Dean Holland - Session 4

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Free + Shipping Funnels

taught by Dean Holland

Dean Holland sold sweets to other kids in school, before starting numerous ventures as a
teen. In 2004, he found Internet Marketing and began selling digital products. By 2011, he
sold over $500K of products, and now shares his marketing concepts with entrepreneurs
around the world. A renowned Author, Public Speaker, Coach and Consultant, Dean
loves helping others implement better systems and processes to generate more leads,
customers and clients into a business.

The Free + Shipping Funnel is a great funnel to acquire new customers in hordes, and seamlessly
moving those customers on to your next offer, where you can serve them at a higher level. Inside
a traditional Free +Shipping funnel, visitors are turned into buyers by offering a physical product
for free (a book, an info product on a DVD, a beauty product sample, etc…), and they only pay for
shipping costs. Those who take the offer are offered one or two additional offers to increase the cart
value of the funnel. In this twist on the F+S Funnel, a “Thank You page webinar” is used to get your
NEW buyers to hear a presentation, and ascend them to the next part of your funnel, such as a high-
ticket program that requires an application.

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