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Group members: Sofia Caloiro, Luciana Rubino and Camila Tamborini

Teacher: Adrian Roldan

Year: 2021

Course: 4A
How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933?
Here is a list of factors that helped Hitler come to power.

1. For each factor, write down one example of how it helped

2. Give each factor a mark out of 10 for its importance in
bringing Hitler to power

Hitler's speaking skills: He was a man of people, someone who knew and
understood people and their problems. This helped him because his way of
speaking was different from the other parties so he could gain people's votes.
Hereally convinced people because his speeches were full of passion energy
(because of his strong voice), enthusiasm, and he talked with clear and simple
words so that everyone understood him. 10/10
Propaganda campaigns: He started using films, radio and records to give his
message to millions of people. He also used nazi posters and pamphlets. This
helped him he also had modern ideas.He gave people photo opportunities, travel
by plane and rallies. Thanks to this, people were easily convinced to vote for him.
Their criticism of the Weimar system of government: They expressed contempt
for Weimars democratic system and said that it was unable to solve Germany's
economic problems. 7/10
Nazi policies: Nazis planed to nationalize industries, give the opportunitie to
people of geting new Jobs. This helped the government with its economy and also
Hitlers party gained more votes. 9/10
Support from big business: Business leaders feared the communists because they
wanted to take control of their bussines, so they felt like the Nazi party would
combat this. So they started spending money for the Nazi founds. 5/10
Violent treatment of their opponents: Ludendorf was one of Hitlers enemies. He
was in charge of the army in Bavaria,but he failed,leading them to let go.When
Hitler released this,he tried to escape while Ludendorf and the SA were fighting
but he couldn't,and he ended up in prison. 4/10

Failure to deal with the depression:
Weimar goverment couldn’t apply new policies to make the problem with the
depression better so the Nazi party thought that the government need a powerful
leader. 7/10

Failure to cooperate with one another: The Nazi party gained strength by making
an alliance with another party, the DNVP. But they weren’t able to win the
elections because the other parties that were against them didn’t take that
decision. 7/10

Attitudes of germans to the democratic parties: Dissatisfaction with Democracy in

Weimar Germany was because politicians were unable to tackle the problems of
the depression. Brüning cut government spending and welfare benefits. He urged
Germans to make sacrifices because he wanted to get the international community
to cancel reparation payments, also it is believed that he was afraid of
hyperinflation. 8/10

Weakness of the Weimar republic: Weimar system of government was not
working because not political group was able to provide strong rules and also there
where many problems of unemployment and they couldn’t pay the reparations on
time. 7/10

Scheming of Hindenburg and Von Papen: Hindenburg and Von papen met secretly
with industrialists, leaders and politicians and offered hitler the post of Chancellor.
They believed that they could control Hitlers power and influence but they were
wrong, and every minute Hitler gained more control and support of the situation.
The impact of the depression: usa was sent into a disastrous economic depression.
Germany was particularly badly affected because American bankers asked them to
repay the money they had borrowed. because this business went bankrupt and
workers were unemployed. Germany couldn't go on because they didn't have
time to fix the actual situation and didnt have money to pay reparations to the
allies. 10/10
The Treaty of Versailles:
The abolition of the treaty of versailles could help to blame germany’s troubles
,the allies the november criminal and the jews because they all signed this treaty.
Memories of the problems in 1923:The Hyperinflation was a factor that help the
nazi party a lot,in 1930 he could have little success because the nazis highlighted
the importance of peasants in their plans for germany, promising to help
agriculture if they came to power,this make them gained many votes. 9/10

3. Choose what you think are the five most important factors and write a short
paragraph on each explaining why you have chosen it.

For us the five most important factors were The impact of depression, because it
made people in Germany believe their actual government wasn’t helping them
with their economic problems; then Hitler speaking skills because it was one of the
main factors to convince people to vote the nazi party and to encourage people to
vote hitler; the third point we believe is important is Failure to deal with the
depression because this made people consider another person in power than what
they had; Last but not least Scheming of Hindenburg and Von Papen is an
important factor because this was an important and big step for Hitler to get closer
to power and to accomplish his plans of government; the last factor we consider
important is the propaganda campaign which with the help of Goebbels made
people believe they were the best party to vote because with all the posters and
things they put everywhere people started believing they were their best option.

4. If you took away any of those factors, would Hitler still become Chancellor? If
we took out some of these points Hitler may have been Chancellor anyways but
maybe it would have taken him longer to achieve this place. If we took out “failure
to deal with Depression” maybe they would not have got a lot of support at once
and very quickly from the unemployed people; but on the other hand, there are
some points that if we took them away we think Hitler wouldn’t have made it to
the Chancellor. An example of this last point is Hitler speaking skills, because if he
hadn’t had the ability he had, to speak and to convince other people to vote for his
party, he wouldn’t have gotten any support from the beginning.

5.Were any of those five factors also present in the 1920s?

Yes, but the only point that wasn’t present in the 20’s was the Scheming of
Hindenburg and Von Papen.

6. If so, explain why the Nazis were not successful in the 1920s.

Propaganda campaign in the 20s didnt work out because the pictures and
messages were very irrelevant , Failure to deal with the depression, The impact of
the Depression and Hitler speaking skills were not successful in 1920 because
people at that time were satisfied with the policies democracy gave them, also
they were living on a more prosperous situation compared to the past years were
they’ve been at war, so they didn’t have any reason to vote Hitler. They believed
that Germany would prosper.

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