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Student’s Name Alina Palamarchuk

Group 14

Module 1. Understanding Learners and Learning

Assignment 2

Item 1. Write a personal account (between 250 and 300 words) of your own
language learning experience addressing affective factors, motivation, multiple
intelligences, cognitive styles in learning, learner strategies.

I believe
that every educated person should know English, because it is the language of
communication, business, science and culture.

Now English is the most important and widespread language in the world. In five
countries it is the official language: Great Britain, Canada, USA, Australia and New
Zealand. In many countries in Asia and Africa people speak English in addition to
their native language. English is also spoken in Europe. English is spoken almost all
over the world.

Learning English is a long process. First of all, I set myself a goal and removed all
unnecessary things in the learning process. If the goal is to reach a certain level of
English, it is better to use a variety of methods. For example, it can be reading, movies
with subtitles, vocabulary work, songs in English. These simple techniques will help
you memorize more words and understand grammar faster.

One of the strongest motivations to continue learning a language is to get the first
result. After all, nothing is as motivating as a positive result when doing something.
Gradually, progress will become more noticeable, and further training will be held
only in pleasure. After all, with each new lesson, the process of assimilation of the
material is carried out faster, which means that language learning will progress much
more efficiently.

And most importantly - motivation is a powerful psychological tool, because it helps

not to stop there, but to persistently move towards your goal and overcome all
difficulties in learning English.

Affective strategies deal with emotions, attitudes, motivations and values that have an
important impact on learners and language learning, including reducing anxiety,
encouragement and measuring emotional temperature. Those who are good language
learners control their attitudes and emotions towards learning.

Therefore, knowledge of English in the modern world is a kind of window to the

world. Having mastered this language of international communication, you will be
able to achieve your goals with the help of new opportunities.
Assessment criteria Weighting Teacher Notes
Task fulfilment (number of words, 2 points
deadline met)
Evidence of the ability to reflect on 5 points
the learning experience
Coherence of writing 3 points
Total 10 points

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