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Operational Strategy Industrial Visit to Singapore and

Indonesia Reflection Report

Submitted By:
Atul Kumar
Batam, Indonesia .................................................................................................................................... 3
Kinema Infinite Animation and Movie Studio, Batam. ....................................................................... 4
Badan Pengusahaan, (BP) Batam ........................................................................................................ 4
Reasons to Invest in Batam: ................................................................................................................ 4
Philips Manufacturing, Batam............................................................................................................. 4
Highlights in the Industrial area: ..................................................................................................... 5
Singapore ................................................................................................................................................ 6
MariTime, Singapore ........................................................................................................................... 7
Marina Barrage. .................................................................................................................................. 7
Learnings ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Batam, Indonesia

Batam is an oval-shaped island with several bays, islands, and peninsulas located, south of Singapore,
north of Rempang and Galang, west of Bintan Island and east of Bulan Island. Batam, the main city in
the Riau Province, is an industrial boomtown, a growing transportation hub, and a member of the
Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle. It had a population of 1,196,396, making it Sumatra's
third biggest city after Medan and Palembang. At a minimum land distance of 5.8 kilometres, it is the
nearest portion of Indonesia to Singapore. During the decade preceding the 2010 national census, Batam
was the fastest-growing municipality in Indonesia, with a population growth rate of 11% per year.
Batam and Bintan are separated by the Riau Strait. Batam Municipality encompasses 3,990 km2, of
which 1,040 km2 island, including some land reclamation. However, Barelang Island (really three
islands, see above) covers around 715 km2 of that 1,040 km2, whereas Batam Island alone spans just
about 410 km2. Most of the municipal population lives on Batam Island.
Batam may be reached by sea, with ferries being the most convenient mode of transportation. Ferries
run frequently and conveniently between Singapore's Tanah Merah port and Batam, as well as between
Johor Bahru, Malaysia, and Batam. The trip from Singapore takes around 40 minutes, whereas the trip
from Johor Bahru takes about 90 minutes. Sekupang, Waterfront City, Batam Center, Harbour Bay,
Nongsapura, and Telaga Punggur are the island's ferry ports.
Kinema Infinite Animation and Movie Studio,
Founded in 1997 with post-production, visual effects, and
animation services, it has now expanded its operations to
encompass production services as well as content development
for the worldwide digital media market. Infinite Studios,
located in one-north Mediapolis, houses two of Singapore's
largest soundstages. Infinite Studios Batam, 40 minutes by
boat, has two more soundstages and a 1-hectare film backlot.
Mike, the driving force behind Infinite Studios' film and
television original content, has subsequently transitioned to
directing and writing. In 2018, he directed his first feature film,
Buffalo Boys, and the HBO Asia television series Grisse. Mike
runs Gorylah Pictures, a joint venture with Eric Khoo of Zhao
Wei Films that concentrates only on creating genre films.

Badan Pengusahaan, (BP) Batam

Batam Indonesia Free Zone Power (BP Batam) is a centralised government establishment formed under
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia in 2007 with the obligation and authority to administer,
develop, and build zones in accordance with its specific tasks.
Batam's progress is inextricably linked to President Soeharto's involvement. The New Order regime,
led by General Soeharto, who was last awarded the honorary rank of Five-Star General, stressed
economic growth from the outset. Although agriculture was the emphasis for economic development,
President Soeharto continued to prioritise the industrial sector.
With a population of approximately 1.3 million people, it is difficult to believe that Batam was once
merely a collection of marshes with a population of just around 6,000 people living on the shore.

Reasons to Invest in Batam:

1. Exemption on Import/Export Tax:
2. Exemption on Value on Added Tax (VAT)
3. Exemption on Sales Tax of Luxurious Goods
4. GSP Facilities (Generalized System of Preferences)
5. Tax Allowance
6. Tax Holiday
7. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement with 70 Countries.
8. Competitive Investment and Operation Cost
9. Super Deductible Tax

Philips Manufacturing, Batam.

It is largest customer is Philips consumer lifestyle with most of shipment via port. In this we have
shown the whole manufacturing plant of Philips and we got to know that what are different stations in
product making. It produces 4 major verticals in Batam:
1. Iron
2. Oral Care
3. Trimmers
4. Dryers

They were employing advanced AI ML techniques to do well in Batam. They simply showed us the
fabrication of iron because other items have comparable manufacturing processes.

Highlights in the Industrial area:

• Orange and black stripes around the production centre: They feature orange and black stripes to help
visitors. Because they have a manufacturing factory, even a minor stoppage in the process might
result in a significant loss for the organisation. For the same reason, visitors are not permitted to cross
orange boundaries, ensuring that no one touches any of the elements. AGVs will also have a
predetermined course thanks to the presence of black strips.
• Varied models have different locus lines: the simplest model of iron works with only 5 people at one
station to assemble the product, and the most intricate models have up to 72 people working on the
same station.
• Operating Efficiencies: Philips used to manufacture a single product in 14-24 seconds. They
manufacture 120 pieces per hour and operate at 97% efficiency.
• AGVs (Auto Gate Vehicles) are used to transport goods during the manufacturing process. Philips
has around 300 hundred robots for automated industrial processes. These devices aid the company's
performance by minimising time and mistake in the process.
• Faulty rate: Currently, the defective rate for this manufacturing facility is between 0.2 and 0.7. They
employ the sampling approach to check for damaged products. The whole testing process is carried
out entirely by automated machinery, with no human intervention.
• Ordering raw materials: They order materials in two ways. One is located abroad, while the other is
located locally. 90% of local material is ordered using a just-in-time technique, in which materials
arrive at the manufacturing region just 2-3 hours before production and other materials arrive one day
before production. Material used to arrive in the production area 3-5 times each day. They used to
order material one week or one month before production depending on predicted demand in overseas
• QDP stands for Quality Delivery Plan. The primary function of Philips manufacturing operations is
production. They aspire to make high-quality items and offer them to clients at the right time, right
location, and right price.
• Philips Industrial Batam Airport System: They are tracking the entire production process with the
SAP system. All batch statuses are shown on a single monitor, and anybody in the headquarters may
simply track them from a distant location. They have four statuses displayed on the screen. These are
as follows:
1. Boarding: The material is 100% ready, and production may begin at any time.
2. Take Off: Production start
3. Landed: Production ended
4. Cleared: 100% buy-off by IQ and all products inside shipping areas.

Singapore, a city-state, is located at the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula, approximately 85
miles (137 kilometres) north of the Equator. With the exception of around 18 square miles made up of
60 smaller islands and the diamond-shaped Singapore Island, the main island comprises the vast bulk
of the total area. The main island is divided from Peninsular Malaysia to the north by the more than
half-mile-long Johor Strait, which is spanned by both a road and a rail causeway. The biggest island in
Singapore Strait, which serves as the state's southern boundary, is only 10 miles from the Indonesian
Riau-Lingga Archipelago.
Singapore's port, the largest in Southeast Asia, is one of the busiest in the world. Its success and
wealth can be ascribed to its domination at the Malay Peninsula's southernmost tip, where it controls
the Malacca Strait, which separates the Indian Ocean from the South China Sea. Singapore, a former
British colony that is now a Commonwealth member, originally joined the Federation of Malaysia in
1963. Singapore, on the other hand, declared independence on August 9, 1965.
MariTime, Singapore

Mari The Singapore Maritime Gallery is a modern gallery that chronicles Singapore's transition from
a tiny trading station to a major global hub port and leading worldwide Maritime Centre. Discover the
tales that shaped our growth and our future.
The exhibition, which is divided into four major zones, highlights our rich maritime past as well as the
crucial relationship between the marine sector and our daily lives. Learn how Singapore keeps its
voice in the international maritime arena, as well as how it keeps up with global developments by
keeping technologically oriented and future ready. The exhibition finishes by recognising our
accomplishments and motivating future generations to be a part of this thriving, essential, and resilient
Around 700 years ago, Singapore was known as "Temasek," which means "Sea port," since it was an
important trading point between the East and West across the Malacca Strait. Singapore prospered as
a free port when a British Trading Post Singapore was established in 1819, with a lot of marine
commerce and activities taking place. Singapore had grown to become an important port of call
between Asia, Europe, and America by the early twentieth century. Later, in 1972, the first container
port at Tanjong Pagar opened, and it quickly became a significant container port in the world. As the
number of containerizations increased, Singapore grew into a worldwide transhipment centre, moving
various types of commodities all over the world. Singapore is now a worldwide hub port and an
international maritime centre, with a vast network of connections.

Marina Barrage.
Singapore's Marina Barrage, a dam and recreational area, is just a short walk from Gardens by the
Bay, another popular attraction in the city. Singapore as a whole benefits from the water storage and
flood control afforded by this multifunctional location at the main island's southernmost tip.
Nevertheless, Marina Barrage is best recognised as a recreational tourist resort. Picnics and kite flying
on the dam's rooftop park area are two popular diversions. The main raised piece of grass is popular
with tourists who want to take in the vistas of the city skyline and the stunning Singaporean sunsets.
Sustainable Singapore, a contemporary, interactive exhibition on the second level of the Marina
Barrage, presents an overview of Singapore's sustainable growth. Each of the six zones (A through F)
that comprise these 1,618 square metre galleries gives information on a different facet of Singapore's
Zone A: This section describes how Singapore, despite its small size and dense population, is
influenced by climate change.
Zone B: Beginning with the first drop You may receive clean water from any running faucet in
Singapore. Water, on the other hand, is a hugely precious resource for a small island. This section
discusses Singapore's water history and the steps the city-state took to improve its water supply.
Zone C: A First-World Country Oasis Singapore is well-known as a "garden city," and for good
reason. Our town has beautiful grass, trees, bushes, and other greenery that make every location
appear warm and pleasant. The green and blue parts that make up the city's environment demonstrate
how they built their towns in this Zone on the foundation of nature.
Zone D: The City's Future Singapore never falls behind in terms of energy efficiency, whether it's
solar panels or smart technology. A wall panel with fans running and a breezy sense was felt. Then,
using a sliding wall display, enjoy a virtual tour of a home furnished with smart appliances. By
pushing a button, we may learn more about each function of smart appliances.
Zone E: The Road to Zero the Journey to Zero (Zone E) tells the story of Singapore's ambitions to
become a Zero Rubbish Nation and how they deal with the massive amount of rubbish they generate.
Zone F: Future Tense you've been tasked with joining the Sustainable Singapore Movement and
promising to apply what you've learned in prior zones to assist Singapore become more sustainable in
the future (Zone F).

• Discovered how various nations gain from neighbouring countries.
• Learn how to use the country's resources efficiently for the country's overall progress.
• A discussion on sustainable energy, why it is vital, and how Singapore is addressing it.
• Discovered why Batam is a free trade zone and why it is critical for Batam to develop on this
• Observed the operation of large industrial plants such as Philips. I learned a lot about how
large corporations run their operations.

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