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Multimedia Tools and Applications

Grape leaf segmentation for disease identification

through adaptive Snake algorithm model

M. Shantkumari 1 & S. V. Uma 2

Received: 19 December 2019 / Revised: 27 August 2020 / Accepted: 9 September 2020

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Fruits are the eminent export agriculture product for any country, especially grape, it is
used for making wines and developing raisins. Moreover, Viticulture has proven to be
one of the highly profitable industry from the economic point of view. However, in
viticulture grape quality should be of top-notch quality, moreover throughout the research
it is observed that grape quality is degraded mainly due to the plant disease. In past
several researcher have tried their efforts to detect the early identification of disease.
Segmentation plays bigger role identifying the disease, Hence in this paper we propose an
Adaptive Snake Model for segmentation and region identification. ASA (Adaptive Snake
Model) is two phase segmentation model namely common segmentation and absolute
segmentation. Through common segmentation, we achieve the fast segmentation and
through the absolute segmentation, we achieve the better accuracy. Moreover for evalu-
ation of Adaptive Snake Algorithm two standard dataset i.e. PlantLevel and PlantVillage
dataset, for further evaluation we have compared with various state-of-art technique in
terms of various performance metric such as PSNR, Dice, Manhattan, Recall and Jaccard.
Adaptive Snake Algorithm performs better than the other existing methodology.

Keywords Leaf disease . Segmentation . Adaptive Snake model

1 Introduction

Grape has been one of the important fruit crop from economic point of view as it is highly
profitable crops for the Indian cultivation, it is one of the popular fruit not only in India but world-

* M. Shantkumari

S. V. Uma

Research Scholar, VTU RRC, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Associate professor, RNSIT, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Multimedia Tools and Applications

wide as it is widely used for raisins and making wines. Grape significance also lies in its nutrients
content and it is natural remedies for the various health issue. Moreover extensive use and ease of
growing in various climate condition has proven it be profitable.
However, throughout the survey it is found that grape is highly susceptible to the various
disease that directly causes the loss of yield and degrades in the quality [24]. Moreover, these
diseases have been keep varying from year to year, hence it is important that these disease are
identified as early as possible and this can prevent the yield loss and thus quality of the grape
can be maintained. Moreover, the early identification of disease is one of the challenging task
due to various reason such as many diseases have similar kind of symptoms, different symptom
at different stage and various disease present at the same time. Moreover, there are various types
of disease but there are three disease, which affects more i.e. Powdery mildew, Downy mildew
and Anthracnose. Below Image, i.e. figure one shows the various type of disease that affects the
grape Fig. 1.
The figure shows the classification of various Grape leaf disease. Moreover, the plant
disease caused due to the biotic agents. Grape disease are classified into three types based on
the reason of the disease i.e. fungal, Bacteria and Viral. Moreover fungal is sub classified into
various disease such as Blight, cankers, Mold and Rust whereas Bacteria is sub classified into
disease such as spot wilt and root. All these disease causes the reduction in quality of the crops.
In the grape industry, disease is an important factor affecting the yield and quality of grapes.
The occurrence of grape disease not only reduces its use value, but also causes a great deal of
economic loss. Therefore, the prevention and cure of the disease has become a key issue. In
recent years, computer digital image processing technology and pattern recognition theory is
developed, the computer intelligent computer for diagnosis of the disease, the disease type and
return to give reasonable preventive measures has become a common phenomenon. Image
segmentation is a key stage, which directly influences feature extraction and pattern recogni-
tion of late therefore, accurate segmentation of this is essential. In recent decades various
researcher have shown interest in disease identification in early stage through the image
processing. Image processing plays an important role and the outcome has been encouraging,

Fig. 1 various types and sub-types of Grape disease

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however all these methods have failed to find the perfect Region of Interest. Disease has been
one of the eminent factor in the grape industry, it affects the grape quality and yields, grape
disease minimizes the use value and this leads to the economic loss. Hence, the disease cure
and prevention has become one of the main factor. In last few years, pattern recognition theory
and computer vision is developed for diagnosis of grape disease. Moreover the image
segmentation plays an eminent role in identifying the region of interest i.e. area which is
affected, it directly influence the pattern recognition and the feature extraction, this phenom-
enon makes the absolute segmentation very much essential. In general the any image process
[17] follows steps to solve the problem mainly classification, hence below are the general steps
that are followed by various research to achieve the automatic leaf disease detection.
Step1: IA (Image Acquisition): This is the first and basic steps of image processing; here
the leaf image is captured and stored in digital form [9].
Step2: Pre-Processing: through this section, de-noising is done and smoothening of image.
Here RGB images are converted to the grey image and the image contrast is improvised [27].
Segmentation: In this phase the image are partitioned into various parts, this play the major
role in finding the Region of interest in the image processing [10].
Feature Extraction: Here eminent feature are retrieved such as shape, texture and color and
this minimizes the resources to provide the description [26].
Classification: based on the feature extracted the leaf disease are classified into the various
category and these categories suggest what type of disease that particular leaf belongs [15].
Hence, in this paper, we have proposed Adaptive Snake algorithm for probable Region
identification and segmentation, the contribution of this research work is as follows.

1 This research work proposes the Adaptive Snake algorithm for region identification and
2 Adaptive snake algorithm is two phase methodology; first phase is common segmentation
and second is Absolute Segmentation.
3 In common segmentation the segmentation is achieved in a rapid way here the accuracy is
4 Later by considering the Common Segmentation we achieve the absolute segmentation,
through this we achieve higher accuracy in terms of various performance metric such as
Precision, Recall, Manhattan, Jaccard and Dice Score.
5 The main aim of this research work is to achieve the highest accuracy, to evaluate
PlantVillage and Plantlevel Dataset is used.

This research paper is organized into various section, first section gives the brief about the
grape, their disease and the affects followed by that contribution of this research is highlighted.
Second section discuss the various existing model for disease identification and their short-
comings. Third section gives the detail description of Adaptive Snake Model and this is
evaluated in fifth section. Last but not the least section is concluded with the summary of
research work and their future work.

2 Literature survey

Grape has been one of the important crop specially for making wine the quality has to be
superior, however due to the disease the quality gets degraded. Moreover several researcher
Multimedia Tools and Applications

have tried to develop an automatic method to detect the disease some of them are discussed
here. [3] The author proposed to PAPM (parametric active polygon model) was achieved
segmentation of leaf images and their structure estimation. In the research, the method of
model was representing the leaf structure by light polygonal framework which is designed for
fitting the leaf image. The framework was worked on combining both structure representation
and leaf segmentation However,if increases the improvement was needed for improving the
accuracy The author investigated the recognition methods and Cucumber diseases. [28] In this
paper, he explain the many application of filtering, the range segmentation by utilizes for
colors that extract the features of color to the lesion site, quality of the structure and texture
area parameters for gray-level co-occurrence matrix. The identification of leaf disease is done
by measuring the calculation of the distance. Anyhow, this approach is relatively by comput-
ing complexity.. [7] The author proposed L2SA (lamina2shape algorithm) for successfully
processing the images of lamina which is using by analyze the shape and this algorithm tested
and analyzing by using the winter wheat. Initially, the flat-bed scanner was captured of winter
wheat images. Than the lamina was discriminated by the no colored background the threshold
for thee image pixel ratio channel value in green, blue and red. For determining in image of
lamina and numerical lamina function is to be calculated. However, the lamina was not
effectively done. [20] the author proposed for the automatic segmentation technique and
classification technique for classifying the legumes by utilize for LVI (leaf vein image)
features technique. The legume species manly as white beans, soya bean and red bean were
elaborated. At initial image of the leaf are obtained by utilize for standard scanner. To
performance the segmentation, processes unconstrained hit or-miss transform and ATT (adap-
tive thresholding techniques) are provided. Different Classifiers uses the different type of
morphological operations. Anyhow, the complexity was relatively high. [13] The author
research the wheat image is depend on decision tree model by using segmentation of
illumination invariant. The plant he images extraction of vegetation was performed by utilize
for the different type approaches. After that, the CART algorithm was explained the training
for decision tree and it performance was comparing with the different type of method.
However, the accuracy was not properly improved. [29] the author presented an (adaptive
thresholding algorithm) for the forefront analysis and contextual depend on the segmentation
technique the CANNY and OTSU operators extracted randomly form the online network
system technique. The segmented of leaf region. It entire the OT (optimization technique)
achieved leaf edge. However, the algorithm complexity was very high. According to venation,
fractal dimension and outline fractal dimension.
, [16] proposed the many technique to described the quality of plant leaves in one of the
technique is novel method. For separating divided the edges of the vein and leaf, or multiple
threshold edge detection was used. [4] For measuring veins and edges, 2D dimension of
multiple vein images and leaf edge image are employed. 2D feature of measured was used for
classification of the process. However, improvement required for the recognition accuracy
needed requires further improve the accuracy. [14] The author investigated the collection of
algorithm for classification and leaf segmentation. The leaves segmented the arbitrary image
condition. The 3D leaves information was recovering the segmenting the leaf and the 3D
structure. For process of leaf classification, normalized centroid- CDM (contour distance
method) was adopted or also check the measuring the leaf similarity, the CSCM (circular-
shift comparing method) was employed. It distortion structure of less leaf was not achieved by
using this technique [22] the author proposed a CDLSM (cotton disease leaf segmentation
method) depend on fuzzy C-mean clustering technique. [18] The author investigated to
Multimedia Tools and Applications

segmentation of twelve lesion methods integrated with CA (clustering algorithm) for alfalfa
leaf disease recognition. Compared the edge detection, threshold, watershed, K-means clus-
tering and C-means clustering for PDD (plant disease detection).
It is observed that these method does try to achieve the target, however all these method
fails mainly due to not have segmented properly this fails to identify the region, hence we
propose the Adaptive snake algorithm model for the segmentation Fig. 2.

3 Proposed methodology

The above figure shows the process flow of Adaptive snake algorithm. Here at first the
parameter is initialized and depicted in the below equation.
< ϑ n∈ inner
Fω ðnÞ ¼ 0 n∈ boundary
−ϑ n∈ outer

Once the parameter is initialized, we compute the clusters through the gradient descent
method, similarly standard gradient flow is computed then we update the function until it
reaches its maximum value. The output of this segmented part is up-sampled then again we
compute the clusters and gradient flow and update the function until it reaches its maximum
value. Moreover, the output we get is absolute segmentation. Moreover, in order to perform
the segmentation we need to detect the target leaf region.

3.1 Achieving the target leaf region and back ground removal

Consider the graph Z = (X, Y) where X is the dataset and Y is the weight of the matrix.
Given an input as image, the input image are segmented into the group of connected pixel,
through this connected pixel we construct a model with M as the weight matrix and connected

Fig. 2 Adaptive snake algorithm process flow

Multimedia Tools and Applications

pixel as its node with degree matrix G. Below equation shows the problem statement and it can
be solved through optimization


Maintains the balance between two terms of the above equation, above equation is compo-
sition of two terms i.e. constraint term and fitness term, the solution is computed through the
below equation by finding the derivative function.
0 1
g ¼ ð3Þ
ðG−αM ÞVec

− ∥au −b v∥
M uv ¼ exp ζ2
u; v∈X ; ð4Þ

au and bv average of corresponding, ζ is the constant that controls the weight strength.
Computing ðG−αM ÞVec and set the matrix diagonal elements to zero.

0 1
g ¼ ð5Þ
ðG−αM ÞVec

Normalization of vector D dimensional vector

N t ðuÞ ¼ 1−gðuÞ u ¼ 1; 2; …::; G:: ð6Þ

Integration of the four different process

N bf ðuÞ ¼ N f ðuÞ  N f ðuÞ  S left ðiÞ  S right ðuÞ ð7Þ

S ff ðiÞ ¼ g0 ðuÞ u ¼ 1; 2; …::; D ð8Þ

This helps in achieving the foreground and background. Next, we use ASA for segmenting the
image in dual approach. Once background is discarded then we apply adaptive snake
approach, Adaptive snake algorithm has two parts i.e. Common segmentation and absolute
segmentation. It is based on the dual approach in first approach we segment the region in faster
way and in second we achieve the absolute segmentation.
Here at first we focus on pre-processing class to get rid with the spurious by varying the
image intensities throughout the image i.e. foreground and background. Let’s take an input as
Image P : ω→ 2 , the image is parted into two distinct part i.e. background and foreground.

3.2 Achieving smoothness

3.2.1 Energy function based on the global statistics

Here we divide the image into two part i.e. foreground and background and the energy
function of the related image are written as through the below equation. Through this
subsection, the data matrix of both region are computed:
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In the above equation few of the term are kept as constant such as μ, Λ11 and Λ12. c1 and c2 are
the image entities of foreground and background respectively. Mϵ(φ) is the unit step function
and computed through the below equation.
M ϵ ðeÞ ¼ 0:5 1 þ arctan e =ε ð10Þ

Derivative of the unit step function are computed and depicted through the below equation.
0 ε
δϵ ðeÞ ¼ Mϵ ðeÞ ¼ ð11Þ
π ðε2 þ e2 Þ

Moreover, now the energy function is minimized through the optimization algorithm of first
derivative to find the minimum of the function.



3.3 Energy function based on the local statistics

EnergyðφÞ ¼ −Λ1 ∫ω ∫ω N σ ðe−f ÞjPð f Þj−m1 ðeÞj2 H ðφð f ÞÞde df dx−λ2 ∫ω ∫ω N σ ðe−f ÞjPð f Þj−m2 ðxÞj2 ð1−H ðφð f ÞÞÞdf de
þ v∫ω j∇mðφðeÞÞjde þ μ∫ω ðj∇φðeÞj−1Þ2 de
2 (14)
Λ1, Λ12 and μ is kept as constant,

1 je− f j2
N σ ðe−f Þ ¼ e− 2σ2 ð15Þ
ð2πÞði=2Þ σi

The above equation is the kernel function with width of σthat helps in controlling the spatial
distance between the e th and fth. Local cluster are m1(x) andm2(x). The above function are
minimized through the first derivative optimization technique, here the local cluster are also
updated and updated equation are written as follows.

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3.4 Modified cluster model

The cluster model is modified for the image that has the complex noise hence the modified
cluster model is presented and the objective function is given through the below equation.


f weight is computed as


Minimizing the equation through first derivative, the local cluster and the unit step function is
obtained through the below equation



The above model is robust to the nature.

3.4.1 Clustering model

Moreover it is observed that the existing model do not have the proposer vector space
structure, hence exponential is used for the image acquisition. Moreover at any given point
the IV (image value) gets distributed through (23) and (24)



3.4.2 Integration of model

Later the model is integrated with the snake model with the exponential model and the
observed equation can be written as:
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The above equation can be minimized through the Gaussian distribution and it is iterated with
respect to φ, 1 ðeÞ and 2 ðeÞ



3.5 Adaptive Snake model

In Adaptive Snake Model is two-phase model, first phase is named as common segmentation
where the main focus is to achieve the rapid segmentation and here the accuracy is ignored, In
second phase named as absolute segmentation where the focus is to achieve the higher
accuracy, hence we achieve both quick and high accuracy .

3.5.1 Algorithm
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3.5.2 Common segmentation

The energy function of first phase model is given through the below equation i.e. Where Ωτ is
the sub-space with the sampling factor τ, kτf is computed through the Eq. 29.



Cluster along with the sampling factor is computed through the below equation i.e. Eqs. 30 and
31 in here we use the first order derivative optimization algorithm, hence the curve based
function is given in Eq. 32 and denoted as φtþ1



Here γτt is the positive parameter and ∇∅τ E RDLCK
PðeÞ; φτ is first order derivative flow and

depicted in Eq. 33.

ðVτ ððφτ ÞÞÞ ðe; f Þ is given through the below equation i.e. Eq. 33 and V−1
τ (φτ ) ∇∅τ is first order

optimized on the given space.


Moreover adaptive model is regularized through adding some penalty term this in terms helps
in regularizing the energy function through choosing the area with minimum length, the below
equation presents the natural descent curve and written as in the below Eq. 35.
Multimedia Tools and Applications


The lowest values are applied to the image that has low noise and these stores the
image details.

Hence, we achieve the common segmentation given in Eq. (36) where the segmentation takes
place in rapid manner, however this itself is not enough for the segmentation hence the input is
taken to achieve the high accuracy for segmentation.

3.5.3 Absolute segmentation

The common segmentation is cost effective, however the accuracy is very much low and this is
due to the sampling of the region, hence in this we resample the common segmentation for that
we initialize φ′


Here Ξ is the positive parameter and φ′ is the re-sampling version. Using the first order
derivative optimization iterative approach is used for optimizing the Eq. 27 and two clusters
that are formed are given in the below equation i.e. Eqs. 38 and 39. ke is the weight which
need to be computes.



V is computed as similarly as in the common segmentation procedure, the only difference is

the iteration approach and it is depicted in the equation

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 1 comparison of Fully Automatic Segment vs Adaptive Snake Model

Image Segmentation(Fully Automatic Segmentation(Adaptive Snake
method) Algorithm)

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

g) h) i)

j) k) l)


Hence, we achieve the rapid as well as accurate segmentation through Eq. 41, meanwhile
in order to prove the efficiency of Adaptive Snake model we evaluate ASA through
comparing with various types of technique, which is discussed in the next section of this
research work.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

4 Result and analysis

In this section we evaluate the performance by considering the two types of dataset i.e.
PlantLevel dataset and PlantVillage which is discussed in the same section later, Adaptive
Snake algorithm is evaluated under the system configuration of Windows 10 loaded with i7
generation, 8GB RAM and the MATLAB is used as the programming language.

4.1 Dataset

Dataset are data collection, here the data used for evaluation of ASA (Adaptive Snake
Algorithm) is in terms of image and the dataset description are given below.

4.1.1 PlantLevel dataset

It contains the 233 leaf images that has the complex backgrounds. Moreover, the plantLevel
dataset is part of the database of plant Identification. Table 1 represents the pictorial compar-
ison of existing model and Adaptive Snake method, in here, first column represents the
original image, second column represents Region of Interest of existing model and third
column represents the ROI detection using the proposed model i.e. adaptive snake technique.
In here when we observe the each picture we see that ASA achieves the absolute segmentation
and better segmentation than the existing one [11].

4.1.2 Pictorial comparison on PlantLevel dataset

Table 1 represents the pictorial comparison of existing model and Adaptive Snake method, in
here, first column represents the original image, second column represents Region of Interest
of existing model and third column represents the ROI detection using the proposed model i.e.
adaptive snake technique. In here when we observe the each picture we see that ASA achieves
the absolute segmentation and better segmentation than the existing one Table 2.

Table 2 Comparison of Adaptive snake Model with various state-of-art technique

methodology precision Recall Manhattan Jaccard Dice

OTSU [23] 83.29 90.02 89.51 76.54 0.855

FCN(a) [25] 67.47 30.54 69.39 23.45 0.473
FCN(b) [25] 74.78 91.02 85.18 69.30 0.804
FCN(c) [25] 79.31 92.65 88.01 74.22 0.842
GAC [12] 94.56 87.47 94.06 83.39 0.903
Power Watershed [6] 81.15 75.79 85.08 64.83 0.814
Kurtz [19] 85.07 87.52 89.94 76.74 0.851
Felenszwalb [8] 86.03 79.88 86.70 69.31 0.793
Watershed [1] 76.38 93.67 84.93 72.38 0.82
Graphcut [2] 75.89 87.20 85.46 68.34 0.79
Pyr.Meanshift [21] 81.73 90.76 88.33 75.29 0.846
Meanshift [5] 78.19 89.14 86.35 71.56 0.816
Exsting _Model 92.35 94.59 94.81 87.54 0.929
Adaptive snake Model 96.05 92.02 96.12 88.56 0.9534
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Performance metric comparison Precision is one of the model metric which is considered as
one of the parameter for comparison and it is defined as the ratio of true positive and sum of
true positive and false positive. Normally precision is represented in percentage, the higher the
percentage more efficient and accurate model. Similarly, another model considered here is
recall; recall is defined and computed as the ratio of true positive and sum of true positive and
false negatives. Precision is computed as the ratio of true positive to the sum of true positive
and false positive, Recall is computed as the ratio of true positive and sum of true positive and
false negative. Another matric we have considered is Manhattan distance is the sum of the
given absolute difference between their Cartesian co-ordinates it plays one of the key role
while evaluating the performance of any model. Jaccard is the fraction of any two items that
are shared and used for evaluation, last but not least Dice Score has been used for quantifying
the image segmentation performance, here we annotate GT (Ground Truth) and later the
algorithm are automated to do it. Moreover, all the above metric discussed should be on higher
side i.e. higher value of the model indicates the better efficiency of model. In Table, 2-
comparison analysis is done with different methodology along with existing model. First
column represents the methodology, second column precision and third column presents
recall, fourth column manhattan, and fifth and sixth column observes the Jaccard and Dice
score respectively. In below table it is observed that OTSU obtains the precision value of
83.92%, Kurtz obtains the 85.07% of precision and GAC and Fully automatic segmentation
achieves the precision value of 92.35 and 96.05 respectively. Moreover, our method i.e.
adaptive snake technique achieves the precision value of 96.05%. Moreover, precision shows
the measure of result relevancy and ASA has higher precision than all. Similarly another
performance metric is considered i.e. Manhattan distance, existing model achieves 94.81%
whereas Adaptive Snake Model achieves the 96.12% and higher than the other state-of-art
technique, other metric is Jaccard, Adaptive Snake Model achieves the value of 88.56%, which
is higher than any other technique, similarly in case of Dice 20 our model achieves 0.9534.
Moreover the comparison analysis of various shows that our model gets the good amount of
accuracy and outperforms the other model.

Table 3 LEAF affected by BLACKROT disease and segmentation

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4.1.3 PlantVillage dataset

For further evaluation we have used PlantVillage Dataset

plantdisease, this is one of the standard dataset used for evaluation of the model, however it is
observed that there has not been satisfactory evaluation of the data, moreover we use this
dataset for evaluation by considering the various sub-types of grape leaf dataset i.e. BLackRoT
Disease, Black Measles,

4.1.4 BLACKROT disease

This disease is caused by the fungus Guignardia bid wellie and considered to be one of the
hazardous disease for the grapes it is more destructive in rainy and summer season. It attacks
all the green parts of the plant, the below table shows the leaf affected by the Black Rot
Disease and their segmentation Table 3 and 4.

4.1.5 Black measles

This disease is also known as ESCA and it has the cryptic symptoms and causes the severe to the
grapes it gets identified late, early symptoms includes leaf discoloration, shoot tip dieback and
important to find this in early stage as it degrades the grape quality. The below table shows the grape
leaf affected from the Black Measles and their segmentation part in first and second row

4.1.6 Healthy grape

Table 5 shows the Healthy Grape and their segmentation through the Adaptive Snake Model

Table 4 Grape Leaf affected from Black Measles and their segmentation part
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Table 5 Healthy Grape Leaf and their segmentation

4.1.7 Grape leaf blight

This is one of the bacterial disease and it affects the young growing plant, infects the leaves,
berries, and shoots after a stage this causes the big spots on the leaf and degrades the quality.

Table 6 Grape Leaf affected by Blight disease and their segmentation

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Table 7 Various performance metric with various disease

Grape_Disease_Dataset precision Recall Manhattan Jaccard Dice

Grape_BLACKROT 95.14 90.22 92.67 86.20 0.9263

Grape_BLCKMEASLES 95.28 88.18 92.25 85.17 0.9217
GRAPE_LEAF_BLIGHT 97.90 95.94 96.73 94.01 0.913
Grape_Healthy 94.43 90.54 96.73 94.02 0.9667

Table 5 presents the leaf affected from the Blight disease and their segmentation through ASA
model Tables 6 and 7.

4.1.8 Performance metric

For further evaluation of the model, PlantVillage Dataset we consider the same metric
which s considered for the PlantVillage. Moreover, here we have analyzed the model
by considering various sun-dataset based on the condition of the disease such as
healthy leaf and evaluate the model accuracy. In case of BlackRot Disease the Adaptive
Snake Model achieves 95.14, 90.22 92.67, 86.20 and 0.9263 of precision, Recall,
Manhattan, Jaccard and Dice Score respectively. In case of BlackMeasles achieves
the precision value of 95.28, Recall value of 88.18, Manhattan value of 92.25, Jaccard
value of 85.17 and Dice Score of 0.9217. In case of Leaf Blight disease ASA model of
97.90, recall value of 95.94, Manhattan value of 96.73, Jaccard value of 94.01 and
Dice Score of 0.913. In case of Healthy images, ASA model achieves fine metric of
94.43, 90.54, 96.73, 94.02 and 0.9667 for precision, Recall, Manhattan, Jaccard and
Dice Score respectively.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we present the Adaptive Snake Model for segmentation and probable
region identification, Adaptive snake Model is two-phase model where in first phase
deals with the fast segmentation and second phase deals with achieving the good
accuracy. Adaptive Snake Model is evaluated on two standard dataset of Grape Leaf
i.e. Plant Level and PlantVillage dataset, Adaptive Snake Model is evaluated by consid-
ering the various performance such as Precision, Recall, Manhattan, Jaccard and Dice
Score and achieves the value of 96.05%, 92.02%, 96.12, 88.56 and 0.9534 respectively.
For further evaluation, we considered the PLantVillage Dataset, consider the different
sub-dataset of different disease, and perform segmentation. Similarly, we evaluated under
the different performance metric by considering the different disease and condition of the
leaf and the result analysis shows that ASA model is efficient and robust. Segmentation
plays an important part, however it is one of the steps of identifying the Grape Leaf
disease, moreover in future classification technique would be proposed that could
classify the disease into particular category.
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