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8140 Autonomous
University of the State of Mexico Mexico

Ferado Garcia, Alma Leticia; Arguello Zepeda, Francisco Jose

Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case: UAEM
Public Spaces, vol. 21, no. 52, 2018, May-August, pp. 153-164 Autonomous University of the State of Mexico

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Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case:UAEM

Reading development programs as student welfare policy. Case: UAEM

Reception date: May 30, 2017 Approval

date: April 23, 2018

Alma LeticiaFerado Garcia*

Francisco Jose Arguello


This article analyzes whether reading promotion programs meet the particularities to be considered student
welfare policies. At the beginning, what is a public policy and its characteristics are defined.The policies
related to the promotion of reading at the federal and institutional levels are also presented, as well as the
actions that have been taken within the uaem. It is mainly concluded that the actions taken suggest that the
promotion of reading should be considered as a welfare a student
PKEY WORDS:student welfare policy, reading program, reading promotion, uaem.


This article analyzes whether the programs to promote reading among BA students, fulfill the peculiaritiesto
be considered policies of student welfare. The definition of a public policy as well as its characteristics are
presented. Policies related to the promotion of reading at the federal and institutional levels are presented as
well. The actions that have been taken inside the uaem are shown. It concludes with the idea that the actions
taken suggest that the promotion of reading should be considered as a policy of student welfare. KEY
WORDS:student welfare policy, reading program, reading encouragement, uaem.

* Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Mexico. Contact

e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 52, May-August 2018, p. 153-164.

Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case: UAEM

YoINTRODUCTION Information and Communication Technologies
(ict) have favored”. The traditional assigns a
roleto the state, while the new concept creates
People often talk about the place that Mexico opportunities to improve public services.public,
occupies in terms of the number of books that are allows better access to information and
read, as well as the actions that have been taken to increases citizen participation. Laswell (in
make it a country of readers. However, these Nateras, 2006: 255) states that policies have "a
surveys present a sample of the entire Mexican multidisciplinary orientation, since by their
population, but, on the other hand, here the specific nature they involve political, economic,
results of a Higher Education Institution are administrative, and cultural aspects, among
observed in order to know its position with respect others."
to thistheme. It is necessary to analyze what is a MarthaNateras (2006: 255) mentions that
policyand to know if the reading promotion “the definition of policy can be obtained
programs meet the requirements to be within the descriptive and theoretical
considered a policy, specifically, a policy approaches; In the descriptive notion,
ofstudent welfare. different ways of conceiving them can be
Regarding the subject, which isIn this found and among these are the proposals for
article, the definition, characteristics and specific action, within which there are actions
elements of a public policy are presented to later such as the reforestation of national parks or
focus on student welfare policies; Likewise, such as adult literacy policies; This is where
special mention is made of the policies for the policy to promote reading can be
promoting reading at the Autonomous included”. He adds that from the theoretical
University of the State of Mexico (uaem), as aspect it is appreciated that policies are
e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

well as the group for the Promotion of Reading elaborated from government-citizen
and its actionsundertaken. interaction and that when studying them,
reference must be made to three fundamental
elements that constitute them, which are:
POLICIESSTUDENT • Public objectives of the State
• Programs designed to meet those goals
• Its impact on society
Public policies "correspond to specific solutions
on how to manage public affairs" (Lahera, 2002: For Lahera (2002: 4), a quality public policy
9). A policy or policy "refers to any social must include:
decision, where the subject of the decision can be
an individual, an organization or the State" • Orientations or contents
(Bazúa and Valenti, 1993 cited by Nateras, 2006: • Instruments or mechanisms
254). According to Lahera (2002: 4), there are • Institutional definitions or modifications
two concepts, "the traditional one and the one that • Forecast of yourresults
advances in
Alma Leticia Ferado Garcia
Francisco Jose Arguello Zepeda

To determine if the programspromotion of

reading can be considered a public policy, it 155
is necessary to know the result of the actions • Reading helps to be smarter(Smith,
that have been taken. In this regard, José Luis 1978: 8).
Méndez (2000 cited in Nateras, 2006) • Reading, at any age, is a tool to gain
mentions that there are four situations in the access to knowledge and not fall into
course of public action, namely: public social marginalization (Franky,
inaction, public decision, public policy and 2011: 17).
public results, which are the product of the • Having the conviction that reading is a
three previous among, other factors. useful exercise, which improves
In this case, we are faced with apublic, thought, advances the human being
because the State has detected aspecific and changes, improves society
problem and developed an action program to (Franky, 2011: 18).
solve it. There are at least six elements to define • Reading stimulates language
public policies: development, increases vocabulary,
improves communication and develops
1. The problem imagination,which entails cognitive
2. The diagnosis and emotional benefits. Reading
3. The solution deeply enriches the soul of children
4. The strategy and allows them greater social and
5. Themeans intellectual development, a greater
6. The execution understanding of the universe that
surrounds them (Franky, 2011: 15).
Student wellness can be understood as those • “There is no more useful occupation

e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

programs focused on promoting the physical for all classes of people than reading.
and mental health of students through sports He understood-The thought is
and cultural actions, which are aimed at fertilized, the imagination is
stimulating the comprehensive development enlivened, the heart delights, and
of students. When doing a search on the types annoyance flees in great strides in
of policies, the promotion of reading was not the presence of a book” (Centro de
found as a student welfare policy as such, Estudios Históricos, 1947: 105).
because scholarship programs, sports
programs and cultural programs are usually So, if reading helps to be moreintelligent, the
considered within the latter. This is how it is performance of the students will be higher and
proposed that, within this aspect of cultural will improve their school trajectory and,
training of individuals, reading promotion therefore,Therefore, their professional
programs be included due to the benefits that performance when they graduateIt will
reading brings not only to students, but to contribute to a better society.
society in general. Among these benefits are Likewise, socially, thinking and critical
the following: citizens will be better integrated into their
environment, in addition tothey will also have the
benefit of developing their linguistic
intelligence. But this does not happen by itself,
rather it is necessary to create awareness of the
different functions of reading,
Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case: UAEM

and that it is not enough, as pointed outCantón the strategies and lines of action to achieve the
(2009), to stay at the level of readers but rather objectives and Chapter VII establishes the
to train autonomous readers committed to the indicators.The pnd indicates that this Mexico
meanings of what they read and that this may with Quality Education is sought "to guarantee
be able to contribute to explaining their human an integral development of all Mexicans and
condition. In various speeches it is mentioned thus have a prepared human capital, which is a
that there is a low level of reading in Mexico. source of innovation and leads all students to
Aristegui (2014, Notimex) concludes a note their greatest human potential" (segob , 2013).
on the number of books that we Mexicans We believe that reading is an important part of
read, expressing that "it is essential to have this comprehensive development and that the
policies in favor of reading that benefit the role of teachers is essential to achieve it. It is
entire population and combine the efforts of also indicated that the focus of the pnd is "to
different actors from both the State and of promote policies that close the gap between
civil society”. Below are presented from the what is taught in schools and the skills that
general to the particular the programs, today's world demands to develop a
strategies or actions that are being lifelong learning” (segob, 2013). Within Chapter
implemented at different levels in our country III,the pnd points out that:
and specifically
cally in the uaem, aroundto the topic. (...) a Mexico with Quality Education
Let's talk first about the National proposesimplement State policies that guarantee
Development Plan (pnd) 2013-2018.In this the right to quality education for all, strengthen
document of the Ministry of the Interior the articulation between educational levels and
(segob) published in the Official Gazette of link them with scientific work, technological
e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

the Federation on May 20, 2013, five national development and the productive sector, in order
goals and three cross-cutting strategies were to generate quality human capital that triggers
established as a plan of the Government of national innovation (segob, 2013).
the Republic to achieve its general objective,
which is: However, it clarifies that because there are
stilldeficiencies in the application of equity and
(...) take Mexico to its maximum potential in a quality policies "it is urgent to reduce the gaps in
broad sense. In addition to economic growthor access to education, culture and knowledge (...)"
income, factors such as developmenthuman (segob, 2013). We are then at that point of
rights, substantive equality between women and recognition before the analysis in which we must
men, the protection of natural resources, health, act and create quality conditions for student
education, political participation and security, development. This document also clarifies that
are an integral part of the vision to achieve said "culture contributes to the formation of a citizenry
potential (segob, 2013). capable of fully developing its intellectual
potential" because "a culturally developed society
As can be seen, the third of these goalsnationals is will have a greater capacity to understand its
a Mexico with Quality Education. Each of the environment and will be better
goals describes the challenges for each sector
andestablishes an action plan with its
respective objectives to solve them.Chapter VI
Alma Leticia Ferado Garcia
Francisco Jose Arguello Zepeda

trained to identify development

opportunitiesdevelopment” (segob, 2013). 157
It is then that the Action Plan indicatesthat to The social reality that the country is going through
achieve the objective of this goal "a policy is makesimperative a newcultural policy agenda
required that articulates education, culture and that clearly establishes the ways to mobilize the
sports with scientific knowledge, technological cultural resources of Mexico, (...) A
development and innovation" (segob, 2013) and, fundamental strategy to achieve a new cultural
continuing, to expand this access culture must be agenda will be the strengthening and renewal of
placed among the basic services provided to the the link between culture and the educational
population. We now come to the objectives, process, (...) The Council National for Culture
strategies and lines of action presented by the PND and the Arts (...) will lead the efforts to give a
2013-2018 in terms of reading (segob, 2013): new focus to the permanent fields of action of
the cultural task: (...) promotion of books and
reading, (...) (Sep, 2013: 32 ).
• Objective 3.3. Expand access to culture
as a means for comprehensive trainingof
the citizen. Further on, within the pse, is Objective 5
• Strategy 3.3.1. Place culture inamong “concerning the promotion and dissemination of
the basic services provided to art andculture as privileged training resources to
thepopulation as a way to promote comprehensive education. Each objective
promotesocial cohesion. presents its strategies and lines of action, for
• Lines of action: Design a national thesubject of the reading, the following were
program that promotesthe reading. found”(Sep, 2013: 64):

The pnd is contemplating in this fourth line of • Strategy 5.1 Promote artistic and

e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

action the design of the national program for the cultural education and create greater
promotion of reading and in Chapter VIII of this opportunities for access to culture,
plan it instructs the different federal especiallyfor the educational sector.
dependencies on the steps to follow for the • Line of action 5.1.3 Promote reading as
implementation of this pnd through the Sectoral, a basic skill in overcominginequality.
Regional and Special Programs (segob, 2013).
This is why aspects related to policies are It is highlighted the fact that it is being considered
presented.of reading presented by the Sectorial to give the emphasis of access of the educational
Program ofEducation (pse). sector to culture and that the line of action is
The Ministry of Public Education (sep), to directed to the promotion of reading in order to
comply with the provisions of article 22 of the reduce the inequality gaps that are
Lawof Planning, elaborated the Education Sector society.
Program (pse) 2013-2018, in which, within its first At the end of the exposition of the strategies
chapter related to the diagnosis, it presentsthe of the fifth objective, the transversal lines of action
Culture and Education section, in which it are presented, within which it is found thatin
states that: strategy 3 on Equal Opportunityities and non-
discrimination against women, the
Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case: UAEM

first line of action establishes “promote circlesof the university community and society, with
face-to-face and virtual reading and literary content aimed at promoting citizenshipuniversal”
appreciation for paid and unpaid working women” (Barrera, 2017: 109). The policies reflected in this
(Sep, 2013: 65). This article will not focus on the document, in terms of increasing recreational
realization of a gender study, but it is necessary to reading rates, are as follows (Barrera, 2017):
know the actions carried out by the authorities
relating the issue of reading and the transversal • The Secretariat of Cultural Diffusion will
lines that it has established inthe pnd. establisha committee that defines a
In the same sense, the Promotion Lawfor collection of recreational readings to
Reading and Books (2008), aims to be equitable make it available to the university
at a social and gender level, and at the same community in the libraries ofeducational
time guarantee freedom in book publications. all spaces.
of itrepresents a success, but there are still • The General Editorial Council of the
structural obstacles that prevent many social university will define a collection of 20 books
sectors from having access to books (printed orientedto the dissemination and
or electronic). promotion of citizenshipuniversal.
In this way, it can be seen that the pse follows • The Secretaryof Cultural Diffusion will
up on the line of action established in the pnd evaluate and redefine the policies of
regarding the promotion of reading. From these promotion of thereading.
documents emanate the National Reading
Program, as well as the State Reading Programs; It is essential to analyze each of these policies to
however, these programs will not be presented at see their relevance, feasibilityand impact among
this time, instead attention will be directed to
e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

the university population. However, questions

presenting reading policies in an institutional arise at this time, such as the criteria that will
arena. For this, the actions that the uaem, as a be established by the committee that defines
Mexican public university, establishes regarding the recreational reading collection and the
policies to promote reading are shown below. investment that will be required to make them
The Rector of the uaem, Dr. in Ed. available in the different libraries. There are
Alfredo Barrera Baca, in his Master Plan for innumerable readings that are in digital
Institutional Development (prdi) 2017-2021, format and it could be that what more efforts
specifically in the substantive function have to be devoted to is the dissemination of
Dissemination of culture for a universal these works. In order to have more elements
culture, states that the University "has the of analysis, it will be necessary to analyze the
obligation to train competent professionals policies for the promotion of reading
and exemplary citizens, while providing established by the Secretariat for Cultural
elements of judgment both to those who Dissemination.
make public policy decisions and to society The strategies established in this regardare
and individuals” (2017:100) and establishes (Barrera, 2017):
in the specific objective IV of this function
that it is necessary to “increase the rates of • Publish a literary magazine in
recreational reading between whichdisseminate texts of poetry, short
narrative, literary essay and literary
Alma Leticia Ferado Garcia
Francisco Jose Arguello Zepeda

• Promote the acquisition of a basic collection

of literature in prose and verse for the PREADING PROMOTION POLICIES 159
citizenry.universal information that is
available to the community in university
libraries. It is briefly presented and as a context, some
• Intensify the dissemination of the winning policies for the promotion and promotion of
works of the international prizes for poetry reading in the educational field in Mexico of the
"Gilberto Owen Estrada" and narrative centuryNINETEENTH TO THE POST-

"Ignacio Manuel Altamirano", as well as the REVOLUTION.

Prize for Children's Literature, which are in Cantón (2009) in History of reading
open access in the institutional repository. inMexico, towards the formation of autonomous
readers(1st part) describes the different functions
All this constitutes a challenge that, in order to that it hasfulfilled the reading historically,
achieve it, it is necessary to spread more about the beginningwith the colonial era whereeducation
cultural and editorial work that is carried out was mainly oriented towards evangelization,
within the uaem, it is worth mentioning that highlighting the humanitarian work of the
currently the official rectory magazine already missionaries who implemented various
haswith the ISSN code, which is aincentive reading strategies. Following this author in
for both students and academics to publish in the same work (2nd part), he exposes the
that space. factors that favored the development of
It is worth mentioning that, within this Higher reading during the 19th century and the
Education Institution, for several yearsFor years, Porfiriato that, despite the profusion of
actions have been carried out to promote written materials (books, newspapers) and the
reading seeking the well-being of its population increase in schools , the vast majority of the

e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

and later on we will talk about the group in population continued to be illiterate. He adds
charge of carrying them out.Returning to the that an increase in the love of reading was
fifth point to define public policies,we can say observed thanks to the materials specifically
that aboutof the resources an analysis of the aimed at guilds and sectors of society to
organizational, budgetary and legal resources invite them to read. He increased the number
can be made. of educated citizens on various issues and
Here only the organizational ones are addressed, topics. Again the desire for political
notThere will be no discussion of budgets or legal participation is an individual motivation to
matters. learn to read and write.
Regarding execution, we have to talk It is mentioned that the greater supply of
about instrumentation and evaluation. To talk materials thanks to the printing press and a wide
about this execution will be developedthe spectrum of readings favor the emergence and
policies to promote reading that have been visible presenceof an increasingly critical and
established, and that obviously require budget autonomous reader (Cantón, 2009).
supportto continue with cultural events such as For the time of the Revolution and the Post-
"April month of reading" that have had an Revolution we have that José Vasconcelos,
impactpositive in the university community. during hismanagement at the head of the
Ministry of Education, began the first national
campaign for the promotion and
encouragement of reading, whichhad a notable
influence on later campaigns and is considered a
Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case: UAEM

reference point. It is recognized that teachersthey In another more recent note (Aristegui,2014),
play a fundamental role in educational outreach it is stated that conaculta pointed out that in
and book promotion. There is a wide variety of the National Reading Survey (enl) the
titles, themes and levels. In this period, libraries number of books read per year is 2.94, which
are created and there is no doubt about the did not advance much from the 2006 Survey
official effort to promote reading (Cantón, in which 2.6 books were read annually.
2009). However, in Chapter 1 of said Survey
Later, in the post-war period, there were (conaculta, 2006: 36), “it is shown that the
external factors (influence of annual average is 2.9 books, which would
emigrantsSpanish) and internal (development of confirm that there has been practically no
the publishing industry) that promoted reading variation”. In 2015 (concaulta, 2015: 104,
in the Mexican population (Torres, 1988). In the 169) “it is reported that the average number
later period,1960-1985, there were of books read annually both out of necessity
achievements, with the appearance of thesep and pleasure is 5.3. Of this figure, 3.5
notebooks from the 1970s that contributed to corresponds to the average number of books
popularize reading, but there were also setbacks read per year for pleasure, plus 1.8 of the
in the 1980s given that in that decade public average number of books read per year due to
spending on education decreased in the context necessity”. These figures show an increase
of the economic crisis of 1982 (Greaves, 1988). compared to the previous survey and it can be
Today there is a new impetus for promoting seen that reading for pleasure is more
reading and books, granted by the National common than reading out of necessity.
Council for Culture and the Arts (conaculta) Since the enl is applied by selectingcarefully
whichit became the Ministry of Culture. the sample at the national level that covers all
sectors of the population, the average number
of books read per year within an
e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

institutioneducation must be greater than that of

FOMENT TO THELREADING IN THEUAEM the general population.This has been
verified,but only with a slight increase.
In the institutional field, the figures revealed
The number of books read per person per year is in 2010 the amount of 3.4 books for pleasure per
often considered to be the mainreading year and for 2012, 3.9 books. The goalof the prdi
indicator. A note in this tenor ex-prey that: 2013-2017 that students read 4 general culture
books per year was achieved. In the 4th Report
From a list of 108 UNESCO nations on the of the Administration 2013-2017 (Olvera, 2017:
reading index, Mexico ranks last. On average, 30) it is reported that, derived from the 2016
Mexicans read 2.8 books a year, and only 2% uaem reading survey, "the rate of reading for
of the population has a permanent habit of pleasure is 4.9 booksper year per student,
reading, while in Spain they read which proveshave reached and exceeded the
7.5 books per year and in Germany12 (Villamil, expected goal. However, it is necessary to
2013). continue strengthening actions to increase this
figure more significantly, since it is still far
from reaching the figure for populations in
general in developed countries. In the
Alma Leticia Ferado Garcia
Francisco Jose Arguello Zepeda

prdi 2017-2021 no figure to be reached was

establishedof books read annually. It is A division of the day is the Reading 161
important that not only the number of books Promotion Area, which, within its actions, has
that should be read be expressed in a number, thefollowing (day, 2010):
but also that the impact of reading different
types of texts according to the educational level • Organize and coordinate the reading
and that are contributing to cognitive promotion group with
development can be seen in a more qualitative representatives from each of the
way.and social of the student community. academic spaces and dependencies
One of the Directorates dependent on the of the University.
Teaching Secretariat of the uaem is the • Coordinate monthly meetings of the
Directorate of Academic Infrastructure (dia), members of the promotionreading to
whose objective is: establish actions that promote reading
(...) technically and normatively coordinate the • Schedule the dayculture of
functioning of the Library System, as well as "April,month of reading” of the
the Laboratories and Workshops, seeking their Directorate of Academic
permanent development, modernization and Infrastructure, as well as follow up
improvement, in order to offer quality services on the events scheduled in the
that satisfy the needs of information, access to academic spaces.
technical and scientific knowledge, art, culture • Gather and disseminate the Reading
and reading for pleasure of the university Promotion programs of the various
community (2015: 4). spacesAcademics so that the
communityuniversity is aware and

e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

Within the vision of this directorate, two points can be part of them.
related to the theme developed here stand out
(dia, 2010), which are that this directoratewill One of its activities was the planning, organization
feature: and coordination of the publication of the virtual
Newsletter Xookil Lectura, Pensamiento y Arte,
• Updated bibliography and according to which was a mechanism for disseminating and
the programs and study plans, as well promoting reading (DIA, 2010). The Xookil
as the university learning units. bulletin (which in Mayan means reading) was a
• Greater number of readers, through quarterly publication that began its circulation in
thereading encouragement. 2003 and ended in January 2011. Later this
bulletin changed to being an electronic magazine,
The first point is important because it is its last publication was with No. 20, Year. 1, July-
essential that students have the necessary October 2012.
academic reading material for their higher Xookilcontained various sections such as the
studies; the second is the one that will be reading skills zone, success zone, top ten
discussed below. zone,writers, recommendations, readers and work.
All sections were very interesting; however, I
rescued the one on reading skills, since it talked
about strategies, processes, types
Reading promotion programs as a student welfare policy. Case: UAEM

reading, among other help and guidance topicsto As mentioned at the beginning of this
develop that skill. Subsequently,In 2013, the article,Méndez (2000 in Nateras, 2006: 256)
day began to publish an informative poster establishes“that in order to recognize a public
and from number 5 it changed to being a policy it is necessary to recognize the results of
bulletin. Currently, the day publishes monthly the actions of the State”, and after presenting the
and electronically the newsletter Enjambre development of thistopic, we can say that in
Lector, which also has interesting sections this regardyes, a public policy has been
such as “Improving dysorthography”, “Top established because it is appreciated that the
5”, “Recommendation of the month”, among State, be it the Federal Government, State or
others. particularly the uaem, have recognized the
The reading promotion group had the problem, have made a diagnosis to define
initiative to start a project in which surveys objectives and strategies and have carried out
would be applied to all the students of action programs to solve them.
theUniversity to learn more about their interests The establishmentand compliance with a
and reading habits in order to be able, with this reading promotion policy, will definitively
information, to take actions that will contribute to contribute to the student's well-being in a
the fulfillment of institutional goals. These surveys personal and professional way; and not only
yielded useful information on the type of materials of them, but of all related sectors.
that are read most frequently, as well as on The Government must formulate the correct
prevailing reading habits, among other aspects. policies to propitiate and promote the conditions
Thanks to this evaluation, it is possible to know thatsuccessfully carry out reading programs;
the current reading situation at the university, the however, all civil society must be committed
interests and needs in general and also in particular from its role as student, parent or teacher. This
by the different academic organizationsbecause joint effort will result in individual and social
together with global policies, strategies are growth.
e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

establishedparticular promotion of reading that Along with the strategiesof reading promotion,
contribute to improving reading rates and, publishers also constitute an important link. They
therefore, the well-being of students in the must promote quality material that meets various
different areas of professional training. interests, is available, and is affordable.
It is necessary to continue promoting
activities such as book fairs, presentationsof
books, mobile libraries, among others, in order
CONCLUSIONS thatstudents are in contact with the texts, since
in this way there are more possibilities of
generating readers and becoming infected with
Although it is true that historically there has the taste forreading.
been progress in promoting reading and the The policies implemented within the uaem
gradual decrease in illiteracy in Mexico, there to increase the index of books readfor pleasure
are still regional and social inequalities in this annually were satisfactory and it was possible to
area. increase the average, complying with this
Alma Leticia Ferado Garcia
Francisco Jose Arguello Zepeda

the goal that was had at the beginning of the

Administrationtion 2013-2017. Toluca, Mexico, uaem, available 163
It is proposed that policies to promote at
reading shouldbe considered within student PRDI_2017-2021.pdf, accessed
welfare policies, within which they currently December 8, 2014.
mainly consider the various scholarship 3. Bazua, Fernando and Valenti, Giovanna
programs, followed by culture and sports (1993),“Towards a broad approach to
programs because they provide great benefits at public policy”, in Revista de
an intellectual level, creativity, including social, Administración Pública, no. 84, Mexico,
emotional and developmental in general; all this National Institute of Public
will contribute to the well-being of the Administration, AC In Nateras
students.The development of the reading habit González, Martha Elisa (2006), “Public
should not only derive from the imposition of policies: discourse or reality?”, in
the institution, but rather, the student should Revista Espacios Públicos, vol. 9, no. 17,
be directed to develop their autonomy; that he Toluca, uaem, Faculty of Political and
seeks for himself to develop his reading habit Social Sciences, pp. 252-274.
by his own conviction and not conditioned by 4. Center for Historical Studies (1997),
the school institution or by History of Reading in Mexico. Seminar
government actions. on the History of Education in Mexico,
The Government at its different levels must Mexico, El Colegio de México. Center
establish adequate and consistent strategies for the for Historical Studies.
promotion of reading, but it must be sought that the 5. conaculta (National Council for Culture
student is a citizen convinced of the personal and the Arts) (2006), National Reading
benefit that gaining knowledge will bring.through Survey. Mexico, General Directorate of

e-ISSN in process, year 21, no. 51, January-April

reading and not remain functionally illiterate. Publications, available
hp?table=centrodoc&table_id=144, accessed 26
RREFERENCES Novemberfrom 2014.
6. conaculta (National Council for Culture
and the Arts) (2015), National Survey of
1. Aristegui (News) (2014), “Mexicansread Reading and Writing 2015-2018.
2.94 books a year: National Surveyof Mexico, General Directorate of
Reading”, in Notimex, Editorial AN.April Publications, available at https://
30, 2014, available at http://
aristeguinoticias. esta_nacional_2015.pdf, Accessed
com/3004/kiosko/mexicanos-leen-2-94- November 17, 2016.
libros-al-ano-encuesta-nacional-de- 7. Canton Arjona, Valentina (2009), History
lectura/, accessed on November 28, of reading in Mexico. Towards the
2014. formation of autonomous readers. Second
2. Barrera Baca, Alfredo (2017), Master Plan part, available
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