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2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

2 Control AX2012 -Endpoint

1. DataArea
- Id = ID of comp
- Name
- timeZone
- idVirtual

2. UserInfo
Company = default company
Add fields:
- RecId
- accountType
- Enabled / disabled
- External user

3. SecurityUserRole
Add fields
- RecId
- User
- AssignmentMode
- AssignmentStatus
- dataAreaId
- relationType--this field is for internal use in AX for inheritance of table, not required from security point of view
- SecurityRole
- sequenceNum
- TableId

4. SecurityTask
Add fields
-Type (privilege or duty or processCycle)
-IsPermissionSet (read, write, etc)
-relationType --> this field is for internal use in AX for inheritance of table, not required from security point of view
5. SecurityRole
Add fields
- RecID
- AotName
- Name
- Description
- IsEnabled
- relationType --> this field is for internal use in AX for inheritance of table, not required from security point of view
- TableId
- AllowCurrentRecords
- AllowFutureRecords
- AllowPastRecords

6. SecuritySubRole
Add fields
- Recid
- SecurityRole
- SecuritySubRole
- ValidFrom
- ValidTo
- relationType -->this field is for internal use in AX for inheritance of table, not required from security point of view
- TableId

7. SecuritySubTask
Add fields
- Recid
- SecurityTask
- SecuritySubTask
- ValidFrom
- ValidTo
- relationType -->this field is for internal use in AX for inheritance of table, not required from security point of view
- TableId

8. SecurityRoleTaskGrant
Securityroletaskgrant table
Add fields:
- RecId
- SecurityRole
- SecurityTask
- relationType-->this field is for internal use in AX for inheritance of table, not required from security point of view
- TableID

9. Table
Add fields:
- TableId
- Name
- From sqlDictionary where fieldId = 0
10. SecurityTaskEntryPoint
Add fields
- RecID
- EntryPoint --> SecurableObject.Recid
- SecurityTask
- PermissionGroup
- ValidFrom
- ValidTo

11. SecurableObject
Add fields
- RecId
- Name
- Type
Configuartion , deployment of endpoints and testing
Efforts in hrs



Task Description
2 Control D365 FO Companies
2 Control D365 FO Companies per user
2 Control D365 FO Security roles per User
2 Control D365 FO Duties per security role
2 Control D365 FO Privileges per security role
2 Control D365 FO Privileges per Duty
2 Control D365 FO Record Level Security
Efforts in hrs Remarks
16 using custom web services
24 using custom web services
24 using custom web services
32 using custom web services
32 using custom web services
24 using custom web services
Not included in D365 FO

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