it is necessary to consider their loading, ease of
assembly and disassembly and type of lubricant. They are also farther considering rotational
speed, operating temperature, bearing internal clearance and many other concepts. Ball bearing
are most useable bearing due to

 Low starting and running friction

 Accuracy of shaft alignment
 Reliability of service
 Ease to mount and erect
 Small over all dimension

This flour machine desired to work about 8 hour per day and 365 day per year. The life of
this machine is about 3.5 year. The desire life of bearing in hour Lhr.

Lhr =3.5x8x365=10220

To select the number of bearing it is required to determine static equivalent radial load and
dynamic equivalent radial load.

Dynamic equivalent load W=XVFRB+YFAB

Where W – dynamic equivalent load

X – Radial load factor

Y – Axial load or trust load factor

V – Rotational factor

Note; V=1 for all type of inner race rotating bearing

The values of X and Y can be obtained from table 27.4 (Gupta Machine Design page.1008)

For single raw and angular contact bearing;

For case FA/FR<e for this case FA is zero (FA=0)

FA/FR=O<e then for single raw angular contact bearing X=1 and Y=0

So W=XVFR+YFA=0.56*1*900+1.6993*675=6.51KN

C10=W ( ) ^1/a where a=3 for ball bearing

=6.51( )


From the above table select a 35mm instead of 30mm for =<90% reliability

db=bore diameter


So bearing no 207

DO (outside diameter)=72mm w(width)=17mm

4.9 Design of hopper

A hopper used to prevent leakage and temporary storage for cereals before it enters the grinding
section. It has pyramidal frustum shape.

 Material selection for hopper

The material used for the construction of hopper is mild steel. This is selected considering the
welding technology because welding other material may require more advanced welding

Mild steel property:-

Density = 7850Kg/m^3

Thermal conductivity = 50.2W/mc

The selected dimensions are:

- Upper face of hopper :90cm x 90cm

- Lower face of hopper:10cm x10cm
- Height of hopper:25cm
- Thickness =2mm

Hopper have a trapezoidal shape thus wise

 Area of trapezium =
= ( )

Area of hopper =1250cm^2
 Volume of hopper =
= 1/3*(1250cm^2 * 25)
= 10416cm^3
 Volume of hopper = 10416c
 =0.010416

Known parameters
N2=revolution of shaft 2
T = 9Nm
N3= revolution of large pulley = N2 =120Rpm
D3=diameter of large pulley =180mm
D4= diameter of smaller pulley=60mm


N4 = (D3/D4) * N3
N4 = 200 Rpm
Then power developed in the system is


P= 188.5watt
Power developed in the system = 188.5 watt.
For mill of teff
Maximum Volume flow rate of the system
In this system our consideration the cereal which have maximum density means a teff.
Density of a teff =204 g/m^3
Inlet area of the sieve =length * width
= 0.01* 0.01
= 0.0001 m^2
Volume flow rate = √

Volume flow rate=0.15

Volume per 1 hour = volume flow rate * time of machine operate per day
V = 0.1566*3600
Volume= 564m^3
Total mass of cereal grinded per 1 hour= volume cereal * density cereal
M = 564* 0.204
= 115kg
Thus wise the maximum mass the machine can grind per 1 hour is 115 kg

For mill of corn

In this system our consideration the cereal which have maximum density means a corn.

Density of a teff =157 g/m^3

Inlet area of the sieve =length * width
= 0.01* 0.01
= 0.0001 m^2
Volume flow rate = √

Volume flow rate=0.143

Volume per 1 hour = volume flow rate * time of machine operate per 1 hour
V = 0.143*3600
Volume= 514.8 m^3
Total mass of cereal grinded per day = volume cereal * density cereal
M = 514.8* 0.157
= 80.82 kg
Thus wise the maximum mass the machine can grind per day 1 hour is 80.82 kg

For mill of wheat

In this system our consideration the cereal which have maximum density means a wheat.
Density of a teff =183 g/m^3
Inlet area of the sieve =length * width
= 0.01* 0.01
= 0.0001 m^2
Volume flow rate = √

Volume flow rate=0.151

Volume per 1 hour = volume flow rate * time of machine operate per day
V = 0.151*3600

Volume= 544m^3
Total mass of cereal grinded per 1 hour= volume cereal * density cereal
M = 544* 0.183
= 99.5kg
Thus wise the maximum mass the machine can grind per 1 hour is 99.5 kg


When we compare belt with other power transmission they are

 Less expensive
 Produce less amount of noise and vibration
 Tension of pulley can be used to avoid adjustment in center distance

We have used flat belt type specifically with open belt drive.

From the above shaft design analysis amount of force or tension is as follows


T4=180 where T4 is tight side and T3 is slack side

Let c=0.8m where c is the center distance between the two pulley


d=60mm where D is diameter of larger pulley & d small diameter of the pulley

Fig.Open flat belt geometry

α = sin-1( ) = sin-1( ) =4.3

Ɵd = (180-2α) = (180-2x4.3) =3 where ɵd is angle contact at small pulley

ƟD= (180+2α) = (180+2x4.3) = 3.3 where ɵDis angle contact at large pulley

L=√ ( ) +0.5(D xɵD+ dɵd) where L is length of the belt

L=√ ( ) ( ) +0.5(0.18 x 3.3 +0.06x3) =1.98m

L= 1.98m


Fig 3.flat belt tension and torque

Let, T1 and T4 = Tensions in the tight side and slack side of the belt respectively
belt material that we take is rubber.

Let the belt of thickness is t=5mm=0.005m

Density of the rubber is ρ =1140kg/m3

Allowable stress of rubber is σu=2.1MPa

To find the width (W) of the plate first find centrifugal tensile (Tc)

Tc=mv2 where m is mass of the plate per length and v is velocity

V= = =0.25m/s

Area (A) = W x t = 0.005W

Length of the belt (L) = 1.5m

m = A x L x ρ = 0.005W x 1.85 x 1140 = 10.545W

Tc=mv2= 10.545W x 0.252 =0.659W

 The maximum tensile of the belt (T)

T = T2 + TC =σux W x t

T= 540 + 0.659W = 2.1 X 106 x 0.005W

W= 0.0123m=12.3mm

 Friction coefficient at large pulley

( ) =µɵD

µ= ( ) /ɵD = ( )/3.3=0.33

 Friction coefficient for small pulley

µ= ( ) /ɵd== ( )/3=0.366


The chains are made up of number of rigid links which are hinged together by pin joints in order
to provide the necessary flexibility for wraping round the driving and driven wheels. These
wheels have projecting teeth of special profile and fit into the corresponding recesses in the links
of the chain.

The toothed wheels are known as *sprocket wheels or simply sprockets.The sprockets and the
chain are thus constrained to move together without slipping and ensures perfect velocity ratio.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chain Drive over Belt or Rope Drive

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of chain drive over belt or rope drive:
1. As no slip takes place during chain drive, hence perfect velocity ratio is obtained.
2. Since the chains are made of metal, therefore they occupy less space in width than a belt or
rope drive.
3. It may be used for both long as well as short distances.
4. It gives a high transmission efficiency (up to 98 percent).
5. It gives less load on the shafts.
6. It has the ability to transmit motion to several shafts by one chain only.
7. It transmits more power than belts.
8. It permits high speed ratio of 8 to 10 in one step.
9. It can be operated under adverse temperature and atmospheric conditions.
1.The production cost of chains is relatively high.
2. The chain drive needs accurate mounting and careful maintenance, particularly lubrication
and slack adjustment.
3. The chain drive has velocity fluctuations especially when unduly stretched.








DP =150W

Speed ratio =N1/N2=T2/T1

S.R =120/80=1.5


From Table 21.5,

We find that for the roller chain, the number of teeth on the smaller sprocket or
pinion (T1) for a velocity ratio of 1.5 are approximately 27


Number of teeth on the larger sprocket or gear,

T2 = = 1.5*27=41


From Table 21.4,



Then belt type selected for our design is 06B.


From Table 21.1, we find that

Pitch p=9.25mm

Roller diameter=6.35mm

Width of inner plate=5.72mm

Breaking load, WB = 8.9KN

We know that pitch circle diameter of the smaller sprocket or pinion,

D1=p*csc( )= ( )


D2= p* csc ( )= ( )


Pitch line velocity of the smaller sprocket,


Load on the chain,

W =Rated power/Pitch line velocity


= 144N

Centre distance between the sprockets,

C=30Pitch =30*9.525=285.75mm


Correct center distance (X), In order to accommodate initial sag in the chain, the value of
Centre distance is reduced by 2 to 5 mm.




We know that the number of chain links

K= (T1+T2)/2+2*X/p+ ((T2-T1)/2π) ^2*P/X

=(27+41)/2+2*(280.75/9.525)+((41-27)/2*3.14)^2 *(9.525/280.75)=94


Length of the chain,

L=K*p= 94*9.525mm=895.4mm

Length of chain =895.4mm= 0.8954m


The length of column between base and upper holder is 30 cm=300mm. The maximum bending
acts on it the summation of bending moment due to turning force and due to the force acts on
plates the cereals would be grinded.





Thickness of plate=25mm*2plate=50mm

Length of column=300mm

Density of plate =7.874 x10^3 Kg/m^3


V= A*t =(πd^2)/4 *50mm=12.4mm^3

M= ρ*12.44mm^3 =12.4Kg



12.4*9.81 =121.33N






We use mild steel



Shear stress=50mpa





A=2t*t =2t^2


K^2= =t^2/3 where k, radius of gyration

w=total load p=w/4 =1371.37/4 =342.8N



Pcr =f.s*p =342.8*2


( )

Pcr= ) =695.6N
( )(
√ )


Let X=t^2





t=5mm more safe for our design


A=b*t =50mm^2

For one column t=5mm


When we check it

Pdesign=324N<Pcr=695.6N then our design is safe.

For effective and efficient performance of the machine proper maintenance activity must be
carried out regularly or daily as per requirement. The maintenance technique can be preventive
maintenance or proactive maintenance.

The operator or the user of the machine has to follow the proper instruction of operation of the
machine during installation and during the operation of the machine. When the maintenance
activity is carried out proper maintenance procedures has to be followed to avoid maintenance
induced failure.

Routine maintenance such as cleaning, lubricating, adjusting the loosened nuts and bolts is very
necessary as it avoids the occurrence or rate of failure and sudden stoppage of the machine.

Checking the lubricant oil level of bearing reduces the failure of the bearing as well as loss of
power due to high friction developed due to lack of oil.

For effective grinding action the condition of the grinding plate should be checked and
reconditioned by the correct procedure.

The machine has to be cleaned after use.

Proper maintenance activity carried out for the flour milling machine reduces:

 Sudden stoppage of the machine.

 Reduce time of regular maintenance made to restore failed component.
 Cost of replacement of some components like bearing, shaft etc.
 Delay of time waiting for spare part if not in stock.
 Loss in power due to friction in components like bearing.
So proper maintenance activity must be carried out for effective and efficient performance of the
machine daily or regularly as per required.

No- Material of the machine Quantity Cost per piece Total price in
1 Hopper 1 2000 2000
2 pulley 2 250 500
3 Crank shaft 1 120 120
4 Belt 1 500 500
5 Shaft 2 500 1000
6 Stone plate 2 1500 3000
7 Bearing 3 200 600
8 Chain 1 550 550
9 Supporter 2 800 1600
10 Pipe and control valve 1 100 100
11 Nut and Bolt 6 25 150
12 Bolt and Nut (stone plate) 2 50 100
We estimate the cost in birr 10,220

The study focused on the design of the pedal operated flour machine, the design of the pedal
operation was done by using the simple mechanism cycle chain system and the fabrication of the
flour machine was done by using indigenous materials and devices like pulleys, belt, shaft, ball
bearing, grain container and the millstones. The designed pedal operated flour machine for
providing a human operated flour machine to the people of such places where the electric power
is not available. It is very useful for such people who cannot afford the cost of grinding of wheat
by electric flour machine The main objective behind development of pedal operated flour mill
was on producing cheap, easy to operate system which can be easily fabricated by readily
available material and thus we proposed a simplistic design that can deliver efficient, productive
and reliable flour mill which can be used in rural as well as urban areas. This equipment can be
easily operated by semi rather low skilled operator. Further this equipment can easily find its
place where there is no or limited power supply.

Generally From this study it is evidently clear that the designed pedal operated flour machine can
be better used for the good quality of flour without applying electricity and also anybody can
operate it. This can be popularized in areas where power cuts are more frequent and power is
available for limited hours and for those people who cannot afford high electric charge.


 It is recommended that pedal operated flour machine has to be advertised to increase the
awareness of the community and motivate peoples to use this improved cereal grinding
 Government has to play a role to afford the machine for community who do not have the
capable of buying the machine as per village as per required and give necessary training
on how to assemble or install, operate and maintain the machine.
 It is highly recommended that the user has to follow proper operation and maintenance
procedures during idle or operation of the machine.
 Lastly, it is recommended that designer and engineers has to optimize and improve the
technology to more appropriate and advanced technology.

1. R.S.Khurmi&J.K.Gupta text book of Machine Design 14th edition

2. Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design 9theditons

3. Mechanical Design Hand book

4. http//

5. Fundamental of Material science and Engineering, William D. Callister,

Jr.DepartmentMetallurgical Engineering, The University of Utah fifth edition


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