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Duldulao, Marie Angel G.



1. What motivates you to learn/do a task? List down your answers in the concept map below.


Exploring and What motivates you to Deadlines

learning new accomplish a task? and failures

Eagerness to

2. Write two samples of a motivation part of a lesson when teaching a poem about nature. Write
them in the figures below.

Second is that give them
One sample of a motivation is
learning activities that has
that when you are teaching,
something to do with the poem
make the learners go outside to
that you give about nature to
look around and ask what they
make them engage in the
observed on the surroundings.
learning process or to motivate
them to learn.

1. Based on RA 10533, why are the learner-centered psychological principles very

important to teaching?

One of the features of RA 10533 is that learners are the center of the teaching-learning
process which applies modern teaching rather than traditional methods. This indicates
that in learner-centered teaching, psychological principles are very essential because it
helps the learners to be a constructivist wherein, they build their own knowledge with
the help of an environment that includes collaboration and communication. Learning is
effective when there are learner-centered psychological principles, you can achieve your
goals through the help of these principles. In addition, psychological principles promote
inclusivity wherein it embraces individual differences, appropriate and relevant to the
learning process.

Prepare a research notes about the important feature of K-to-12 Curriculum. Please
refer to the research paper notes template below.


Title of the Source:
Why push for K12 education program?
Cll Philippines

Where to find source (book title/website/journal, etc.)

They said that k-12 curriculum My words are that the k-12
aims to enhance learners basic curriculum is an effective way the
skills, produce more complex, and construction of learning, it helps the
prepare graduates for life long learners to master the skills and
learning and employment. knowledge that need improvement
and it helps them in preparing for a
good job and continuum learning.

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