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Good morning my friends. Today, I’m going to tell you about volcanoes.
Have you ever heard about Merapi Volcano or Sinabung Volcano? Do you know
why they are famous? Yes, that’s right. It is because they are volcanoes.

Now, I’ll tell you about volcanoes. A volcano is a break in the Earth through
which hot lava, volcanic ash, and gasses go out from the magma chamber below
the surface.

People usually identify volcano as by their conical shape, outbursts of lava

and poisonous gasses from the crater. However, this is just one type of types of
volcanoes. Many factors determine the structure and behavior of a volcano. Some
volcanoes may be conical, composite, or shield-like in shape.

Vents issue volcanic material, including lava, ash, and gases, rnainh, steam
and magmatic gases, which can develop anywhere and may create a rise to
smaller cones.

Okay, I think that’s all about volcanoes. I hope you understand them very
well, thank you.

Good Morning Everyone. Today, i’am going to tell you about Jakarta City.

Jakarta is the capital cities of Indonesia. The population of people in this

city is increase each year and now more than 10 million peoples of Indonesia stay
there to get the better economical live.

It can be said that Jakarta is the miniature of Indonesia as some people

from Sabang to Merauke try their opportunity living there.

Some people live in a wealth condition and some people live in a bad live
in Jakarta. Thus, this city is not only rich of culture but also rich of problem such
as social problem to the environment problem.

Talking about the problem appears in Jakarta, there are 3 problems that
identify this city, and those are flood, pollution, and traffic congestion beside
some other problems like criminality and corruption.

Every year in rainy season, some parts of Jakarta are always flooded due
to the high number of waste pollution.

Besides that, the high amount of cars and other personal motor vehicles
make all of the streets in Jakarta become stuck with long line of cars waiting to
pass through.

Surely, the pollution of personal motor vehicles heats the temperature and
contaminated the air environment.

Okay, I think that’s all about volcanoes. I hope you understand them very well,
thank you.

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