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Ingles ll.

Pag. 88... Exercises A, B, C

A) In groups, read the information about teenagers in the US. Which

facts do you think are surprising? Not surprising?

How Teenagers Use technology in the US.

72% look at their Smartphone as son as they wake up.
85% share photos on social media.
100% who have a Smartphone write text messages, making it the most popular
78% use internet search engines to help with school work.
41% send their teachers emails.
45% use the internet almost all the time.
90% play video game on a computer or a game console.
61% watch TV shows on the internet, not a traditional TV.

B) Match the words in blue to the photos.

 Emails
 Text messages
 Smartphone
 Video games
 Internet
 TV
 Social media
 Game console

C) Delete the one verb that cannot be used with the noun.

1. Sharel takel write a photo

Share a photo.
2. Watch l text l turn on the TV
Watch turn on the TV
3. Watch l send l check text messages
Send check text messages
4. Search l find l use the internet
Search use the internet
5. Play l download l read video games
Play read video games
6. Buy l log on to l use social media
Log on to use social media

Pag. 89... Exercise F and G.

F) Read the sentences and match them to the structure (a or b).

a. Subject + verb + direct object
b. Subject + verb + indirect object + direct object

1. We use the internet. a

2. I left you a voicemail. b
3. They send their friends photos. b
4. My sister plays video games. a
5. I didn't buy him a smartphone. b
6. My grandmother still mails me letters! a

G) Unscramble the words to write sentences. Underline the direct


1. Sent l a l l l text message l marco

I sent marco a text message.
2. Gave l my l brother l a l me l video game
My brother gave me a video game.
3. Address l me l his l find l email
Find me his email addrres.
4. New l Jim l a l Smartphone l I l bought
I bought Jim a new smartphone.
5. A l your l mom l Give l call
Give your mom a call.
Pag. 92... Exercise A, B, C.

A) Look at photos from different countries. Match the comments to the


a. “That smells terrible!”

b. “He looks very old.”
c. “They sound fantastic!”
d. “It tastes delicious!”
e. “This feels soft.”

1. “They sound fantastic!”

2. “It tastes delicious!”
3. “He looks very old.”
4. “This feels soft.”
5. “That smells terrible!”

B) Complete the table with these words.

Ears feels looks nose smells taste touch

The Five Senses Parts of the Body Sensory Verbs

sight eyes looks
hearing ears sounds
taste Mouth and tongue tastes
smell Nose smells
touch Hands and fingers feels

C) Underline the five sensory verbs in A. Then answer these


1. What verb form do you normally use with sensory verbs?

2. What type of Word usually follows a sensory verb?

Pag. 93. Exercises D, E.

D) Write the sensory verbs in these sentences.

1. When I see people rock climbing, I think it looks very dangerous!

2. Turn that music off! It sound terrible!
3. I like your perfume. It smells nice.
4. These french fries tastes too salty.
5. I prefer these shoes. They feels more comfortable

E) In groups, say which sensory verb(s) can be used with each

adjective. There may be more tan one answer. Then say a new
sentence with each adjective and a sensory verb.

Beautiful expensive loud polluted sweet cold hard noisy smooth tired

1. Pedro looks at the beautiful landscape.

2. Julia looks at alex's expensive it's swollen.
3. The neighbor's music sounds very loud.
4. Ana looks at how the beach is polluted.
5. The cake tastes sweet.
6. The weather feels very cold today.
7. The bed feels hard.
8. The TV sounds too noisy.
9. The blue shoes feels smooth.
10. María feels tired.

Pags. 94,95 EXERCISES A,   B,   C.  D,  E.

A) Does each type of human comunication use the sense of sight,
hearing touch, or more tan one?

Shaking handas Smiling Waving

Writing Kissing Shakin your head
Nodding your head Laughing yelling

B) Match these sentences to actions in A.

1. “I disagree with you.” Shakin your head.

2. “I agree with you.” Nodding your head.
3. “I'm happy to see you.” Laughing.
4. “That's so funny!” Smiling.
5. “Nice to meet you.” Shaking handas.
6. “Goodbye.” Shaking handas.

C) MY WORLD Do any of the exmples of body language in A have a

different meaning in your country? What are some examples of
body language used in your country?

No, it has no other meaning in my country.

Some examples of body language are:

1. Nervousness
2. Touch the ear
3. Neck scratching
4. Nod your head
5. Rubbing an eye
6. Raise eyebrows
7. Look to the sides
8. A tight smile
9. Crossing arms
10. Crossed legs
11. Crying
D) Read the article. Match the words to the definitions.

A 1. Body language a. Communication with the body

D 2. Greet b. Feelings
B 3. Emotions c. Don in a similar way
E 4. Sense of humor d. Meet and say “hello”
C 5. Copy e. Ability to have fun

E) Are these actions done by humans, elephants, or both? Underline

the supporting information in the article.

1. Speak with words and language humans

2. Spead ears to show anger or aggression elephants

3. Shake their head to disagree humans

4. Shake their head to show they are happy elephants

5. Touch each other to show their feelings elephants

6. Laugh humans

7. Have a sense of humor elephants

8. Copy sounds they hear both

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