Assignment 2 Text File

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Nombre del Alumno: Luis Fernando Serrato Rodríguez.

Matricula: 16001797

Modulo: Idioma Extranjero III v2

Evidencia de aprendizaje: Assignment 2 Text File

Fecha: 20-09-22

Asesor: Alan Ricardo Aquino Trinidad.



1.-he will dream of a delicious ice cream.

1.-él soñara con un delicioso helado.

2.-he will not dream nightmares tonight.

2.-él no soñará pesadillas esta noche.

3.-will he dream with me tonight?

3.- ¿el soñara conmigo esta noche?


4.-I will camp this weekend.

4.-yo acampare este fin de semana.

5.-I will not camp with my friends

5.-yo no acampare con mis amigos

6.-will I camp with my brothers?

6.- ¿acamparé con mis hermanos?


7.-we will get fit with this exercise.

7.-nos pondremos en forma con este ejercicio.

8.-We will not get fit if we continue eating.

8.-no nos pondremos en forma si seguimos comiendo.

9.-will we get fit if we run?

9.- ¿nos pondremos en forma si corremos?


10.-it will be cloudy in the afternoon

10.-estará nublado por la tarde

11.-It will not be cloudy on Saturday night.

11.-no estara nublado el sabado por la noche.

12.-will it be cloudy tomorrow?

12. - ¿estará nublado mañana?


13.-they will stay awake

13. - Ellos se mantendrán despiertos

14.-they will not stay awake

14.-Ellos no se mantendrán despiertos

15.-will they stay awake?

15.- ¿ellos se mantendrán despiertos?


16.-you will meditate with the teacher

16.- Tú meditaras con el maestro

17.-you will not meditate in the room

17.- Tú no meditaras en la sala

18.-will you meditate in my bed?

18.- ¿meditaras tú en mi cama?


19.-she will study abroad next month

19.-ella estudiara en el extranjero el próximo mes

20.-she will not study abroad alone

20.-ella no estudiará en el extranjero sola

21.-will she studies abroad in January?

21.- ¿estudiara ella en el extranjero en enero?




The company that I will work belongs to the Herdez S.A. group de C.V. and subsidiaries, it
is located at Calzada San Bartolo, Naucalpan number 360, Colonia Argentina, and Poniente
México D.F. Postal code 11230. It is a manufacturing Business Group that buys, distributes
and markets canned and packaged foods. It produces toiletries and personal beauty
products, its development and growth has been so great that over time it ventured with
other companies merging and acquiring consortiums such as; Mc Cornick and Company,
manufacturing canned goods. Its main products and brands are: Aires de campo, Barilla,
Búfalo, Carlota, Chichi's, Del fuerte, Don Miguel, Doña María, Embasa, Herdez, La victoria,
Mc Cormick, Wholly, Guacamole and yemita, among others.

The position that I will order is in the area of raw material supplies for the manufacture of
the product, and I will be in charge of verifying that each supplier that brings the supplies
is of the highest quality.

In accordance with the provisions of the Quality Management System, based on Deming's
4th Quality Principle that says: "End the practice of doing business only on the basis of

I am going to develop the fundamental objectives that, I will bring efficiency to each of the
established production processes.

I will lead to continuous improvement so that the products that are produced are of high
quality and have the satisfaction of the customer who will consume them.

In order to ensure that Herdez products have that value, we are not going to with
suppliers who offer us lower prices, but rather, the one with the best quality, therefore,
we will obtain first class merchandise.

We are going to try to choose the right supplier, in order to avoid inspections, returns and
guarantees and other problems associated with quality.
We will look for suppliers that provide us with the inputs that meet the best quality
characteristics, in this way; we will reduce production costs and improve the value of the
finished product.

The cost-quality ratio will be essential to evaluate the raw material.

It is going to work in collaboration with the network of centers associated with the
production of Herdez y Compañía, together with those in charge of supplying the raw
material and verifying its quality.

We are going to guarantee that the stored and finished products have the validity they

What are we going to do improve quality?

We are going to look for suppliers that guarantee the quality of the raw material.

Who is going to be in charge of training the team?

It is going to order the Herdez group and company and those in charge of supplying the
raw material and verifying its quality.

When are we going to have the next meeting?

The meetings will be held twice a month to ensure the effectiveness of the agreement.

What are you going to do to participate in quality improvement?

I am going to commit to the work team, I will update and train all those involved with the
suppliers of the raw material and with the company in gener al.

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