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d Bute Steam | Chavactey Stveam A -mechanism that perfom{ A mechanism 7M JaVve nput and output of that performs input and (9 bit bytes oukput operation of 36 bit}: lunicode . Common classes are Filexrped | Common classes ane File stream and Fileout put (Reader and Pile writer Steam aoa eee “Provide support for handling Provides Support toy jo operations. on bytes managing i[o operations | \ On characters - 9) use of Wraper class in Tara swe can Use the wrapper cals and Create a function awith parameters using prmitne data type. we can Change primitive date type into dastinet wrapper class: : | wrapper class qttews vaviow methods while wing | Coltectiont (ike Sovting and searching le The wrappey class implements he technique to Convert primitive Fto obpect and object jnto primitive lee Public clats wrappey Prange b Public satt void main (ering aC) $ | Icon-vevtary 170 AN Ynleyey | int 720; Tartegerr > Integer. valye of (a) > ‘Integer 9-9; SYS tem: owl: pri : _ ™: Oud print(n (q 4M “ee Mayys 3) Applet: an Applet 34 4 small progyams transfered zhnough anternet , avlomatically Fnstalted ant YU as part of web-hrowser- DApplets amplements functionality of a client Applet 46 an dynamic and Fnteractive promam that Yuns dntide a web. page displayed by 4 jaa ~cazo gle brows ey SP Ppplet Cannot access the local file System and | ne sources ewe dont have Concepts of Constructors in Applets A) WindowEvent” witl be generated 7f we close an applets window: sgwindowBvent ts generated “when a-windew ty activacedl oy closed of Feactivated ov deiconfred o opend oy TIL - 5) Method which is wed to regis fy a Keykond event ltyiney rs “add Key kistmev)" po | 0 Progyam that veads string Nout put: Lut -ysing output SHream class from the wey jmpovt java.util: Scanner’, amport Java: to Pile Outputs Ham ; public class Pile Qudput Streerm Example f Publit Stati void main(JEMg a9sc Df try |. Fale Output Jeream fout > new File Out-prtsbeam("D: Wtemout- Ext"), Scanner s¢=new Scanner (Sys tem: 1); Joing $2 SC nenthine 0); byte BC) > S- get Bytes 02) foyt-wiite( b)} fout: Closer»; 4 Catch (Exception @) t Syftem.oue-print(n(e) 5 5 y 5 8) Lide Cytle of an aoplet : cnhen applet beging the follown Jn this sequence. 9 methods ae calted {nitO , | | v when an applet oer] Stare) terminated the follomr7 Sequence of method Cally. | Pare tales - plate | tert? stow d deshoy de sted | amit. cpanst method lo be catled om ymialize an apple 4 the tine of qntiali (ot jon. 2 gnvofed @ ry web hyousey a enitialided opjets 9€ created 5 start) 7 she pearl) method 0 be tailed after THIEL eer amethod is Wed to Start the applet. let ty oll colted to restavt an applet after 7 | har geen stayed fe, resume, TamO! nid “pm Saphyes 9) | oo | | ethod 1) wed for gointmy any Jaze, part)» dass giver. painting featwes in an applet. aT he Wraphity a Th J Tra meters ill Contarn IPA Conlext. This Conkert will be wee wherever ovprte applet repaid Stoz04 TE 1 THroked every-L1m when frowser Jeopped o mint mized ov abrugk farlure of the api Creion destroy); destroyer method y wed {0 derirg the applicatmy. le once we have apa dome with o- apple Work Ix ge ts jmvokel only once. aomce applet 7 desboyed we conmot Jtart), [Example ving Parameter 77 applet. | ym port V4 apPlet-Apalet ; . Lymn pore ava awl: Gra phres ; public cass We Rrvam ¢ wlendy Apres | public wid PIn(Graphies Ff [tang Jlv= get poner (Sms 917 |g: dm l09 (500.509; my applet html. eee ; chimb | | capplet colt 2" Ue prom Clap t-wstth ~ "300". height -"308" | 2 para name "may ratte > "adeleeme bo ap7ltt'ts |

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