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Lesson plan for October 3-7, 2022

Grade: 4

Subject: Religious Education

Focus Question 1: Do people in my community practise their faith in the same ways and for the
same reasons as those who first worshipped?
Duration: 1hr

Theme: The Nature of Religion Worldwide

Sub-theme: Religion as practise locally and internationally

Attainment Target: Learning about Religion

Specific Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Explain the human need to relate not only to other human beings, but also to some form
of deity/Supreme being/Creator, and the part religion plays in satisfying this need.
2. Explore ways in which religion act as a motivating factor that influences every area of
human life.

Topic: Origin of Religion

Content Summary

Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings, practices and worship of a Supreme Being. There is a need
to worship because religions promise an inner peace and harmony despite the trials of life.
Religions also offer a future hope through the coming of a new age or a better existence in the
afterlife. Most religions include belief in the supernatural (spirits, gods, God), beliefs and rituals,
and symbols.

Skills: participating in class activities by articulating their points of views, asking appropriate
questions, comparing ideas, explain discoveries, use religious words correctly in conversation.

Key Vocabulary: religion, religious, deity, nature/characteristics/features and other words

encountered in lesson

Anticipation guide, video/PowerPoint presentation, laptop, multimedia projector.

Teaching and learning activities

1. Students will complete an anticipation guide about religion.

Anticipation Guide
Begin with the left column only. Read then mark if you agree or disagree with each
Agree Disagree Statements Disagree Agree

Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings, practices

and worship of a Supreme Being.

People, plants and animals cannot die.

Religion gives meaning and purpose to life.

Religion is not important.

There is only one religion in the world.

When someone is religious it means they believe

in a God and they treat people the way how they
would like to be treated.

People only started believing in God and religion

2. Through teacher led discussions, express their views based on responses to anticipation
3. Students will view video/PowerPoint presentation showing how worship began. Utilize
the RVTA strategy and question students especially in regards to statements on
anticipation guide.
4. Lead students (through discussion) that:
I. There is evidence around us of how religion was practiced in its only stages.
II. There are different explanations regarding why people began practicing religion.
5. Students will define religion.
6. Clear any misconceptions about religion. Tell students that religion motivates people to
be good and do well.
7. Explain that religion came about as people thought someone or something was
responsible for everything that happens whether it is good or bad. Point the fact that in
ancient religion, whenever something bad happens (such as natural disaster) people
would make to sacrifice to the gods or God because they thought he was angry and the
sacrifice would please Him/him.

8. Based on new knowledge students will now complete the right side of the anticipation
9. Share some of the responses and ask: “What made you change your mind?” or “Why do
you still agree or disagree with this statement?” Explain to student why his/her opinion
may be wrong.
10. Discuss why and how some people practice their faith in my community? Also discuss
why some people are not religious, and if this make a difference in their lifestyles.


11. Write in notebook a definition of ‘religion.’

12. Give two reasons why people feel the need to worship.

Evaluation 2

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