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Final Review A
Name .................................................................................
Class .................................................................................

9 I’m sad that I didn’t meet my aunt when she

Use of English was in England.
1 Complete the second sentence so it means the _______________ my aunt when she was in
same as the first, using the word given. Do not England.
change the word given. Use between two and
five words.
10 I finished cooking the chicken a few moments
1 It would be a good idea to get some petrol or ago.
you’ll run out. JUST
BETTER I _______________ the chicken.
You _______________ or you’ll run out.
2 I thought the painting was beautiful and I had
to buy it. 2 Complete the dialogue with one word in each
SUCH gap.
It was _______________ I had to buy it. A: Hi! Have you got (1) __________ plans for the
3 My advice is to do lots of revision. B: A couple. Six weeks is such a long time. I think
I (2) __________ go and stay with my Italian
friend for three weeks.
If _______________ do lots of revision.
A: That sounds good. Is that the girl
(3) __________ lives in an enormous house
4 Someone stole our car last night. near the mountains?
WAS B: That’s her! I wish we had a house half as big as
_______________ last night. hers!
A: Her parents (4) __________ be quite rich.
5 I’m not good at languages, so I won’t take up B: Oh yes – they make wine!
Spanish. A: I have an Italian friend who lives near Milan,
WERE but I haven’t been to her house
(5) __________. She came and stayed with us
_______________ languages, I would take up
last summer.
B: That’s right. I met her while she was staying
with you. She’s really nice. Did you learn any
6 ‘When did you buy that new phone?’ asked Italian while she was here?
A: No! Her English is so good that I didn’t have
I (6) __________ learn any! And she
Sally asked me _______________ new phone. (7) __________ that she only wanted to speak
7 My brother annoys me with all his questions. B: So, what are you doing this summer then?
ASKING (8) __________ interesting?
My brother _______________ me questions. A: I’ve got to earn some money, so I’ll
(9) __________ working part time for my
father, who runs his own business. Not a lot of
8 We arrived in Paris three months ago. fun! I wish I (10) __________ go to Italy with
BEEN you!
We _______________ three months.

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Vocabulary 4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form 1 The new student, Leona, is very ___ and comes
of the words given. out with us quite often at weekends.
1 My friend is a __________ (journal) and works A shy B selfish C sociable
for an important weekly magazine. 2 My grandfather is quite ___ now, but he still
2 I was __________ (disappoint) when I came goes out for long walks with us.
second in the race because I thought I’d won. A handsome B elderly C arrogant
3 The assistant was very __________ (help) 3 I hope our car doesn’t break ___ on the way to
when I asked her show me some more boots in the airport like it did last year!
different colours. A down B over C out
4 The story was really __________ (excite) and I 4 It was ___ on the beach, and I couldn’t stay
couldn’t put the book down until I’d finished! outside for long.
5 I’ll have to __________ (sit) two of my exams A lively B filthy C boiling
in the autumn because my marks weren’t good 5 The artist did a lovely ___ of my mother which
enough. we’ve got on the wall in the living room.
6 This phone is __________ (use) because the A exhibition B performance C sketch
battery isn’t working.
6 I’m ashamed to say that I don’t always warm
7 Kevin has been __________ (artist) since he ___ before exercising.
was a baby and has always loved colours and
painting. A up B at C through
8 I’d like a new bed because mine is getting more 7 I can’t ___ tickets for the concert this week
and more __________ (comfort). because I’ve just bought a new laptop.
9 I was __________ (confuse) by Dean’s A afford B borrow C earn
directions and got completely lost. 8 I know I eat too much ___ food, but I love the
10 One __________ (advantage) to living in the taste!
countryside is the lack of public transport. A raw B junk C stale
9 I think we’re nearly ready ___ the party. Have
/10 you got the music organised?
A at B on C for


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Writing down the things that are worrying us

Reading can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a
thought free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we
5 Read the article about ways of dealing with can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it.
stress and decide if the statements are true (T), Writing allows us to use both the logical and
false (F) or not mentioned (NM). creative parts of the brain. Try it: take one of your
worries, such as a conversation or argument which
Are you stressed? has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d
Running said or the words of sympathy you wish you’d
We all know about the physical benefits of been offered. Writing a blog may have replaced
running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of diaries, but they are both a means of presenting
thought and relief from stress, are just as important your thoughts. The style doesn’t need to be of a
for good health. Running sends the blood to the prize-winning standard to have value!
brain and makes it easier to think clearly. You
must take notice of what your brain is telling you.
If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect 1 Running stops you thinking about T/F/NM
is even better when you run well. How to do it? A your problems.
good tip is to watch an eight-year-old girl running.
Her steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor 2 Our bodies tell us when we need to T/F/NM
quickly and comes down lightly. Running do something.
robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3
player is not going to get those happy hormones 3 Not sleeping well for long periods can T/F/NM
working. Tune into your feet and not the MP3 cause problems.
player. 4 Everyone should try to have at least T/F/NM
Sleeping seven hours sleep a night.
It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the
pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just 5 Writing things down with a pen is T/F/NM
stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, much better than typing on a blog.
you will worry, and this can affect your sleep. So,
obey the basic rules: go to bed and get up at the /5
same time every day, and allow some time to relax
before bed. As for your worries, give yourself a
‘worry period’. This should be in the same place,
at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20
minutes to think about your worries and write a to-
do list. And if you’re worrying about not sleeping
and not being able to cope the next day, remember
that our bodies actually need less sleep than we
think. Although we’re told to get eight hours, six
to seven hours is fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Listening (Tests CD, Track 14) 7 This is part of an email you receive from your
English friend, Donna.

6 You are going to hear two young people talking I wish I could speak your language better! Have
about an experiment involving mobile phones. you got any suggestions about how I can improve?
Listen and decide if the statements are true (T), I’d be really grateful!
false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
Write an email to Donna giving her some
1 The experiment was to see when T/F/NM advice. Write 120–160 words.
teenagers used their mobile phones
the most.
2 Grant’s experience was as bad as he T/F/NM
had imagined it would be.
3 During the week, Grant started to T/F/NM
imagine things.
4 For a while, Marian felt very isolated. T/F/NM
5 Marian’s attitude made her friends T/F/NM
quite angry.
6 Marian’s reaction changed during the T/F/NM



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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

8 Your teacher has asked you to write a story

with this title.
The worst holiday I’ve ever had

Write the story in 120–160 words.



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