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An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Learn how your emotional intelligence influences how you perform, build relationships and make
good quality decisions.

 We all have emotions! You will need an open mind and a willingness to learn.
 Anyone with an interest in and the commitment to developing their ability to manage the
emotional dimensions of life should be well-placed to undertake this course.
 Anyone with an interest in applying their intelligence to their emotion.
 Anyone interested in learning more about emotional intelligence at work.
 Anyone with a willingness to complete the practical activities to grow and develop their
emotional intelligence skills.


What is it to be the best human being that you can be? 

Emotional intelligence is an aspect of you as a whole person affecting your work life and your
personal life.

Your emotional intelligence is your ability to combine your thinking with your feelings in order
to build good quality relationships and to make good authentic decisions. It is managing
who you are in the moment to meet your emotional needs through conscious choice and is
fundamental to leading a full, rich and rewarding life.

Emotional intelligence is different from IQ - cognitive intelligence, and offers a different

perspective on success and performance at work. There are many parts to emotional
intelligence - it predicts effectiveness and can be changed and developed. 

Research suggests that emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence (IQ) are unconnected:
you can have a high level of emotional intelligence but a low level of cognitive intelligence, and
vice versa.

Your emotional intelligence is your responsibility!  How you react and respond to events
is governed by your emotional intelligence. You can work to develop your emotional
intelligence, but this is not easy. 

This course explores what emotional intelligence in the workplace by investigating what it is and
what it is not. It covers the main models of emotional intelligence and what they mean but more
importantly how they can be practically applied at work.

The course resolves any confusion you may have around some of the terminology used in
various emotional intelligence courses, such as what is the difference between EI and
EQ? You'll get to understand why EI is a broader term that covers emotional intelligence in
much more depth. 

People often talk about positive and negative emotions. This is not that helpful as emotions
cannot really be labelled in that way.  The course also covers the myths around positive and
negative emotions and why this terminology is not appropriate when working to understand
emotions and emotional intelligence in the workplace. 

The course investigates the advantages and disadvantages of emotional intelligence, ways it

can be improved and some do's and don'ts of working with emotional intelligence in the
workplace. It will test your emotional intelligence! 
Changing the way that you work with your emotions and working with your emotional
intelligence is not easy. This course will give you some insights BUT developing your
emotional intelligence will take you time and a lot of effort, and even then, you are not going to
get it right all the time!!  Emotional intelligence is about improving performance,
engagement and well-being in a sustainable way, so that it sticks.

By completing this course, you will be able to

 Identify what emotional intelligence is and what it is not

 Explain what emotional intelligence is and why it is important
 Explain the difference between Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EI)
 Describe how emotional intelligence differences from other intelligences
 Recognize how and why emotions are important
 List some emotional intelligence competencies that can be developed

The course contains narrated videos, quizzes and some fun material to download - including a
series of complementary resource cards. 

 The course contains some insights from one of the key researchers in the field of
emotional intelligence - Dr. David Caruso from Yale University Center for Emotional
Intelligence. He shares his views on the subject and some insights into emotional
intelligence as an ability.

The course material makes up part of a one-day workshop endorsed by the Institute of

Leadership and Management.  It is equivalent to about 8 hour's CPD training.

PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through
the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Emotional intelligence
cannot be developed by learning some techniques through watching a few video lectures. The
course requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your
development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are
prepared to do this.

This course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.

There are THREE practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you to
develop your emotional intelligence. 

1. Reflecting About This Course

2. Assessing your Emotional Intelligence

3. Three Good Things

These activities involve some interaction with other people and some reflection outside of the
course. They are designed to help you find out how you are using your emotional intelligence in
the workplace, how you view your emotional intelligence and how others view your emotional
intelligence. You will be guided on what and how you need to change. The emotional brain
learns from doing things and through activity. Repetition and rehearsal over weeks will embed in

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