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19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

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564I3/51192/22V05/B1/IDIOV/INGVI Unit 2 Quiz Unit 2 (M)

Comenzado el miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022, 12:59

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022, 13:25
Tiempo 25 minutos 26 segundos
Puntos 14.00/15.00
Calificación 4.67 de 5.00 (93%)

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Look at the picture and complete the sentence with the correct quantifier.

I still need _____________ oranges. Not many, just two or three.

Seleccione una:
a. a little
b. a few
c. a lot of
d. some
e. any 1/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the right option according to the question:

The quantifier “a little” is for ________ nouns:

Seleccione una:
a. Uncountable
b. Both
c. Countable

Pregunta 3

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the right option according to the question:

The quantifier “lots of” is for ________ nouns:

Seleccione una:
a. Countable
b. Uncountable
c. Both 2/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4


Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the quantifier according to the picture as it corresponds.


 In the basket there are _______ carrots

Seleccione una:
a. any
b. a few
c. some 3/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the quantifier according to the picture as it corresponds.

In the cupboard there isn’t _______ food left.

Seleccione una:
a. any
b. a few
c. some

Pregunta 6

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about the food they need for a picnic. Then answer true or false. 

Sofia has a lot of grapes for the picnic.

Seleccione una:

Falso 4/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about the food they need for a picnic. Then answer true or false. 

They have lots of water bottles and juice.

Seleccione una:


Pregunta 8

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about the ingredients they need to prepare a pie and choose the answers
according to the questions below.

How many eggs do they have in the fridge?

Seleccione una:
a. A dozen of eggs
b. Few, there are only two
c. A kilo of eggs

Pregunta 9

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about the ingredients they need to prepare a pie and choose the answers
according to the questions below.

How much sugar do they need?

Seleccione una:
a. A kilo of sugar
b. A little sugar
c. A lot of of sugar 5/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following people talking about the ingredients they need to prepare a pie and choose the answers
according to the questions below.

How many strawberries are there in the fridge?

Seleccione una:
a. a few
b. some
c. a lot

Pregunta 11

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about overweight in kids and answer the questions.
From time to time doctors warn about overweight kids, some families are taking control and this situation is
changing, very slowly. But a lot of eating habits are  difficult to change. For example, fast restaurants are very
popular and everyday it is full of people, especially on weekends. So, what are the most popular foods people eat?
Yes, hamburgers and french fries, pizza and hot dogs. The real issue is that they are high in calories and fat. Also,
the other big problem is children do not like to eat vegetables.

Another way people can get fat is drinking sweetened beverages. In our country people drink lots of soda such as
Coke, Pepsi and others because they are on sale everywhere and it is very cheap.The bottles or cans of soda
contain spoonfuls of sugar and that is why people get fat.

Why do people, especially children, get fat?

Seleccione una:
a. Because they eat fast food.
b. Both
c. Because they do not eat vegetables. 6/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about Sofia’s routine and choose the right answer.

Sofia gets up at 6:00 am and has a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice for breakfast. She walks to school
with her mom, she’s a teacher. During snack time she has a package of chips and drinks water from her bottle.
Later, she has a chicken or meat and lettuce sandwich with an apple for lunch. She likes to play hide and seek with
her friends at morning break time. She walks home with her mom after school and has some cookies, a piece of
cheese and fruit juice for an afternoon snack. She plays or reads before dinner, and at dinner she usually has a
cup of coffee or chocolate milk with toasted hazelnuts.

When does she eat fruit?

Seleccione una:
a. At lunch time
b. At breakfast time
c. At dinner time

Pregunta 13

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about Sofia’s routine and choose the right answer.

Sofia gets up at 6:00 am and has a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice for breakfast. She walks to school
with her mom, she’s a teacher. During snack time she has a package of chips and drinks water from her bottle.
Later, she has a chicken or meat and lettuce sandwich with an apple for lunch. She likes to play hide and seek
with her friends at morning break time. She walks home with her mom after school and has some cookies, a
piece of cheese and fruit juice for an afternoon snack. She plays or reads before dinner, and at dinner she usually
has a cup of coffee or chocolate milk with toasted hazelnuts.

What does Sofia eat for breakfast?

Seleccione una:
a. A cup of juice and a chicken sandwich.
b. A glass of orange juice and a bowl of cereal.
c. A bowl of soup, a cup of coffee or chocolate milk. 7/10
19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about overweight in kids and answer the questions.

From time to time doctors warn about overweight kids, some families are taking control and this situation is
changing, very slowly. But a lot of eating habits are  difficult to change. For example, fast restaurants are very
popular and everyday it is full of people, especially on weekends. So, what are the most popular foods people eat?
Yes, hamburgers and french fries, pizza and hot dogs. The real issue is that they are high in calories and fat. Also,
the other big problem is children do not like to eat vegetables.
Another way people can get fat is drinking sweetened beverages. In our country people drink lots of soda such as
Coke, Pepsi and others because they are on sale everywhere and it is very cheap.The bottles or cans of soda
contain spoonfuls of sugar and that is why people get fat.

What is the synonym of the word “cheap”?

Seleccione una:
a. Useful
b. Low-cost
c. Expensive

Pregunta 15

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the text about Sofia’s routine and choose the right answer.

Sofia gets up at 6:00 am and has a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice for breakfast. She walks to school
with her mom, she’s a teacher. During snack time she has a package of chips and drinks water from her bottle.
Later, she has a chicken or meat and lettuce sandwich with an apple for lunch. She likes to play hide and seek with
her friends at morning break time. She walks home with her mom after school and has some cookies, a piece of
cheese and fruit juice for an afternoon snack. She plays or reads before dinner, and at dinner she usually has a
cup of coffee or chocolate milk with toasted hazelnuts.

After leaving school, what does she eat?

Seleccione una:
a. Chocolate milk and toasted hazelnuts
b. Cookies, cheese and fruit juice
c. A package of chips and water

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◄ Workshop Unit 2 (NM)

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19/10/22, 13:26 Quiz Unit 2 (M): Revisión del intento

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