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How government should act?

Should it act according to people's will or according to

own judgement? Duty of government is to act in the best interest of nation and of
people. Also, government needs to take global picture and scenario into
consideration and shold align national stategy. Many leaders in government are
experienced, and widely renowned in their fields. Aim of any democracy is to serve
people but often people lack expertise that is essential to govern a whole country.
When a government acts on will of people, it may prove wrong. Though government
serves common people but they lack knowledge, and experience in many complex areas.
Thsese aspects differentiate between a layman and an astute government leader. Take
a case in India. Indian government has subsidized diesel and petrol. But such
subsidies create lot of pressure on government's exchenquers. As a result,
government is short of liquidity. Many experts say that government should stop such
subsidies and instead deregulate prices. This will prove helpful in long run and
promot national fiscal interests. But, people oppose such moves because they need
to shell out money for fuel. In such case, government should act on larger interest
of nation and not just short term implication on common people. Thus, government
should act on its decisions.

Take another case in India. Government imposed a environmental tax on citizens.

Also in certain cities, government ruled that vehicles older that fifteen years be
replaced with new vehicles within two years. The reason behind this move is that
older vehicles pollute more than newer onnes. Replacing old vehicles by new one
certainly costs citizens. So, they oppose such ruling. But, today problem of
environmental degradation is very large. But, many people fail to consider good
impact of such governmental policy on environment. They do not consider how such
act will not only benefit nation but the world as whole. Thus, people do not have
idea of global problems, long term vision and goals. So, government should act with
its own considerations and judgements.

Admittedly, in democracy, government should not ignore people and their interest.
This is especially true when bureaucrats have vested interests in the power and
people want to curb curruption. Again, take the example of Indian politics. People
want a strong anti-curruption mechanism to deal with curruption. But, bureaucrats
are reluctant to introduce any such system because such system can reveal thei
curruption. In such cases, governmental leaders should act according to will of
In nutshell, I agree with author. In many aspects such as in law, environment,
governance, and business, common people lack expertise and knowledge. Many times
people endorse an action wich will ultimately prove harmful for nation. In such
cases, government should act on its own judgements. But when it comes to question
bureaucracy and control curruption i.e. clean governmental system, government
should act according to citizen's will.

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