Homework 2.1

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Number Sequence

1. 33, 27, 21, --------, --------, ----------

2. 13, 25, 37, ----------, ---------,---------
3. 100, 96, 92, ---------, ---------,---------
4. 74, 82, 90, ------, ---------, ---------
5. 62, 65, 68, ---------, ----------, --------
6. 2, 20, 38, ---------, --------, -------
7. 66, 60, 54, --------,--------,---------
8. --------, ----------, 44, 33, 22, ---------
9. --------, 40, 60, 80, -----------, ---------
10. ---------, ---------, -------- 49, 42, 35
11. ----------, ----------, 90, 81, 72, -------
12. --------, --------, -5, 0, 5, -------
13. --------, -8, -4, 0, ------, -------
14. 85, --------, 77, 73, -------, --------
15. -40, -36, -32, ---------, -----------, -------

Prime numbers, factors and multiples

1) List the prime numbers between 40 and 50

2) How many factors does the number 36 have?

3) List the first 4 multiples of 6?

4) What is the 5th multiple of 3 ?

5) Look at the following list of numbers:

2, 36, 9, 8, 24

Which number is a multiple of 18?

6) Look at the following list of numbers:

2, 36, 9, 6, 24

Which number is a factor of 18, but not a multiple of 2 ?

7) Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 32 and 40.

8) Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 8 and 12

9) Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 48 and 72.

Part 1

​Spellings: (Must remember)

Abolish Horizon
Absurd Horror
Balcony Interrupt
Diminishing Invalid
Dissolve Museum
Endeavour Octopus

Provoke Assortment
Salmon Aquarius
Stubborn Possession
Urgent Immediately

Part 2
Underline two words , ONE from EACH set of brackets , that have the
opposite meaning:

Example: (​happy ​ kind grin) (​sad ​ face cheerful)

1) ( in up down) ( there gone out)
2) ( bulb sun light) ( dark night day)
3) ( ugly lean fall) ( fat think meat)
4) ( out shout move) ( hiss bawl whisper)
5) ( shut open down) ( wide hear close )
Part 3
Put in capital letters, speech marks, commas, apostrophes and full

megan wont be at school in the morning because shell be going to the

dentist mrs brown explained to the teacher


Part 4

Underline one word from each group, and combine them to make a
longer word.

(pond ​dam​ river) (era down ​ age​)

Dam​ ​+ ​age​ = ​damage

1) ( zip weigh but) ( tonne gram ton) ____________

2) ( van car round ) ( go come tor ) _________
3) ( super great marvel) (louse market shop) ______
4) ( suit look foot ) (tie over ball ) __________
5) ( eye make-up brow ) ( foot touch sight ) _______






1. Manipulate​: Exploit, Manoeuvre

Ex: The brother manipulated his sibling into giving him food.

2. Perseverance​: Persistence, Tenacity, Pertinacity

(To not give up)

Ex: Perseverance is key to achieving success.

3. Relinquish​: Yield, resign, abandon, surrender, cede, waive,


Ex: He relinquished his army in the face of the battlefield.

4. Silent​: Reticent, reserved,secretive, uncommunicative,


Ex: The panther was silent when it killed its prey.

5. Physique​: build, constitution

Ex: The man’s strong physique allowed him to lift the bricks.
6. Honesty​: honour, integrity, probity, rectitude

Ex: Honesty is the key to a good life.

7. Deny​: contradict, negative, traverse

Ex: Don’t try to deny the fact that you are lying.

8. Elaborate​: complicated, intricate

Ex: The robber planned an elaborate scheme to rob the bank.

9. Gather​: collect, assemble, congregate, accumulate, amass

Ex: Gather the wood to build a fire-pit.

10. Furnish​: equip, outfit, appoint

Ex: Step 2 is to furnish the room.

11. Tact​: address, diplomacy, savoir-faire

Ex: The news was given to me in a tact manner.

12. Ke​ep​: retain, withhold, reserve

Ex: “Try to keep hold of the ball!” barked the P.E teacher.

Fort Knox is the biggest keep in the world.

13. Justify​: warrant

Ex: Don’t try to justify your mistakes.

14. Symbol​: attribute, emblem

Ex: The pentagram is a symbol of the devil.

15. Tardy​: behindhand, late, overdue

Ex: The boy was tardy when he entered the classroom.

16. Sl​an​t​: incline, lean, slope, tilt, tip

Ex: The wall is positioned at a slant.

17. Remainder​: rest, balance, residue, leavings, remains

Ex: The remainder of the rice was fed to the poor.

18. Pathetic​: pitiful, pitiable, lamentable

Ex: “What a pathetic throw!” growled the P.E teacher.

19. Inquiry​: inquest, investigation, research, probe

Ex: The inquiry lasted for five days.

20. Mi​x​: blend, mingle, merge, fuse, amalgamate

Ex: The smoothie was a mix of banana and strawberry.  

Dictionary Use
Find the ​antonyms​ of these words:


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