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Bible Gateway Clues Using the Supporting Evidence Found in 1 Enoch 18 & 19 by Richard Stout SOURCE: {{Richard may have found the clues to why the Fallen Angels have been linked to the seven star system the Pleiades, and also how the Pleiades are continually being linked to THE NEW AGE literature through Ufology and the alleged contactees who in many instances get their information from those who hail from the Pleiades. As Richard uses key word analysis in critical verses within chapters 18 & 19 of Enoch, I will also give suggestive evidence to support this contention. Byron LeBeau}} I ENOCH 18:14: And I beheld seven stars like blazing mountains and like spirits entertaining me. Stars in this verse has two symbolic meanings, as blazing mountains & as spirits. Firstly, blazing mountains: The word blaze is a bright and or steady light or glare, a brilliant striking display. The word mountain in NELSONS BIBLE DICTIONARY means something that is elevated, an elevated place or position, (high up) as in literal stars shining in outer space. There is mention of seven stars. In the Bible we also have mention of the Pleiades, as in JOB 9:9, 38:31 (TWICE) JOB 38:32 & AMOS 5:8. There are seven distinct stars seen in the Pleiades, and the fact it is mentioned in the Bible so it may well indicate that this is a place of the seven literal stars. The second symbolic meaning of the word stars is spirits. Stars are symbolic of angels (REV. 1:16-20 & 2:1 & 3:1; also in the Book of Jude, (JUDE 13) as wandering stars. It is mentioned in the Book of Enoch {{Ethiopian}} as stars. Angels are also spirits (HEB. 1:14.) So then the second symbolic meaning of stars here is angels. But are they good or fallen angels? Lets see! In I ENOCH 8, it mentions seven particular (angels) who left their rst estate (Heaven) and came to Earth with the purpose of cohabitating with the daughters of men (GEN. 6:1-2.) These seven Fallen Angels are mentioned in this book in chapter 18. As these are the only seven angels who have taught men evil things and are listed in the Book of Enoch, then verse 14 (above) must also be referring to these specic angels (as stars.) Here is a list of their names: Azazyel; Amazarah; Armers; Barkayal; Akibeel; Ramiel; Asaradel.

We believe that the seven stars of the Pleiades are the seven stars (Fallen Angels) so listed in Enoch. Lets take a close look at the verses in chapter 18 of 1 ENOCH: VERSE 15: Then the angel said, This place until the consumption of heaven and earth will be the prison of the stars and the host of heaven. This place is the seven stars of the Pleiades. The word prison in Greek (teresis) means a watching keeping similar to a place of keeping. This means that the seven stars of the Pleiades will be a prison, a place of keeping of these seven fallen angels. {{Is it any wonder that the Pleiades in particular is so often mentioned in THE NEW AGE CONTACTEE literature? I have often mentioned this seemingly bizarre connection from people who track the Semjases of the Pleiadian system, such as Richard Thompson who recorded the New Age gibberish of Semjasa (as contactor) who gave the same to Billy Meier which Richard cited in his book, ALIEN IDENTITIES; recently I saw Gary Bates cite another reference to Semjase/ Semjaza in his book, ALIEN INTRUSION; this time it revolved around her possible disguised Fallen Angel feeding false or misguided information to author Brad Steiger as well as Fred Bell, grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, so it seems that this lady from the Pleiades is very active in UFO circles; even Whitley Strieber seems to have had sex with a similar Fallen Angel (posing as a female, going by the name of Ishtar, a mother-goddess of Babylon, who has many names in different cultures throughout the world,) as per his own admission in the book, COMMUNION. Perhaps Enochs clue about the seven stars as well as the actual mention of the Pleiades in The Bible are not coincidental in my humble opinion, and the names they give out may simply be clues as to whom they really are ~~ i.e., FALLEN ANGELS, and with its fruit, by any other name smells as bitter!.}} Now who is the host of heaven? Could it be also that he is in prison with the seven? We look up the word host in VINES DICTIONARY it is listed as host, but also as host (of angels.) This meaning in Greek (stratia) = an army and is used of angels in LUKE 2:13 & stars in ACTS 7:42. Army here in general means a large number or group of. So the seven stars (angels) will be in a place of keeping (the Pleiades) with the other Fallen Angels (hosts of heaven, the army of angels.) The word heaven here in Greek (ouranos) is used in connection with the expression of the aerial heavens. Aerial means in general in the air, living in the air, atmosphere, plus heavens meaning the sky or universe as seen from earth. So the host of heaven (a large number of Fallen Angels together with the aerial heavens, mean they are in earths air, sky, atmosphere, but also they are in space the Pleiadian system.) So the question becomes: How can they be or travel to both places?

Lets look at the word place again. In Greek we have (phottoklisia) for (ope) meaning a hole while in the KJV Bible, it is place; it says to see the word opening. The word opening in Greek (anoigo) is used transitively as literally a door or gate. The word hole in general (pholeos) is a lair. A lair is a dwelling place or hideaway. This could represent the place of keeping (the Pleiades.) If we were to look at the word portal, it means a doorway, as entrance, or a (gate.) This, then, is how the stars (as Fallen Angels) can be in the aerial (sky air of earth) and the heavens (space-universe): by using a doorway! (How many times have the aliens mentioned that they came from the Pleiades? ) A LOT! The Fallen Angels as aliens? Yes! (At least this is how it is portrayed in the Billy Meier contactee literature.) {{In our book, THE CURS-ED NET, we show that these aliens are Fallen Angels trying to deceive us into believing they are ETs coming from galaxies far far away but they really come from their rst estate being thrust down as rebellious angels and into the curs-ed net their newly found SECOND ESTATE!}} It is mentioned many times in THE CURS-ED NET that these angels are here to deceive us. If we look at the word deceive, in Greek (aparte) it states deceit or deceitfulness akin to (apatao) to deceive or that which gives a false impression (effect) whether by appearance, statement or inuence. The effect is the UFO phenomenon; the appearance is of false aliens; the statement is that UFOs & aliens exist, and the inuence used is by supernatural means. Using the Greek meaning (phrenapatao) under the word deceive we have the meaning literally to deceive in ones mind. Inuence is having the power to affect a person or course of events (as the UFO phenomenon does.) To further show that these Fallen Angels are connected to the UFOs, we uncover the following: VERSE 16: The stars which roll over the re are those which transgressed the commandments of God before their time arrived, as in (transgress, violating, committing an offense against Gods laws.) So these are the Fallen Angels. The word stars again means angels which (roll over re.) The word roll in general has a meaning of to travel, to wander, (as mentioned in Jude 13 ~~ relating to the wandering stars.) Remember the words aerial heavens and portal. The meaning of the word roll means to travel, wander so these angels could travel from the Pleiades to the earth via a doorway-gate! Just to let you know, the word wander in Greek (polanao) means deceit & says to see the word deceit c#6 meaning which states also the meaning of (planao) which is akin to (plane.) In English it means planet!

It also means to deceive by leading into error , to seduce. So the term wandering stars is equated to the term deceitful angels; also the word deceit in REV. 12:9 (as present participle) is used with the denite article as a title of the devil, the deceiver literally the deceiving ones. So these Fallen Angels are working for and connection with Satan. We now look at the word over as in roll over re. The word over in Greek (proistemi) means to direct, attend to & is translated to rule. The word direct in general means to control & is the ability to manage an instrument or a set of instruments, to guide a machine or vehicle, (as in UFOs as instruments of accomplishing a deceptive agenda?) In Latin (rotulus) roll is the diminutive of (rota) which is wheel (and may be symbolic of a UFO!) See the word roll as mentioned earlier in VERSE 16 of this chapter under consideration in ENOCH. The next word after direct is the word attend, which means to be present with, to accompany. The word accompany means to be or go with and to co-exist with, (as in the Fallen Angels occupying the re, the brilliant shiny objects.) The next word in the verse is re and in Greek (puroo) is translated as being on re (a symbolism;) it mentions to see the word 'ery. Metaphorically the word ery is of the darts of the evil one (the devil) [EPH. 6:16.] To continue with the word re we notice that in Greek it is symbolic of the danger of destruction as mentioned in JUDE 23. The word destruction here means metaphorically a spiritual destitution. This word re is symbolic of the object in which the Fallen Angels control and occupy. It generally is associated with luminosity &/or brilliance. Brilliant means looking illuminated, full of light, and in Latin is (beryl.) Beryl in general means transparent to translucent. Transparent means capable of transmitting light so that objects or images (UFOs or alien forms) can be seen, (and is usually effective at night.) Translucent means transmitting light and causing diffusion to prevent perception or distinct images (as in using light to cover up the true shape of the object.) In Latin it means to shine through, where through means here & there, in & around, (just as UFO lights & colors change positions with the patterns of changing lights.) {{If you refer to the web page, NIGHT SIEGE within THE CURSED NET, located at you will see several examples from fairly recent Ufological lore that clearly show how UFOs use sequential bright lights in presenting themselves to the spectators on the planet Earth.}} These lights contain colors and if we look at this word color in Greek it says to see the word cloke cloak a pretense and in Greek (epikalumma) means a covering, a means of hiding, where (epi) = upon & (kalupto) = to cover.

Hence, a pretext, a cloke for wickedness (evil,) so this light used to cover or hide this object is used for an evil cause.
Lastly, we look at the word shine and in Greek we see several interesting meanings: 1) is (perelampo) = to shine around; 2) (periastrapto) = to ash around, or to shine round about where (peri) & (astrape) mean to shine bright (brilliance.) So now to nish this understanding, we have Fallen Angels who travel via a door or gateway from the Pleiades to the Earth and back again. This portal leads to an invisible place (heaven.) The seven stars are not seen as we see it through a telescope. This place of keeping is through another dimension which we cannot see, yet when they come here to this world, they (by supernatural power) become visible and appear as UFOs and are construed as aliens from elsewhere which actually interact with the human beings on this planet. {{As we have pointed out in THE CURS-ED NET, the only real evidence we have as to where they possibly could come from, is the story that relates to those angels cast down from their rst estate; all other assumptions are just that assumptions, which seem to have no bearing on total reality. CF. the book, ALIEN INTRUSION, by Gary Bates, and you will get an eyeful of all of the obstacles that preclude ETs from galaxies far far away. Of course the dimensional hypothesis would be appropriate since heaven is in another dimension, so for the angels to be cast down would imply going from one dimension to another- rather than from one galaxy to another, and all the baggage that goes along with it. CF. also the web page, STUMBLING+BLOCK+to+INTELLIGENT+DESIGN that gives a concise birds eye view of the problems inherent in THE BIG BANG theory as well as the general tenets of evolution in favor of a young universe that was created by yes THE CREATOR who is the God of the Bible, whose Son is Jesus Christ, second Person of the Blessed Trinity. It all has a symmetry to it, with no loose ends; even the third Person of the Trinity is fully understood if you go to the web page, TRINITY explained FULLY, compliments of Biblical scholar, Walter Martin, and found at the following link: }}

In essence then, these deceptive spiritual beings (who have shapeshifting capabilities,) can direct, control and occupy the re that is the object of their rule. This object or objects (re being the symbol of that object,) shine with brilliant light a light that ashes around (forming patterns) and which shines round about (encompassing the objects.)

To be sure, evil is its contents!

Remembering that the word appear in Greek (phaino) means to shine, there seems to be a conrmation round about {{no pun intended, as all these ideas come swimming together into one larger concept which throws a mighty light on the whereabouts of this now SECOND ESTATE which St. Jude alludes to in his letter within the New Testament.}} So this re is symbolic of shining brilliant ashing objects, which by meaning of the word shine (in Greek) have the ability to appear. The word appear in the passive voice also means to be brought forth into the light, to become evident, to appear (as UFOs all of a sudden do.) They are evident to the eye. The word appearance in Greek (eidos) is that which strikes the eye, (as so many people have noticed shiny objects in the sky.) It also means that which is exposed to view, an external appearance of a form or shape which is the object. Look at the word apparition in Greek (phantasma) & (phaino) [from the word appear earlier.] Here it means to shine. It is a phantasm or phantom that appears and also shines & glows (as some alien creatures have been seen doing) {{The chupa cabra comes immediately to mind, and it has actually been known to have had sequential colors on its body as seen by some who have glimpsed this demon out of hell who sucks its prey in a paranormal fashion as if it were fashioned by demons themselves, and yes, their eyes are red.}} There is mention of ghosts in MATT. 14:26 & MARK 6:49 in the Bible. Remember that these Fallen Angles are spirits (HEB. 1:14,) and can walk through walls and do other supernatural things just as these aliens creatures have been reported as doing. {{Perhaps the latter are conveniently mistaken for the former? In a secular humanistic society which is prone to see things in a nuts & bolts fashion, it would follow like night follows day ~~~but ~~ it doesnt make it correct!}} Ask yourself then if these angels/spirits have the ability to go through walls! We know that matter (i.e., a true alien body of esh & blood of some sort,) cannot by itself go through a wall! Then how do they do it? {{OCCAMS RAZOR applies:}} Becausethey are really spirits that are Fallen Angels (or demons) disguised as aliens {{This would include either shape-shifters as postulated in the 19th chapter of 1 ENOCH regarding the angelsor the spirits of demons temporarily taking residence in a shell of some sort which could easily have been cloned by a supernatural agency with highly super technological intellectual skills. SEE?}} We continue now with ENOCH, chapter 19, VERSE 2. This verse is also connected to the prior information given.

VERSE TWO: And being numerous in appearance made men profane, and caused them to err. There is more to verse two, but it is not needed. Here. We now uncover its meaning and show its knowledge in connection with chapter 18, verses 14, 15 & 16. The word numerous means many, as earlier mentioned in chapter 18, verse 15 as the host of heaven meaning host (of angels) and a large number as in the word numerous above. The word in here means the characteristic, attribute, or property of, and also the activity, occupation, or function of, (i.e., in character of that which they, the Fallen Angles portray.) The word appearance here in Greek (eidos) is an external appearance form or shape, (the appearance of UFOs but more so of the forms or images of alien creatures ghostly or not.) Also the word appear has a meaning that signies to shine (as some of their creatures and images do.) The word form from above in Greek is (morphe) & in English is morph. So if we look at the word metamorphosis (meta) means an alteration, beyond, highly developed & transformation. Metamorphosis means to be able to transform into different forms (externally) in appearance, character, function, etc., (just as the Fallen Angels have the ability to do.) To go further with this, meta above means beyond and in Greek meta means beside. Beyond in Greek (peran) means on the other side & across & is used with the denite article, signifying the region beyond. Region in Greek (chora) means a space lying between two limits. (This can mean in our world and time the outer space distance between Earth & the Pleiades, but also the connection being the doorwaygate from their invisible dimension, (i.e., the place of keeping, prison spoken of earlier and our present visible dimension here in our atmosphere.) The word dimension is a point in space (as in the limits between) or in space & time that would be the (portal) time gateway space. The word para also means beyond and in Greek means besides as the word meta does. The word beside in general has a meaning in archaic as being nearby not far away. (With the supernatural ability of these Fallen Angels to travel using a gateway between dimensions, from their perspective, the trip would be most likely very short!) {{In 1 Enoch 18:7 there is an expression called the path of the angels which I intuit to be the dimensional doorway between heaven & our earth, so this very thesis Richard is presenting would give some type of credence to this idea, although it is impossible to prove by todays scientic method. This is always the rub when you try to connect dots spiritually; this is the reason that faith is so important but a reasoned faith is not beyond our capability to gure out since God has given us all that is necessary to love Him - so we are without excuse!}}

Did you know that the word near in general has a meaning of within a short distance or interval in space or time [?] An interval is a space between two points. So these Fallen Angels travel here through a portal, are in control and occupy the re which are the shining brilliant objects, and have the ability to change shapes and forms into whatever alien-like creature they wish to supernaturally! They can appear wherever they wish in their character (as Grays, Reptilians, etc.,) and are able to function as that character to further deceive us into believing they are real aliens. In short, they have the ability to make that creature function as if it had a nature all of its own {{reecting the perfect faade with few the wiser!}} The next part of VERSE TWO states They made men profane, and caused them to err. The word men here symbolizes mankind over the years. Profane means that they (the Fallen Angels) made (i.e. shaped mankind) to be non-religious & unclean before God, through deception, with man believing the lies. Err means by teaching deceitful falsehoods, disclosing harmful knowledge through chosen abductees (receivers) who transmit so-called alien messages which are supposed to contain helpful spiritual truth, yet is fed to us as poisonous ones directly in opposition to Gods own word. {In chapter nine of THE CURS-ED NET, entitled Show & Tell, it becomes painfully obvious that that is what psychics & mediums function is: to convince the masses of humanity that the mediums can talk to dead people when, in fact, they are talking to familiar spirits.}} Through these teachings over the centuries, generations of abductees would gain false truth of a race or races of false beings who are portrayed by evil spirits & Fallen Angels, only to do man harm by turning him away from God. {{This is what I personally believed happened with the DOGON TRIBE phenomenon: This tribe received knowledge about the Sirius double star system that was very accurate, and they could not possibly have known the information but the Fallen Angels (who according to ENOCH, chapter 8, schooled men in the knowledge of astronomy and astrology,) so it does not take a genius to gure out that this tribe was being given information to get them to adore these same cast down beings and Oannes was posing as one of these Fallen Angels as a disguised ET god! CF. THE SIRIUS MYSTERY by Robert Temple for the ostensible details of this. Its a beautiful story but a better faade! Once you connect the Enochian dots, even the most obtuse will eventually see the faade for what it really is, since the DOG-STAR will have opened the curtain symbolically, and the wizard is unmasked for whom he really is symbolically, of course!}}

Do you know that the word err in archaic means to stray and in Latin to wander [?] Remember JUDE 13 in the Bible, and the expression wandering stars where Jude is using to symbolize the Fallen Angels ~~ and remember that wander in Greek means deceit (as in deceitful angels.)

No wonder they have caused men to err. If one is to believe in the word of God who loves us then this knowledge is power the power of the truth of scripture, but having His Son Jesus Christ as your savior is the ultimate power** that these Fallen Angels have no chance against those who believe in Gods word and whose savior is Jesus Christ. The Fallen Angels direction leads to a second death (eternal death) but Christs direction in our lives leads to everlasting life and peace from those masking as deceptive aliens. ..A Biblical Reality of the UFO and Abduction Phenomenon by LeBeau & Stout..
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