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1, 2, 3, 4 Week Track Intro.

This is a 1 - 4 Week plan to train speed when track resumes. If you have not been running this
will be a great introduction. If you have been grinding some workouts, then Week #1 & 2
should be easier for you (may want to skip to #3 & #4). Make sure to find a space of at least 60-
80 yds long (enough for sprint and deceleration). Use what you have to mark distances, curb
for step-ups, anything on the ground for a visual step/run-over on those required days.
These workouts are divided into 3 days per week with either a Sprint Drill warm-ups being
either an ‘A Day’ or ‘B Day’.
(All Sprint Drills [S.D.’s] will be 15 yds in distance with a 15 yd form jog)

Sprint Drills: ‘A Day’

A Marches (Sprint Posture and Knee up & toe up A march)
A Skips
Hi Knee (heel-ups; cycle through motion)
Lunge Walkovers (heel through the butt)
BK’s (butt kicks)
5 x Bounding Jumps (both feet, heels to butt)
Straight Leg Runs
Fast A’s (w/acceleration at 10 yds.)
Touch-n-Go’s x 3 (30 yd acceleration)

Sprint Drills: ‘B Day’

Lunge Walkovers
A Skip
B Skip
Duck Dance
Power Skips
Pogo Jumps x 2 (ankle flex)
Pogo Jumps x 2 (for height)
Backward Run (heel-ups to butt and cycle with leg extension)
Touch-n-Go’s x 3 (30 yd acceleration)

Week #1:
*Monday - S.D. ‘A Day’
4 x 40 yd (Max. controlled effort for top speed) - rest is full recovery
*Wednesday – S.D. ‘B Day’
Plyometric Training – choose 3 to 4 and complete over a distance of 15yds or by a # of reps
(Example by # of reps. = 3 x 12 reps of Squat Jumps for height)
*Friday – S.D. ‘A Day’
10 x 30yd Fly’s (EMOTM) every minute on the minute – tough gut runs
- You will complete 320yds of sprint work
Week #2:
*Monday – S.D. ‘B Day’
4 x 60yds (5-10 minutes rest; use max. effort on the runs)
*Wednesday – S.D. ‘A Day’
1. Hip Flex Drills – 3 x 10 each leg x each direction (perform using a fence or wall)
a. face fence or wall with both hands on & arms extended; swing leg across in
front and then out away from body keeping your toe up and ankle in
b. change legs after 10 reps
c. 2nd Exercise - 3 x 10 set
d. Turn with right shoulder to fence/wall – arm extended & touching
e. Swing leg front to back with toe up and ankle in DorsiFlexion
2. 10 x Squat Jumps
3. 10 x Box jumps (use a curb, chair or something 6” tall to jump over for a visual que)
4. 5 x 6 straight cone runs (spread 6 ‘visual que’s’ at 6.5 feet apart to run over) – here you want
to simulate running over mini hurdles.
*Friday – S.D. ‘B Day’
4 x 20 yds
3 x 30 yds
2 x 40yds
1 x 60 yds

Week #3:
*Monday – S.D. ‘A Day’
4 x 40 yds
*Wednesday – S.D. ‘B Day’
1. 2 x 5 - Single leg bounds for distance (2 sets each leg)
2. 2 x 5 – Single leg bounds for speed (2 sets each leg)
3. 4 x 30 yds speed bound runs (push off ground)
4. 4 x 15 step stair runs (perform mountain climbers x 15 with no stairs)
*Friday – S.D. ‘A Day’
1. 2 x 7 sec. run (run as far as you can in 7 secs.) – 3 mins. rest
2. 2 x 10 sec. run (same as 7) – 5 mins. rest
Week #4
*Monday – S.D. ‘B Day’
4 x 30 yd Fly’s (use 10-15 yds to sprint into the 30yd runs)
*Wednesday – S.D. ‘A Day’
5 x Straight Cone runs (have already done these previously)
5 x Star Jumps for Height (jump to all 5 points)
10 x 10 Step-Ups (use a curb, chair, etc. & keep sprint posture with Hi-Knee and toe up)
5 x 5 - Standing Power Jumps for Distance (walk-back recovery)
*Friday – S.D. ‘B Day’
8 x 40 yd EMOTM – every minute on the minute = gut runs & you will have completed 320yds
of sprint work

Remember, we don’t want to start from scratch when school starts back-up. We also don’t
know what will happen with track but the UIL is considering all possibilities for when school
returns. It is better to be prepared than to not be prepared at all.
Make sure to complete online assignments beginning Monday, 3/23/2020.
Be smart, be safe and be fast!!! …and wash your hands!

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