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EXERCISE 10. Using WHOSE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-6)

Directions: Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.

1. I know a man. His last name is Goose.

 I know a man whose last name is Goose.

2. I apologized to the woman. I spilled her coffee.

3. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.

4. I met the woman. Her husband is the president of the corporation.

5. The professor is excellent. I am taking her course.

6. Mr. North teaches a class for students. Their native language is not English.

7. The people were nice. We visited their house.

8. I live in a dormitory. Its residents come from many countries.

9. I have to call the man. I accidentally picked up his umbrella after the meeting.

10. The man poured a glass of water on his face. His beard caught on fire when he lit a cigarette.

EXERCISE 13. Using WHOSE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-6)

Directions: Combine the sentences, using whose in an adjective clause.

1. The man's wife had been admitted to the hospital. I spoke to him.

 I spoke w the man whose wife had been admitted to the hospital.

2. I read about a child. Her life was saved by her pet dog.

 I read about a child whose life was saved by her pet dog.

3. The students raised their hands. Their names were called.

4. Jack knows a man. The man's name is William Blueheart Duckbill, Jr.

5. The woman's purse was stolen outside the supermarket. The police came to question her.

6. The day care center was established to take care of children. These children's parents

work during the day.

7. We couldn't find the person. His car was blocking the driveway.

8. Three students' reports were turned in late. The professor told them he would accept

the papers this time but never again.

EXERCISE 14. Using WHERE in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-7)

Directions: Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.

1. The city was beautiful. We spent our vacation there (in that city).

2. That is the restaurant. I will meet you there (at that restaurant).

3. The town is small. I grew up there (in that town).

4. That is the drawer. I keep my jewelry there (in that drawer).

EXERCISE 15. Using WHEN in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-8)

Directions: Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.

1. Monday is the day. We will come then (on that day).

2. 7:05 is the time. My plane arrives then (at that time).

3. July is the month. The weather is usually the hottest then (in that month).

4. 1960 is the year. The revolution took place then (in that year).

EXERCISE 16. Using WHERE and WHEN in adjective clauses. (Charts 13-7 and 13-8)

Directions: Combine the sentences by using either where or when to introduce an adjective clause.

1. That is the place. The accident occurred there.

 That is the place where the accident occurred.

2. There was a time. Movies cost a dime then.

 There was a time when movies cost a dime.

3. A cafe is a small restaurant. People can get a light meal there.

4. Every neighborhood in Brussels has small cafes. Customers drink coffee and eat

pastries there.

5. There was a time. Dinosaurs dominated the earth then.

6. The house was destroyed in an earthquake ten years ago. I was born and grew up there.

7. Summer is the time of year. The weather is the hottest then.

8. The miser hid his money in a place. It was safe from robbers there.

9. There came a time. The miser had to spend his money then.

10. His new shirt didn't fit, so Dan took it back to the store. He'd bought it there.

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