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Aopubtir of Oe ?


Eepartment of @lucation

October lO, 2022



TO Assistant Schools Dvision Superintendent
Chief Education Supervisors
Districts In-Charge
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
Unit/ Section Heads and
All Others concemed
1. Pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 20 16 re: Program to
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management
(PRIME-HRM) Enhanced Maturity kvel Indicators, this Office issues the enclosed
internal Equal Opportunity tlrinciple Policy in Human Resource Management
(HRM) Systems.

2. This policy promotes equal opportunity principles in four (4) areas of Human
Resource Management, namely; Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP),
Learning and Development (I-8sD), Performance Management System (PMS) and
Rewards and Recognition (R&R).

3 . Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum are directed .

Schools Division Superintenden
R4@ (s: Ml ciat,&. No 21, 4 20,6
Tbl.ii/d.d'd&at. tu *nol tu @d.rt.lolbli.g

Mabini St., Brgy. Acacia, Catarman,5400, Northern Samar ,A

Telefax: (055) 500 9801
Division Offi cial Website: https:.//
Department of Education Schools DMsion of Northern Samar




1. Article II of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines states that the state
shall value the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human
rights (Section l1), recognize the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the
fundamental equa.lity before the law of women and men (Section 14), recognize and
promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework of national
unity and development (Section 22), and guarantee equal opportunities for public service
(Section 26).

2. The Civil Sewice Cornrnission (CSC) through the issuance of Memorandum Circular No.
24, s. 2O16, sets the guidelines of institutionalizing the Program to Institutionalize
Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) Enhanced
Maturity level Indicators for all government agencies. One of the enhanced maturity level
indicators is the integration of Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) in four (4) areas of
human resource systems; Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (RSP), Leaming and
Development (L&D), Performance Management (PM), and Rewards and Recogrrition

3. There is a need to concretize EOP in the Division Offrce in compliance to the PRIME-HRM
Enhanced Maturity Indicators o{ the Civil Service Commission.

4. In view thereof, tJ:is Division Order establishes the Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP)
Policy in RSP, 1,8.D, PM and R&R.


The Department of Education -

Schools Division of Northem Samar upholds and
recognizes the value of equality, fairness and diversity in all human resource mechanisms. It is
also committed to ensure that selection, performance assessment, professional development
opportunities, rewards and recognition shall be anchored on the principles of merit, competence,
fitness and equality. As such, all personnel actions and decisions shall be made without
discrimination on account of age, sex, gender preference, civil status, disability, religion,
ethnicity and political affiliation.

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Department of Education Schools Division of Northem Samar

This policy is in keeping with the following existing laws, rules, and regulations.
1. 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines;

2. DepEd Order 32, s. 2Ol7 , Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy;

3. Repubhc Act 9710, The Magna Carta for Women, A Comprehensive Women's Human
Rights Law That Seeks to Eliminate Discrimination Aga.inst Women by Recognizing,
Protecting, Fulfilling and Promoting the Rights of Filipino women, Especially those in
Marginalized Sector;

4. Republic Act 7277, Magna Carta for Disables Persons, An Act Providing for the
Rehabilitation, Self-Development and Self-Reliance of Disabled Person and their
Integration into the mainstream of Society and for other purposes;

5. Republic Act 10911, Anti-age Discrimination in Employment Act, An Act Prohibiting

Discrimination Against any Individual in Employment of Account of Age and Providing
penalties therefor;

6. Republic Act 8371, The Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997, An Act to Recognize the
Rights of IndiBenous Peoples, Creating a National Commission, Appropriating Funds
thereof and for other purposes;

7. Republic Acl7O4l, An Act Requiring Regular Publication of Existing Vacant Positions in

Government Offrces, Appropriating Funds thereof and for other purposes;

8. Republic Act 8972, The Solo Parents'Welfare Act of 2OO4, An Act Providing for Benefits
and Privileges to Solo Parents and their Children, Appropriating Funds thereof and for
other purposes;

9. Republic Act 9994, An Act granting additional benefits and privileges to s€nior citizens,
further amending Republic Act 7432, otherw'ise known as 'An Act to maximize
contributions of Senior Citizens to nation building, grant benefits and special privileges
and for ottrer purposes";

10. Republic Act 10533, AnAct also known as "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013"

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Depsrtment of Education Schools Division of Northem Samar


This Division OIfice Order provides the establishment and implementation of an internal
Equal Opportunity Principle Policy in all DepEd - Northern Samar public schools and offices,
covering job applicants and all officials and employees, school-based and non-school-based. It
also stipulates the specific EOP mechanisms and processes in RSP, L&D, PM, and R&R.


For the purpose of this Policy, the following terms are defrned and understood as follows:

1. Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) are emplo].ment policies and practices t}lat are based
on and according to the principles of merit, Iitness and equality; without discrimination
on account of:
a. age,
b. sex,
c. sexual orientation and gender preference,
d. marital status,
e. physical features,
f. disabitty,
g. social status,
h. familial responsibilities,
i. ethnicity,
j. religron,
k. political beliefs and alfiliation and
1. others that maybe identified by the agency.
2. Act';. of lXrcdnlaatto! are any forms of distinction, exclusion or restriction on the
basis of the grounds enumerated above, including the actual and assumed attributes
3. Spcctallrcd Gtoup are groups who need special attention or consideration from the
agency, such as but not limited to the following:
a. pregnant women,
b. solo parent,
c. senior citizen,
d. persons with disability,
e. indigenous peoples and
f. others that may be identilied by the ageocy.

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Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar


1. Rccnrltlnctrt, Sclcctlon and Placet[cnt {RSP,

1.1 Subject to all existing policies of the Department of Education, the recruitment,
selection and placement of personnel shall be based on competence to perform tl1e duties
and responsibilities inherent to the published position. There shall be no discrimination
in t]le selection of qualified applicants on account of age, gender, civil status, physical
features, disability, religion, social status, income, familial responsibilities, ethnicity,
political alfrliation or other similar personal circumstances which violates the principles
of merit and fitness and equal opportunity principle.
7.2 The agency sha-ll not issue, 'print and publish, in any form, emplo).ment
advertisemenb that will suggest preferences, limitations, specifications and

1.3 During interviews, examinations, and other evaluation processes, the HRMO shall
provide proper assistance and preparations for apptcants with disability, senior citizcns,
and pregnant women.

1. L€aratng rrd Deyelopta.trt (IADI

1. 1 Subject to all existing policies of the Department of Education, professional development

programs shall be open to all employees regardless of age, gender, civil status, physical
features, disability, religion, social status, income, familial responsibilities, ethnicity,
political affiliation or other similar personal circumstances.

1.2 EOP shall be imposed in the conduct of learning and development interventions. The
provision of trainings and scholarship grants shall be evaluated on the basis of
accomplishment, job requirement, merit, and performance.

1.3 The agency shall include EOP in its regul,ar on-boarding and orientation prograos for
newly-hircd personnel.

1.4 The Secretariat shall ensure that training venues have readily available facilities for
participants with disability, pregnant women, and senior citizens.

1.5 The S€cretariat shall dso consider the participant's religron and health conditions in the
food provisions.

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Department of Education Schoola DMsion of Northem Samar

2. Performrnce UrtrageEelt (PUl

2. 1 Subject to all edsting policies of the Department of Education, the agency shall ensure
organizational effectiveness through the provision ofa workplace environment that is free
from any acts of discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, civil status, physical
features, disability, religion, social status, income, familial responsibilities, ethnicity,
political a-ff iation or other similar personal circumstances.

2.2 Assignment of tasks and functions shall consider the needs of personnel belonging to the
specialized groups or those who are recuperating from life thrcatening illness and
undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.

2.3 Work areas shall be safe and supportive of personnel who have physical limitations.

3. Rsrardr aad Rccogrltlon lReRl

1. Subject to all existing policies of the Department of Education, the Division Program on
Awards and Incentives for Services Excellence (PRAISE) Committee shall ensure that the
formulation, nominations, screening and deliberations, and awarding of outstanding
employees and program implementers/coordinator including on-the-spot rewards, and
other recognitions which include any nominee/candidate on account of his/her sexual
orientation gender identity, and expression (SOGIE), age, civil status, physical
characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political
afliliation, socio-economic standing, and such other attributes, adhere to equal
opportunity principle or equal and fair treatment of all.

2. The PRAISE Cornrnitte€ across all governance levels, (school, district, and division) shall
ensure that all rewards and recognition schemes are non-discriminatory.

3. As to the basis of SOGIE or one's expression, the PRAISE Committee shall ensure tttat
awardees are free to wear any clothes or dress in accordance to their gender expression
but shall ensure appropriateness and decency to fit to the occasion.

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Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar


1. Profiling of participants shall be done prior to the conduct of the training to confrrm their
availability and assess their readiness and requirements for the training.

2. The training secretariat or program request team shall note if there are participants who
are included specialiud groups (i.e. solo parent, indigenous people, P\trD or pregnant
women etc.) so that ttreir needs will be properly addressed.

3. Training modules/topics, learning materials and language shall b€ sensitive to the

needs/physical well-being of specialized groups.

4. Venues for trainings should be in a location where facilities for people with special needs
are available.

5. Food provisions should consider the participant's religion or health conditions

6. The training secretariat or program request team shall attend at all times the needs of
the specializrd groups during the activity.


The Division responsible in making reasonable steps to prevent discrimination,

harassment, abuses and backbiting from occuring in the workplace.
All employees in tlle division should ensure that EOP is also applied to clients, partners,
suppliers and any other people or organization that deals with the DE SDBC.
Division chiefs, unit/ section heads, district in-charge, public elementary and secondary
school heads shall disseminate the guidelines and provisions of this policy.
The OIIice of the Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS) shall conduct monitoring, gather
issues and giving feedback on al1 incidents or reports that shall violate the EOP.


In t}le event that any provision or part of this policy is declared illegal or rendered invalid
by a competent authorif, provisions not allected by such declaration shall remain valid
and effective.


This policy shall take effect upon its approval and shall remain in effect unless
supcrseded by an appropriate issuance.

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Department of Education Schools Division of Northem Samar

1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
CSC Memorandum Circul,ar No. 24, S. 2016 re: kogram to Institutionalize Meritocracy and
Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM);
DepEd Order 32, s. 2Ol7 , Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy
Republic Act 9710, The Magna Carta for Women, A Comprehensive Women's Human Rights Law
That Seeks to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women by Recognizing, Protecting, Fulfrlling and
Promoting the Rights of Filipino Women, especially those in Marginalized Sector;

Republic Act 7277, Magna Carta for Disables Persons, An Act Providing for the Rehabilitation,
Self-Development and Self-Reliance of Disabled Person and their Integration into the mainstream
of Society and for other purposes;
Republic Act 1091 l,
Anti-age Discrimination in Employment Act, An Act Prohibiting
Discrimination Against any Individual in Employment of Account of Age and Providing penalties
Republic Act 8371, The Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997, An Act to Recogrrize the Rights
of Indigenous Peoples, Creating a National Commission, Appropriating Funds thereof and for
other purposes;
Republic Act 7041, An Act Requiring Regular Publication of Existing Vacant Positions in
Government O{Iices, Appropriating Funds t}rereof and for ot}rer purposes;
Republic Act 8972, The Solo Parents' Welfare Act of 2OO4, An Act Providing for Benefits and
kivileges to Solo Parents and their Children, Appropriating Funds thereof and for other

Republic Act 9994, An Act granting additional benefits and privileges to senior citizens, further
amending Republic Act 7432, otherwise known as "An Act to maximize contributions of Senior
Citizens to nation building, grant benelits and special privileges and for other purposes"

Republic Act 10533, An Act also known as "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013'

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