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Adam, Jeroen, 272n40 others in, 46–47, 55–56; Laskar Jihad, 34;
Adorno, Theodor W., 277n28 legal vacuum, 63–64; media coverage of,
aesthetics, 9, 19, 182, 244n51 8, 18–19, 34, 38, 47–48, 57–58; migration
Ahuru neighborhood, 159, 167 during, 40; outbreak of, 33, 43–44; peace-
Al Fatah mosque, 174 making attempts, 64; phases of, 33, 34–35,
Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), 253n41 249n11; public perception of, 34; reciprocity
Ambon City: churches, 175; growth of, 11; in, 44; religious divide and, 46, 47, 128, 178;
map of, 2; markets, 4, 39–40, 41; migrants, sense of audience, 55; studies of, 36, 45;
40; mosques, 174, 175; motorbike-taxi surge in faith during, 68–69; thick of things
stand, 139, 140; origin of, 11; painted land- implicated in, 45–52; victims of, 34, 44; vio-
scapes, 136–37; Pattimura Raya Avenue, 2; lence during, 8, 27, 47, 61; visualization of
population profile, 11, 116, 159–60; postwar difference, 62–63
urban environment, 27, 113–14; property Amirrachman, Alpha, 254n53
and land disputes, 168; Protestant Chris- amulets, 164, 179
tian hegemony in, 7, 11, 12, 130, 136; reli- Anak Seribu Pulau (documentary), 245n58
gious division of, 3–4, 6, 51–52; reputation anchorage, 109–10
of, 46; September 11 violence, 222; sketches Anderson, Benedict, 54
of, 225–26; transportation, 3; unemploy- anticipatory practices, 61
ment, 95; Victoria Fort, 226; wartime Appadurai, Arjun, 260n121
conditions, 4 appearance, 8, 19. See also work of appear-
Ambon Ekspres (Muslim newspaper), 44 ances; work on appearances
Ambon Island: Christian dominance on, 13– Aragon, Lorraine V., 249n7, 254n48, 258n89
15; Dutch power on, 11–12; map of, 2; popu-
lation profile, 13; spice trade, 11–12, 240n16 baku baik (being on good terms), 198
Ambon’s Christian University, 116 Bali bombings (2002), 123
Ambon’s conflict: aftermath of, 2–3, 35, 64–65; bang (younger men), 52, 257n73
amplifications of, 56–57; anticipatory prac- Bartels, Dieter, 89
tices and, 61; atmosphere of uncertainty, 38, Barthes, Roland, 109
182; causes of, 15, 26, 36, 40, 42, 47, 51, 52; Batu Gajah minority, 168
comparative perspective, 54, 56, 128, Batu Merah Mosque, 175, 194
254n50, 261n128; conspiracy theories about, BBM (Buginese, Butonese, and Makassarese
64; criminal activities during, 39, 62; geog- or Muslim migrants), 40, 272n40
raphy of, 128; God’s presence during, 43, Belakang Soya district: Christian pictures in,
68–69, 70, 72, 106, 252n34; imagination of 80, 119, 120


biker associations: appearance of motorbikes, Christian communities: genocide of, 130–31;

95, 97; Christian-themed T-shirts of, 100, 101; interdenominational competition, 174, 175;
financing of street painting, 93; logos of, 89, vs. Muslims, 174, 181, 182–83; public display
90, 93; masculine culture of, 90–91, 95, 97– of solidarity, 175–76; secret codes of com-
98; names of, 89–90; protection of neighbor- munication, 183
hoods, 93–94; religious identification, 89, 90, Christian iconographic canon, 77, 78, 79, 82,
95, 97; self-documentation of, 97–98, 98–103, 83, 86, 110, 132, 156
112; social status of, 95–96; surveillance of, 95 Christian images: audiovisual technologies
Birth of a Nation, The (film), 49 and, 7–8; autonomy of, 24; billboards and
Black Dutchmen, 12, 14, 153 murals, 104, 188; of a brown Christ, 125, 126;
black magic, 166 Calvinist claim about, 82, 119; effect of, 6–7,
blood-brother renewal ceremonies, 195, 196 10, 29, 31, 79, 189; emergence of, 19; frames
“Bloody Christmas” (Yesayas), 43, 60, 67, 66 of, 83; God’s presence in, 76–77, 85; graffiti
Bloody Poso Tragedy, The (video), 249n7, style, 106, 108; in home prayer room, 127, 131,
252n39, 258nn89,94 132, 151–52; identificatory circuit of, 104;
Bräuchler, Birgit, 276n10 ideological statements of, 137; inspiration
Bubandt, Nils, 252n34, 259n95 for, 68, 76–77; as mediation of transcen-
bung (“brother”), 52, 257n73 dence, 26; monumentality of, 115, 230; oppo-
Butler, Judith: Frames of War, 153 sition to, 69; painters of, 116; perception of,
115; power of, 24, 67, 68, 72, 106; proliferation
Calvinism: aniconic tradition of, 69, 83, 85, of, 154; in public spaces, 23, 137; radicalism
110; public displays of piety, 4 of, 77; repertoire of, 25; repetition in, 80; re-
Camdessus, Michel, 16 storative impulse of, 78–79, 83; in sacred
carnival parades, 194 spaces, 115; scale of, 222; sense of a sacred
Catholics: at “Happy Stage” performance, landscape, 127–28, 131–32; social reality and,
209; interreligious conflict and, 167; news- 24–25; study of, 229, 231–32; stylistic expres-
paper, 220; proselytism of, 13; vs. Protes- sions, 112; as symptoms of crisis, 29; tempo-
tants, 104, 174, 175–76 ralities of, 67, 77–78; territorial claims, 72,
Caton, Steven, 240n14 79, 104, 105–6, 110; visibility of, 19; women
Certeau, Michel de, 159, 214; The Practice of depicted in, 104–5; in the yard, 126
Everyday Life, 214 Christian Maluku Sovereignty Front (FKM),
Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 254n49 35, 59
Chauvel, Richard: “Ambon’s Other Half,” 12 Christian print culture, 81, 156
“child in the picture” genre, 191, 192, 199–200, Christian-themed T-shirts, 97, 100, 101
212, 245n58 Christ of the Second Coming: image of, 80,
children: vs. adults, 254n53; bonds of kinship, 176, 177, 229
50; education of, 210; letters and poems of, citizen’s identity card (KTP), 85, 143–44,
276n14; media depiction of, 21–23, 211; mes- 263n25, 268n51
sages on poster, 205, 205–6; performances Clausewitz, Carl von, 37, 38, 224, 250n17
of, 208–9, 209, 230; promotion of freedom coexistence, 170
of expression for, 211; propaganda value of, cohabitation, 158
49–50; public service announcement and, Coker (“cool men”) gang, 91, 92, 97
204, 210–12, 213; reconciliation events for, 51, Collins, James T., 255n55, 271n35
198; in refugee camps, 206, 207–8; stereo- Communications Forum of the Sunna and the
types of, 210; Suharto regime and, 20; Community of the Prophet (FKAWJ), 49–50
trauma counseling and healing programs community leaders, 194–95
for, 201, 255n62; violence and, 21, 22, 26, 49 Comolli, Jean-Louis, 154
children’s drawings: aspirations for, 206; inter- conspiracy theories, 223
religious cohabitation in, 200, 201; from JRS conversion: vs. displacement, 168; forms of,
contest, 201, 202–3; mediations of produc- 161; protests against, 176, 197; of women, 162
tion of, 206–8; NGO projects, 206; reconcil- “crowbar troops” (pasukan linggis), 49, 255n57
iation genre, 200, 201, 205; signs of the state customs, 195, 196
in, 201; soldiers in, 206, 207; study of, 230;
violence in, 208; on the walls of a refugee Daun di Atas Bantal (documentary), 245n58
camp, 207 demonstrations, 197
Chinese Indonesians, 247n93 Derrida, Jacques, 152
Christ at large, 4, 72, 76, 88, 105, 115 diabolical crisis, 159

disfiguration, 9, 10 imagined communities, 54

displacement, 168, 169 Independence Day celebration, 96–97, 193
Dutch colonial legacy, 241n20 Indonesia: appearance of crisis, 17–18; demo-
Dutch East India Company (VOC), 11–12, 14, cratic transition, 27; Dutch colonization of,
38, 184 11–12; financial crisis, 16; foreign relations,
38; internet revolution, 243n47; Islamization
ecumenicalism, 174 of, 10, 14–15, 130–31; Japanese occupation of,
emosi, 109, 110 13; liberalization of media in, 7–8, 18; map
enframement: process of, 153 of, x; marriage customs, 269n10; May 1998
ephemeral mediations, 229, 230 riots, 16; national ideology, 111, 124; political
“Evening of Re-encounter” event, 197 regime, 7, 15, 17, 21; population profile, 49;
exorcism, 159 post-war politics, 64, 210; promulgation of
independence of, 12; regional autonomy
face of the Other, 181 program, 17; religions in, 253n46, 267n37;
family names, 184 role of the street in, 111–12; scholarship, 29–
Fealy, Greg, 271n28 30; separatist movement, 35; state control,
figuration, 9, 10, 27 94; transformation of public space in, 130;
filmmaking, 18, 245nn58,64 violence in, 17, 38–39
Five Points ideology, 134 Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), 109
fog of war, 1, 5, 37, 38, 224, 231 Indonesian Communist Party, 255n55
Forum for Love and Peace contest, 191, 192 infrastructure of the imagination, 56, 223, 231
frames, 152, 153, 154 internally displaced people (IDPs), 167–68, 169
Francis Xavier, Saint: statue of, 3 International Crisis Group, 63
freedom fighters, 89 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 16
frenzy of the visible, 154–55 Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), 130
friend/enemy distinction, 181, 182
Jain, Kajri, 244n51
gang (urban alleys), 184 Jakarta: anti-Christian violence, 42; Bundaran
gangsters (preman), 42, 91, 252n30 HI roundabout, 111; Christ displays, 6;
Gaonkar, Dilip, 110, 111 Muslim-Christian conflict, 55; riots in, 16, 33
Gaza Strips trope, 54, 56, 128 Jame Mosque, 226
Geertz, Clifford, 29 Jamu Masjid mosque, 174
Gloria (Christian magazine), 80 Jawa Pos media group, 44, 278n43
government officials: public display of images Jemaah Islamiyah Islamist group, 256n68
of, 85–86 Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), 191, 192, 193, 201
GPM. See Protestant Church of the Moluccas Jesus Christ: holding a Sacred Heart, 106; ser-
(GPM) vice to mankind, 146–47; Western represen-
graffiti, 105–6, 108, 109 tation of, 143; as a white commander, 71, 80
Griffith, D. W., 49 Jesus Christ, paintings of: on billboards and
guardhouses, 88, 94 murals, 26, 70, 73–75, 84, 105, 141, 142, 145,
Gunning, Tom, 154 169, 190; children and, 135–36; in churches,
Gusmão, Xanana, 35 6, 84, 87; on city walls, 4, 26; in Garden of
Gethsemane, 113–14, 129; iconographic
Haasse, Hella, 49 canon and, 86–87, 143, 145–46; identity pho-
Habibie, Bacharuddin Jusuf, 7, 17, 46 tograph as model for, 143–44; impact on the
Happy Stage performance, 200, 208–9, 209 viewer, 64–65, 70–71, 72, 115, 141, 143, 145; as
haunting, 180 landscapes, 114–15, 145; Malukan appearance
Haz, Hamzah, 34 of, 124, 125, 126, 132–33, 134, 135; mobility of,
Hofmann, Heinrich, 80, 82 145; models for, 79–81; monumentalization
Horkheimer, Max, 277n28 of, 4, 144, 154, 185; on motorbike-taxi stand,
Hout, Itie van, 260n116 139, 140; in neighborhood gateways, 107;
Hulsbosch, Marianne, 13 overlooking a globe turned to Ambon, 137,
138, 140; overlooking Ambon Bay, 86, 87;
Idul Fitri festivities, 43 overlooking the city of Ambon, 67, 153, 190;
images: circulation through time, 240n14; defi- in photomechanical settings, 87, 87; on post-
nition of, 9; message of, 262n12; soft power ers, 41, 81; print as model for, 81, 81, 82; in pri-
and, 247n90; as triggers of violence, 30 vate homes, 6, 81, 84; Roman soldiers and,

Jesus Christ (continued) Manado City, 5, 36, 42, 53, 72

144, 145; with scenes from Jesus Christ’s life, Manado Pos (newspaper), 216, 278n43
142; size of, 114, 145, 186; visual appeal of, 71 Mandagi, Petrus Canisius, 261n128
jihad, 34 Manuhutu, Wim, 255n55
Joseph, Lamberth C.: artistic style of, 123, 146; Manuputty, Jacky, 222, 223
background of, 116, 122; home of, 122; paint- Maranatha church, 2, 4, 164–65, 225
ings of, 122, 123, 123, 146–47, 147; training of, Masariku (Protestant newsgroup), 49, 50
146; visualization of violence, 146. See also masculine performances, 90–91, 96, 97–98
triptych of the apocalypse McRae, Dave, 249n11
journalism: abstract lexicon of, 57–58; transpar- media technologies, 8, 18–19
ency and, 219, 220. See also peace journalism mediation, 85
“Judas’s kids,” 92 Mewar, Rusli, 201
migrants: aggression against, 169
Kalla, Jusuf, 63 Minister Ho, 148, 151
Kaplan, Benjamin, 170 Mirzoeff, Nicholas, 243n50
Keane, Webb, 262n23 Mitchell, W. J. T., 262n12
Kei Islands: violence in, 34, 261n128 motorbike-taxi collectives, 93, 95
Khoury, Elias, 25 Muslim Ambonese community: area of con-
KKN (collusion, corruption, nepotism), 17 centration, 241n18; Christians’ interactions
Klinken, Gerry van, 272n44 with, 158, 161; colonial experience of, 13;
KNIL (Royal Netherlands Indies Army), 12, color of clothes, 62; customary practices,
241n21 29–30, 241n24; growing power of, 15; immi-
Kompas (newspaper), 220 gration policies and, 37; installation of com-
Kusno, Abidin, 88, 93 munity leaders, 194–95; invisibility of, 3, 11,
15; in national historiography, 14; popula-
Laksono, Pachalis Maria, 261n128 tion statistics, 13; religiosity of, 249n9; resis-
Laskar Jihad: in Ambon, 34–35, 59; complaints tance movement and, 12
against, 179; formation of, 35, 248n5; ideol- Muslim-Christian Reconciliation (VCD), 198
ogy of, 249n9; insignia of, 167, 178; self- Muslim power murals, 91, 92
publicity of, 256n68
Laskar Jihad radio station, 53, 57, 197 National Children’s Day celebration, 210
Laskar Mujaheddin, 35 neighborhoods: Christian billboards in, 188;
Lease Islands, 11, 12 communication posts at borders of, 93; con-
Lévinas, Emmanuel, 181 flicts between, 187–88; defenders of, 89;
Lim, Merlyna, 243n47 gangs, 89; gateways, 107; gender- and age-
Lombok island: anti-Christian riots on, 42 based division, 187; organization of life in,
186; state control of, 187
magic: books about, 271n35; diversity of, 165; Nordholt, Henk Schulte, 252n30
mimetic practices of shamans, 277n28; pop- North Maluku, province of, 216
ularity of, 159, 165, 270n18; roots of, 165; tal- North Maluku’s Suffering (VCD), 60
ismans and amulets, 164, 166. See also black Nugroho, Garin, 245n58
magical protection, 165–66 objects: implicated in violence, 176, 178; power
Malino II Peace Agreement: elite character of, of, 180; protective qualities of, 178–79
199; relative success of, 64; signing of, 6, 35, occultism, 164, 165
63, 191, 240n5, 248n1; sporadic breaches of, ontology of the self, 181
248n1; terms of, 63, 276n20 OSM (Dutch Opleiding School Maritiem), 184
Maluku, province of: capital of, 160; Christian Other, 181
hegemony in, 15, 55, 56; construction boom,
195; Dutch colonialism in, 7, 13; interreli- painters, 116–17, 118, 123–24
gious violence in, 5–6; map of, x; popula- Pancasila Christ, 132, 133, 134, 135–36
tion profile, 6, 255n55, 272n44; state of Paramaditha, Intan, 21, 244n56
emergency, 34–35 Pattimura Day celebration, 96
Maluku Media Centre (MMC), 253n41 Pattimura Statue: sketch of, 225
Maluku Sketch Walker photography club, 27, Pattinama, Linley Jerry, 225
193, 227; sketches of, 225, 225–26

Peace and Love Forum of the Jesuit Refugee Qur’an, pocket-size: protective qualities of, 178
Service, 191
peace initiatives, 193 Radar Ternate (a.k.a. Radar Kieraha) (newspa-
peace journalism: challenges of, 218; focus on per), 216, 217, 220, 278n42
numbers, 214, 215, 218; language of, 220–21, radical cohabitation, 162
259n100; limitations of, 217; mission of, 216, Rais, Amien, 34
217–18; partisan stereotypes and, 221–22; Rancière, Jacques, 8, 9
professional dedication to, 218–19; promo- reconciliation: aesthetic artifacts of, 212; cele-
tion of, 27, 253n41; religious identities in, brations of, 194, 195; concept of, 276n10;
216; reporting style, 215–16, 218, 219, 220, 221; drawing contest, 191, 192, 193, 200; genre of,
training in, 216 49, 50, 192; media coverage of, 199, 214; pro-
Peace Provocateurs: emergence of, 222; influ- motion of, 192, 197–99, 204; spectacles of,
ence of, 223–24; network, 193, 223; photo- 193–99; women and, 198
graphs of, 224–25; prevention of violence, refocalization, 171–72
199, 223, 224; reporting tactics of, 223; use of Reformasi movement, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 111
social media, 223, 224 refraction, 263n25
Peace Song (documentary), 21, 245n58 refugees, 5, 51, 178, 212
pemuda (male youth), 88–89 religion: as alternative to the state, 144; con-
Pentecostal church, 172–73 flict and, 26; identity and, 167; vs. magic,
people without history, 110, 111–12 157; mediation and, 85; pagan, 164; posses-
photographs: of Indonesia, 224, 242n41; of tor- sions as threat to, 160; under the sign of cri-
ture, 153; of traces of violence, 225; as “wit- sis, 163, 185; simplification of, 173–74;
nesses of history,” 245n57 transformation of, 160; visualization of dif-
Pinney, Christopher, 262n12 ference in, 62–63
pocket bible: protective qualities of, 179 representational redress, 78
Portraits of Maluku series, 50 Representatives of Christ’s Kingdom church
Poso, town of: conflict in, 61, 249n7, 252n39, (ROCK), 171, 172
254n48, 261n129 Republic of the South Moluccas (RMS) sepa-
possessions, 159–60, 166 ratist movement, 12, 248n1
prayer booklets, 178 Republika (newspaper), 220
praying: as response to violence, 172 Riis, Jacob, 12
present of warfare, 25 Rumphius, Georg Eberhard, 2–3
production of religion, 37–38 Rumphius Library, 2
proselytization, 161
Protestant Ambonese: Catholics and, 174, 175, Sacred Pancasila Monument, 20
178; color of clothes, 62; during Japanese Saint Franciscus cathedral, 226
occupation, 153–54; neighborhoods of, 3; Salamism, 271n28
production of Christian images, 15, 22, 23– Sallman, Warner, 82
24, 76–77; religious mobility, 176; self-per- “sandfly troops” (pasukan agas), 49, 255n57
ception of, 26, 146, 153, 154; social and SARA (“Suku, Agama, Ras, Antar-Golon-
political status of, 3, 7, 11–14, 27, 77, 79, 153; gan”), 57
visibility of, 3, 13 Schmitt, Carl, 181
Protestant Church of the Moluccas (GPM): scrolling, 226–27
abandonment of, 162; competitive pressure sensory perception, 8–9
on, 170–71, 172; loss of prestige, 167, 173; mis- September 30, 1965, Movement/Communist
sionaries of, 262n23; origin of, 2, 263n24; Treason, The (film), 20
Pentecostalization of, 176; visibility of, September 30 Movement, 15
267n31 Seram’s indigenous culture museum, 116, 125
Protestant mentality, 130 Sholeh, Badrus, 249n9
Protestant women’s group, 198 Sidel, John, 253n46
public Islam, 130, 266n29 Siegel, James T., 254n50
public service announcements (PSA): aes- Silo Church, 43, 60, 66, 86, 223
thetic of, 212; children’s input into, 210–12, simplification, 168, 169
213; impact of, 51, 188; portrayal of children social media, 226
in, 50–51, 212; production of, 18, 210; promo- Sol, Andreas, 179
tion of reconciliation, 204, 208; television Steedly, Mary, 39, 242n42
broadcast of, 48–49 Strassler, Karen, 242n41, 247n93, 263n25

street pictures: aim of, 78; Christian icono- 249n7; genre of, 58; labels, 59; language of,
graphic canon and, 79; discontinuities of, 258n89; mass appeal of, 18, 59; as news plat-
77; diversity of, 114; effect of, 69–70, 136, 137, form, 34; production of, 56, 58–59, 258n89,
168, 229, 230, 231; evolution of, 26, 68, 117; as 260n114; types of, 58, 60
expression of faith, 68, 69, 72; financing of, violence: as an adult problem, 51; audience
93; God’s presence in, 72, 76; importance of, and, 55; causes of, 167–68, 260n121; against
70; innovation of, 78; inspiration for, 72; children, 18–19, 20; descriptors of, 220; do-
openness of, 137; opposition to, 69; popular- mestic, 95; effects of, 52; imagination and,
ity of, 79, 108; reproduction of, 231–32 45, 61; in Indonesia, perspectives on, 38–39;
street renaming, 185 in media production, 20; against migrants,
streets and squares: political significance of, 27; praying as response to, 172; psychosocial
110–12 damage of, 95; in religion’s name, 27, 42; ru-
Suara Maluku (newspaper), 44 mors and, 217; spread of, 58; state, 39; visual-
Suharto, Tien: ascendance to power, 12; ity of, 243n50, 244nn53,56
downfall of, 5, 7, 15; economic policy of, 16; Virgin Mary: statue of, 104–5, 105
foreign policy of, 38; Islamization policy of, visibility: aesthetics of, 19–20; inequality and,
10, 14; political regime of, 15–16, 23, 30, 144, 12–13; sociopolitical order and, 8–9, 14–15,
244n53, 251n19; state propaganda, 20, 85–86; 267n31; studies of, 8; Oscar Wilde on, 8
use of magical objects, 270n18 visuality: of politics, 30; powers of, 18; of vio-
Sukarnoputri, Megawati, 93 lence, 243n50, 244nn53,56
symptomatology of crisis, 28–29, 163 Viva Indonesia! An Anthology of Letters to
God (film), 21–22, 23, 51, 199
talismanic jackets, 197, 260n116 VOC. See Dutch East India Company
talismans, 164, 166 “Voice of the Heart-Acang and Obet” video,
Tamaela, Christian: career of, 116, 124; educa- 48, 48–49, 50, 51, 200
tion of, 124; paintings of, 132, 133, 134, 136, Vries, Hent de, 85
144; on relations of Christ and children, 135
Tamaela, Nus: artistic work of, 125, 126, 144; Waai, village of, 117
career of, 116; crisis of faith of, 179; passion Wahid, Abdurrahman, 34
for painting, 123, 124; promotion of Malu- Wakano, Abidin, 222
kan culture, 125; Seram collections, 125 war: definition of, 37; frames of, 153; language
Telkom Graphics Department, 117 as causality of, 52; politics of numbers, 214,
Ternate City: media coverage of events in, 216, 215; production of images of, 30–31;
217 soundtracks of, 52–54; uncertainty of,
Thalib, Ja’far Umar, 53–54, 248n5, 271n28 250n17. See also fog of war
thingification: trope of, 254n49 wartime graffiti. See graffiti
Tiahahu, Martha, 14 Wattimena, Agus, 91
Titaley, Sammy, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76 Wilde, Oscar, 8
Topatimasang, Roem, 261n128 women: as civil servants, 187; demonic posses-
transparency, 16–17, 19 sion, 186–87; everyday life of, 158; religious
triptych of the apocalypse: creation of, 146, displacement of, 158, 161; standoff between
148; depiction of salvation, 151; fragments of, Muslim and Christian, 167
149–50; Jericho’s fortifications collapsing Women and Children Exchange drawing
under siege, 151; panoply of sins, 151; storage competition, 276n15
of, 148, 150; view of, 149 work of appearances, 9, 10, 47
work on appearances, 9, 10, 27, 83, 226
“Unity in Diversity” motto, 208, 210
usi (“older sister”), 52, 257n73 Yesayas, Jhon: artistic career of, 81, 118, 128,
140–41; “Bloody Christmas,” 66; Christ in
victimization, 252n39 Gethsemane, 80; employment of, 117; identi-
victim of violence: denial of humanity of, fication with ROCK, 176; on image of Jesus,
254n49 140–41, 143, 144, 146; on portrayals of Chris-
Victory (painter): paintings of, 119, 120; studio tian scenes, 119; reflection on his work, 67,
of, 116, 120, 121; thematic range of, 120, 122 69–70, 86–87, 94; religious motivation of,
“Victory ’72 Gallery,” 120 118–19; reputation of, 116
video compact discs (VCDs): authorizing dis- Yudhoyono, Kristiani, 119, 120
courses of, 59–60; effect of, 59, 60–61, Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 119
Patricia Spyer is Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Institute, Geneva.
She is the author of The Memory of Trade: Modernity’s Entanglements on an
Eastern Indonesian Island (Duke, 2000). She has also edited and co- edited a
number of books, including Images That Move (SAR Press, 2013), Handbook
of Material Culture (Sage, 2006, pbk 2013), and Border Fetishisms: Material
Objects in Unstable Spaces (Routledge, 1998).

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