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  Project: Preventing and Addressing Abuse Project
Health Name:  

Your Assignment, Part I: Research Community Resources

Do research to identify resources available in your community to help someone who

is in an unhealthy or abusive family or dating relationship. Identify four sources that
support healthy dating and family relationships, including at least one that could
help a person recover from sexual violence or abuse.

You can begin by talking to a school nurse or counselor or by looking online. In order
to research the topic online, try typing in "[your city or county and state] help for
abuse," "physical abuse [your city or county and state]" or other similar searches. You
can also research national organizations and find out about providers in your area.

1. Describe in a few sentences what you did to find your sources. How did you
conduct your search?

What I did to find my sources was look up local areas near me

that help people who have been abused. This helped me find
local outlets that can help people near me to cope with their
abuse. In addition, it helped me narrow my search and provide
good insightful articles and sources.

2. List the four resources that you found. For each, identify the name of the resource,
its contact information, and a brief summary of the services it offers. Save this
information for use later in the project.

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The National Domestic Violence Hotline- this hotline provides assistance and helpful resources for people who endure domestic violence.
1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)

National Dating Abuse Helpline- this hotline helps provide people different ways on how to handle a abusive relationship and ways to leave it.

National Child Abuse Hotline/Childhelp- This hotline helps children who get abused from their parents and can provide help for the child and
possible a new home.
1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)

National Sexual Assault Hotline- This hotline helps women who have been assaulted with ways to protect themselves and how to handle the
1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)

Your Assignment, Part II: Formulate a Plan

Think about your own health practices and behaviors. Will any of them reduce the
risk of being in an unhealthy relationship or becoming a victim of sexual abuse?
What new practices or behaviors could you engage in to reduce these risks?

1. Evaluate your current health practices and behaviors in light of the questions
above. Identify risky behaviors and ways to reduce the risks that they cause.

I am very involved in school and sports. I play for multiple soccer

teams and I am involved in student leadership and have my own
band. I do many things while also going to church which helps me
stay out of trouble. Instead of going to parties I attend church and
prevent myself from getting into harmful situations. I choose to
actively be busy to better myself and protect me from harm.

2. Use your evaluations and research from Part I to formulate a personal safety plan
for addressing any abusive family and dating relationships that may arise. The plan

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should also help you reduce the risk of sexual assault and abuse. Use the following
three sections, with at least two bullet points for each section, to write your plan.

My Personal Safety Plan

In order to show respect for myself and maintain my health:

I will not…allow people to peer pressure me.

[Insert risky behaviors that you will not engage in] Getting peer pressured to date a
abusive person.
I will… not put myself in a situation where a significant other
could physically or sexually harm or abuse me.
[Insert positive behaviors and skills that you will engage in] Being involved in school,
sports, church, and band.

If I need help, I will… if I feel threatened I will also call the hotline to help me
distinguish what to do in a harmful scenario.
[Insert people and resources you can look to for help]

Talk to a trusted adult, friend, and parent about the

situation. If worse comes to worse I will call the
hotlines to help protect myself and give me clarity
and peace of mind.

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Your Assignment, Part III: Know How to Support Your Friends

Now that you have researched resources and created a plan for yourself, think about
how you would support a friend who is in an unhealthy relationship.

Think about your research from Part I and your personal goals from Part II of this

1. How would you help a friend who is dating someone physically abusive? Explain
your worries, and list resources that could be helpful.
If my best friend was in a physically abusive relationship I would stress my
concerns to her. I would explain to her how that person is not loving you if they
are hurting you. I will show her that her relationship is dangerous and could
severely harm her emotionally and physically. I would also remind her of her
worth and tell her to talk to a adult she trusts about how to handle the situation.
I would also say if she feels uncomfortable there are hotlines she can call. In
addition, I would ask her if she would want me to be there with her when she
calls and make sure I do everything I can to protect and help her. My biggest
worry would be someone using her and abusing her for their personal gain. My
heart would break if I found out someone was intentionally hurting her and she
felt defenseless. Overall, I would tell her my concerns, show her I support her,
and would give her the National Dating Abuse hotline.

National Dating Abuse Helpline.


2. How would you help a friend who tells you that he was sexually assaulted while on
a date? List the resources that could be helpful.

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First, I would let them know that I am there for them and want to
help them in anyway I can. Then I would tell them they need to
report the crime and talk to a trusted adult. If they felt
uncomfortable about talking to someone they know I would advise
them to try calling or going on theNational Sexual Assault
Hotline- This hotline is know to help people who have been
assaulted with ways to protect themselves and how to handle the
situation. 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE). I would also let them know I
would help them call or talk to a adult and make sure I comforted
them during this time.

3. How would you help a friend who is unhappy that the person she is dating does
not want to be sexually active with her? Describe how you would use your goals to
help her understand how to have healthy behaviors.

I would let her know that maybe God was protecting her from
something. I would also tell her to know the risks of being sexually
active and the disease she can get or become pregnant. I would help her
understand that if she wants to act on impulses it might feel good in the
moment, but she could regret it later. In addition, I would let her know
that I am waiting for delayed gratification and feel like I am protecting
myself from getting sick and not having to regret my decisions.

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Self-Assessment Checklist

Read each question and evaluate your work. If the answer to the question is yes,
check the box to the left. If the answer is no, go back and revise your work. Your
teacher will use these same guiding questions to score your assignment.

Quality of Ideas (40 points)

Did I demonstrate an understanding of the assignment by:

Writing all the appropriate responses (10 points)

Organizing the information in a logical order (10 points)

Including enough information to allow the audience to fully understand

the information (10 points)

Typing the information correctly (10 points)

Use of Study Material (35 points)

Did I:

Use the appropriate content from the unit studies (10 points)

Display knowledge of information systems and networking (10 points)

Provide thoughtful and thorough answers to the questions asked (15


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