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Task 1 - Elaboration

Presentado por: 
Juan Alejandro Otalvaro Bermudez 
Presentado a: 
Erika Milena Camargo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD 
Tecnología en imágenes diagnósticas y radiología 
Imageniologia de la mama
Febrero de 2022 
What is embryology?

Embryology is the specialty that is responsible for studying everything related to the
development of the embryo until the moment of birth.
It is responsible for studying the process from the fertilization of the sperm in the egg,
which leads to the formation of the zygote.

When the fertilization process ends, the organs of the embryo begin to be generated, after
the first month the embryo will be called a fetus.

This specialty provides different knowledge about the beginning of human life and the
different stages and developments that occur during pregnancy. Thanks to the knowledge of
human embryology, everything related to the normal development of the embryo is much
better known, as well as the possible causes of malformations.

Subspecialties found in embryology

Many of the disorders and malformations that the embryo can suffer in the first weeks are
collected in the specialties of human embryology and developmental biology. Thanks to
this knowledge, it is possible to correct this type of disorders or malformations and allow
the normal development of the embryo. Among the pathologies that can be highlighted are
capillary hemangiomas and spina bifida, congenital diaphragmatic hernia... among others.

 Teratology: Covers everything related to development with anomalies in the fetus.

It is usually related to both genetic and environmental factors that are capable of
altering normal development, causing these anomalies or congenital effects on the

 Comparative Embryology: Is the specialty that is responsible for comparing the

embryos of living beings to find the differences and similarities in terms of their
biological processes.

 Chemical embryology: This is the specialty that offers the chemical bases of
embryo development, providing the chemical and molecular structure.

 Modern embryology: It is the specialty that ends up completing other branches

such as genetics, medicine or biochemistry.

 Developmental biology: Studies all the morphological changes that occur in cells,
tissues or organs. It is a specialty that studies more than the prenatal stage, since it
collects information from the germ cell of the parents to their successor.
Embryo development

In the development of the embryo, the different stages are collected according to the growth
of the embryo, which are differentiated between the pre-embryonic stage, the embryonic
stage and the fetal stage.

Pre-embryonic stage: The first stage begins from the fertilization of the ovum and lasts
about four weeks. So, embryology in the second week of pregnancy focuses on this stage.

 During this stage, the zygote begins the process of reorganizing the cells into the
structure called the morula. After a few days, it will become a blastocyst, a kind of
sphere that has a common cavity filled with liquid, also known as a blastocele.
 The blastocyst will have its moment of hatching and will finally be implanted in the
uterus. This is the moment of embryology of the development of the nervous
system, since the first bone and nervous system cells will begin to form.
 Now of the formation of these cells is when the next stage begins.

Embrion implantado. (s. f.). [Ilustracion]. Natalben.

Embryonic stage: After the fourth week of pregnancy, we can talk about the embryonic

stage collected in the specialty of embryology and it usually ends around the eighth

week of pregnancy.

 During these weeks is when the first structures begin to form that will begin to give
rise to organs, bones, cartilage, circulatory tissue, glands, hair or nails.
 Throughout this stage the embryo already begins to acquire certain forms and
characteristics of the morphology that define us as vertebrates.

Desarrollo embrionario. (s. f.). [Ilustracion]. Timetoast.

Fetal stage: From the ninth week, around the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, and
until the moment of delivery, the embryo is considered a fetus and is at this stage of

 From the second trimester of pregnancy is when the organs, tissues and nervous
systems are already formed, but they begin to develop the characteristics that
guarantee their basic conditions.
 During the second trimester of pregnancy, the sex of the baby can already be
 During this stage, the fetus begins to become more resistant as a result of its
development and maturation, reducing the chances of miscarriage.

Semana 9 del embarazo. (s. f.). [Ilustracion]. Inatal.


Thanks to embryology and the studies derived from it, it is possible in many cases to detect
possible anomalies in the fetuses, being able to offer treatments so that the pregnancy
develops without problems.
Anatomy and histology of the breast

The mammary gland contains 15-25 lactiferous ducts located in the nipple. These branch
into smaller ducts and terminate in the terminal ductal lobular unit (lobule), which is
composed of a terminal duct and several small ductules (or acini).

The ducts and ductules are lined by an inner layer of cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells
and an outer layer of myoepithelial cells.
The connective tissue within the lobule is composed of fibroblasts on a background of
collagen and acidic mucins with histiocytes and occasional lymphocytes.

The interlobular stroma is hypocellular and composed of fibroadipose tissue.

The lobular epithelium and stroma respond to hormonal stimulation. During pregnancy
there is a marked proliferation of ducts that produces an enlargement of the lobules and the
epithelial cells show abundant cytoplasm filled with secretory vacuoles.

Anatomia del seno. (s. f.). [Ilustracion].

 López, P. (2016). Breast Radiology Manual. Buenos Aires, Madrid:


 Sánchez Basurto, C. (2010). Tratado de las enfermedades de la glándula mamaria.

Volúmen 1. Editorial Alfil, S. A. de

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